Since 1989, The Comfort Shop Ltd., has retailed back-care chairs, special
desks and a host of other ergonomically-designed products for the office.
Over the years, we have tried and tested many items. All the goods in this
catalogue have met our high standards, proved themselves useful on many
occasions and easily passed the test of time.
Health care professionals, personnel managers employers and of course, back pain sufferers
are becoming increasingly aware of how important it is to be comfortable at work.
Although it is now widely accepted comfortable workers in a decent workplace will be happy
and productive, it is still surprising how often an ergonomically favourable work environment is
neglected or overlooked.
Staff in offices, call centres, factories, laboratories, banks, shops, design studios etc., all deserve will-designed chairs and thoughtfully set-out work areas. So do students, teachers and
people driving vehicles of all kinds.
Perhaps you are a parent. If so, what sort of chair do you let your child sit in for hours on end
for doing homework or playing on a computer? Would you sit in it? If you are an employer,
the same question could well apply.
How we can help:-
A major part of our business is special chairs and other useful products for people
experiencing discomfort at work, at home and travelling.
We are a helpful, flexible firm and can respond swiftly to your needs.
We like to deliver our goods personally, so customers gain the most from their purchase.
We can occasionally lend chairs to help customers make a final choice.
We can call upon trained ergonomists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists when
the need arises.
And finally, since we started all those years ago, our motto remains unchanged…
relax ‘til our customers
Back ‘Stats’ … Back Pain how it affects us and what it costs … Page 4
Seating in your workplace—Useful tips …………………… Page 5
How to decide on the right chair ……………………………… Page 6-7
The Comfort U-100…. (£99 inv VAT …………………… Page 8
The Comfort U-200…. (£198 inc VAT)……………….…. Page 9
The Comfort U-250…. (£250 inc VAT)………………….. Page 10
The Comfort U-300…. (£298 inc VAT)………………….. Page 11
The Comfort U-390.... (£388 inc VAT)………………….. Page 12
The Comfort U-400.... (£398 inc VAT)………………….. Page 13
The Comfort U-490.... (£488 inc VAT)………………….. Page 14
The Comfort U-500.... (£498 inc VAT)………………….. Page 15
Adapt chairs (movement-locks and split-seats.................... Page 27
Adapt chair....(optional extras). & new portable backrest..... Page 28
RH Logic 300—400 chairs…… ……………………………… Page 29-32
RH Logic 3 and 4 chairs ……………………………………. Page 33
RH Activ chairs and Extend chairs ………………………. Page 34-35
RH chair optional extras …………………………………….. Page 36
Rabami 800 and 700 chairs …………………………………. Page 37-38
Albion Spynamics chair ………………………………….. Page 39
Grahl Duo-back chair ………………………………….. Page 40
Advance Seating Designs chairs ……………………………. Page 41
Comfort Extras for office chairs ……………………………. Page 42
Salli, Hag Capisco, RH and ASD saddle & support stools .. Page 43-47
Industrial Task Stools and chairs ……………………………. Page 48
Desk and Desktop Accessories—Useful tips ……………… Page 49
Desks - electric height-adjustable ………………………….. Page 50-52
Desks - crank height-adjustable ……………………………. Page 53-54
Desks - basic fixed-height …………………………………… Page 55-57
Desk extenders, Monitor arms ……………………………… Page 58
Posture blocks, screen raisers and foot rests ……………. Page 59
Writing slopes, document holders, laptop stands & kits….. Page 60-61
Keyboards and Mice………………………………………….. Page 62-63
Wrist rests and Metal Corner Desk Extender ……………... Page 64
Backrests and portable back supports …………………….. Page 65-66
Hip seats, chair mats and kneeler stools ………………….. Page 67
Terms of Business and mail-order form ……………………. Page 68-69
17, Alexandria Drive,
St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JF.
(01253) 724902
Back ‘Stats’
Back pain affects most of us at some stage
of our lives.
About 80% of us will experience back pain
lasting more than a day.
Almost half of British adults will report low
back pain lasting at least 24 hours at some
time during the year.
Almost 10 million women have back pain each
Studies show between 40%-60% of pregnant
women get back pain.
