Fairchild Semiconductor SCAN18374TSSC, SCAN18374TSSCX Datasheet

© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS010963 www.fairchildsemi.com
October 1991 Revised May 2000
SCAN18374T D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs
SCAN18374T D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs
General Description
The SCAN18374T is a h igh speed, low-pow er D-type flip­flop featuring separate D-ty pe inp uts org an iz ed into dual 9­bit bytes with byte-oriented clock and output enable control signals. This device is compliant with IEEE 1149.1 Stan­dard Test Access Port and BOUNDARY-SCAN Architec­ture with the incorporation of the defined BOUNDARY­SCAN test logic and test access port consisting of Test Data Input (TDI), Test Data Out (TDO), Test Mode Select (TMS), and Test Clock (TCK).
IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Compliant
Buffered positive edge-triggered cl ock
3-STATE outputs for bus-oriented applications
9-bit data busses for parity applications
Reduced-swing outputs source 32 mA/sink 64 mA
Guaranteed to drive 50
transmission line to TTL input
levels of 0.8V and 2.0V
TTL compatible inputs
25 mil pitch SSOP (Shrink Small Outline Package)
Includes CLAMP and HIGHZ instructions
Member of Fairchild’s SCAN Products
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Connection Diagram Pin Descriptions
Tru th Tables
H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Immaterial Z = High Impedance
= L-to-H Transition
Order Number Package Number Package Description
SCAN18374TSSC MS56A 56-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP), JEDEC MO-118, 0.300 Wide
Pin Names Description
, BI
Data Inputs ACP, BCP Clock Pulse Inputs AOE
3-STATE Output Enable Inputs AO
, BO
3-STATE Outputs
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Functional Description
The SCAN18374 consists of two sets of nine edge-trig­gered flip-flops with individual D-type inputs and 3-STATE true outputs. The buffered clock and buffered Output Enable pins are co mmon to all flip-flops. Each set of the nine flip-flops will store the state of their individual D inputs that meet the setup and hold time requirements on the
LOW-to-HIGH Clock (ACP or BCP) transition. With the Output Enable (AOE
or BOE1) LOW, the contents of the
nine flip-flops are available at the outputs. When the Output Enable is HIGH, the outputs go to the high impedance state. Operation of the Output Enable inp ut does not affect the state of the flip-flo ps.
Logic Diagram
Please note that this diagram is provided only for the understanding of logic operations and should not be used to estimate propagation delays.
Block Diagrams
Note: BSR stands for Boun dary Scan Register
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Block Diagrams (Continued)
Tap Controller
Note: BSR stands for Bounda ry Sc an Register
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Description of Boundary-Scan Circuitry
The scan cells used in the BOUNDARY-SCAN register are one of the follow ing two types depending upon their loca­tion. Scan cell TYPE1 is intended to solely observe system data, while TYPE2 has the additional ability to control sys­tem data.
Scan cell TYPE1 is located on each system input pin while scan cell TYPE2 is located at each system output pin as well as at each of the two internal active-high output enable signals. AOE controls the activit y of the A-outputs while BOE controls the activity of the B-outputs. Each will acti­vate their respective outputs by loading a logic high.
The BYPASS register is a single bit shift register stage identical to scan cell TYPE1. It captures a fixed logic low.
Bypass Register Scan Chain Definition
Logic 0
The INSTRUCTION register is an eight-bit register which captures the value 00111101.
The two least significant bits of this captured value (01) are required by IEEE Std 1149.1. The upper six bits are unique to the SCAN18374T device. SCAN CMOS Test Access Logic devices do not include the IEEE 1149.1 optional identification register. Therefore, this unique captured value can be used as a pseudo ID code to confirm that the correct device is pla ced in the appropria te location in the boundary scan chain.
Instruction Register Scan Chain Definition
Scan Cell TYPE1
Scan Cell TYPE2
Instruction Code Instruction
00000000 EXTEST 10000001 SAMPLE/PRELOAD 10000010 CLAMP 00000011 HIGHZ All Others BYPASS
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