*If using this EcoAnchor with the Checkline Temporary Horizontal Lifeline
Kit (Model #’s 778000 or 778100), be sure to read, understand and
follow not only this instruction manual, but the instructions for the
Checkline HLL as well. If you are using EcoAnchor with one of the
FallTech PSR Temporary Horizontal Lifeline kits, be sure to read, follow
and understand the instructions included with the HLL as well.
Section 1: Warnings and Advisories
This product is to be used as a part of a personal fall arrest system,
and should be used only with compatible components. Please see
Advisory #3 in this section for further details. Failure to use
compatible components can result in a failure of the system to
perform as intended, which may result in serious injury or death.
Throughout the OSHA regulations for safety and health, there are
references to Competent Persons and Qualified Persons. ANSI
Z359.0-2007 goes on to further define the roles and qualifications of
these individuals; as well as Authorized Persons, and their
importance in the workplace. These terms are also used in these
instructions. Below is a brief description of the part these
individuals play in the employment of fall protection equipment:
Authorized Person - a person who is exposed to fall hazards during
the course of their work. This individual requires formal training in
the use of personal fall protection equipment and systems. The
term Authorized Person may be used interchangeably with User
and End-User.
Competent Person – a trained and experienced person who is
designated to supervise, implement and monitor an employer’s
managed fall protection program. This individual is capable of
identifying and addressing fall hazards and is authorized to make
decisions and take corrective action in the workplace.
Qualified Person – a person possessing a degree or professional
certificate and having extensive training, knowledge and experience
with fall protection and who is capable of designing and specifying
fall protection equipment and systems to address fall hazards.
Please read these instructions and be sure that you understand
them prior to utilizing this equipment. Also be sure to read the
instructions included with other components which are being
utilized in your Personal Fall Arrest System (Harnesses,
connectors, anchorage connectors, etc.). Failure to understand and
comply with manufacturer’s instructions may result in serious
This product is to be used as part of a complete fall arrest system in
accordance with industry-recognized best-practices and your
employer’s fall protection plan, as required by the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration. Be aware of your employer’s fall
protection plan and rescue plan. Be aware of the specific fall
hazards on your jobsite and work deliberately to avoid these
hazards in the course of your work. Also be aware of hazards and
obstructions in your fall path, and work with your employer to
eliminate these hazards where possible. Failure to be aware of and
to address these hazards may result in serious injury or death.
Do’s and Don’ts
Do use this device only with compatible components of a
comprehensive fall arrest system.
Do use this device only in a system which limits free fall distance
to 6 ft or less.
Do use extreme caution when rigging this device.
Do rig this device to avoid the hazards of “swing fall” (see
Section 2.9)
Do use this device only when your clearance distance is a
minimum of 2 ft AFTER you have calculated the total fall
distance (see section 2.10 for details on clear fall distances).
Do make compatible connections (see Advisory #3 at the end of
this Section).
Do call FallTech if the device is damaged, does not pass
inspection (see Section 8), or has arrested a fall.
Don’t use this component to hoist materials or equipment.
Don’t use this equipment if it is damaged or if there are signs of
excessive wear, deterioration, deformation, tearing, abrasion or
Don’t use this equipment if you are working near high voltage
power lines or other energized electrical equipment.
Don’t use near moving machinery which may entangle any
component of the system.
Don’t use this device if it will expose some element of your
Personal Fall Arrest system (PFAS) to sharp or jagged edges.
Don’t use this device on highly abrasive surfaces or where it
may be exposed to sharp or jagged edges.
Don’t use on slick or icy surfaces.
Don’t use outdoors is temperatures are at or below freezing.
Don’t leave outdoors when temperatures may be at or below
Don’t fill this device with any substance other than water.
Don’t attempt to use anti-freeze in this device.
Don’t use this device if you are pregnant, a minor, or have a
reduced tolerance to fall forces by reason of age, physical
medical condition, or other pre-existing disorders.
Don’t use this device if you weigh less than 75 lbs.
Don’t use this device if your total combined weight (body,
clothes, tools, etc) exceeds 425 lbs.
Don’t attempt to modify, repair or alter this device in any way.
Don’t’ attempt to lift, move or hoist this product once it has been
filled with water.
Don’t use this equipment if it has been used to arrest a fall.
If it has been used to arrest a fall, this device must
immediately be removed from service and replaced.
Advisory #1: Further Reading
If you have access to the internet, please go to www.osha.gov.
This website is an exceptional resource, and has a great deal of
information which is easy to access. Use the search field to find
information on fall arrest, including standards, news,
interpretations and other valuable tools. The more you know about
how this product works and how it is supposed to be used, the
safer you will be during the course of your work.
Advisory #2: Proper product selection
Product selection is an important element of fall protection. Fall
Arrest products are like any other tools that you may use in the
course of your work – there is a proper tool for every application.