Men’s back pain is often the result of injury,
while women’s is part of their everyday lives.
People who experience back pain as a child
or teenager are more likely to experience
back pain as an adult.
Back pain affects Britain’s
Back pain is the nation’s leading cause of disability, with 1.1 million people disabled by it.
On any one day, about 1% of the working-age
population are on sickness absence due to a
back problem.
Nearly 5 million working days were lost through
bad backs in 2003/4. On average, each sufferer
took about 20 days off in that period.
HSE (Health and Safety Executive) estimates
show work-related musculoskeletal disorders
cost employers between £590 -£624 million per
One in eight (13%) of unemployed people say
back pain is the reason they are not working.
At any one time, 430,000 people in the UK are
receiving Social Security payments primarily for
back pain.
The total cost of back pain corresponds to between 1% and 2% of Britain’s Gross National
Product (GNP).
What Back pain costs The NHS.
Back pain costs the NHS and community care
services more than £1 billion each year. This
£141 million each year for GP consultations (At
least 5 million adults consult their GPs annually
about back pain).
£151 million for NHS physiotherapy.
£512 million for hospital care (in-patient,
out-patient and emergency).
A further £565 million are spent on private services.
Ten percent of those complaining of back pain
visited a complementary practitioner, such as an
osteopath, chiropractor or acupuncturist.
Nurses are particularly prone to back pain.
80,000 nurses injure their backs each year and
3,600 are invalided out as a result.
Many useful leaflets, guidelines and books can be obtained from both organisations.
What can lead to back pain in the
Sitting at a workstation for a long period of time
if the workstation is not correctly arranged or
adjusted to suit the person, e.g. working with
Driving long distances or driving over rough
ground (people who drive over 25,000 miles a
year averaged just over 22 days a year off work
with bad backs, compared with just over 3 days
a year for low-mileage drivers);
Repetitive tasks, such as manual packing of
Awkward manual handling such as delivery
Heavy manual labour.
Seating in your workplace—
Useful tips
In a nutshell, an office chair should allow the user to find the most comfortable position.
The word allow
is emphasised because so many chairs are simply not adjustable enough.
When choosing a chair, look for:
♦ Seat height adjustment, which permits a wide range of seat height settings
♦ Seat tilt adjustment, where the seat can be angled forward, set level or tilted backwards.
♦ Back height adjustment, easily altered by the user, preferably while sat in the chair.
♦ Back angle adjustment, where the back’s ‘angle of attack’ can be altered to suit a task.
♦ Arm height adjustment, to let the user select a height which supports their arm weight.
♦ Arm width adjustment, offering support while the user’s arms are kept close to their sides.
♦ Appropriate support for the lumbar (lower) and thoracic (upper) part of the back.
♦ A seat cushion which prevents excess pressure under the thighs and behind the knees.
Chairs do not need all these features; however, most if not all, can be found on many
models we’ve selected for this catalogue.
Good posture can be easily achieved in a chair and desk are well set up for the task in hand.
⇒ When settling down to work, try to:
⇒ Leave plenty of space for your legs under the desk.
⇒ Make sure your chair armrests do not collide with the desk or prevent you sitting as near
as you want to your workstation.
⇒ Keep your forearms approximately horizontal. The right kind or armrests should help you
achieve this.
⇒ Try to avoid undue extension, flexion or awkward deviation of the wrists.
⇒ Set your computer screen height to prevent awkward neck positions. Looking straight at
a screen is much better than peering up, down or sideways at it for hours on end.
⇒ Leave ample room in front of the keyboard, so arms and wrists can be well rested during
⇒ Consider using a footrest, if you cannot rest you feet on the floor once the chair and desk
heights are in set at correct and comfortable heights.
Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, amended 2002. HSE Books 2003 ISBN
0 7176 2582 6.
The law on VDUs:An easy guide to Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
(amended 2002). HSG90 HSE Books 2003 ISBN 0 7176 2602 4.
Understanding Ergonomics at Work. HSE Books INDG90.
Working with VDUs. HSE Books INDG36.
