Feig Electronic OBID i-scan ID ISC.PR101, OBID i-scan ID ISC.MR101, OBID i-scan ID ISC.PRH101 User Manual

OBID i-scan
Firmware-Version 1.1 and higher
ID ISC.MR101 ID ANT340/240
final public (B) 2006-08-10 H60301-3e-ID-B.doc
OBID i-scan
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
© Copyright 2002-2006 by
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH Lange Strasse 4 D-35781 Weilburg-Waldhausen Tel.: +49 6471 3109-0
Edition: MD/06/03/30 - h60301-3e-id-b.doc With the edition of this manual, all previous editions become void. Indications made in this manual may be changed without previous notice.
Copying of this document, and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.
Composition of the information in this manual has been done to the best of our knowledge. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the details given in this manual and may not be held liable for damages ensuing from incorrect or incomplete information. Since, despite all our efforts, errors may not be completely avoided, we are always grateful for your useful tips.
The installation instructions given in this manual are based on advantageous boundary conditions. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not give any guarantee promise for perfect function in cross environments.
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH assumes no responsibility for the use of any information contained in this manual and makes no representation that they free of patent infringement. FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
OBID® is registered trademark of FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH. OBID i-scan® is registered trademark of FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH.
I-Code® is registered trademarks of Philips Electronics N.V.
is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated
General information's regarding this manual
If bits within one byte are filled with "-", these bit spaces are reserved for future extensions or for internal testing- and manufacturing-functions. These bit spaces must not be changed, as this may cause faulty op­eration of the Reader.
The following figure formats are used:
0...9: for decimal figures 0x00...0xFF: for hexadecimal figures, b0...1 for binary figures.
The hexadecimal value in brackets "[ ]" indicates a control byte (command).
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OBID i-scan
Revision History of documentation...........................................................................................8
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
1. Data Transmission between OBID® i-scan ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101 and Host 10
1.1. Configuration Commands and Control Commands ......................................................10
1.2. ISO15693 Host Commands .............................................................................................11
1.3. Scan-Mode........................................................................................................................14
2. Asynchronous Interface 16
2.1. Data Format and Protocol Frames ..................................................................................16
2.2. CRC16 Calculation Algorithm.........................................................................................18
3. Configuration Parameters (CFG) 19
3.1. CFG0: Reserved................................................................................................................21
3.2. CFG1: Interface .................................................................................................................21
3.3. CFG2: Inputs / Outputs general.......................................................................................25
3.4. CFG3: RF-Interface ...........................................................................................................27
3.5. CFG4: Transponder Parameters......................................................................................28
3.6. CFG5: Anticollision...........................................................................................................31
3.7. CFG6: Scan-Mode1...........................................................................................................32
3.8. CFG7: Scan-Mode2...........................................................................................................36
3.9. CFG8 + CFG9 : Selection Mask (only I-Code EPC Transponder) .................................39
3.10. CFG16: Customer Command Option Bytes..................................................................41
3.11. CFG48: Bluetooth............................................................................................................43
4. Protocols for Reader Configuration 44
4.1. [0x80] Read Configuration ...............................................................................................44
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4.2. [0x81] Write Configuration...............................................................................................45
4.3. [0x82] Save Configuration................................................................................................46
4.4. [0x83] Set Default Configuration .....................................................................................47
5. Protocols for Reader Control 48
5.1. [0x52] Baud Rate Detection..............................................................................................48
5.2. [0x55] Start Flash Loader.................................................................................................48
5.3. [0x63] CPU Reset .............................................................................................................49
5.4. [0x65] Get Software Version ............................................................................................50
5.5. [0x66] Get Reader Info......................................................................................................51
