Uninstalling the Power Save Loadin via Add or Remove Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Uninstalling Power Save on a Workstation via Core Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Uninstalling on a Workstation using the Uninstall Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Uninstalling Power Save on a Workstation Using Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Power Save uses intelligent energy management to ensure workstations are available when system
resources are required, but conserving power during productivity downtimes.
Important Information
Technical Support
Definition of Terms
Faronics Power Save User Guide
6| Preface
Important Information
About Faronics
Product Documentation
This section contains important information about your Faronics Product.
Faronics delivers market-leading solutions that help manage, simplify, and secure complex IT
environments. Our products ensure 100% machine availability, and have dramatically impacted
the day-to-day lives of thousands of information technology professionals. Fueled by a
market-centric focus, Faronics’ technology innovations benefit educational institutions, health
care facilities, libraries, government organizations, and corporations.
The following documents form the Faronics Power Save documentation set:
•Faronics Power Save User Guide — This document guides you how to use the product.
•Faronics Power Save Release Notes — This document lists the new features and known issues
and closed issues.
•Faronics Power Save readme.txt — This document guides you through the installation
•Faronics Power Save Dashboard Technical Paper — The Faronics Power Save Dashboard
works with Faronics Power Save to provide on-demand, web-based reporting of energy saved
and potential energy savings. This document explains how to install, configure, and use the
Faronics Power Save Dashboard.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Technical Support|7
Technical Support
Every effort has been made to design this software for ease of use and to be problem free. If
problems are encountered, contact Technical Support.
Email: support@faronics.com
Phone: 800-943-6422 or 1-604-637-3333
Hours: 7:00am to 5:00pm (Pacific Time)
Contact Information
•Web: www.faronics.com
•Email: sales@faronics.com
•Phone: 800-943-6422 or 1-604-637-3333
•Fax: 800-943-6488 or 1- 604-637-8188
•Hours: 7:00am to 5:00pm (Pacific Time)
•Address: Faronics Technologies USA Inc.
2411 Old Crow Canyon Road, Suite 170
San Ramon, CA 94583
Faronics Corporation
609 Granville St., Suite 620
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1G5
Faronics Corporation (Europe)
Siena Court
The Broadway Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 1NJ UK
Faronics Power Save User Guide
8| Preface
Definition of Terms
Actions PaneA part of the Core Console that displays actions such as configuring
workstation options, shutdowns, Wake-on-LAN, etc.
Console Tree
Context-menuPower Save features are available by selecting one or more workstations and
Core ConsoleThe user interface used to manage and monitor Core Servers and
Core Database The database stores the workstation list.
Core ServerThe management of workstations, processing of tasks and communication
Faronics Core Faronics Core consists of the Core Server, Core Console, Core Database and
Display Core Console properties, workstations and groups, scheduled tasks,
and generated reports.
using the right-click contextual menu.
between Core Console and workstations is done by the Core Server.
the Core Agent.
The definition of what makes a workstation inactive: keyboard and mouse
inactivity and one of the following parameters:
•Disk Utilization—user defined measurement of disk (hard drive)
utilization; if the disk utilization is lower than this defined level, the
workstation is considered inactive and power saving actions will occur.
•CPU utilization—user defined measurement of CPU utilization; if the
CPU utilization is lower than this defined level, the workstation is
considered inactive and power saving actions will occur.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
•Network activity—user defined measurement of network activity; if the
network activity is lower than this defined level, the workstation is
considered inactive and power saving actions will occur.
•Applications running—user defined list of applications; if no application
from a user defined list is running, the workstation is considered
inactive and power saving actions will occur.
Actions that Power Save can perform when a workstation becomes inactive,
which are:
•Turn off monitor
•Standby—a mode in which the operating system is suspended and
stored in memory before shut down.
•Hibernate—a mode in which the operating system is suspended by
storing memory on the hard disk before powering down
•Shut down
Definition of Terms|9
Local WakeupComputers in Standby or Hibernate mode can be locally woken up by the
Local Wakeup feature without using Wake-on-LAN technology (or without
a network connection).
MSI (Microsoft
An .msi file is an Windows standard installation package. One is used to
install the Power Save workstation file.
Power PlanA Power Plan can consist of one or more Power Policies. A Power Plan also
includes a schedule to apply the policy on one or more computers.
Power PolicyA Power Policy consists of:
•Inactivity Timeout Actions — defines whether Power Save must turn off
monitors, hard disks and shut down the computer after a predefined
•Inactivity Definitions — defines whether Power Save must manage
power on the computer when the hard disk, CPU or network activities
are below the specified levels.
Power Save
A software library that extends the basic functionality of Faronics Core with
Power Save specific commands and status.
SchedulingA process used to determine when a task will execute; based on Windows
Stay AwakeEnsures that Power Save does not manage power on the computer for the
specified duration.
