Preliminary Information
Functional Description
The TMB22153AMS100 is designed to demonstrate the
performance of the TMC22x5yA Digital Video Decoder. For
complete descriptions of the TMC22x5yA, TMC2072,
TMC1185, and TMC2242 please refer to part datasheets.
The TMB22153AMS100 is designed to be used in
conjunction with other Fairchild demo boards, namely the
TMC2069P7C DAC, and TMB2193MS100 encoder boards.
The 96 pin edge connectors plug easily into each other.
When used together, the boards demonstrate a high
performance 10-bit digital video decoding system.
TMC22x5yA Digital Video Decoder
The TMC22x5yA accepts digitized video input on two
10-bit buses, “YOVER[9:0]” and “COVER[9:0]”. Based on
the status of its control registers, it then outputs the data to
the output edge connector of the board in a variety of
formats. Please see Table 1 for a listing of board default
video standards and output formats that are loadable to the
control registers.
After the TMC22x5yA control registers have been initially
loaded by the microcontroller, subsequent changes to the
control registers may be made through the R-bus interface
and Raydemo software.
It is important that the control registers be loaded correctly in
order to obtain the desired output. Once the control registers
have been set to output the correct data from the
TMC22x5yA, then several board switches must also be
correctly configured in order to obtain the desired output.
TMC2072 Genlocking Video Digitizer
The TMC2072 Genlocking Video Digitizer accepts analog
composite data through the composite input BNC on the left
side of the board. A 20MHz clock crystal provides the Genlock with an input clock. The TMC2072 outputs horizontal
and vertical syncs, and a 27MHz clock. The clock is used to
drive the Decoder and EPLD. Like the TMC22x5yA, the
Genlock part must be programmed at startup. Instructions on
how to do this are in the “Microcontroller” section of this
An Altera EPF10K10TC144-4 EPLD executes several
essential board functions. The EPLD serves as a buffer and
multiplexer for data buses and a register for several important control signals. These signals may be cross-referenced
to the included schematics. The EPLD control registers may
be modified using the Raydemo software. The Raydemo
EPLD R-bus address is 0000001. For a more complete
description or specification of signals going to or coming
from the TMC22x5yA and TMC2072, please refer to the
Fairchild Semiconductor Data Book (also available on CDROM) or the website at
An Atmel 89C55 microcontroller is used to program the
TMC22x5yA and TMC2072 registers. The microcontroller
programs the parts through the R-bus at power up and reprograms them each time the “Reset” button is pushed. Please
see Table 1 on the next page for a description of available
microcontroller-programmed board configurations.
Table 1. TMB22153AMS100 Demonstration Board Video Standard Selection
Input Format Video Standard Output Format
0000 composite NTSC YUV
0010 composite NTSC D1
0011 Y/C NTSC D1
0100 composite NTSC RGB
0101 composite, field-based NTSC YUV
0110 composite, field-based NTSC D1
0111 composite, frame-based NTSC YUV
1000 composite PAL YUV
1001 Y/C PAL YUV
1010 composite PAL D1
1011 Y/C PAL D1
1100 composite PAL RGB
1101 composite, field-based PAL YUV
1110 composite, field-based PAL D1
1111 reserved