Fairchild Semiconductor SCAN182373ASSC, SCAN182373ASSCX Datasheet

SCAN182373A Transparent Latch with 25
January 1993 Revised August 2000
Transparent Latch with 25
General Description
The SCAN182373A i s a high performa nce BiCMOS trans­parent latch featur ing separate dat a inputs organized in to dual 9-bit bytes wit h byte-or iented latch enable and output enable control signals. This devi ce is compliant with IEEE
1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture with the incorporation of the defined boundary­scan test logic and test access por t con sistin g of Test Data Input (TDI), Test Data Out (TDO), Test Mode Select (TMS), and Test Clock (TCK).
IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Compliant
High performance BiCMOS technology
series resistor outputs elim inate need for external
terminating resistors
Buffered active-low latch enable
3-STATE outputs for bus-oriented applications
25 mil pitch SSOP (Shrink Small Outline Package)
Includes CLAMP, IDCODE and HIGHZ instructions
Additional instructions SAMPLE-IN, SAMPLE-OUT and
Power up 3-STATE for hot insert
Member of Fairchild’s SCAN Products
Ordering Code:
Order Number
SCAN182373ASSC MS56A 56-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP), JEDEC MO-118, 0.300 Wide
Devices also availab l e in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Package Description
Connection Diagram Pin Descriptions
Pin Names Description
, BI
, BO
1 (0–8)
ALE, BLE Latch Enable Inputs AOE AO
Data Inputs
3-STATE Output Enable Inputs 3-STATE Latch Outputs
Series Resistor Outputs
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Truth Tables
AI (0–8)
H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Immaterial Z = High Impedance
Functional Description
The SCAN182373A consists of two sets of nine D-type latches with 3-STATE standard outputs. When the Latch Enable (ALE or BLE) input is HIGH, data on the inputs (AI
or BI
) enters the latches. In this condition the
latches are transparent, i.e., a latch output will change state each time its inp ut changes. When Latch Enable is LOW, the latches store the information that was presen t on
Logic Diagram
AO (0–8)
Inputs †BOE
BI (0–8)
BO (0–8)
AO0 = Previous AO before H-to-L transition of ALE BO
= Previous BO before H-to-L transition of BLE
= Inactive-to-ac ti ve tr ans ition must occur to enable outputs upon power-up.
the inputs a set-up t ime prec eding the HIGH-to- LOW tran­sition of the Latch E nable. The 3 -STATE standard outputs are controlled by the Outpu t En able (A OE
or BOE1) input.
When Output Enabl e is LOW, the standard outp uts are in the 2-state mode. When Output E nable is HIGH, the stan­dard outputs are in the high impedance mode, but this does not interfere with entering new data into the latches.
Please note that this diagram is provided only for the understanding of logic operations and should not be used to estimate propagation delays.
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Block Diagrams
Tap Controller
Note: BSR stands for Boundary Sc an Register.
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Description of BOUNDARY-SCAN Circuitry
The scan cells used in the BOUNDARY- SCAN register are one of the foll owing two types depending upon their loca­tion. Scan cell TYPE1 is intended to solely observe system data, while TYPE2 has the additional ability to control sys­tem data.
Scan cell TYPE 1 is located on each system input pin while
scan cell TYPE2 is located at each system output pin as well as at each of the two internal active-high output enable signals. AOE controls the activity of the A-outputs while BOE controls the activity of the B-outputs. Each will acti­vate their respective outputs by loading a logic high.
The BYPASS register is a single bit shift register stage identical to scan cell TYPE1. It captures a fixed logic low.
Bypass Register Scan Chain Definition
SCAN182373A Product IDCODE
(32-Bit Code per IEEE 1149.1)
Version Entity Part Manufacturer Required by
0000 111111 0000001000 00000001111 1
Logic 0
Number ID 1149.1
The INSTRUCTION register is an 8-bit register which cap­tures the default val ue of 10 000001 (SA MPLE/PR ELOAD) during the CAPTURE-IR instr uctio n command . The ben efit of capturing SAMPL E/PRELOAD a s the defau lt instru ction during CAPTURE-IR is that the user is n o longer re quired to shift in the 8-bit instruction fo r SAMP LE/PRELOA D. The sequence of: CAPTURE-IR will update the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction. For more information refer to the section on instruction definitions.
Instruction Register Scan Chain Definition
Instruction Code Instruction
00000000 EXTEST 10000001 SAMPLE/PRELOAD 10000010 CLAMP 00000011 HIGH-Z 01000001 SAMPLE-IN 01000010 SAMPLE-OUT 00100010 EXTEST-OUT 10101010 IDCODE
11111111 BYPASS
All Others BYPASS
Scan Cell TYPE1
Scan Cell TYPE2
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