TaskA Power Save action applied to one or more workstations such as applying
new settings, shutting down, or waking up Power Save workstations.
Wake-on-LANA hardware enabled feature that allows remote activation of the
The list of all workstations that have reported to Core Server. This list is
displayed via Core Console. This list also displays columns regarding
workstation-specific information.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
10| Preface
Faronics Power Save User Guide
This chapter introduces Faronics Power Save and specifies the system requirements.
Power Save Overview
System Requirements
Faronics Power Save User Guide
12| Introduction
Power Save Overview
About Power Save
About Faronics Core
Faronics Power Save delivers PC power management that does not interfere with user or IT
needs. Power Save keeps computers running when users need them, accurately determines when
computers are inactive so they can be powered down, and can prove its rapid
return-on-investment through network-wide power consumption and savings reports.
Power Save's non-disruptive PC power management analyzes CPU, disk, keyboard, mouse, and
network activity, as well as application status, before taking computer power management
actions. It is also available for both Windows and Mac computers. With an average savings of $50
per computer per year for every computer deployed, Power Save is the ultimate PC power
management software solution for desktop and laptop computers.
Faronics Core is a lightweight, high performance, secure, easy-to-learn, and integrated framework
for the management of multiple Faronics products. It provides a consistent and reliable method of
displaying, managing, installing, updating, and protecting workstations and servers from a single
console, allowing your organization to increase efficiency with a complete management solution
for Faronics products.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
System Requirements|13
System Requirements
Power Save Requirements
The Power Save Loadin requires Faronics Core.
Power Save on the workstation computer requires any of the following operating systems:
•Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) or Windows XP SP2 (64-bit)
•Windows Vista (32-bit or 64 bit)
•Windows 7 (32-bit or 64 bit)
•Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64 bit)
It is highly recommended that all components be installed using a Windows Administrator
Faronics Core Requirements
Faronics Core 3.2 or higher is required. Information on Faronics Core system requirements can be
found in the Faronics Core user’s guide. The latest user guide is available at
Faronics Power Save User Guide
14| Introduction
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Installing Power Save
This chapter describes the installation process of Power Save.
Installation Overview
Installing Power Save Loadin
Installing or Upgrading Power Save on a Workstation via Core Console
Installing Power Save Manually on a Workstation
Applying Power Save License via Core Console
Faronics Power Save User Guide
16| Installing Power Save
Installation Overview
Installing Faronics Core
Installation and configuration of Power Save involves the following stages:
•Installing Faronics Core and generating/deploying the workstation Agent installer
•Installing the Power Save Loadin
•Deploying Power Save
For information on installing Faronics Core and generating and deploying the Core Agent, refer to
the Faronics Core user guide. The latest user guide is available at
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Installing Power Save Loadin|17
Installing Power Save Loadin
The Power Save Loadin is installed on the Core Server using the PowerSaveLoadin.exe file. The
Power Save Loadin cannot be installed on a system that does not already have Faronics Core
To install the Power Save Loadin, complete the following steps:
1. Double-click the PowerSaveLoadin.exe file to begin the installation process. Click Next to
2. Read and accept the License Agreement. Click Next to continue.
3. Enter the User Name, Organization and the License Key. If you do not have a License Key,
select the Use Evaluation check box. The evaluation version of Power Save will stop
functioning on the workstation after 30 days. If you have already purchased Power Save, you
can get the License Key by logging into www.faronicslabs.com. Click Next to continue.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
18| Installing Power Save
4. The default location is C:\Program Files\Faronics\Faronics Core 3\Loadins\Power Save.
Click Next.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
5. Click Install to begin the installation.
Installing Power Save Loadin|19
6. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Once the Loadin has been successfully installed, Core Console displays a list of Power Save specific
features in the Actions pane when one or more workstations have been selected. Power Save
features are also available by selecting one or more workstations and using the right-click
contextual menu.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
20| Installing Power Save
The following screenshot displays the Power Save Loadin installed:
Faronics Core User Interface Components
Core Console is the User Interface for the Core Server. The following User Interface components
are displayed on Core Console:
Console Tree Pane
The Core Console node can have multiple Core Server nodes. Under the Core Server node, there
are three main nodes. These are: Workstations, Tasks, and Reports. Clicking on one of these
nodes changes the information displayed in the Results pane.
Action Pane
Actions in the Action pane are applied to selected workstations and are only shown when one or
more workstation have been selected. This Action pane is a duplication of the right-click context
Core Console Properties Dialog
The Core Console Properties dialog is accessed by right-clicking on the Core Console icon in the
Console Tree pane and selecting Properties.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Installing Power Save Loadin|21
Core Server Properties Dialog
The Core Server dialog is accessed by right-clicking on the Core Server connection icon in the
Console Tree pane and selecting Properties. This dialog displays the Loadin-specific tabs.