For a wide range of back care books and all kinds of self-help and back pain management advice,
visit the BackCare site listed above.
Decisions, decisions, decisions…..
Just ask yourself ‘What do I do at work’?……...
Am I a person who holds conferences in my office or via the web? Do I read or write a lot of reports?
Do I work intensely on my computer one minute, then sit back to check my work on-screen the
next? Do I slouch while on the telephone? Do I slide down in my seat? Am I constantly swivelling on
my chair and reaching for papers or discs etc., from drawers or nearby storage cabinets or shelves?
Does my work mainly comprise desktop-based tasks, such as reading in one position for long periods,
writing reports or essays, copy typing or repetitive data entry? Do I tend to work for long and sometimes
intensive periods without moving around on my chair very much?
Am I constantly leaning to-and-fro over my desk? Am I always picking up the phone and leaning
forward to take notes? Do I work at a counter, where I serve or interview people all day long? Would I be
less tense if my back was able to remain in motion, but stay in contact with my chair while I worked?
Am I really very uncomfortable at work and worried my problems will begin to affect my performance,
or even prevent me from working at all some time in the future? Should I start looking for a very special
type of chair?
Have I given up trying to find a chair which will fit me properly? What types of chair are there for people
who are really much taller or smaller than average. Can I get a chair or desk which people of very
different heights can use, or even take turns to share?
What kinds of chair can be used by different people every hour of the day and night?
For instance people working three shifts in a call centres or an air traffic control centre. I and my
colleagues never use the same chair twice it seems and we can never find our ‘favourite’ chair.
I am a big person and I don’t feel very secure on the chairs used by everyone else in the office.
I need a very heavy duty chair, but I don’t really want it to stand out from all the rest.
I spend a great deal of time working at home. I sit on a dining room chair when I use my laptop on the
table. Sometimes I sit on the sofa and to peck away awkwardly at my laptop on my knees! I need a
decent office chair indoors, but it needs to fit in a small working space.
MORE DETAILS PLEASE: If you want to know more JUST ASK !
We can easily send your extra product information. It can be posted or
emailed or we can send you links to manufacturers’ websites.
Chair performance at a glance….
…..And ‘what kind of chair will suit me best’?
A floating chair is often good for dynamic and active sitting; when
your job involves plenty of leaning forwards, backwards and swivelling
between tasks.
A multi-set chair allows separate, quick and easy adjustment of seat
and backrest angles, from within the chair. Sometimes called
‘independent action’ chairs.
A synchro’ chair can be set to apply gentle and constant pressure to
the user’s back s they move forward and backwards during tasks.
Some chairs have been designed from the outset with unusual or
unique technical features to help users sit with a good posture
Custom-made chairs can be built for people with special comfort needs.
Such chairs may be very big or quite tiny. They may have control levers in
special places or upholstery has been altered in some way. Some can be
fitted with movement locks or in-built massage systems.
Chairs used 24 hours a day, seven days a week by different people ‘hotchairing’ in three different shifts. A 24 -7 chair
to adjust to suit all shapes and sizes. You may require contract fabrics too.
(248Kg) .
Extra-strong heavy-duty chairs are easily available nowadays. Many
off-the-peg models in this catalogue can support people weighing
up to 23-stone (146Kg). Our strongest chairs can support 273 Kg (42-stone)
must be very strong and easy
Office chairs, for people working at home, are compact, easily adjustable
and sometimes have a slightly smaller star base. Ideally the chair can be
adjusted to suit adults of different sizes, as well as young people (doing
homework or using a computer). They should have adjustable seat depth.
Moving images, showing some or our chairs ‘in action’
can be sent to you or seen on the internet. JUST ASK !
The Comfort ‘U-Range’
A family of excellent back-care chairs which
all cost less than £500 including VAT.
These carefully-chosen chairs have features and benefits
previously unavailable, until now, for such a low price.
The Comfort U–100
£84.26 + VAT
( £99)
The Comfort U-100 High Back Chair with arms
One lever operates the pre-determined free-flow synchro’action for seat and
back. Release the lever, move your body until the seat and back are in the
position you want, then lock them into position again. Repeat every time
a fresh seating position is required. Easy.
