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Policy, please visit our website: www.rletech.com.
Technical Support
Personal assistance is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST.
A request for assistance may be sent to support@rletech.com.
Otherwise, please call us directly at: (970) 484-6510, and press “2” for technical support.
The following information is located on the bottom of each Wireless Gateway unit.Please have this
information available whenever a technical support call is placed:
Product Model Number
Product Serial Number
Product Manufacture Date
RLE Product Warranty
Seller warrants to the Ultimate Purchaser (the purchaser who buys for use and not for resale) that all
products furnished under this order and which are manufactured by Seller will conform to final
specifications, drawings, samples and other written descriptions approved in writing by Seller, and will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship. These warranties shall remain in effect for a period of
twelve (12) months after shipment. If the Seller installs the equipment or supplies technical direction of
installation by contract, said one year shall run from the completion of installation, provided installation is not
unreasonably delayed by Ultimate Purchaser. Parts replaced or repaired in the warranty period shall carry
the unexpired portion of the original warranty. A unit placed with the purchaser on consignment and then
later purchased will be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time the Seller receives notification of the
Purchaser's intent to purchase said consigned item. The foregoing is in its entirety is subject to the provision
that in no case will the total warranty period extend beyond 18 months from date Seller ships equipment
from point of manufacture.
Products are NOT life and safety certified. In no event shall the Seller be liable for loss, damage, or expense
directly or indirectly arising from the use of the units, or from any other cause, except as expressly stated in
this warranty. Seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including any warranty as to merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose or use. Seller is not liable for and Purchaser waives any right of action it
has or may have against Seller for any consequential or special damages arising out of any breach of
warranty, and for any damages Purchaser may claim for damage to any property or injury or death to any
person arising out of its purchase or the use, operation, or maintenance of the product. Seller will not be
liable for any labor subcontracted or performed by Purchaser for preparation of warranted item for return to
Seller's factory or for preparation work for field repair or replacement. Invoicing of Seller for labor either
performed or subcontracted by Purchaser will not be considered as a liability by the Seller.
The liability of Seller hereunder is limited to replacing or repairing at Seller's factory or on the job site at
Seller's option, any part or parts which have been returned to the Seller and which are defective or do not
conform to such specifications, drawings or other written descriptions; provided that such part or parts are
returned by the Ultimate Purchaser within ninety (90) days after such defect is discovered. The Seller shall
have the sole right to determine if the parts are to be repaired at the job site or whether they are to be
returned to the factory for repair or replacement. All items returned to Seller for repair or replacement must
be sent freight, prepaid to its factory. Purchaser must obtain Seller's Return Goods Authorization prior to
returning items. The above conditions must be met if warranty is to be valid. Seller will not be liable for any
damage done by unauthorized repair work, unauthorized replacement parts, from any misapplication of the
item, or for damage due to accident, abuse, or act of God.
This warranty shall be exclusive of any and all other warranties express or implied and may be modified only
by writing signed by any officer of the Seller. This warranty shall extend to the Ultimate Purchaser but to no
one else. Accessories supplied by Seller but manufactured by others carry any warranty the manufacturers
have made to Seller and which can be passed on to the Ultimate Purchaser.
Seller makes no warranty with respect to whether the products sold hereunder infringe any patent, U.S. or
foreign, and Purchaser represents that any specially ordered products do not infringe any patent. Purchaser
agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any liability by virtue of any patent claims where
Purchaser has ordered a product conforming to Purchaser's specifications, or conforming to Purchaser's
specific design.
Purchaser has not relied and shall not rely on any oral representation regarding the Product sold hereunder
and any oral representation shall not bind Seller and shall not be part of any warranty.
The Wireless Gateway is a wireless acquisition appliance that helps monitor remote facilities.
The Wireless Gateway receives 418 and 900 MHZ signals from wireless devices and relays
them to facilities monitoring systems as SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP, Modbus RTU, BACnet/IP,
and BACnet MS/TP signals.
The Wireless Gateway’s wireless sensors can receive signals from products providing dry
contact, analog (0-20mA), 0-5VDC, or 0-10VDC signals. Commonly used sensors include,
but are not limited to, temperature/humidity, temperature, door counters, thermistors, motion
sensors, power monitors, and more.
1.2. Rear Panel Indicators
The back of the Wireless Gateway has two status indicators to show when data is being
transmitted and when data is being received through the EIA-485 port. When data is either
being transmitted or received the status lights will blink. If no information is being
communicated, the lights are off.
The Wireless Gateway comes with two brackets that, when attached to the device, allow it to
be mounted in a 19-inch rack. Remove the screws from the side of the device, put the brackets
in place, and reapply the screws. Mount the device in a rack. Use the proper anchoring method
to mount the unit securely.