You may find that while this product is suitable for some
applications, it may not be suitable for others. Please be sure to
pay close attention to sections 2, 3, and 4, for greater detail on this
Advisory #3: Connector Compatibility
Making compatible connections may mean the difference
between life and death. Connectors (snap hooks, rebar hooks and
carabiners), must be of the locking type and require two distinct
actions to open the gate. Your connectors must be sized and
shaped so that the rings or structural members to which they are
attached will not pose a risk of forcing the gate open, and must fully
captivate the connector so that it cannot become disengaged, slide
or shift during use or in the event of a fall.
Certain connections are forbidden and should never be
attempted with this product or any other unless there is a specific
allowance in the manufacturer’s instructions. Forbidden
connections include, but are not limited to:
Two or more connectors to one d-ring are a forbidden connection.
A connection that rests on or loads the gate is a forbidden
A connection that does not allow the gate to close and lock is a
forbidden connection.
Two or more connectors attached to one another are a forbidden
Connecting directly to webbing, rope, cable (wire rope) is a
forbidden connection.
Connecting directly to a horizontal lifeline is a forbidden
Tie-back with your FallTech SAL is a forbidden connection except
for model # 7241, 7241Y, 8241 and 8241Y in the WrapTech series.
Connecting to any ring or structure that does not fully captivate
and completely restrict the movement your connector is a
forbidden connection.
Section 2: ABCD’s
Every Personal Fall Arrest System consists of four basic elements –
Anchorage, Body-wear, Connectors/Connecting Devices and
Deceleration Devices. Each of these four elements is discussed in
greater detail below. If, after reading though this section, you do not fully
understand these items and how they work together to form a compatible
fall arrest system, please be sure to have this explained to you by a
Competent Person.
It is absolutely critical that you be familiar with the proper wear and/or
use of each component of your Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).
Failure to read, understand and adhere to instructional materials and
warnings provided with each of these components could lead to a
catastrophic failure of your PFAS, resulting in serious injury or death.
2.1: Anchorage
The selection of an anchor point and anchorage connector is critical
to the successful function of any Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).
OSHA 1926.502 (d) (15) states that:
“Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be
independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend pl atforms and
capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee attached, or
shall be designed, installed, and used as follows: as part of a complete personal
fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two; and under the
supervision of a qualified person.”
Ensure that the structure to which you are attaching your anchorage
connector is capable of meeting the above requirements and that your
anchorage connector is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Also be sure to check that the anchorage connector is
compatible with your connecting device (lanyard, SRL, vertical
lifeline)and that it securely retains the connecting device without
inhibiting its function. If you are unable to determine whether your
connecting device and your anchorage are compatible, please
immediately consult with a competent person or your immediate
supervisor. For more details on anchorages, please see section 5 of this
instruction manual.
2.2: Body-wear
Body wear for any application where this Beam Anchor is to be used
will be defined as a full body harness specifically manufactured for fall
arrest. If being used for restraint applications where the user is restricted
from reaching a fall hazard, a body belt may be used as an alternative.
Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions included with
your full body harness or restraint belt at the time of purchase.
2.3: Connectors/Connecting Devices
Connectors and Connecting Devices are terms that are sometimes
used interchangeably. It is important to note the differences between
these two terms in order to help distinguish the parts that these
components play in the rigging of your PFAS. In both cases, these
products/components are required to have a minimum static strength of
5,000 lbs. For additional details on requirements for connectors and
connecting devices, see OSHA 1926.502 at www.osha.gov as
referenced in section 1, advisory #1.
A connector is any metallic, mechanical element such as a
carabiner, snap hook or rebar hook that physically links one or more
elements of a your PFAS together in a manner such that they will remain
engaged to one another unless they are intentionally disengaged.
A connecting device is an element that connects your full body
harness to the anchorage in an effort to ensure that you remain attached
or tethered to the structure upon which you are working. In other words,
the connecting device is that element which secures you to your
2.4: Deceleration Devices
A deceleration device is the element of a Personal Fall Arrest
System (PFAS) which is activated during a fall event and reduces the
forces exerted on the user’s body and on the anchorage during the arrest
of the fall. In the case of Shock-Absorbing Lanyards and Self-Retracting
Lifelines, these products are both a connecting device and a deceleration
device as they will keep you attached to your anchorage and will reduce
the forces on your body in the event of a fall.
2.5: Fall Arrest
Fall Arrest is an area of Fall Protection which focuses on stopping a
fall once it has occurred. Personal Fall Arrest Systems typically consist
of an anchorage, a full body harness and a self-retracting lifeline, shockabsorbing lanyard or other deceleration device designed to bring a falling
user to a stop in the shortest possible distance while limiting the force
imparted to the user’s body.
2.6: Fall Restraint
Fall Restraint is an area of Fall Protection devoted to restraining the
user of the system in a manner which restricts his or her access to the
fall hazard in a manner such that they cannot be subjected to a fall. A
typical Fall Restraint System consists of an anchorage, a full body
harness or a restraint belt and a restraint lanyard. A Shock-Absorbing
Lanyard or a Self-Retracting Lifeline should never be utilized in a
restraint application as it they not capable of restricting a user’s access
to fall hazards.
2.7: Work Positioning
Work Positioning is an area of Fall Protection devoted to allowing a
user to work on a vertical surface by means of a positioning assembly,
and restricting the user’s exposure to a fall of no more than two feet.