Console Tree Pane
The Console Tree pane has the following nodes:
•Core Console — this is the root node.
•Core Server — there can be multiple server nodes.
The management of workstations, processing of tasks and communication between Core
Console and workstations is done by the Core Server. There is one Core Server node for each
connection between Core Console and a Core Server.
•Workstations — one for each Core Server.
Under the Workstations node are three sub nodes; Managed Workstations, Discovered Workstations, and Custom Workstation Groups node (where custom groups of workstations
can be created and populated).
•Tasks — one for each Core Server.
The Tasks node displays the current state of all Server tasks. A task is defined as an action
applied to one or more workstations. Expanding the Tasks node displays three sub-nodes for
the states of a Task. The Scheduled node displays tasks that are scheduled to run in the future.
The Active node displays tasks currently being processed. The History node displays tasks that
have already been completed. Tasks older than a certain date are automatically deleted. This
can be configured through the Server tab of the Core Server Properties dialog.
•Reports — under the root node.
Core Console displays reports created by Product Loadins. If no Loadins are installed, no
reports can be generated.
LDAP Groups
It is possible to use groups of workstations that already have been defined on a directory server.
Once the Core Agent has been installed on workstations discovered through LDAP, those
workstations can be managed directly through the LDAP groups node. These workstations can
also be added to custom groups.
Custom Workstation Groups
Workstations can be added to a custom group by standard Windows clipboard functionality. Cut,
copy, or paste (along with drag-and-drop) a workstation into a group. To create a group,
right-click on the Custom Workstation Groups icon and select Create Subgroup. You can also add
or edit Dynamic Filters and perform Group Actions.
The Workstation List and Tasks are stored on the Core Server, whereas the
Reports are stored locally on the computer where Core Console is installed.
Information on Faronics Core system requirements can be found in the Faronics Core user’s guide.
The latest user guide is available at http://www.faronics.com/library.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
22| Installing Power Save
Installing or Upgrading Power Save on a Workstation via Core
Power Save can be deployed by Installing or Upgrading Power Save via the Core Console.
The Core Agent, which is part of Faronics Core, must be installed on each workstation that will be
managed by Power Save. For more information on installing the Workstation Agent Installer,
refer to the Faronics Core user guide. The latest user guide is available at
Once the Core Agent is installed, the workstations are detected on the network and visible in Core
Console. You can now Install or Upgrade Power Save on the workstations.
To install or upgrade Power Save, select a single workstation or multiple workstations, click
Configure Workstations in the right pane and select Advanced > Install/Upgrade Power Save Client.
The workstation reboots after a successful install. Power Save will give you an
option to Suppress Reboot. If you Suppress Reboot, Power Save will not work
until the workstation reboots.
If there is more than one Loadin installed, the right-click contextual menu for
Power Save can be accessed by right-clicking a workstation, selecting Power Save
and then selecting the particular action.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
Installing Power Save Manually on a Workstation|23
Installing Power Save Manually on a Workstation
When you install the Power Save Loadin, the Power Save workstation installer files are unpacked
in the C:\Program Files\Faronics\Faronics Core\Loadins\Power Save directory. To install
Power Save on a workstation, double-click PowerSave_Ent_32-bit.msi on a 32-bit operating
system and PowerSave_Ent_64-bit.msi on a 64-bit operating system.
Repeat the process for each workstation that will be managed with Power Save.
To install Power Save on a workstation manually, do the following:
1. Double-click on the .msi file to begin the installation process. Click Next to continue.
2. Read and accept the License Agreement. Click Next to continue.
3. Enter the User Name, Organization and the License Key. If you do not have a License Key,
select the Use Evaluation check box. The evaluation version of Power Save will stop
Faronics Power Save User Guide
24| Installing Power Save
functioning after 30 days. If you have already purchased Power Save, you can get the License
Key by logging into www.faronicslabs.com. Click Next to continue.
4. Specify the install location. The default is C:\Program Files\Faronics\Power Save Workstation. Click Next.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
5. Select the Enable workstation password protection check box to enable password protection.
Specify the password and confirm the password. Click Next.
Installing Power Save Manually on a Workstation|25
6. Click Install to complete the installation.
Suppress Reboot
You can use the .msi files to install Power Save on your network through a Server Group Policy.
Installing Power Save using the .msi files will reboot the workstation after installation. To prevent
the reboot of workstations after installing Power Save, you can use the .mst with the suppress
reboot option. Associate the .mst files with the .msi files while creating an install package through
your Server Group Policy.
The .mst files are unpacked in the C:\Program Files\Faronics\Faronics Core\Loadins\Power
Save directory. Use Suppress_Reboot_32-bit.mst for a 32-bit operating system and
Suppress_Reboot_64-bit.mst for a 64-bit operating system.
Faronics Power Save User Guide
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