FALCOM JP7-T Series, JP7-T, JP7-TB, JP7-TC-1, JP7-TC-2 Hardware Description

This document is available at HTTP://WWW.FALCOM.DE/ .
JP7-T Family
Hardware description
Version 1.02
0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................5
0.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................ 5
0.2 SCOPE OF THE USERS MANUAL ...................................................................................................... 6
0.3 USED ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................... 7
0.4 RELATED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 7
0.5 ORDER OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................. 8
1 SECURITY .........................................................................9
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 RESTRICTED USE............................................................................................................................. 9
1.3 CHILDREN ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 OPERATION/ANTENNA .................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD)............................................................................................. 10
2 SAFETY STANDARDS ...................................................11
3 GPS BASICS PRINCIPLE ..............................................12
3.1 SIGNAL PROCESSING OPERATION ................................................................................................. 12
4 TECHNICAL DATA........................................................13
5.1 NORMAL OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 TRICKLE POWER OPERATION ....................................................................................................... 15
5.3 PUSH-TO-FIX MODE ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 NMEA INPUT MESSAGE FOR TRICKLE POWER MODE................................................................... 16
6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .......................................19
6.1 RECEIVER ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................... 19
6.2 DESCRIPTION OF GPS RECEIVING SIGNALS................................................................................... 20
6.3 START-UP MODES ........................................................................................................................ 20
6.3.1 Cold start...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.3.2 Warm start ................................................................................................................................... 21
6.3.3 Hot start ....................................................................................................................................... 21
6.4 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 21
6.5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................................................................................................... 22
6.5.1 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 22
6.6 HARDWARE INTERFACE ................................................................................................................ 24
6.7 BALLS ASSIGNMENT OF THE JP7-TB............................................................................................. 25
6.8 PIN ASSIGNMENT OF THE 50-PIN CONNECTOR ............................................................................... 28
6.8.1 Configuration and timing signals................................................................................................. 30
6.8.2 Serial communication signals ...................................................................................................... 31
6.8.3 DC input signals .......................................................................................................................... 32
6.8.4 General purpose input/output....................................................................................................... 33
7 SOFTWARE INTERFACE.............................................34
7.1 SIRF BINARY DATA MESSAGE....................................................................................................... 34
7.2 NMEA DATA MESSAGE ................................................................................................................ 36
7.2.1 NMEA output messages .............................................................................................................. 37
7.2.2 NMEA input messages ................................................................................................................ 37
7.2.3 Transport Message....................................................................................................................... 38
8 MECHANICAL DRAW .................................................. 39
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9 LAYOUT RECOMMENDATION..................................42
9.1 GROUND PLANES .......................................................................................................................... 42
9.2 RF CONNECTION........................................................................................................................... 42
10 FIRST STEPS TO MAKE IT WORK............................45
11 APPENDIX .......................................................................48
11.1 BOARD-TO-BOARD CONNECTOR ................................................................................................... 48
11.2 RF CONNECTOR............................................................................................................................ 48
11.3 FIRMWARE INTERFACE ................................................................................................................. 49
11.4 XTRAC FIRMWARE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 49
11.4.1 SiRFXTrac2 firmware default settings........................................................................................ 49
11.4.2 Order options ............................................................................................................................... 50
Version history
Version number Author Changes
1.00 Fadil Beqiri Initial version
1.01 Fadil Beqiri - The signal names of serial ports updated
- New section 11.4 “XTrac software
description” added.
- CheckSum calculation added
- A complete update implemented.