5.6. [0x69] RF Reset................................................................................................................53
5.7. [0x6A] RF ON/OFF.............................................................................................................53
5.8. [0x71] Set Output ..............................................................................................................54
5.9. [0x74] Get Input (only for ID ISC.PRH101) ......................................................................56
6. Protocols for ISO15693 Host Commands 57
6.1. [0xB0] Host commands for ISO15693 Mandatory and Optional Commands...............58
6.1.1. [0x01] Inventory........................................................................................................... 59
6.1.2. [0x02] Stay Quiet.........................................................................................................61
6.1.3. [0x22] Lock Multiple Blocks.........................................................................................62
6.1.4. [0x23] Read Multiple Blocks........................................................................................ 63
6.1.5. [0x24] Write Multiple Blocks ........................................................................................65
6.1.6. [0x25] Select................................................................................................................67
6.1.7. [0x26] Reset to Ready.................................................................................................68
6.1.8. [0x27] Write AFI...........................................................................................................69
6.1.9. [0x28] Lock AFI............................................................................................................70
6.1.10. [0x29] Write DSFI......................................................................................................71
6.1.11. [0x2A] Lock DSFI.......................................................................................................72
6.1.12. [0x2B] Get System Information.................................................................................73
6.1.13. [0x2C] Get Multiple Block Security Status.................................................................75
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6.1.14. [0xA0] Read Config Block.........................................................................................76
6.1.15. [0xA1] Write Config Block..........................................................................................77
7. Special Commands 78
7.1. [0x1B] Reset QUIET Bit (only I-Code 1 Transponders).................................................78
7.2. [0x18] Destroy (only I-Code EPC/UID Transponders)....................................................79
8. [0xB1] Host commands for ISO15693 Custom and Proprietary Commands 80
8.1. Infineon Custom Commands...........................................................................................81
8.1.1. [0x10] Read.................................................................................................................81
8.1.2. [0x30] Write .................................................................................................................82
8.1.3. [0x90] Write Byte.........................................................................................................83
8.2. KSW Custom Commands.................................................................................................84
8.2.1. [0xA0] Set Passive ......................................................................................................84
8.2.2. [0xA1] Set Log.............................................................................................................85
8.2.3. [0xA2] Get Log Status .................................................................................................86
8.2.4. [0xA3] Bist ...................................................................................................................87
8.2.5. [0xA4] Lock..................................................................................................................88
8.2.6. [0xA5] Unlock ..............................................................................................................89
8.3. Philips ISO15693 I-Code SLI Custom Commands .........................................................90
8.3.1. [0xA2] Set EAS............................................................................................................90
8.3.2. [0xA3] Reset EAS........................................................................................................90
8.3.3. [0xA4] Lock EAS..........................................................................................................91
8.3.4. [0xA5] EAS Alarm........................................................................................................92
8.4. Fujitsu ISO15693 MB89R118 Custom Commands.........................................................93
8.4.1. [0xA0] EAS Command.................................................................................................93
8.4.2. [0xA1] Write EAS.........................................................................................................93
8.5. Texas Instruments ISO15693 Tag-it™ HF-I Standard/Pro/Plus Custom Commands..95
8.5.1. [0xA4] Kill (Tag-it™ HF-I Pro)......................................................................................95
8.5.2. [0xA5] Write Single Block Pwd (Tag-it™ HF-I Pro) .....................................................95
8.6. [0xBF] ISO15693 Transparent Command .......................................................................97
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9. Supported ISO15693 Host commands 100
9.1. Supported ISO15693 Host commands for ISO15693 Transponders..........................100
9.1.1. EM4135 EM MICROELECTRONIC...........................................................................100