2.2. Wiring
2.2.1 Power Supply and Ground Connections
RLE Technologies recommends powering the Wireless Gateway from a UPS supply so the
device can send alarm notifications during a power outage. Connect an 18AWG ground wire
from the ground terminal to a suitable earth ground. Plug the wall adapter into P1 and a UPS
outlet. The wall adapter has a five foot (1.524m) power cord.
Connect 24VDC to the unit through either the jack input or terminal block.
2 Getting Started
418 MHZ
900 MHZ
Figure 2.1
24VDC Power Supply Connection
If the EIA-485 port will be used for Modbus RTU communication, RLE Technologies
recommends an 18AWG shielded twisted pair stranded copper wire for the connection, using
no more than 2000 feet (609.6m) of wire at this specification. If longer runs are needed, please
contact RLE Technologies.
The Wireless Gateway is shipped with a 418 MHz, 6-foot cable antenna and a 916 MHz,
6-foot cable antenna. The 418 MHz antenna has longer shafts; the 900 MHz antenna has
shorter shafts. Plug each antenna into its appropriate jack on the front of the Wireless
Figure 2.2
Wireless Gateway Antennae
2.3. Connectivity
2.3.1 RJ45 Ethernet Connection
The Wireless Gateway has an internal 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port that is used for
configuration. The Ethernet port supports Web browser access, email (SMTP), BACnet slave,
Modbus slave, and SNMP. The device can connect directly to a PC with a crossover cable
(provided), or it can connect to a PC through a hub or switch, with CAT5 cables.
2 Getting Started
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
Ethernet Connection to a PC Using a Crossover Cable
Ethernet Connection to a PC on a Subnet, Using a Hub/Switch and CAT5 Cables
2.3.2 EIA-232 COM Connection
The Wireless Gateway can be connected directly to a PC through its EIA-232 port. This is
useful for IP configuration, firmware downloads, and troubleshooting. The EIA-232
connection is only used as a temporary connection. Connect the straight through, 9-pin serial
cable as shown in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5
EIA-232 COM Connection
2 Getting Started
2.3.3 Modbus EIA-485 Connections
The Wireless Gateway can function as a Modbus Slave over an EIA-485, 2-wire hardware
connection, as shown in Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6
EIA-485 Connection
2.4. Communication: Set the IP Address
The Wireless Gateway will not communicate over a user’s network the first time it is
connected. This is because the manufacturer programs the device with a default IP address:
address that corresponds with the user’s network before the Wireless Gateway can
communicate over the network. There are two ways to set the Wireless Gateway’s IP address:
Via the Web browser
Via the EIA-232 interface
2.4.1 Set the IP Address Using a Web Browser
Attention: If you have not set an IP address before, consult your IT Department for support.
Note The default IP address for the Wireless Gateway is
The default Subnet Mask is
The default user name is fds (all lowercase)
, Subnet Mask:
. This default address must be changed to an IP
2 Getting Started
There is no default password—leave the password field empty.
Contact your IT Department to obtain an available IP address, Subnet Mask, and default
2 Plug a crossover network cable (provided) into the laptop or workstation that will be used to
configure the Wireless Gateway.
3 You’ll need to change the IP address and Subnet Mask of your computer so it can
communicate with the Wireless Gateway in its factory-configured state. Before you change
anything, write down the original IP address and Subnet Mask of your computer - you’ll
need to revert back to these original settings once the Wireless Gateway is configured.
4 Change the IP address and Subnet Mask of the computer from its existing address to one
that will allow it to communicate with the Wireless Gateway, such as It may
be beneficial to set the IP address to one that is one number different from the Wireless
Gateway IP address (
5 Connect the other end of the crossover cable to the Ethernet port on the back of the Wireless
6 Access the Wireless Gateway through a Web browser — type the Wireless Gateway’s IP
address (
user name, which is
7 Select the Configuration Menu link, then change the IP address, Subnet Mask, and default into the location bar. When prompted, enter the Wireless Gateway
fds. There is no default password, leave it blank.
Gateway to the one provided by your IT Department. Press the Submit Changes button.
The Wireless Gateway will save the new IP address, Subnet Mask and default Gateway and
8 Change the IP address of the computer back to its original IP address. If the computer was
configured as DHCP (the network domain controller assigns an IP address) return it to this
state. This may require assistance from your IT Department, or you may need to consult the
computer's manual.
2 Getting Started
9 The computer and the Wireless Gateway are now both configured to communicate on the
network. Both should be accessible via the network. Connect the PC and the Wireless
Gateway to the network. From the PC web browser, type in the new IP address of the
Wireless Gateway. Enter the user name and password as stated above to verify network
access to the device.
2.4.2 Set the Wireless Gateway IP Address using an EIA232 Connection
To use the EIA-232 interface:
1 Contact your IT Department to obtain an available IP address, Subnet Mask, and default
2 Use a 9-pin male-female straight through serial cable to connect the EIA-232 port on the
Wireless Gateway to a terminal or PC running terminal emulation software
3 Set the appropriate communication port to 9600 baud, NO parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
(9600/N/8/1), and no software or hardware flow command.
