The information in this publication is provided for reference and is believed to be accurate
and complete. GBC Pro-Tech is not liable for errors in this publication or for incidental or
consequential damage in connection with the furnishing or use of the information in this
publication, including, b ut not limited to, any implied warranty of fitness or merchantabi lity for any particular use.
GBC Pro-Tech reserves the right to make changes to this publication and to the products
described in it without notice. All specifications and information concerning products are
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Reference in this publication to information or products protected by copyright or patent
does not convey any license under the rights of GBC Pro-Tech or others. GBC Pro-Te ch
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Your safety, as well as the safety of others, is important
to GBC Pro-Tech. This section contains import ant
safety information.
The following symbols are used throughout this manual to indicate warnings and cauti ons.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will re sult in death or
serious injury.
GBC Pro-Tech laminators are powerful machines that
are designed to mount, laminate and encapsulate. The
forces require d to acc omplish these ta sks can va ry from
negligible to very large.
The spring system used to provide downward pressure
on the top roll is capable of producing forces greater
than 1000 pounds (454kg). This force is applied to any
object presented in the opening (called the nip)
between the two rolls.
In addition, the laminating rolls of the Falcon 40 can
reach temperatures of over 200°F (100°C). At these
temperatures there is a danger of a severe burn if the
rolls are touched during set-up, operation or servicing.
An important feature of the laminator is the photoelectric eye system that stops the machine when objects
move into the nip area. Once the blocking object is
removed and the light beam reestablished, the rolls
resume turning. However, this system is overridden if
you use the footswitch.
Indicates a potentially hazardo us situation
which, if not avoided, could resu lt in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardo us situation
which, if not avoided, could r esult in minor or
moderate injury, or alerts against unsafe
practices, or alerts against action s which could
damage the product.
The Falcon 40 Laminator has been designed with
safety as a primary consideration. However, you must
become thoroughly familiar with the controls, proper
operation, proper service procedures, and safety features of the laminator before using or serv icing the unit.
Use extreme caution when operating the
laminator with the footswitch. The photoelectric
eye system is overridden and your fingers can get
caught in the nip. You can be crushed or burned.
The Falcon 40 Laminator has a steel cabinet that is
bolted closed to isolate the electrical and drive system
components for the s afe ty of the operator. Only a qualified service technician should open these cabinets.
The laminator is equipped with two emergency stop
buttons located on the top of either side of the laminator. Either of these, if engaged, stops the laminato r. To
continue operation both emergency stop buttons must
be in the up position.
proper r oll oper ating temperatur es. T he r olls can
overheat and cause a fir e or seriou sly damage the
Despite the safety featur es built into the Falcon 40
Laminator, extreme caution must be used when operating or servicing the unit. READ THE FOLLOWING
Never place fingers or arms between the rolls
when they are turning or when the rolls are in
the closed position . You can be crushed or
Secure long hair so that it cannot get caught in
the machinery. Do not wear ties, loose fitting
clothing or dangling jewelry while operating or
servicing the laminator. These items can get
caught in the nip, and you can be choked,
crushed, or burned.
Always use care in lowering the top laminating
roll. Yo u ca n be cr us he d or burn ed .
Do not operate the laminator ne ar water. You can
be severely shocked, electrocuted or cause a fire.
Unplug the laminat or from the wall ou tlet before
servicing. You can be severely shocked,
electrocuted or cause a fire.
Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners on the
laminator. Do not spill liquid of any kind on the
laminator. You can be severely shocked,
electroc uted or cause a fire. Use only a damp
cloth for cleaning the cabinet.
Use extreme caution when operating the
laminator with the foots wit ch. The photoelectric
source indicat ed o n the label o n the back of the
laminato r. You can be severel y shocked,
electrocuted or cause a fire. If you are not sure of
the type of power available consult the dealer or
local power company.
Do not attempt to defeat the grounding feature of
the ground plug on the laminator. You can be
severely shock ed , ele ctrocu ted or cause a fire.
The three prong plu g fits on ly into a grou nding-
type power outlet. If you are unable to insert the
plug into th e existi n g outlet, contac t a qua lified
electricia n to replace the obsolete o utlet.
Do not attempt to plug any device into the
vacuum table outlet that does not require 240V.
You can be severely shocked, electrocuted or
cause a fire.
Never ins ert obj ect s of an y kin d thro ugh a ny of
the slots on the laminator. You can touch
dangerous volta g e poi nt s or sh o rt out pa rts . You
can be severely shocked, electrocuted or cause a
Do not use an extension cord on this laminator.
Yo u can be s ev erely shock ed , el ect rocu ted or
cause a fire. If you need a longer cable contact a
qualified electrician.
Do not operate t he laminator if the powe r cord is
damaged or fr ayed. You can be severel y shocked,
electrocut ed o r caus e a fire. Contact a qualified
electrician to replace the cord.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.
Do not locate the co rd where people can walk on
it. Yo u o r others can be severely sh ocked,
electrocuted or cause a fire.
Posted at various locations on your Falcon 40 Laminator are import ant sa fety label s. PAY CAREFUL
Figure 1-2 shows the location of each of these
Before a Falcon 40 Lamin ator can be i nstalled the re are
a few requir ements that must be met. Make certain that
each of the requirements listed in the following preinstallation checklist are met before beginning installation.