Typical positioning assemblies consist of a large rebar hook and a length
of chain, rope, wire rope or webbing with a double locking snap hook on
either end. These snap hooks are attached to d-rings on the hips or on
the waist of the user’s full body harness, with the rebar hook attached to
the structure upon which the user is working. An SAL or an SRL should
never be used for work positioning, nor should they ever be attached to a
side or hip d-ring on a full body harness. However, while rigged for
work positioning, the user should always have an SAL or SRL
attached to the back d-ring of their full body harness and tied-off to
the structure on which they are positioning as a back up device.
2.8: Free-Fall
Free-Fall is the distance that a worker will fall before the connecting
device or deceleration device elements of the PFAS will begin to engage
during a fall event. OSHA allows a maximum Free-Fall Distance of 6’ (6
feet) when rigging a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). In some
cases, exceptions may be allowed when there is no practical way to limit
the Free-Fall Distance to 6’, such as a job-site where no overhead
anchor-point is available. Tying off in a manner that would create a
Free-Fall greater than 6’ should always be a last resort. If you are
rigging a system that allows more than 6’ of Free-Fall, make sure your
Connecting Device/Deceleration Device is rated for this application.
2.9: Clear-Fall
Clear-Fall or Clear-Fall Distance is the distance that is required to
safely arrest the fall of a user. When working at heights and using a
PFAS, it is important to consider the distance between the
walking/working level and the next lower level to ensure that the
components selected are capable of arresting the user’s fall before they
hit the next lower level. The required Clear-Fall Distance can easily be
calculated by adding together the Free-Fall Distance, the Deceleration
Distance, the height of the user plus a safety factor of 2 feet. The
formula for calculating Clear-Fall Distance is shown below:
The matrix below can be used as a guide for calculating Clear-Fall
Distance on your job-site:
Free-Fall Distance
(OSHA allows up to 6’)
Example Values Actual Values
(Typically 3.5’ or less)
Height of Worker 6’
Safety Factor
(Minimum of 2’)
(Sum of all values)
See figure 2.1 on the next page for a graphic illustration of Clear-Fall
Distance and the method for calculating. It is also necessary to consider
the fall path when determining the Clear-Fall limitations in your
application. Ensure the fall path is clear of obstructions, protrusions,
equipment or materials that may be a hazard in the event of a fall. Pay
special attention to those items which may present an impalement
hazard. Obstructions in the fall path may be just as hazardous as the fall
itself, and your PFAS may not be able to protect you from these hazards.
Failure to clear the fall path may result in serious injury or death. Rig
your PFAS with extreme caution, and be aware of all of the factors that
may come into play in the event of a fall. If using EcoAnchor with one of
the authorized FallTech Temporary Horizontal Lifelines, be sure to check
Appendices A and B at the end of this instruction manual for additional
Clear-Fall guidance.
Figure 2.1: Clear-Fall Diagram
Figure 2.2: Swing-Fall Diagram
2.10: Swing-Fall
Swing-Fall is the phenomenon that occurs when the user falls from a
location that is not directly adjacent to, or directly below the anchorage
connector. This is also referred to as the “pendulum effect”, and can
result in a situation where the user is not only falling vertically, but is also
swinging on the horizontal as well. This can bring additional hazards into
play, as you may swing into an obstruction or structural element, causing
serious injuries (see figure 2.2). A significant Swing-Fall may also
require increased Clear-Fall distance. As a rule of thumb, you should
ensure work in an area that does not exceed an angle greater than 15
degrees in any direction from your anchorage.
Be sure to consider Swing-Fall when calculating your Clear-Fall
requirements and checking the fall path for hazards and instructions.
Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death. Should you have
any questions regarding Free-Fall, Clear-Fall, Swing-Fall or other
hazards in the fall path, be sure to contact FallTech or consult with a
competent person or your direct supervisor on your job-site.
Section 3: Use and Limitations
This section deals with the general use and limitations of the
EcoAnchor Counterweight Anchor. Please read this section and all
sections of this manual thoroughly. If your application is not addressed,
or if you have questions regarding your specific needs, please contact
FallTech immediately for additional guidance.
3.1: General Guidelines
When properly installed and utilized, this FallTech EcoAnchor
Counterweight Anchor will provide a safe anchorage for a single user (or
for multiple users when used in conjunction with the Checkline 4-User
Temporary HLL Systme or the FallTech PSR 2-User Temporary HLL
System). The EcoAnchor is a neoprene bladder, that when filled with
water, weighs 947 lbs and provides a safety factor of greater than 2:1 as
a counterweight anchor (also referred to as a ballasted anchor or as a
dead-weight anchor). As the user is working while tied-off to this Anchor,
their Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) will be securely attached to the
Before using this product, the user should be trained in the use of fall
arrest products and should have completed a minimum course of
instruction (4-8 hours) for Authorized Person Training as outlined in ANSI
Z359.2-2007. The user must also read and be familiar with all of the
material contained in this instruction manual as well as all labels and
warnings affixed to the EcoAnchor. This product should be installed and
utilized under the supervision of a qualified person. If you have any
questions regarding the use or operation of this product, please contact
FallTech, a competent person, or your immediate supervisor before
This product must be inspected before each use. For details on
proper inspection procedures, please refer to section 8 of this manual.