9.1.2. Fujitsu (MB89R116)..................................................................................................101
9.1.3. Fujitsu (MB89R118)..................................................................................................102
9.1.4. Infineon (my-d page mode) 0x60..............................................................................104
9.1.5. Infineon (ISO Address mode) 0xE0..........................................................................105
9.1.6. KSW Microtec (TempSens, VarioSens) ...................................................................106
9.1.7. Philips (I-Code SLI) .................................................................................................107
9.1.8. STMicroelectronics (LRI512)...................................................................................108
9.1.9. STMicroelectronics (LRI64)....................................................................................109
9.1.10. Texas Instruments (Tag-it HF-I Plus)..................................................................110
9.1.11. Texas Instruments (Tag-it™ HF-I Standard, Tag-it™ HF-I Pro) .............................112
9.2. Supported ISO15693 Host commands for I-Code 1 Transponders............................113
9.3. Supported ISO15693 Host commands for I-Code EPC Transponders.......................114
9.4. Supported ISO15693 Host commands for I-Code UID Transponders........................115
ANNEX A: Codes of Transponder Types..............................................................................116
ANNEX B: Time Behavior of the Asynchronous Interface..................................................117
ANNEX C: Time Behavior of ISO15693 Host Commands....................................................118
Time Behavior for I-Code 1 Transponders (only execution time).........................................118
Time Behavior for [0x01] Inventory and ISO15693 Transponders.......................................119
Time Behavior for common commands with independent Transponder performance.........120
ANNEX D: Index of Status Bytes ...........................................................................................121
Error-Code for ISO15693 Transponders..............................................................................123
ANNEX E: Index of Control Bytes..........................................................................................124
ANNEX F: Index of Configuration Parameters .....................................................................124
ANNEX G: Memory Model I-Code 1 Transponders ..............................................................125
ANNEX I: Examples for Read Data .......................................................................................128
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ISO15693 Host Command (DB-Size of the Transponder = 4 bytes)....................................128
ISO15693 Host Command (DB-Size of the Transponder = 8 bytes)....................................128
) Annex J: Differences between USB- and SCI-Reader.....................................................129
ANNEX K: Codes of Reader Types........................................................................................131
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Revision History of documentation
Rev. Date Page Description
0e 30.03.06
1e 26.04.06
2e 09.05.06
3e 03.06.06
First Release only for ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101-A /-USB and ID ISC.PRH101-B
some corrections on page for CFG16
added note for PRH101-B readers on page for the CPU-RESET
command High Data Rate Return Link for ISOTransparent Commands some corrections in the document
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ADR Address ASK Amplitude Shift Keying CB Config Block CFG Configuration Parameter Block CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check DB data block DIP Dual Inline Plastic FIFO First in First out frq Frequency FSK Frequency Shift Keying h Hour Hz Hertz ID Identification IN Input LEN Length LOC Location LSB Least Significant Byte min Minutes ms Milliseconds MSB Most Significant Byte N Number OUT Output R/W Read / Write Access RD Read REL Relay RF Radio Frequency RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator RTC Real Time Clock TAB Table TR Transponder TS Timeslot UID Unique Identifier (read only Serial Number) WO Write Only Access WR Write
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
1. Data Transmission between OBID® i-scan ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101 and Host
Four different ways of data transmission between OBID® i-scan Readers and host (terminal, PC) are possible. The ISO15693Host Commands and the Scan Mode are used for the data exchange be­tween Transponder and host, whereas the Configuration Commands and the Control serves for adapting the Reader parameters to the individual range of applications. The following chart shows which method of data transmission is supported by which interface:
asynchronous interface
(RS232 / RS485)
Configuration Commands
Control Commands
ISO15693Host Commands
√ √ √ √
1.1. Configuration Commands and Control Commands
This method of data transmission is used for Reader configuration and the diagnosis via the asyn­chronous interface or USB.
The Reader-configuration parameters will be stored in the Reader memory. To store the current con­figuration during a power down of the Reader, the Reader-Configuration must be stored in the EEPROM. After power up the Reader reads the configuration out of the EEPROM.
The Reader control is immediately processed and the response from the Reader contain status or data information of the control command.
Host (Terminal / PC / ....) Reader
parameter- / control command
parameter received and stored / control
command processed
yes no
status /
error status
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1.2. ISO15693 Host Commands
The ISO Host Commands provides the exchange of data between a host and Transponders via the Reader as long as the Transponder remains in the detection range of the Reader.
