This document is available at HTTP://WWW.FALCOM.DE/ .
User’s Guide
Version 1.04
0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................4
0.1 GENERAL ABOUT NAVI-S.............................................................................................................. 4
0.2 USED ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................... 4
0.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 5
0.4 O
RDER OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................. 6
1 SECURITY .........................................................................7
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 RESTRICTED USE............................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 CHILDREN ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD)............................................................................................... 7
1.5 S
AFETY STANDARDS....................................................................................................................... 7
2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...................................8
2.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 General........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Accuracy........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.3 DGPS Accuracy............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.4 Datum ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.5 Acquisition Rate ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.6 Dynamic Conditions...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.7 Default settings .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.8 DC Power ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.9 Physical.......................................................................................................................................... 9
3 SOFTWARE INTERFACE.............................................10
3.1 NMEA OUTPUT MESSAGES .......................................................................................................... 10
4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION ................................11
4.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION USING NAVI-S-1............................................................................ 11
4.2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION USING NAVI-S-2............................................................................ 11
5 HOW TO INSTALL & OPERATE NAVI-S –1(-2) ......12
5.1 GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................................................... 12
6 HOW TO EVALUATE THE NAVI-S............................14
7 TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................18
8 HOUSING .........................................................................19
9 APPENDIX .......................................................................20
9.1 ACCESSORIES FOR NAVI-S-1(-2) TO IPAQ 3800/3900................................................................ 20
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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Version history
Version number Author Changes
1.00 Fadil Beqiri Initial version
1.01 Fadil Beqiri Update figures, RJ11 connector plug.
1.02 Fadil Beqiri Update figures, Modular Plug RJ11 6/4 pin-out connector plug New chapter Accessories for NAVI-S-
1(-2) to iPAQ 3800/3900 added.
1.03 Fadil Beqiri Table 1 (Modular Plug RJ11 6/4 pin-out) updated.
1.04 Fadil Beqiri Throughout this document the default baudrate has been corrected to 38400bps.
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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Information furnished herein by FALCOM are accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Please, read carefully the safety precautions. If you have any technical questions regarding this document or the product described in it, please contact your vendor. General information about FALCOM and its range of products are available at the following internet address: http://www.falcom.de/
Some mentioned products are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The NAVI-S user’s guide is copyrighted by FALCOM GmbH with all rights reserved. No part of this user guide may be produced in any form without the prior written permission of FALCOM GmbH.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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0 Introduction
0.1 General about NAVI-S
The NAVI-S from FALCOM GmbH is a new GPS receiver that features the SiRFstarII-low power chipset. This complete 12 channel, WAAS-enabled provides a vastly superior position accuracy performance in a much smaller package. The NAVI-S architecture is built on the high-performance SiRFstarII core, adding an acquisition accelerator, differential GPS processor, multipath-mitigation hardware and satellite-tracking engine. The NAVI-S delivers major advancements in GPS performance, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility. Connecting to the desktop or notebook PC implementing a map or navigation software, NAVI-S helps you to locate one objects, conduct personal & vehicle navigation, and/or apply for geographical surveys. There are two versions as far as NAVI-S receiver is concerned. The specifications and functions of the receivers are the same. The difference between both receivers can be recognised by looking on the bottom side. The first one named NAVI-S-1 with a magnetic base integrated inside the casing of NAVI-S-1. The receiving side of the NAVI-S-1 is on the top side. The NAVI-S-1 is designed for in-door on-dash-board mounting. The NAVI-S-1 is delivered also with an adhesive pad that enables to stick the unit to non-metallic parts. The second one named NAVI-S-2 with an adhesive pad on the bottom side of the receiver. The receiving side of the NAVI-S-2 is on the bottom side. The NAVI-S-2 is designed for in-vehicle (windows plane) mounting.
For more details about each order option, please see chapter “Order options
Users are advised to proceed quickly to the chapter "Security" and read the hints carefully.
0.2 Used abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
DGPS Differential GPS
DOP Dilution of Precision
GPS Global Positioning System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GGA GPS Fixed Data
Geographic Position - Latitude / Longitude
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Abbreviation Description
GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GNSS Satellites in View
MSS MSK Receiver Signal
Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
NMEA National Maritime Electronics Association
PRN Pseudorandom Noise Number – The Identity of GPS satellites
RF Radio Frequency
RP Receive Protocol
RTC Real Time Clock
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
RXD Data input
TXD Data output
SA Selective Availability
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
MSK Minimum Shift Keying
0.3 Related documents
[1.] SiRF binary and NMEA protocol specification;
[2.] SiRF- demo;
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0.4 Order options
Before you start up the receiver, make sure that your package includes the following items. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your vendor immediately.
The table below contains the order options of NAVI-S.
Name Description
NAVI-S-1 with magnetic base and 2.5 m extended cable
for on-dash-board mounting. NAVI-S-1
An adhesive pad
NAVI-S-2 with adhesive pad and 2.5 m extended cable
for unmoveable windows plane.
Further cable set options for NAVI-S (including RS232 and PS2, USB or PDA
interface) are available upon request.
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