Should this product fail to pass inspection, it must be immediately
removed from service and replaced.
This EcoAnchor is intended to be used as part of a Personal Fall
Arrest System and will comprise the Anchorage element of your PFAS
(see section 2 of this manual for clarification of these terms). This
product is designed to be placed on a rooftop or other horizontal surface
(metal decking, asphalt, concrete floor, etc.) in order to provide a secure
anchorage for your PFAS. The pitch of the roof may not exceed 1:12
and the grade of the surface may not exceed 10 degrees (10°).
Your EcoAnchor must be set back from the leading edge or
prevailing fall hazard by a minimum distance of 10’ (ten feet) and your
PFAS should be rigged in a manner such that Free-Fall is restricted to no
more than 6’ (6 feet). In circumstances where there is no way to limit
free fall to 6’, you must use a connecting device that is rated to
decelerate an extended Free-Fall of up to 12’ (12 feet), such as the Fall
Tech Ironman series Shock-Absorbing Lanyard. For additional
information regarding extended Free-Falls, consult with a competent
person or contact FallTech for further guidance. Be sure to review the
Clear-Fall diagram and worksheet in section 2.9 of this manual.
This product meets the requirements of OSHA 1926.502 as well as
ANSI Z359.1-2007 and/or ANSI A10.32-2004. It also meets the
requirements of the European standard for “Dead Weight Anchors”,
Class E: BS EN 795:1997 (2000). For further details on these
requirements, please go to www.osha.gov to review the OSHA
requirements. Copies of the ANSI standards are available at
www.asse.org in the e-standards store.
3.2: Approved Applications
Below are applications for which your EcoAnchor is specifically
suited. This list is not all-inclusive, but is intended to anticipate the most
common applications in which this product may be used. If you have
questions about whether this product is suitable for your particular
application, please consult a competent person or contact FallTech for
further advice.
Be sure to consult Section 5 of this instruction manual for details on
anchorage considerations, as the anchorage and its relationship to the
walking/working surface will be an important factor in determining
suitability and could contribute to the outcome of a fall event. Use of an
anchor point that is not properly rated could lead to a catastrophic failure
of your personal fall arrest system, which may result in serious injury or
Residential and Commercial Roofing: The FallTech EcoAnchor is
suitable for use in any application where the properly rated anchorage
has a pitch of 1:12 or less on a surface of asphalt, felt & mineral, EPDM
membrane, felt & chippings (with chippings removed) or standing seam
(20 gauge steel or better). The surface must be capable of supporting
the EcoAnchor’s filled weight of 947 lbs. with a distributed load of 42
lbs/ft² (42 lbs per square foot) or .29 psi.
Residential and Commercial Construction: The FallTech EcoAnchor is
suitable for use in any application where the properly rated anchorage is
a level surface comprised of concrete, asphalt, plywood, OSB or steel
decking (20 gauge steel or better) and having a frictional coefficient of
.65 or greater. Consult a qualified person for details on the suitability of
your walking-working surface as an anchorage. The surface must be
capable of supporting the EcoAnchor’s filled weight of 947 lbs. with a
distributed load of 42 lbs/ft² (42 lbs per square foot) or .29 psi, and must
not have a slope of greater than 10° (ten degrees).
If you have any questions regarding the suitability of this product for
your specific application, please consult with a qualitifed person or
contact FallTech before using. Misuse of this product may result in
serious injury or death.
Warning: Do not use this product if the roof or surface on which it
is placed is contaminated with oil, grease, lubricants, algae or any
other substance that would create slick conditions. Do not use if
there is a risk of frost or freezing conditions. Avoid sharp edges or
highly abrasive surfaces. The other components of your Personal
Fall Arrest System (Body Wear, Connecting Device and
Deceleration Device) must meet the requirements of ANSI Z359.
Failure to adhere to these warnings may result in serious injury or
3.3: Restricted Applications
Harsh Chemical Environments: Acids and other caustic chemicals can
cause damage to this product and its component parts. Damage from
chemical exposure can happen quickly and will greatly degrade the
ability of this product to function as intended. Do not use this product
where it may be exposed to harsh chemicals or substances.
Extended Free Falls: The EcoAnchor may be used in applications where
freefall may exceed six feet, provided that the PFAS includes a
deceleration device that meets the extended freefall requirements in
ANSI Z359.13. Be sure to use a connecting device that is rated for free
falls greater than six feet (i.e. 7247, 7248, 8247, 8248).
Welding/Power Transmission: Because of its neoprene construction,
EcoAnchor is vulnerable to sparks, welding slag and sources of extreme
heat. Do not use this product if it may be exposed to very high
temperatures, energized transmission equipment or other hazards of this
Cold Weather Applications: Because the EcoAnchor utilizes water as a
ballast, it should not be used outdoors in cold weather environments
where it will be exposed to freezing temperatures or snowy/icy surfaces.