Note: During the writing of data on a Transponder, it must be ensured that the Transponder is lo­cated within the detection range of the Reader during the entire process. If the Transponder is removed from the detection range of the Reader during a writing process, this will cause a loss of data.
The Reader distinguishes between three different modes:
Addressed mode:
Before reading or writing data in addressed mode, the UID of the Transponder must be known. This is executed by sending the protocol “6.1.1. [0x01] Inventory If a Transponder is located within the detection range of the Reader at that time, it answers with its UID. For all following read- / write orders the Transponder must be addressed with its correct UID.
The following chart will show the necessary steps for the communication with a Transponder in addressed mode:
Host (Terminal / PC / ....) Reader
to get the UID
read data from Transponder with UID
write data to Transponder with UID
← →
← →
Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
number of Trans-
ponders / UID
Transponder with
correct UID in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
Transponder read
Transponder with
correct UID in antenna field ?
Yes No
OK status status =
no Transponder
no Transponder
in Reader field
no Transponder
in Reader field
status =
status =
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Non-addressed mode:
In non-addressed mode, it is not necessary to know the UID of the Transponder. This mode is useful, if only one Transponder is located within the range of the Reader.
The following chart will show the necessary steps for the communication with a Transponder in non-addressed mode:
Host (Terminal / PC / ....) Reader
read data
write data
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
← →
Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
Transponder read
Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
OK status status = no Trans-
status = no Trans-
in Reader field
in Reader field
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In this mode the Reader communicates only with the one, selected Transponder. Before reading or writing data in selected mode, the UID of the Transponder must be known.
This is executed by sending at first the protocol “6.1.1. [0x01] Inventory“. In a second step the Transponder must be selected with the select command (see: 6.1.6. [0x25] Select) which must include its UID.
The following chart will show the necessary steps for the communication with a Transponder in selected mode:
Host (Terminal / PC / ....) Reader
to get the UID
select Transponder with UID
read data
write data
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
← →
← →
← →
Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
number of Trans-
ponders / UID
Transponder with the
correct UID in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
Transponder read
selected Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
status /
Transponder read
selected Transponder in antenna field ?
Yes No
OK status status =
status =
no Transponder
status =
no Transponder
in Reader field
status =
no Transponder
in Reader field
no Transponder
in Reader field
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1.3. Scan-Mode
In this operation-mode the Reader autonomously sends out data to the host as soon as a Trans­ponder is within the detection range and valid data could be read.
In Scan Mode the contents of the message block (UID, data block) can be adapted to each user­application. Scan mode is available via the asynchronous Interface and the USB Interface. If an USB-Reader is used in scan mode, the reader sends its data automatically over the HID interface of the operating system. In this case, you cannot catch the data with the FEUSB.DLL or any other li­braries. The reader works like a keyboard. (see also: 3.7. CFG6: Scan-Mode1).
The Reader starts the output of the protocol block as soon as all required data have been read cor­rectly from the Transponder. If the number of transmitted user data is too large, only the maximal number of transmitted data will be sent plus the end character.
Scan-Mode via asynchronous interface:
The data will be sent out depending on their configuration according to the following scheme, the sequence of which cannot be changed.
Depending to the configuration and the number of Transponders in the detection range of the Reader the transmitted protocols have a different format.
Example 1:
One Transponder in detection range and UID and data block should be read:
rotocol block
rotocol cycle
ts+ t
Example 2:
3 Transponder in detection range only UID should be read:
Example 3:
3 Transponder in detection range only data block should be read:
PR SC data1 EC data2 EC data3 EC
Example 4:
2 Transponder in detection range UID and data block should be read:
PR SC UID1 SC data1 EC UID2 SC data2 EC
PR: Com-Prefix (optional) ts: SCAN-LOCK-TIME
UID: Serial-Number. (fix) tr: time to the next new Transponder reading
data: data blocks (free programmable)
SC Separation character (optional) EC End character (optional)
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Example 5:
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
Header UID
END Character
(Extended Header and tail only for ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101-A, PRH101-B from firmware version 1.3)
Scan-Mode via USB-Interface (HID-Mode):
If an USB-Reader is set to Scan-Mode the reader works like a keyboard. The data will be transferred as USB Key Code or as hex-values. The user defined Sep- and End- Character will be transfered as USB Key Code.