1.02 Fadil Beqiri - Chapter 11.3 updated.
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Information furnished herein by FALCOM is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Also the information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Please, read carefully the safety precautions. If you have any technical questions regarding this document or the product described in it, please contact your vendor. General information about FALCOM and its range of products is available at the following internet address: http://www.falcom.de/
Some mentioned products are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The JP7-T family hardware description and user’s guide are copyrighted by FALCOM GmbH with all rights reserved. No part of this user’s guide may be produced in any form without the prior written permission of FALCOM GmbH.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
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0 Introduction
0.1 General
This description is focussed on the GPS receiver of the FALCOM JP7-T family from FALCOM GmbH. The JP7-T family is an excellent device designed and supports a wide variety of solutions regarding to the customer fulfilment, the wide variety of the JP7-T family offers easy integration in the various way on the user independent application platform. Regarding to the JP7-T family (which contains JP7-T, JP7-TB, JP7-TC-1(-2)) concept, there are three different GPS receiver with different options. This manual contains information about purpose and use of the GPS receivers included into the FALCOM JP7-T family. Please read this manual very carefully to avoid any mistakes and to secure an optimal use of the devices. Each GPS receiver into the JP7-T family is a single-board 12 parallel channel receiver intended as a component for OEM products. The FALCOM JP7-T family is based and advanced on the Falcom JP7 GPS receiver which delivers major advancement in GPS performance, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility without modification regarding to the receiver form factor and pin-out. Each GPS receiver of the FALCOM JP7-T family has an integrated temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO). Due to the higher stability of frequency it offers a high improved performance. Additionally, a TCXO accept the condition for use the SiRFXTrac2 firmware. The JP7- T family using SiRFXTrac2 firmware is able to track the GPS signals an extremely small level by 16 dBHz. In addition, higher sensitivity allows it more flexibility on the its design, the placement of the antenna and the selection of the kind of antenna. The GPS receiver continuously tracks all satellites in view, thus providing accurate satellite position data. The highly integrated digital receiver uses the SiRFstarII-Low Power chipset. The internal GPS software completes the package providing flexible system architecture for standalone GPS based products. In order to save space on the application platform, the Falcom JP7-T family comes as an extremely slim and compact module. This makes it ideally suited for a broad range of mobile computing devices, and particularly offers easy integration with smart phones, PDAs, and other handhelds. The FALCOM JP7-T family is also designed to be an entire product such as an AVL tracking unit, handheld GPS. Please consult SiRF (www.sirf.com SiRFstarII-Low Power chipset.
) for special information about the
Figure 1: The FALCOM JP7-T family GPS receiver (top, side and bottom view)
Users are advised to proceed quickly to the chapter "Security" and read the hints carefully to secure its optimal use.
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0.2 Scope of the user’s manual
This document describes the hardware interface and the technical specifications of the JP7-T. It is also the preliminary data sheet for the electrical and mechanical device application design. As far as JP7-T family concept is concerned, there are three different JP7-T GPS Receiver Modules available. The difference between these receivers can be recognised by looking on the bottom side of the module (see attached picture on the chapter 0.5 “Order option”). To choose a unit it depends on the customer requirements:
JP7-T JP7-TB JP7-TC-1 JP7-TC-2
RF Part
TCXO 25.5535 MHz 25.5535 MHz 25.5535 MHz 25.5535 MHz
antenna power
built in built in built in built in
RF connector Not available Not available
Digital Part
Connector Not available Not available
Balls Not available
48-Balls are
plug antenna
connector from
50-pin, Hirose
DF12C, Board-To-
Board connector
Not available Not available
Solder pads, only
50-pin, Hirose
DF12C, Board-
To-Board connector
In this manual user will not find separately description for each option of devices. The interfaces, pin-out and some application’s example are the same for all devices.
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0.3 Used abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
DGPS Differential GPS
DOP Dilution of Precision
GPS Global Positioning System
GGA GPS Fixed Data
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
NMEA National Maritime Electronics Association
PRN Pseudo - Random Noise Number – The Identity of GPS satellites
RF Radio Frequency
RP Receive Protocol
RTC Real Time Clock
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
SDI Data input
SDO Data output
SA Selective Availability
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
MSK Minimum Shift Keying
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PRN Pseudo-random noise
IF Intermediate Frequency
A/D Analog/Digital
0.4 Related documents
[1.] SiRF binary and NMEA protocol specification;
[2.] SiRF-demo software and manual;
http://www.falcom.de/service/downloads/manual/SiRF/SiRFdemo.pdf http://www.falcom.de/service/downloads/manual/SiRF/SiRFdemo.zip
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0.5 Order options
Before you start up the receiver, make sure that your package includes the following items. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your vendor immediately. According to your requirements you can choose the desired unit. In the figure below the available components are marked with red colour. (In order to have a clearly view and to detect the required option of JP7-T family imaged below, please print this page with a colour printer.)