Failure t o follow the preinst allation checklist c an
result in damage to the laminator.
❏Are doorways and hall ways wide enough for the
laminator to be moved to the installation site?
❏Is there ample room for the laminator?
A work area must be established that allows for
operation in both the front and the rear of the
machine and provides space for efficient material
flow. Figure 2-1 shows a typical machine area layout.
❏Is there an appropriate power outlet available or
has a certified electrician been contacted to wire
the laminator directly?
The laminator requires 30A single phase service
and a power receptacle that accepts a 30A 250V
NEMA L6-30P plug or, in Europe, 3 phase, 240/
400 VAC with 20A per phase. See Figure 2-6 for
power cord connection options.
Position the jumpers as shown in Figure 2-6 for
service cho ice.
❏Is the environ ment appropriate for the laminator?
The laminator r equires a clean, dust and vapor free
environment to operate properly. It must not be
located where there is air blowing directly on the
The operating environment must be free of dust,
flammable liquids and vapors. You can be
injured by inhali ng chemical vapors. Vapor build
up or stored flammable liqui ds can cause a fire .
ALL SHIPMENTS ARE EX- WORKS. At our dock, title
passes to the buyer. Please review your insurance coverage prior to shipment, as you are responsible for all
subsequent freight charges and risks. Before signing
the Bill of Lading, be sure to inspect the crate and/or
pallet for signs of damage or missing items ; if applicable, make a note of this on the Bill of Lading.
The Falcon 40 Laminator is shipped one of two ways.
It is either encased in a plywood crate on a skid or in a
cardboard box on a skid.
The unpacking process requires at least two
people. You can be severel y inj ured o r cru sh ed .
Tools required:
•Phillips head screwdrive r
/8" open end wrench or adjustable wrench
If the laminator is in a cardboard box:
1.Remove the securing screws around the bottom of
the box using the Phillips head screwdriver as
shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2: Re moving the Cardboard Box
2.Lift the cardb oard box off the laminator .
3.Gently unwrap the shr ink wrap from around the
Do not use a kni fe or ot her sharp instrum ent
during installation or while servic ing the
laminator. You can cause irrepara ble damage to
the rolls.
4.Carefull y remove any accessories packed with the
laminator. The accessory pack should contain:
1 Set, hex wrench e s
1 Slitting knife
1 Manual
1 Set, spare fuses
1 T ape measure
1 Roll of masking tape
1 Rubber ce ment eras e r
5.Remove the screws holding the foot pads onto the
pallet using the Phill ips head screwdriver.
6.Have the l aminator li f ted of f the ski d and pl aced on
the floor by licensed riggers. The r iggers must also
unscrew the foot bolts from the laminator frame
since it requires lifting the laminator.
Do not attempt to move the laminator across
anything other th an a flat, level surface without
trained and qualified riggers. You can be crushed
or seriously injur ed.
Do not use a kni fe or ot her sharp instrum ent
during installation or while servic ing the
laminator. You can cause irrepara ble damage to
the rolls.
9.Remove all packing materials to a safe distance
fro m the lamina to r.
The pallet can be reused for shipping the machine
again, or can be disassembled and the wood and
screws recycled. The cardboard can be recycled. The
shrink wrap is not recyclable, however, so it must be
A word about international shipments: As these are
heavy pieces of equipment, GBC Pro-Tech takes every
precaution to ensure that our laminators are properly
crated to the highest standards.
Before machines leave our loading dock, they are pre treated with a VCI protective film to provide total corrosion protection. This protective film is wrapped
around the machine and compl etely seale d. In addition ,
moisture absorbing silicone desiccite packs are packed
inside the crate and machine cabinets.
The Falcon 40 Laminator is a large and heavy
piece of equipment. It is necessary to employ
machine. The laminator is not designed to be
tipped up or sideways in any way. Such action
disturbs the exact alignment of the rolling parts
of the machin e and requires extensive
realignment. GBC Pro-Tech’s warranty does not
cover malfun cti o n of the equipment du e to
mishandling and/or tipping.
GBC Pro-Tech bears no responsibility for
personal injury or damage due to moving the
laminator improperly.
7.Once the lamin ator is in place set the locking
mechanism on all four wheels to ON.
8.Remove any plastic strapping and packing paper
taped to the
Prior to start up of the machine, you must rem ove the
desiccite packs from each cabinet and discard. DO
NOT operate the machine with the desiccite packs
inside the cabinets.
3.Carefull y remove any accessories packed with the
laminator. The accessory pack should contain:
1 Set, hex wrench e s
1 Slitting knife
1 Manual
1 Set, spare fuses
1 T ape measure
1 Roll of masking tape
1 Rubber ce ment eras e r
Foot Bolt
Figure 2-5: The Foot Bolts
4.Remove the screws holding the foot pads onto the
pallet using the Phillips head screwdriver.
5.Have the laminator lifte d off the skid and placed on
the floor by lic ensed riggers. The riggers must also
unscrew the foot bolts from the laminator frame
since it requires lifting the laminator.
Figur e 2-4: R emov ing the Crate
2.Gently unwrap the shrink wrap from around the
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