If the number of transmitted user data is too large, only the maximal number of transmitted data will be sent plus the end character. (see: 3.7. CFG6: Scan-Mode1)
If configuration protocols shall be sent to the Reader while the Scan-Mode is active, no
Transponder should be within the detection range of the Reader during this time.
Only read operations are available with the Scan-Mode.
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2. Asynchronous Interface
2.1. Data Format and Protocol Frames
The Reader ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101 can be configured by an asynchronous interface and data may be written on Transponders or read from Transponders. The communication between Reader and con­nected host (terminal, PC, etc.) is executed by means of fixed protocols. The used protocol is intended for data bus use and is equipped with a bus address. During data transfer via the asynchronous interface the Reader supplies the required data or a status byte. The reply contain the transmitted control byte. There is no reply from the Reader if there is a protocol frame failure.
Protocol frame: Standard Protocol-Length (up to 255 Byte)
Host Reader
1 2 3 4...n-2 n-1 n
Host Reader
1 2 3 4 (5...n-2) n-1 n
Protocol frame: Advanced Protocol-Length
Reader Host
1 2 3 4 5 (6...n-2)
Host Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 (7...n-2)
n-1 n
n-1 n
see ANNEX D: Index of Status Bytes
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The Reader supports both Protocol frames, standard and advanced protocol frame. The Host applica­tion can chose which protocol frame is used. If the host application chose advanced protocol frame the Reader will always response with advanced protocol frame. If the host application chose the Standard Protocol frame the Reader’s response will depend on the length of the response. If the host request leads to a response with more than 255 Byte the Reader will chose the advanced protocol frame as response frame otherwise the Reader response uses the standard protocol frame.
Information on
If the responded protocol of the Reader starts with the STX sign (0x02) the protocol includes more than 255 Byte. Then the protocol length is defined by the 2 Byte Pa­rameter ALENGTH.
ALENGTH (n = 8...65535):
Number of protocol bytes including STX, ALENGTH and CRC16
LENGTH (n = 6...255): Standard Protocol-Length (up to 255 Byte)
Number of protocol bytes including LENGTH and CRC16.
0..254 address of device in bus mode
Note: The Reader can be addressed via COM-ADR 255 at any time!
Defines the command which the Reader should operate.
Includes the status message or protocol data from or to the Reader. The data will be sent always as MSB first if the Reader is in the ISO15693Host Command Mode (see also: ANNEX I: Examples for Read Data.)
Is a optional data field with variable length. The number of DATA byte depends on the command. The data will be sent always as MSB first if the Reader is in the Host Command Mode.
Cyclic redundancy check of the protocol bytes from 1 to n-2, as specified by CCITT­CRC16
Polynom x
+ x12 + x5 + 1
Start Value 0xFFFF
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Start bits: 1 Data bits: 8 Stop bits: 1
Parity: even (default)
Timing conditions:
Starting delay:
Before sending a starting sign (length byte) of a protocol, there must be a delay of minimum 5 ms.
Host Reader:
Host Reader:
Data timeout:
Within one protocol, the characters have to follow each other in intervals of maxi­mum 12 ms.
Host Reader:
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
Reaction time Starting delay .. ..
Õ 5...n ms ÖÕ min. 5 ms Ö
.. .. ..
Õ max. 12 ms ÖÕ max. 12 ms ÖÕ max. 12 ms Ö
Char n Char n+1 Char n+2 ..
