This document is available at http://www.falcom.de/
GSM / GPRS / GPS / Bluetooth device
Operational description
Version 1.00, 24/04/2006

Mambo Operational Description Version 1.00
Based on the GSM/GPRS and state-of-art GPS technology for satellite
navigation, FALCOM introduces a new powerful pocket size device with a standalone software system for personal safety and security as well as asset monitoring.
FALCOM MAMBO consists of the GSM/GPRS engine, 20-channel GPS receiver,
Bluetooth™ class 2.0 and a 3-D motion detector (in the state of inactivity it can be
set into the low power mode) as an all-in-one solution.
FALCOM MAMBO is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on the three
frequencies either GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz or GSM 850/1800/1900 MHz. The
integrated GPS receiver architecture based on the SiRFstarIII chipset, provides more
than enough precise location information using satellite signals to enable it to track
people wherever they are in the world. With its integral housing, compact design,
ultra-low power consumption, easy-to-carry and easy-to-use, it is an outstanding
quality, high-performance, operating as a stand-alone device ideally suited for
personal security, asset management and automotive applications as well. The
configurable internal firmware is a fundamental component, which in combination
with the excellent hardware performance makes the FALCOM MAMBO device to be
the best application where the fleet management and personal security today are
required. Operating as a stand-alone personal security device, manufactured in a
form factor 85 mm x 59 mm x 25 mm and weighing less than 120 grams with battery,
it can be easily fit in a jacket pocket (e.g. into a child's pocket). Ease-of-use is
ensured with just three touch-buttons and three LEDs. Each LED includes threedifferent lighting colors. Each Button and LED is free-configurable. Based on the
internal firmware all Buttons and LEDs can be adjusted to the user requirements.
Depending on the user-defined configuration, each touch-button can execute
more than one action (voice call, TCP packets, SMS generation etc.). In the event of
emergency, the person carrying the device can contact a range of services by
pressing just a button. Upon button activation, the equipment uses the GPS signals to
define its accurate position, and it sends a SMS message with its location information
or it performs a voice call to one of the predefined numbers via the GSM network.
With the help of the implemented TCP/IP protocol, FALCOM MAMBO (person who
carrying it) can be continually tracked and monitored live from any Internet
connection point around the world.
FALCOM MAMBO provides Geofence features, which can be used for territory
management, route verification, prohibited locations, and more. Once a Geofence
area is manually set-up, the device automatically notifies the destination number via
SMS, Voice or Data calls or TCP, if the person carrying it enters into and/or leaves the
pre-defined area(s).
The FALCOM MAMBO contains a History function which enables it to archive unique
locations in sequence for up to 45 days long (for example, archive interval up to 20
sec.) and at a later time the history data can be downloaded either locally via
Bluetooth or over-air GSM network or TCP-connection for further evaluation.
Additionally, the FALCOM MAMBO is also a high-capacity navigation system, an
intelligent and dynamic destination guidance that allows you to navigate freely
without the hassle of messy wire connections. The integrated Class 2 Bluetooth™
transceiver in the FALCOM MAMBO is capable to communicate with any Serial Port
Profile Bluetooth™ device and to transmit its data within a 10m radius. The FALCOM
MAMBO in communication with your installed GPS Mapping software on the
Bluetooth™-enabled device points you the way comfortably and reliably from the
current location A to your desired destination B.
This confidential document is a property of FALCOM GmbH and may not be copied or circulated without previous permission.
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