3.4: Installation and Use – EcoAnchor for single users
1. Select the appropriate location to set up your FallTech
EcoAnchor. The location must be capable of supporting 947 lbs,
must be clean and dry and free of debris, protrusions, cracks,
sharp edges or other conditions that could damage the neoprene
bladder. This location must also be set back a minimum of 10’
from the closest fall hazard and must have a pitch or grade of no
more than 10°. (Note: Do not select an area where water
2. Carefully inspect the EcoAnchor to ensure that it is undamaged
and in serviceable condition (see Section 8 of this manual for
complete inspection details.
3. Spread the EcoAnchor bladder out flat, maximizing surface
contact. Ensure it is positioned as indicated on the label with the
vent at the highest corner and with the drain at the lowest point
(see Fig. 3.2). The vent allows air to escape and prevents overpressurizing. Incorrect positioning can result in trapped air and under-filling, making the anchor unsafe.
4. Fill the EcoAnchor with water by removing the cap from the fill
valve hose and then inserting the fill-valve hose inside a
standard garden hose (see Fig. 3.1). The EcoAnchor is full
when water begins to flow from the vent valve, which is on the
opposite corner (diagonal from the fill valve). Detach the hose
and seal the fill valve. The EcoAnchor should now be filled to
capacity. Any air trapped in the bladder can be exhausted
through the vent.
5. Check the EcoAnchor for leaks and ensure that it is positioned
correctly on the anchor surface. Attach your connecting device
(lanyard, vertical lifeline, self-retracting lanyard, etc) to the
anchorage ring on the top of the EcoAnchor.
6. Ensure your Full Body Harness is properly donned and adjusted
and that your connecting device is securely attached to your
back D-ring. Ensure your connecting device is securely attached
to the EcoAnchor.
7. Proceed cautiously with your work. Do not run, jump or overreach. The EcoAnchor is elastic and will flex and bounce if you
pull against it when you reach the working limit of your
connecting device. Move with care and deliberation at all
times while working at heights. Failure to do so may result
in a fall.
8. Do not allow your connecting device to pass under your arm or
between your legs – severe injury or death may result. Also
avoid sharp edges which may damage your connecting device in
the event of a fall.
9. If you are tied-off at the foot-level, or in a manner that will allow
more than six feet of free fall, ensure that your connecting device
is rated for extended free falls (free falls greater than six feet).
Once the above steps have been taken, the user will have access to
their work area while walking and moving at normal speeds. It is
important not to make sudden or dramatic movements! When using this
device, care must be taken to be aware of the work environment and any
hazards, obstructions or obstacles that may exist. Be careful of any and
all fall hazards and also be aware of slipping and tripping hazards as
NOTE: Do not attempt to use any fluid or substance other than common
tap water to fill the bladder of your EcoAnchor. Do not attempt to use
antifreeze or any other additive.
Warning: Once your EcoAnchor(s) have been placed on the
working surface and filled, do not attempt to lift, move or hoist the
EcoAnchor while it is filled with water – severe damage may result.
To empty and remove the EcoAnchor from the working location, open
the drain valve (see Fig. 3.3) and allow the water to drain from the
bladder. Once it is nearly empty, lift up the bladder from the corner
opposite the drain valve to help the remaining water drain out. Fold the
bladder twice (so that it is 1/3 its normal width) and roll it up into a tight
bundle. Stow the bladder in the storage bag and keep in a cool dry
Fig. 3.1
Fill-Valve Hose
Fig. 3.2
Vent and Label
Fig. 3.3
Drain Valve
3.5: Installation and Use – EcoAnchor with Checkline 4-User THLL
These kits (sold as model #’s 778000 and 778100) include two
EcoAnchors and a FallTech Checkline 4-User Temporary Horizontal
Lifeline. When properly installed, it provides a linear anchorage system
which provides protection for up to 4 users and offers mobility in a larger
walking/working area than a conventional fixed-point anchorage
The Checkline 4-User Temporary Horizontal Lifeline comes with
its own instruction manual. The user(s) and installer(s) of this
system must read and adhere to both the Checkline and the
EcoAnchor instruction manuals in order to safely install and use
system. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.
1. Select the appropriate location to set up your FallTech
EcoAnchor/Checkline Kit. The location must be capable of
supporting 947 lbs at each anchor point, must be clean and dry
and free of debris, protrusions, cracks, sharp edges or other
conditions that could damage the neoprene bladders or the
horizontal lifeline. This location must also be set back a
minimum of 10’ from the closest fall hazard and must have a
pitch or grade of no more than 10°. The horizontal lifeline should
run parallel to the prevailing fall hazard(s). (Note: Do not select
an area where water accumulates).
2. Use Appendix A of this manual to ensure that there is enough
Clear Fall Distance to safely use this system. Also be sure to
check the fall path for obstructions or objects that may cause
injury to the user or may damage the system in the event of a
fall. If you are not sure that you have enough Clear Fall Distance
or have concerns about objects in the fall path – stop
immediately and seek the guidance of a competent person or
contact FallTech for Technical Support.
3. Carefully inspect the EcoAnchors to ensure that they are
undamaged and in serviceable condition (see Section 8 of this
manual for complete inspection details.
