Rickard Wall Stat Guide
The Rickard Wall Stat provides the user with an interface to control the set point of the
environment it is installed in as well as monitor the current temperature. Using the MLM software,
further functions can be enabled but are not covered in this manual. Please refer to the Extended
Rickard Wall Stat Manual (INST-RICKWSE) for further information.
The Wall Stat is supplied with an 8m cable fitted with RJ12 plugs that link the Wall Stat to a diffuser.
The Wall Stat can be plugged into any diffuser in the zone to be controlled via a RJ12 socket on the
interface board located on the back of the diffuser ceiling tile.
1. Installation of this product should be carried out by appropriately qualified persons.
2. Run supplied cable in wall and ceiling from Wall Stat location to diffuser interface board.
3. Mount the backing plate of the Wall Stat to the wall.
4. Connect cable to Wall Stat and clip to backing plate to complete installation.
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Part No.: INST-RICKWS 08/12 Page 1 of 5

Part No.: INST-RICKWS 08/12 Page 2 of 5