4 Once the terminal emulation software starts, press Enter on the keyboard and the Wireless
Gateway boot prompt should appear, (FDS_WI>). If the boot prompt does not appear,
check the communication settings and make sure the unit is powered on.
5 From the boot prompt type IP then type one space and type the IP address your IT
Department provided for the unit. Press the enter key. For example,
IP The Wireless Gateway will reboot after the IP address is changed.
6 From the boot prompt type NM then type one space and type the Subnet Mask address your
IT Department provided for the unit. Press the enter key. For example,
NM The Wireless Gateway will reboot after the Subnet Mask is changed.
7 From the boot prompt type DG then type one space and type the Default Gateway address
your IT Department provided for the unit. Press the enter key. For example,
DG The Wireless Gateway will reboot after the Default Gateway is
8 The IP address is now set and the Wireless Gateway can be accessed through a Web
browser using the new IP address. The default user name is
fds and there is no password.
Leave the password field blank.
2.5. Sensor Discovery
The Wireless Gateway is equipped with a sensor discovery feature. The device will discover
available wireless sensor inputs and enter them into the Sensor Summary page. To configure
sensors to use with the Wireless Gateway, follow these steps:
1 In the Wireless Gateway’s user interface, go to the Configuration>FDS-Wi page. If it is not
already enabled, click the Enabled radio button for Sensor Discovery.
2 Getting Started
Figure 2.7
Take off the sensor’s lid by pinching on the outer corners of the lid.
Figure 2.8
With the lid off, remove the polyester tab from the battery. Replace the lid.
Enabling Sensor Discovery
Remove the Sensors’s Lid
Figure 2.9
Remove the Battery’s Protective Tab
2 Getting Started
4 Turn the sensor over to show the product label on the bottom. This label contains the serial
number of the sensor. The serial number is unique to each sensor, and appears in the table
on the Configuration>Sensors page once the sensor has been discovered by the Wireless
Figure 2.10
Go to the Configuration>Sensors page of the Wireless Gateway’s user interface and
Sensor’s Serial Number on Product Label
confirm the placement in the sensor discovery list.
Figure 2.11
Place a label or other marking on the sensor to show its index number.
Verifying a Sensor’s Discovery
Figure 2.12
Label the Sensor
7 Once the sensors have been discovered, turn off the Sensor Discovery option in the
Configuration>FDS-Wi page of the Wireless Gateway’s user interface. If you do not turn
off the sensor discovery feature, the Wireless Gateway will continue to attempt to find new
sensors. This could cause a device malfunction, or contaminate your list of active sensors
with additional sensors that do not actually exist.
8 Note each sensor’s index number and location. Reference Chapter 3, “Web Interface –
Standard Version” on page 23 to learn how to enter the location and any other necessary
identifying information in each sensor’s configuration information.
9 Once you have configured the Wireless Gateway, save a copy of the system configuration.
2.6. Sensor Mounting Tips
The electronics in a wireless sensor are water-resistant, but not waterproof. Wireless sensors
need to be mounted in a safe location, where the chance of them becoming submerged in a
liquid are minimal. Sensors can be mounted with double-faced tape or adhesive velcro. To
mount a sensor on a metallic surface, purchase adhesive-backed magnetic tape and adhere it to
the back of the sensor. Use magnetic tape that is 0.5 inch (1.27cm) wide. The magnetic tape
will not disturb the electronics, and when placed correctly, the tape allows the sensor’s label to
remain visible. The serial number on this label is unique to each sensor, and you will need to
refer to this number throughout the life span of the sensor.
2 Getting Started
Figure 2.13
Magnetic Strips Used to Mount a Sensor
To mount sensors using magnetic tape:
1 For each sensor, cut two 1.5-inch (3.81cm) strips of tape.
Figure 2.14
Recommended Length of 0.5 Inch for Magnetic Strip
2 Getting Started
2 Make sure the back of the sensor is clean. If necessary, use isopropyl alcohol to clean the
3 Remove the protective film from the adhesive side of the magnetic tape and place the tape
on the sensor.
4 Place the sensor in the desired location.
The Wireless Gateway allows users to view data points and configure the unit/points via the
Web. To access the Web interfaces, users must first setup the Wireless Gateway to
communicate via the Internet. To set the IP address, see section 2.4., “Communication: Set the
IP Address” on page 17.
Note See Chapter 4, “Web Interface – Integration Version” on page 43 for information about the
integrator version of the web interface.
3.1. The Dashboard
The Dashboard provides a quick view of a portion of the information accessible through the
web interface. The Dashboard is fully configurable, so the information most critical to a site’s
operations can be monitored at a glance.
Figure 3.1
Wireless Gateway Dashboard
+ 53 hidden pages
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