4. Spread the EcoAnchor bladders out flat, maximizing surface
contact. They should be spaced apart so that the distance
between the anchor rings is equal to the working span of the
Checkline horizontal lifeline. Ensure they are positioned as
indicated on the labels with the vents at the highest corner and
with the drains at the lowest point (see Fig. 3.2). The vents allow
air to escape and prevents over-pressurizing. Incorrect
positioning can result in trapped air and under-filling,
making the anchor unsafe.
5. Fill the EcoAnchors with water by removing the caps from the fill
valve hoses and then inserting the fill-valve hoses inside a
standard garden hose (see Fig. 3.1). The EcoAnchors are full
when water begins to flow from the vent valves, which are on the
opposite corners (diagonal from the fill valves). Detach the hose
and seal the fill valve. The EcoAnchors should now be filled to
capacity. Any air trapped in the bladder can be exhausted
through the vent.
6. Check the EcoAnchors for leaks and ensure that they are
positioned correctly on the anchor surface. Install the Checkline
4-User THLL (temporary horizontal lifeline) Kit by attaching the
swivel end of the horizontal lifeline to the anchor ring on top of
one of the EcoAnchors using the carabiner provided in the kit.
Then attach the tensioner end of the horizontal lifeline to the
anchor ring on top of the second EcoAnchor with the carabiner
provided in the kit. Adjust the tensioner as directed in Section 3.1 of your Checkline THLL Instruction Manual.
7. Ensure your Full Body Harness is properly donned and adjusted
and that your connecting device is securely attached to your
back D-ring. Ensure your connecting device is securely attached
to the Checkline Temporary HLL System.
8. Proceed cautiously with your work. Do not run, jump or overreach. The EcoAnchors and the Checkline HLL are elastic and
will flex and bounce if you pull against it when you reach the
working limit of your connecting device. Move with care and
deliberation at all times while working at heights. Failure to
do so may result in a fall.
9. Do not allow your connecting device to pass under your arm or
between your legs – severe injury or death may result. Also
avoid sharp edges which may damage your connecting device in
the event of a fall.
10. If you are tied-off at the foot-level, or in a manner that will allow
more than six feet of free fall, ensure that your connecting device
is rated for extended free falls (free falls greater than six feet).
Once the above steps have been taken, the user will have access to
their work area while walking and moving at normal speeds. It is
important not to make sudden or dramatic movements! When using this
system, care must be taken to be aware of the work environment and
any hazards, obstructions or obstacles that may exist. Be careful of any
and all fall hazards and also be aware of slipping and tripping hazards as
NOTE: Do not attempt to use any fluid or substance other than common
tap water to fill the bladder of your EcoAnchor. Do not attempt to use
antifreeze or any other additive.
Warning: Once your EcoAnchor(s) have been placed on the
working surface and filled, do not attempt to lift, move or hoist the
EcoAnchor while it is filled with water – severe damage may result.
To empty and remove the EcoAnchor and Checkline HLL Kit from the
working location, remove the HLL from the EcoAnchors and stow in the
storage bag provided with the kit. Open the drain-valves (see Fig. 3.3)
and allow the water to drain from the bladders. Once they are nearly
empty, lift up the bladders from the corners opposite the drain valves to
help the remaining water drain out. Fold the bladders twice (so that they
are 1/3 their normal width) and roll them up into tight bundles. Stow the
bladders in the storage bags and keep in a cool dry location.
3.6: Installation and Use – EcoAnchor with PSR 2-User THLL Kit
A pair of EcoAnchors may be used as anchorages for the FallTech 2User PSR Temporary Horizontal Lifeline as well. In this configuration, a
pair of EcoAnchors (model # 7433) can be used in conjunction with the
770003 30’ PSR HLL or the 770006 60’ PSR HLL. The 770001 100’
PSR HLL shall not be used with the EcoAnchor.
The Falltech PSR 2-User Temporary Horizontal Lifeline comes
with its own instruction manual. The user(s) and installer(s) of this
system must read and adhere to both the PSR and the EcoAnchor
instruction manuals in order to safely install and use system.
Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.
1. Select the appropriate location to set up your FallTech
EcoAnchors and PSR Horizontal Lifelinet. The location must be
capable of supporting 947 lbs at each anchor point, must be
clean and dry and free of debris, protrusions, cracks, sharp
edges or other conditions that could damage the neoprene
bladders or the horizontal lifeline. This location must also be set
back a minimum of 10’ from the closest fall hazard and must
have a pitch or grade of no more than 10°. The horizontal lifeline
should run parallel to the prevailing fall hazard(s). (Note: Do not
select an area where water accumulates).
2. Use Appendix B of this manual to ensure that there is enough
Clear Fall Distance to safely use this system. Also be sure to
check the fall path for obstructions or objects that may cause
injury to the user or may damage the system in the event of a
fall. If you are not sure that you have enough Clear Fall Distance
or have concerns about objects in the fall path – stop
immediately and seek the guidance of a competent person or
contact FallTech for Technical Support.
3. Carefully inspect the EcoAnchors to ensure that they are
undamaged and in serviceable condition (see Section 8 of this
manual for complete inspection details.