2.2. CRC16 Calculation Algorithm
Polynom: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 CRC_POLYNOM = 0x8408; Start Value: 0xFFFF CRC_PRESET = 0xFFFF; C-Example:
unsigned int crc = CRC_PRESET;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) /* cnt = number of protocol bytes without CRC */ {
crc ^= DATA[i]; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (crc & 0x0001)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ CRC_POLYNOM;
crc = (crc >> 1);
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3. Configuration Parameters (CFG)
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
The configuration memory of the Reader is organized in configuration blocks of 16 byte each. These are divided into 14-byte configuration parameters and a 2-byte CRC16 checksum. Each of these con­figuration blocks takes a number (CFG 0...CFG n).
Structure of a configuration block in Reader configuration memory and Reader EEPROM (CFG):
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The parameters are stored in two different configuration memory locations:
Reader RAM
Backup EEPROM (used for storing parameter after power down)
Multiple configuration memory locations can be addressed by the value of the parameter CFG-ADR used in chapter 4. Protocols for Reader Configuration
CFGn: memory-address of the required configuration block LOC: specifies the location of the configuration block (RAM / EEPROM) MODE: specifies one or all configuration blocks
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function LOC MODE CFGn: address of configuration block
The EEPROM configuration blocks are protected by a 16 bit CRC-checksum. The examination of these checksums is executed after each reset of the Reader. If a checksum error is found, the Reader goes into an error status "EE-Init-Mode" and sets the configuration block which is faulty to the default values.
While the EE-Init-Mode is active, the LED blinks alternately red and green and the Reader answers external commands with the status "0x10 EEPROM Failure". The "EE-Init-Mode" can be exited now by a new reset (cold start or 5.3. [0x63] CPU Reset command). If after this the checksums of all data records are correct, the Reader shifts to the configured operation mode.
Malfunctions may occur if parameters are configured outside their described range or if
unspecified parameters have been changed!
A firmware update resets the EEPROM to default settings and the Reader goes into the er-
ror status “EE-Init-mode”.
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Structure of configuration parameter description.
Byte 0 1 2 ......n
contents RAM-eff. EEPROM-
not marked
Changing of this parame­ter becomes immediately effective after writing / saving this configuration block to RAM
gray marked
Changing of this parame­ter only becomes effective after writing / saving this configuration block to EEPROM and a Reade reset
marked with “00“
these bits or bytes are reserved fo future extensions or for internal testing and manufacturing­functions. These bits or bytes and also any not described bits and bytes must not be changed, as this may cause faulty operation o
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3.1. CFG0: Reserved
The configuration block CFG0 is reserved for future use.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Contents 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Byte 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Contents 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
3.2. CFG1: Interface
The parameters of the CFG1 configuration block contain the data communication settings.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Contents COM-ADR 0x00
Default 0x00 0x08 0x01 0x00 0x00
0x00 38400 Baud e,8,1
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Byte 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Contents TR-
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 INTERFACE READER -
Default 0x1E 0x01 MR/PR: 0x00
3 sec.
0x1E 0x00
0x00 TR-
PRH: 0x01
Bus address of the Reader (0 .. 254) for communication via the asynchronous interface, es­pecially for applications with the RS485 interface.
Do not configure address 255!
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Via the COM-Adr 255 in the send protocol, the Reader is able to be addressed at any
time. It answers then with the configured address.
Not available by the USB-Reader
By means of this byte the baud rate of the asynchronous interface can be defined. 5: 4800 baud
6: 9600 baud 7: 19200 baud 8: 38400 baud
Changing of BAUD only becomes effective after writing / saving configuration block
The Reader set the baud rate to 38400 baud, if the user set an invalid baudrate.
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
CFG1 to EEPROM and a reset of the Reader.
Not available by the USB-Reader
By means of this byte, several parameters for the data transmission format of the asynchro­nous interface can be defined.
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: 0 0 0 0 S D P
P: Kind of Parity
D: Number of Data Bits
S: Number of Stop Bits
b00: no Parity b01: even Parity b10: odd Parity b11: - do not use -
b0: 8 Data Bits b1: - do not use -
b0: 1 Stop Bit b1: - do not use -
A plausibility check is performed by writing this parameter to the Reader. If an error occurs the Reader an-
swers with STATUS = 0x11.
