Fantasea Blue Ray Tray, 2040, 2045, 2050 Instruction Manual

Fantasea Blue Ray Tray Instruction Manual
Fantasea Blue Ray Tray (Cat. No. 2040, 2045, 2050)
Instruction Manual
For Illustration- Blue Ray Double Tray with Housing
Fantasea Blue Ray Tray Instruction Manual
The Fantasea Blue Ray Tray allows integrating different components in an underwater photo system, including the camera housing, arms, strobes, lights, lens holders and more. Made from anodized aluminum, this sturdy tray was designed for optimal functionality and ease of operation. The Fantasea Blue Ray Tray is compatible with almost all compact digital housings.
Blue Ray Tray Components
Blue Ray Tray Extension Components (optional)
Screws for
Ikelite Housings
Camera Housing Mounting Screw
T1 Connector
for arm attachment
Stopper Bar
Mounting Screw Holes
for Ikelite housings
Screw Holes for
Blue Ray Extension
Blue Ray
Extension Plate
Fantasea Blue Ray Tray Instruction Manual
Instructions for Use
1. Mounting the Camera Housing on the Blue Ray Tray
1. If your Blue Ray Tray includes an extension, it should be assembled
prior to mounting the housing on the tray. Please refer to section #3 for further instructions.
2. If you own an Ikelite housing, please refer to section #2, which
consists of special instructions for mounting Ikelite housings on the
Blue Ray Tray.
a. Using a screwdriver, slightly loosen the two stopper screws at the bottom of the tray,
just enough to allow gliding the stopper back and forth on the tray. There is no need to completely remove the screws for this purpose.
b. Move the stopper all the way to the back of the tray, as far away as possible from the
mounting screw (image #1).
c. With the top of the tray and black T1 Connector facing up, hold the camera housing
above the tray, so that the mounting screw hole at the bottom of the housing is aligned with the mounting screw featured on the tray.
d. Make sure that the stopper is positioned behind the support legs featured at the
bottom of the camera housing. If the stopper cannot be positioned behind the housing support legs, glide it forward in order to position it between the housing mounting screw hole and support legs.
e. Insert the mounting screw featured on the tray into the mounting screw hole featured
at the bottom of the camera housing. Slightly screw it in, leaving it loose enough to allow gliding the housing left and right on the tray.
f. It is recommended to position the camera housing on the right side of the tray, as far
away as possible from the Flex Arm that will be mounted on the T1 Connector featured on the left. This will allow for easier operation of the system, as well as for the external flash to be positioned further away from the camera lens.
Image #1
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