4. Spread the EcoAnchor bladders out flat, maximizing surface
contact. They should be spaced apart so that the distance
between the anchor rings is equal to the working span of the
PSR horizontal lifeline. Ensure they are positioned as indicated
on the labels with the vents at the highest corner and with the
drains at the lowest point (see Fig. 3.2). The vents allow air to
escape and prevents over-pressurizing. Incorrect positioning
can result in trapped air and under-filling, making the
anchor unsafe.
5. Fill the EcoAnchors with water by removing the caps from the fill
valve hoses and then inserting the fill-valve hoses inside a
standard garden hose (see Fig. 3.1). The EcoAnchors are full
when water begins to flow from the vent valves, which are on the
opposite corners (diagonal from the fill valves). Detach the hose
and seal the fill valve. The EcoAnchors should now be filled to
capacity. Any air trapped in the bladder can be exhausted
through the vent.
6. Check the EcoAnchors for leaks and ensure that they are
positioned correctly on the anchor surface. Install the PSR 4User THLL (temporary horizontal lifeline) Kit by attaching the
thimbled end of the horizontal lifeline to the anchor ring on top of
one of the EcoAnchors using the carabiner provided in the kit.
Then attach the tensioner end of the horizontal lifeline to the
anchor ring on top of the second EcoAnchor with the carabiner
provided in the kit. Adjust the tensioner as directed in Section 6.0 of your PSR THLL Instruction Manual.
7. Ensure your Full Body Harness is properly donned and adjusted
and that your connecting device is securely attached to your
back D-ring. Ensure your connecting device is securely attached
to the PSR Temporary HLL System.
8. Proceed cautiously with your work. Do not run, jump or overreach. The EcoAnchors and the PSR HLL are elastic and will
flex and bounce if you pull against it when you reach the working
limit of your connecting device. Move with care and
deliberation at all times while working at heights. Failure to
do so may result in a fall.
9. Do not allow your connecting device to pass under your arm or
between your legs – severe injury or death may result. Also
avoid sharp edges which may damage your connecting device in
the event of a fall.
10. If you are tied-off at the foot-level, or in a manner that will allow
more than six feet of free fall, ensure that your connecting device
is rated for extended free falls (free falls greater than six feet).
Once the above steps have been taken, the user will have access to
their work area while walking and moving at normal speeds. It is
important not to make sudden or dramatic movements! When using this
system, care must be taken to be aware of the work environment and
any hazards, obstructions or obstacles that may exist. Be careful of any
and all fall hazards and also be aware of slipping and tripping hazards as
NOTE: Do not attempt to use any fluid or substance other than common
tap water to fill the bladder of your EcoAnchor. Do not attempt to use
antifreeze or any other additive.
Warning: Once your EcoAnchor(s) have been placed on the
working surface and filled, do not attempt to lift, move or hoist the
EcoAnchor while it is filled with water – severe damage may result.
To empty and remove the EcoAnchor and PSR HLL Kit from the
working location, remove the HLL from the EcoAnchors and stow in the
storage bag provided with the kit. Open the drain-valves (see Fig. 3.3)
and allow the water to drain from the bladders. Once they are nearly
empty, lift up the bladders from the corners opposite the drain valves to
help the remaining water drain out. Fold the bladders twice (so that they
are 1/3 their normal width) and roll them up into tight bundles. Stow the
bladders in the storage bags and keep in a cool dry location.
Section 4: Product Selection
Product selection is as important as the proper use of the product
itself. Poor judgment in product selection can have catastrophic results –
therefore be sure to consult a competent person to ensure that the
product that is issued is appropriate for the application and the specific
location for which it is intended.
ANSI Z359.1-2007, Section 7 describes in detail the steps that should be
taken with regard to the selection of fall arrest equipment. FallTech
strongly encourages the use of this guide by those who employ users of
fall arrest products. The ANSI standard recommends the following steps
be taken:
A workplace assessment by a competent person taking into
account the presence of sources of extreme heat, chemicals,
electrical hazards, environmental contaminants, sharp objects,
abrasive surfaces; moving equipment and materials, unstable,
uneven and slippery walking/working surfaces; unguarded
openings; climatic/weather factors and foreseeable changes to
these conditions. Care must be taken to ensure that the
equipment that is selected is suitable for use where any of these
conditions may exist.
The workplace assessment must identify all paths of movement
and the fall hazards along these paths. Care must be taken to
ensure that there are proper anchorages at appropriate intervals
along these paths to protect the users from these hazards
without exposure to swing-fall conditions. The PFAS selected
must limit the fall distance in order to avoid contact with the next
lower level in the event of a fall.
Anchorage connectors should be selected on the basis of their
suitability for attachment to the anchor point to ensure a
compatible and secure connection.
The exposure of the anchorage connector to sharp edges,
abrasive surfaces and other physical/structural hazards should
be considered when evaluating compatibility.
The competent person shall calculate the weight of all authorized
persons when fully equipped to ensure that they are within the
maximum capacity of the PFAS.