A plausibility check is performed by writing this parameter to the Reader. If an error occurs the Reader an-
swers with STATUS = 0x11.
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Changing of TRANS-FORM only becomes effective after writing / saving configura-
tion block CFG1 to EEPROM and reset of the Reader.
Always 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bits should be used
Not available by the USB-Reader
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
By setting this bit the Reader behaves like MR/PR/PRH100. On a request in normal mode the readers response is also in normal mode.
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
b0: reader automatically answers in advanced mode, if data length is longer than 255 Byte. b1: reader always answers in normal mode. If there is data length longer than 255 Byte the reader sets MORE Byte.
By means of this parameter the maximum duration for the Transponder command can be de­fined.
The TR-RESPONSE-TIME starts after the Reader has received a new command. At the lat­est after the TR-RESPONSE-TIME elapsed the Reader will send an answer protocol. In this case, the current commands between Reader and Transponder are aborted. If this time is too short the Interface Status “0x83 RF Communication Error“ will appear.
TR-RESPONSE-TIME 0...65535 * 100 ms
TR-RESPONSE-TIME has no effect with the protocols for Reader Configuration and
the protocols for Reader Control.
max. response duration
The TR-RESPONSE Time must be < “Block Timeout” in the Host COM-Port settings.
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
By means of this byte, the Reader Interface can be defined (RS232 or RS485)
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: 0 0 0 0 0 0
Default: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
By means of this byte, the Reader mode can be defined.
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCAN-E
RS485 RS232
By setting this bit the Scan-Mode can be enabled b0: ISO15693Host Mode
(see chapter 6. Protocols for ISO15693 Host Commands) b1: Scan-Mode (see chapter 3.7. CFG6: Scan-Mode1)
only for ID ISC.MR/PR101-A
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
3.3. CFG2: Inputs / Outputs general
Via the following parameters the operation mode of the LED and the buzzer (only ID ISC.PRH101) can be configured at any time. One byte each is reserved for the active and mute position, by means of which the individual operation modes according to the schedule below may be adjusted. In addition to this, for the active- and mute position different flashing frequencies of the LED and intervals of the buzzer may be defined. So, the LED may be used as an operation indicator.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Contents 0x00 0x00 0x00 IDLE-STATE IDLE-FLASH 0x00 0x00
Default 0xA9 0x00
Byte 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Contents ACTIV-
Default MR/PR: 0x26
PRH: 0x96
0x00 0x0A 0x0A MR/PR: 0x00
PRH: 0x05
0x00 0x00
1 sec. 1 sec. 1 sec.
MR/PR: 0x26
PRH: 0x96
MR/PR: 0x00
PRH: 0x05
The Readers dispose of a two colored LED (red / green). The color orange can be obtained
by combining both basic colors red and green.
Colors ID ISCMR / PR:
red 1 0
green 0 1
orange 1 1
red green
The buzzer is only with the ID ISC.PRH101 available.
One byte each for idle- and tag-detect state is used to set the operation mode of the signal transmitter.
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: Startup
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
GRN / RED / BUZZER (PRH: BLUE instead of RED)
Bit Combination Signal device
b00 unchanged b01 on b10 off b11 flashing
Startup Buzzer / LED (only idle state)
When this option is selected, the Reader will switch the BUZZER and the LEDs on for two seconds to indicate that the Reader is ready after the Reader is supplied with power. If the Reader is reset by software, only both LEDs switch on for 2 seconds.
By means of the two bytes "IDLE-FLASH" and "ACTIV-FLASH" the signal transmitter may be pro­vided with a flashing frequency for idle and active position.
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function: 0 0 BUZZER RED GRN
Bit combination flashing frequency
b11 b10 b01 b00
1 Hz 2 Hz 4 Hz 8 Hz
If a Transponder was detected, the transmitter and the duration can be set by the bytes ACTIV-STATE and ACTIV-FLASH. Each signal transmitter (LED, BUZZER) may be activated temporarily limited.
