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with data-logging functionality)
User Manual
Version: 1.00
0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................5
0.1 GENERAL ABOUT NAVI-B-H ......................................................................................................... 5
0.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 6
1 SECURITY .........................................................................7
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 RESTRICTED USE............................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 CHILDREN....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 DRIVING AND SAFETY..................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 GENERAL CARE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Software interface........................................................................................................................ 10
3 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .......................................11
3.1 BLUETOOTH™ GPS RECEIVER ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................... 11
3.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 11
3.2.2 Physical........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.3 Software....................................................................................................................................... 13
4 OPERATION GUIDE......................................................14
4.1 MOUNTING INSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................. 14
4.1.1 Connect the device to power supply ............................................................................................ 15
4.2 PC/LAPTOP AND NAVI-B-H BLUETOOTH™ CONNECTION.......................................................... 15
4.2.1 How to evaluate the NAVI-B-H connected to PC/Laptop........................................................... 18
4.3 POCKED PCS BLUETOOTH™ CONNECTION .................................................................................. 20
4.3.1 Using the Bluetooth™ GPS Receiver.......................................................................................... 23
5 TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................24
6 HOUSING .........................................................................25
7 RF EXPOSURES..............................................................26
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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Version history:
Version number Author Change
1.00 Fadil Beqiri Initial version
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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Information furnished herein by FALCOM are accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Please, read carefully the safety precautions. If you have any technical questions regarding this document or the product described in it, please contact your vendor. General information about FALCOM and its range of products are available at the following internet address: http://www.falcom.de/
Some mentioned products are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The FALCOM NAVI-B-H user’s guide is copyrighted by FALCOM GmbH with all rights reserved. No part of this user guide may be produced in any form without the prior written permission of FALCOM GmbH.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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0 Introduction
0.1 General about NAVI-B-H
The NAVI-B-H is a new GPS receiver, integrated with Bluetooth™ technology and includes a GPS software with data-logging functionality, which can be locally configured and adapted to the user requirements. With its ultra-low power consumption, it is an outstanding quality and performance as well as an excellent navigational and positioning aid tool when used with a GPS Mapping software installed on Bluetooth™-enabled devices, such as PC, laptop, or Pocked PC. The FALCOM NAVI-B-H has an integrated temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO). Due to the higher stability of frequency it offers a high-improved performance. Therefore, you have a high-capacity navigation system, which connects your Bluetooth™-enabled device with the performance of an intelligent and dynamic destination guidance. The embedded Class 2 Bluetooth™ transceiver is capable of communicating with any Serial Port Profile Bluetooth™ device, within a 10m radius. The NAVI-B-H in communication with your installed GPS Mapping software on the Bluetooth™-enabled device points you the way comfortably and reliably from the current location A to your desired destination B. In this way you also stay for longer distances always on the optimal course and arrive your destination point comfortable and ease. The embedded high-sensitivity internal GPS and Bluetooth™ antenna allow you to navigate freely, no more than two wires for connections to the external supply voltage are available. The NAVI-B-H is an equipment that can be used in a variety of applications including:
Navigation and positioning Finding streets and routes Travel planning Fleet tracking and management and many others … .
The data-logger functionality as an enhancement feature of the firmware
2.32 builds a fundamental component, which in combination with the excellent hardware performance makes the NAVI-B-H to be on the top of applications where the tracking systems are required. The concept of the firmware version 2.32 is based on a simple implementation for a wide range of applications such as vehicle tracking, transport systems, road-verifying systems etc. Using the data-logger application the NAVI-B-H GPS receiver is capable of saving up to 70.000 position records in the on-board FLASH memory section. For more information about the data-logger functionality, refer to the separated released documentation, see [1], available on the Falcom website: www.falcom.de
> Service > Downloads and select the JP7-
T item from the selection box.
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0.2 Related documents
1. JP7-T_family_datalogger_functionality.pdf
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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1 Security
This chapter contains important information for the safe and reliable use of the NAVI-B-H. Please, read this chapter carefully before starting to use the NAVI-B-H.
1.1 General information
The Global Positioning System uses satellite navigation, an entirely new concept in navigation. GPS has become established in many areas, for example, in civil aviation or deep-sea shipping. The GPS system is operated by the government of the United States of America, which also has sole responsibility for the accuracy and maintenance of the system. The system is constantly being improved and may entail modifications effecting the accuracy and performance of the GPS equipment.
1.2 Restricted use
Certain restrictions on the use of the NAVI-B-H may have to be observed on board a plane, in hospitals, public places or government institutions, laboratories etc. Follow these instructions.
1.3 Children
Do not allow children to play with the NAVI-B-H. It is not a toy and children could hurt themselves or others. The NAVI-B-H consists of many small parts, which can come loose and could be swallowed by small children. Thoughtless handling can damage the NAVI-B-H.
1.4 Driving and safety
Do not place (mount) the device on the parts that will obstruct the sight of the driver. Do not place (mount) the device on the parts that block any safety device (such as the Airbag, pedals, accessory controls and any others) in your vehicle. Your own personal judgment has always priority while you driving, if the user of FALCOM NAVI-B-H feels that the instructions of navigation software place you in an unsafe area, then use your personal judgment according to traffic regulations and do not follow those instructions. The NAVI-B-H is designed to be installed inside the vehicle. Do not place or install the NAVI-B-H on the vehicle roof (outdoor). Please, do not handle the NAVI-B-H while driving. Safety to traffic has always priority! Please use the FALCOM NAVI-B-H only in such a way that you always keep control of your vehicle in all traffic conditions, especially when the vehicle is moving.
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1.5 General care and maintenance
In order to ensure the best performance of your FALCOM NAVI-B-H, please, remind the following helpful tips:
Keep your FALCOM NAVI-B-H dry. Do not expose to rain, water, or
high humidity environments.
This confidential document is the property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
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+ 18 hidden pages