A full body harness meeting the requirements of Z359 shall be
selected, and it shall be sized to fit the user as per the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Connectors that are selected shall be suitably sized and shaped
so as to be compatible with the devices to which they will be
The competent person shall select the method of protecting the
equipment from damage by workplace conditions, in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The competent person shall check the equipment instructions
and markings to ensure compliance with the appropriate
standards and will ensure that manufacturer’s instructions;
markings and warnings are read and followed.
If the PFAS that is selected is made up of components from
different manufacturers, the competent person will ensure that
these components are compatible.
FallTech strongly encourages that the following points also be
considered in the course of product selection, in addition to the points
Select the anchorage connector that is most appropriate for your
application and for the anchor point to which it will be attached.
While sling-style anchors are popular because of their versatility,
they are not always the best choice where sharp or angular
edges are present on the structure to which they are attached.
Select a full body harness of appropriate durability for your
workplace which contains all of the attachment elements that you
will require. Never attach any SRL to anything other than the
back/dorsal d-ring or the front/chest d-ring of your full body
Depending on workplace conditions and hazards, you may need
to employ multiple systems or different combinations of
components. Do not try and force the system to fit the
application. Use of the correct equipment is the best policy.
Section 5: Anchorage Considerations
OSHA 1910.66 and 1926.502 state that anchorages used for
attachment of a PFAS must be independent of any anchorage being
used to support or suspend platforms, and must support at least 5,000
lbs. per user attached, or be designed, installed and used as part of a
complete PFAS which maintains a safety factor of at least two, and is
supervised by a qualified person (architect, structural engineer, etc.).
The anchor-point on which this EcoAnchor is placed must capable of
sustaining static loads in directions applied by the personal fall arrest
system of at least 3,600 lbs (or at least twice the expected dynamic load)
with certification of a qualified person (architect, structural engineer,
etc.), or 5,000 lbs in the absence of certification. This surface must also
be capable of supporting the full weight of the EcoAnchor, which is 947
lbs. If multiple personal fall arrest systems are being attached to the
same anchorage, the minimum values stated above must be multiplied
by the number of users.
Ensure that this EcoAnchor is compatible with the anchor point on
which you are placing it and that there aren’t any conditions which may
damage it in any way. Be sure that this EcoAnchor is compatible with
other elements of your Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) by checking
the manufacturer’s instructions for these components.
Be sure that your anchorage is mounted to minimize free fall and that
your connecting devices are properly rated for your specific application
(check for specific restrictions in sections 3.5 – 3.9). Be sure to calculate
your clear-fall (as discussed in section 2.9) and to avoid swing fall
hazards. Ensure the fall path is clear of obstructions and impalement
Section 6: Employer and User Training
6.1: Special notes for the Employer
As an employer, you may be obliged to provide Personal Protective
Equipment (to include Personal Fall Arrest and Fall Protection
Equipment) along with an appropriate amount of training to your
employees so that they will be adequately prepared to use this
equipment in the course of their work. If you are unsure about your duty
to provide fall protection, consult Title 29 CFR, section 1926.501 which
can easily be viewed at www.osha.gov. Another important resource for
employers is the Consensus standard on Managed Fall Protection:
ANSI Z359.2-2007.
Equally important is the subject of product/equipment selection. If
you are obliged to provide fall protection equipment for your employees,
be sure to consult with or appoint a competent or qualified person to
select and prescribe equipment that is suitable to address the specific
hazards which may be present on your job-site or in your facility. There
are different products for different applications, and under many
circumstances these products are not interchangeable. If you have
questions as to whether this product is suitable for your application,
please contact FallTech for assistance.
It is important to note that improper use of fall arrest equipment can
be just as dangerous as not using it at all. Failure to adequately train
and supervise your employees may result in serious injury or death. It is
critical to have a training program supported by documentation,
refresher/remedial training and to establish best practices where the
employment of all PPE is concerned.
6.2: User Training
It is the responsibility of the user of this equipment to read and fully
understand these instructions before employing this product as part of a
Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). Every user of fall protection should
be provided a four to eight hour course of instruction for the Authorized
User. Training must also be provided in the use of each component of
the user’s PFAS and in the recognition of fall hazards. During the course
of this training, the user may not be exposed to a fall hazard.
In the absence of a formal training program, FallTech has designed
these instructional materials to act as an abbreviated course of
instruction in an effort to give the user an over-view of fall arrest. This
manual does not constitute a comprehensive training program, and it is
not all-inclusive. Be sure to consult www.osha.gov for details on OSHA
requirements for training. FallTech has additional services available to
assist with end-user training – contact a FallTech sales professional for
additional details.
As a minimum, training should address the following points:
ABCD’s of Fall Arrest (as discussed in Section 2).
Recognition of fall hazards.
Fall hazard elimination and control methods.
Applicable fall protection regulations and standards.
The responsibilities of designated persons (Authori zed,
Competent, Qualified).
How to use written fall protection procedures.
Inspection of equipment components and systems before use.
Fall protection rescue procedures.
Installation and use of products common to your duties, job-site
or facility.
It is important to note that improper use of this equipment can be just
as dangerous as not using it at all. Failure to read, understand and
follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death.
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