Cost-effective EC compliant operator and workstation seating.
Five-year structural guarantee, with two-year guarantee for fabric and moving
parts, based on being used in normal eight-hour day working conditions.
The Comfort U–120
£101.28 + VAT
Seat Height 45-58 cm
Seat Width 46 cm
Seat Depth 46 cm
Overall height 116 cm
For chairs without arms
deduct £20 + VAT
£23.50 inc VAT
The Comfort U-120 Manager Chair with arms
The Manager Chair is more generously proportioned than the Comfort U-100.
It has independent seat and back angle adjustment for maximum comfort.
Both chairs have five-position height-adjustable arms.
17, Alexandria Drive,
St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JF.
Seat Height 44-54 cm
Seat Width 50 cm
Seat Depth 48 cm
Overall height 120 cm
(01253) 724902
The Comfort ‘U-Range’
A family of excellent back-care chairs which all
cost less than £500 including VAT.
These carefully-chosen chairs have features and benefits
previously unavailable, until now, for such a low price.
The Comfort U-200
£168.51 + VAT
The Comfort U-200
♦ A modern Tri-curved backrest.
♦ Generous double-curved seat
♦ Inflatable lumbar support
♦ Sliding seat depth adjustment (5cm).
♦ Height & depth-adjustable arms.
♦ Heavy-duty tension controls for
independent seat & back actions..
♦ Top weight limit 115Kg (18 stone).
Ergonomic seating for office and home working.
Sliding seat depth and adjustable-height back allows adults and children to easily
share the same chair. Excellent chairs for home study and computer games.
Option PB £37 + VAT An extra (£43.48)
Weight limit upgrade
Increase the top weight limit of this
chair to 150 Kg (24 stone ) with a
metal polished base. Just select
option PB when ordering
Seat depth; 46-51 cm
Seat width; 49 cm
Overall width with arms; 65 cm
Back height top-bottom; 52cm
Back width (widest part); 47 cm
Back height range; 6 cm
Seat height range (black base); 46-52 cm
Seat height range (polished base); 46-52 cm
Nobody weighing more than 100 Kg (approx 16-stone) should use a gas lift chair unless it has been
specially designed to accommodate heavier people safely. (Seating at work HSE Books HSG57)
All models carry a
full five year
guarantee, two
years for 24 hour
use, subject to
normal usage
17, Alexandria Drive,
St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JF.
(01253) 724902
lumbar support
U-250 backrest
Thoracic support
& Lumbar support
The Comfort ‘U-Range’
A family of excellent back-care chairs which all
cost less than £500 including VAT.
These carefully-chosen chairs have features and benefits
previously unavailable, until now, for such a low price.
The Comfort U-250
£211.06 + VAT
The Comfort U-250
♦Synchro’ or Independent actions.
♦Double-curved backrest
♦ Height-adjustable backrest
♦ Large double-curved waterfall seat
♦ Adjustable tension to suit bodyweight
♦Sliding seat depth
♦Inflatable lumbar support
♦Height-adjustable arms
♦ Top weight limit 115Kg (18 stone).
Ergonomic seating for office and home working.
Sliding seat depth and adjustable-height back allows adults and children to easily
share the same chair. Excellent chairs for home study and computer games.
Weight limit upgrade
Option AB (pyramid base)
£37 + VAT
Increase the top weight limit of
this chair to 150 Kg (24 stone )
with a metal polished base.
Just select option PB when
Seat depth; 47-52 cm
Bodyweight tension
Seat width; 49 cm
Overall width with arms; 65 cm
Back height top-bottom; 53 cm
Back width (widest part); 44 cm
Back height range; 8 cm
Seat height range (black base); 41-53 cm
Seat height range (polished base); 41-53 cm
All models carry a
full five year
guarantee, two
years for 24 hour
use, subject to
normal usage
Nobody weighing more than 100 Kg (approx 16-stone) should use a gas lift chair unless it has been
specially designed to accommodate heavier people safely. (Seating at work HSE Books HSG57)
17, Alexandria Drive,
St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JF.
(01253) 724902
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