The table below contains the order options of JP7-T family.
Name Options
JP7-T 30-pin out on the left and right side of JP7-T are available for use
JP7-TB 48 Balls are available for use
A 50-pin connector and a RF connector are
available for use
A 50-pin connector and solder pads for an antenna
cable are available for use.
There is no antenna cable included in the delivery
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1 Security
This chapter contains important information for the safe and reliable use of the GPS receiver. Please read this chapter carefully before starting to use the GPS receiver.
1.1 General information
The Global Positioning System uses satellite navigation, an entirely new concept in navigation. GPS has become established in many areas, for example, in civil aviation or deep-sea shipping. It is making deep inroads in vehicle manufacturing and before long everyone of us will use it this way or another. The GPS system is operated by the government of the United States of America, which also has sole responsibility for the accuracy and maintenance of the system. The system is constantly being improved and may entail modifications effecting the accuracy and performance of the GPS equipment.
1.2 Restricted use
Certain restrictions on the use of the GPS receiver may have to be observed on board a plane, in hospitals, public places or government institutions, laboratories etc. Follow these instructions.
1.3 Children
Do not allow children to play with the GPS receiver. It is not a toy and children could hurt themselves or others. The GPS receiver consists of many small parts which can come loose and could be swallowed by small children. Thoughtless handling can damage the GPS receiver.
1.4 Operation/antenna
Operate the GPS receiver with an antenna connected to it and with no obstruction between the receiver and the satellite. Make absolutely sure that the antenna socket or antenna cable is not shorted as this would render the GPS receiver disfunctional. Do not use the receiver with a damaged antenna. Replace a damaged antenna without delay. Use only a manufacturer-approved antenna. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna with your GPS receiver. Antennas from other manufacturers which are not authorized by the supplier can damage the GPS receiver. Technical modifications and additions may contravene local radio­frequency emission regulations or invalidate the type approval.
Authorized GPS antennas: FAL-ANT-3 (active antenna)
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1.5 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
The JP7-T family GPS receiver contains class 1 devices. The following Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions are recommended:
- Protective outer garments.
- Handle device in ESD safeguarded work area.
- Transport device in ESD shielded containers.
- Monitor and test all ESD protection equipment.
- Treat the JP7-T family GPS receiver as extremely sensitive to ESD.
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2 Safety standards
The GPS receiver meets the safety standards for RF receivers and the standards and recommendations for the protection of public exposure to RF electromagnetic energy established by government bodies and professional organizations, such as directives of the European Community, Directorate General V in matters of radio frequency electromagnetic energy.
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3 GPS basics principle
3.1 Signal Processing Operation
The JP7-T family is designed to use L1 Frequency (C/A Code). The module is separated into four major parts: RF frequency down-converter, digital
baseband demodulation, embedded ARM microprocessor and internal GPS software stored on-board (8 MBits) Flash-Memory. The RF frequency
conversion and the baseband demodulation are executed by hardware while the embedded ARM processor computes the GPS Position, Velocity and Time solution employing the internal GPS software.
The purpose of the RF circuitry is to reinforce the very weak (-
130dBm nominal) GPS signal, filters it and down-converts it to an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of 9.45MHz for digital processing. The JP7-T family architecture relies on the high level of integration in the RF part to significantly reduce part count and circuit complexity. The IF filter is built-in as well.
The digital baseband demodulator takes the quantified GPS signal and
detects the individual satellites serial data bit stream, along with the associated pseudo range. This action consists of removing spread spectrum and Doppler frequency components of the signal to obtain the serial data messages.
The embedded ARM processor monitors channel allocation, extracts
the raw satellite tracking data, computes the position and time solution and sends it on a serial port for high level applications to use or process it locally. Support functions for the microprocessor include real-time clock and reset pulse generator circuits.
The internal GPS software monitors and allocate channels, computes
the Position, Velocity and Time using the pseudo-range of the satellites and reformat the data to be output at the serial interface or used locally. The internal GPS software is a tasking based architecture driven by the 100ms interrupt generated by GSP2e internal hardware.