Signal transmitter
time range
0...255 x 100 ms
0...255 x 100 ms
0...255 x 100 ms
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
3.4. CFG3: RF-Interface
The parameters of the CFG3 configuration block contain general Transponder driver and Reader set­tings.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Default /
Byte 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Contents 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Defines the Transponder types that are operated by the Reader.
Byte: 0 1
Bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Driver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .H .G 0 0 .D 0 0 .A
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
b0: Driver for the Transponder type is inactive b1: Driver for the Transponder type is active
.A: Driver for I-Code 1 .D: Driver for ISO15693 .G: Driver for I-Code EPC (must be released first) .H: Driver for I-Code UID (must be released first)
On principle, only those Transponder drivers should be active that are used in the actual application. Thus, the reaction time of the Reader for Transponder read- / write-operations is reduced and the danger of a parasitic Transponder access is minimized.
The I-Code EPC and UID Firmware must be released with the command “Set Firmware Upgrade” first. For this you have to use the demo program ID ISOStart and the Upgrade Code must be ordered by Feig Electronic.
A plausibility check is performed by writing this parameter to the Reader. If an error occurs the Reader an-
swers with STATUS = 0x11.
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
3.5. CFG4: Transponder Parameters
The parameters of the CFG4 configuration block contain general Transponder settings.
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Contents I-Code-
Default 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0B 0x00 0x00
Byte 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Default 0x00 0x04
I-Code-MODE: (only I-Code Transponder)
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Mapping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FAM-CODE APP-ID 0x00 ISO 15693
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ISO-Block-
ISO 15693
ISO 15693
b0: FEIG Memory Model (default) b1: Original I-Code Memory Model
If Mapping is set to “original I-Code Memory Model” the ISO15693 Host Command
Read Config Block[0xA0] and Write Config Block [0xA1] will not be available. To change the Config Block 0,1,2 can now be done with Write Multiple Blocks [0x24] on the original I-Code Address 2,3,4.
FAM-CODE: (only I-Code 1 Transponders)
Family Code to select a Transponder
APP-ID: (only I-Code 1 Transponders)
Application ID to select a Transponder
Note: If FAM-CODE and APP-ID are zero, all I-Code 1 Transponders will response. Otherwise only the Transponders with matching FAM-CODE and APP-ID will respond.
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ISO 15693 MODE:
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function 0 0 AFI NO-TS DATA-
System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
b0: - do note use - b1: Fast Mode (1 / 4)
b0: - do note use – b1: 10%
b0: ASK (one sub-carrier) b1: - do note use -
b0: - do note use - b1: high
b0: 16 timeslots b1: 1 timeslot
Note: Anticollision is only possible if NO-TS=16.
b0: disabled b1: enabled
ISO 15693 AFI:
Application Family Identifier to select a Transponder
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function 0 0 0 0 WR-OPTION 0 0
b00: automatically set b10: Tag Option = 0 b11: Tag Option = 1
If WR-OPTION is automatically set, the Reader sets the WR-OPTION to 0, if the
ISO15693Host Command is in non-addressed mode. In the case of a Tag-it HF-I Stan­dard/Plus/Pro the WR-OPTION must be set to 1 for all Write and Lock commands to respond properly.
See chapter 9.1. Supported ISO15693 Host commands for ISO15693 Transponders for more
details about the correct WR-OPTION.
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System-Manual ID ISC.MR/PR/PRH101
CUSTOMER OPTION (from firmware version 1.04-A, 1.03-USB):
Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
b0: Use ISO Cmd’s for Read/Write Infineon-Tag (4Byte Blocksize) b1: Use Infineon Custom Cmd’s for Read/Write Infineon-Tag (8Byte Blocksize)
Defines the block size of an unknown ISO-transponder or if the transponder is used in the non-addressed mode.
Range: 0x01 ... 0xFF A value of 0x00 will be automatically set to a block size of 4byte.
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