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Mode and Status Registers (Continued)
This register cont ains both mod e and status bits. Bits 4 –7
are status bits only. Bit 3 is a status bit d uring rea d operations and a mode bit during writ e operations. Bits 0–2 are
mode bits only. Upon RST
low, or a synchronous reset, the
value placed in MO DE2 is 10111000 (Rea d mode ). Lat che s
used to update status bits 3–7 retain their last state upon
and are in an “unknown” state after power-up. To initialize the latches to a known state, they need to be
updated using the Update Status bit (bit 2) or continuous
update bit (bit 3).
• Bit 7: Set high if the TDO shifter/ buffer is not full,
i.e., one or both 8-bit TDO FI FOs are ready to
be written to.
• Bit 6: Set hig h if the TDI shifter/buffer is not empty,
i.e., one or both 8-bit T DI FIFOs are re ady to
be read from.
• Bit 5: Set high if the 32-bit counter has not been
loaded, or has reached terminal count.
• Bi t 4: Set h igh if the TMS0 shifter/buffer is not full,
i.e., one or both 8-bi t TMS0 FIFOs are rea dy
to be written to.
• Bit 3 (Read Cycle):
Set high if the TMS1 shi fter/buffer is not full,
i.e., one or both 8-bi t TMS1 FIFOs are rea dy
to be written to.
• Bit 3 (Write Cycle):
If set, will cause all status bits to be continuously updated.
• Bit 2 (Read Cycle):
Shows the state of the Continuous Update bit
during read operations (Bit 3 during writes).
• Bit 2 (Write Cycle):
If set, will cause a pulse to be issued internally
that will update all status bits. This bit will be
reset upon completion of th e pulse. T he state
of this bit is not readable. It is rese t upo n R ST
• Bit 1: If set, will cause a synchronous reset of all
functions except the parallel interface. The
value of this bit will return to zero when t he
reset operation is complete.
• Bit 0: If set, will cause the 32-bit counter to count for
one SCK cycle (no TCK cycle will be generated). The value of this bit will return to zero
when the single step operation is complete.
Because certain mo de bit s enable shift o perations for certain functions, these mode bits should not be changed
when shift operati ons are in prog ress . The a lignm ent o f al l
registers during shift operations is controlled by a 3-bit
counter in the TCK control block . Enabling or disabling a
function in the middle of a shi ft operation may dis rupt the
logic necessary to keep all shifter/buffers byte-aligned.
For example, if the TDO shi fter/buffer (already loaded) i s
enabled while the 3 -b it cou nte r value is 3, the shifter /bu ffer
will only shift out only five bits of the first byte loaded.
The following bits should not be changed when shift operations are in progress, i.e. , when TCK is enab led (see section on TCK Control).
• MODE0(7:3)
• MODE1(4:3)
• MODE2(0)
Parallel Processor Interface (PPI)
The following table defines which r egister is selected for
access with the address lines, A(2:0).
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bi t 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Not Not Not Not Continuous Update Single
Used Used Used Used Update Status Reset Step
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
TDO TDI CNT32 TMS0 TMS1 Continuous Single
Status Status Status Status Status Update Reset Step
A2 A1 A0 R/W Function
0 0 0 0 TDO Shifter/Buffer
0 0 0 1 Counter Register 1
0 0 1 0 TDI Shifter/Buffer
0 0 1 1 TDI Shifter/Buffer
0 1 0 0 TMS0 Shifter/Buffer
0 1 0 1 Counter Register 2
0 1 1 0 TMS1 Shifter/Buffer
0 1 1 1 Counter Register 3
1 0 0 0 32-Bit Counter
1 0 0 1 Counter Register 0