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4 Technical data
- OEM single board 12 channel GPS receiver
- size: JP7-T : 25,4 x 25,4 x 3 mm (L x B x H)
JP7-TB : 25,4 x 25,4 x 3.3 mm (L x B x H) JP7-TC-1 : 25,4 x 25,4 x 5.2 mm (L x B x H) JP7-TC-2 : 25,4 x 25,4 x 5.2 mm (L x B x H)
- weight: JP7-T : 2,5 g (without shielding)
JP7-TB : 2,5 g (without shielding) JP7-TC-1 : 2,5 g (without shielding) JP7-TC-2 : 2,5 g (without shielding)
- Casing: Fully shielded
- 8Mbit FLASH memory
- operating voltage: +3.3 V DC ±5 %
- power consumption: 220 mW (continuous mode with Low
Power chipset)
- temperature range: -40 to +85 °C (operation, transportation
and storage)
- protocol: SDI1/ SDO1:
NMEA 9600 baud, Msg.: GLL, GGA, RMC,
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit SDI2/ SDO2: RTCM, 9600 baud
- trickle power mode: The default Mode of FALCOM JP7-T is
continuous Mode, but the user can set FALCOM JP7-T into the Trickle Power Mode via input command message. The FALCOM JP7-T family enters the trickle power mode corresponding to figure 2 (
ms OFF Time and 200 ms ON Time
valid GPS data are available. As a result the average power consumption is reduced by approximately 80 % (approximately 150 mW). The settings for the trickle power mode can be modified by using the SiRFstar demo software. For example if the FALCOM JP7-T is configured to enter the OnTime mode each 10 s for a duration of 200 ms the
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) as soon as
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average power consumption can be reduced up to approx. 95 % (approx. 15 mW, ca. 4,8 mA at Vcc=3.3 V). For more details see chapter 4 “Operating modes”.
Figure 2: Example for the trickle power mode of FALCOM JP7-T family
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5 Description of operating modes
There are three basic operating in which the JP7-T family operates during use. Each mode is used to accomplish a different task during the process of acquiring and maintaining the GPS information. The Falcom JP7-T family designs include all the functionality necessary to implement the three different modes of operation. The default mode of JP7-T family is normal mode (continuous mode). Three different operating modes are described below. Additionally, two of them are designed as low-power mode consumption such as the Trickle Power mode and Push-To-Fix mode.
5.1 Normal Operation
In this default implementation of normal mode the JP7-T family is fully powered and performs the function of signal search, acquisition, measurement and satellite tracking. The amount of time spent in the initial full power is dependent on the start condition that applies the number of satellites for which the ephemeris must be collected and the time to calibrate the RTC as well as the location of the GPS antenna (which it must have an unobstructed view to the sky in order to receive the satellite radio transmissions). When the JP7-T family has been locked-on to at least four satellites, the receiver is able to calculate its current positions. In this mode the JP7-T family is fully powered and satellite searching, initial acquisition, initial position calculation and tracking measurements functions are always performed. In order to reduce the start up time of the receiver it is preferable to be connected to an external back up battery, so that the RTC is running during the power interrupt. The backup power is required for retention of SRAM memory and maintaining the Real-Time-Clock. The validity of data stored in SRAM is kept due to RTC keeps running and these data will be needed on the next power up scenario.
5.2 Trickle Power Operation
In the Trickle Power mode, power is still applied to the JP7-T family, but the GPS engine is shut off and RF circuits are powered down. The Trickle Power mode provides a method of operating the JP7-T family in a user programmable duty cycle, consisting of a receiver measurement on time tracking and an interval of position update, thereby reducing the average power consumption over a period of time. The transition into the Trickle Power mode of JP7-T family can be implemented and configured by using the Set Operating Mode command in SiRFdemo. Between two on time tracking periods the JP7-T family sets itself in the sleep phase in other word into the low power consumption. The transition from sleep mode of JP7-T family back to the on time tracking is generated through the internal RTC which transmits a wakeup signal to the GPS engine to switch it on as well the RF circuit is powered on. The JP7-T is waked up and begins to acquire the on view satellites. In order to reduce the start up time of the receiver for the next power up is preferable to connect an external back up battery, so that the RTC is running during the power interrupt and the required data and the Trickle Mode configuration are kept from previous operation. If the
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