74F161A • 74F163A
Synchronous Presettable Binary Counter
74F161A • 74F163A Synchronous Presettable Binary Counter
April 1988
Revised July 1999
General Description
The 74F161A and 74F 163A are high-speed synchr onous
modulo-16 binary counte rs. They are synchronously presettable for application in progr ammab le divide rs and have
two types of Count Enable input s plus a Terminal Count
output for versatility in forming synchronous multi-stage
counters. The 74F161A has an asynchronous MasterReset input that overr ides all other inputs and f orces the
outputs LOW. The 74F163A has a Synchronous Reset
input that overrides counting and parallel loading and
allows the outputs to be sim ultaneously reset on the r ising
edge of the clock. The 74 F161A and 74F163A are hig hspeed versions of the 74F161 and 74F163.
■ Synchronous counting and loading
■ High-speed synchronous expan si on
■ Typical count frequency of 120 MHz
Ordering Code:
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74F161ASC M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow
74F161ASJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
74F161APC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
74F163ASC M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow
74F163ASJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
74F163APC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering cod e.
Connection Diagrams
74F161A 74F163A
© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009486 www.fairchildsemi.com

Logic Symbols
74F161A • 74F163A
Unit Loading/Fan Out
Pin Names Description
CEP Count Enable Parallel Input 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
CET Count Enable Trickle Input 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA
CP Clock Pulse Input (Active Rising Edge) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
(74F161A) Asynchronous Master Reset Input (Active LOW) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
(74F163A) Synchronous Reset Input (Active LOW) 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA
TC Terminal Count Output 50/33.3 −1 mA/20 mA
Parallel Data Inputs 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
Parallel Enable Input (Active LOW) 1.0/2.0 20 µA/−1.2 mA
Flip-Flop Outputs 50/33.3 −1 mA/20 mA
Input I
Output I
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Functional Description
The 74F161A and 74F163A count in modulo-16 binary
sequence. From state 15 (HHHH) they increment to state 0
(LLLL). The clock inputs of all flip-flops are driven in parallel through a clock buffer. Thus all changes of the Q outputs
(except due to Master Rese t of the 74F161A) occur as a
result of, and synchron ous with, the LOW-to-H IGH transition of the CP inpu t signal. The circuits hav e four fundamental modes of operation, in order of precedence:
asynchronous reset (74F161A), synchronous reset
(74F163A), parallel load, count-up and hold. Five control
inputs—Master Reset (MR
, 74F163A), Parallel Enable (PE), Count Enable Paral-
lel (CEP) and Count Enable Trickle (CET)—determine the
mode of operation, as show n in the Mode Select Table. A
LOW signal on MR
nously forces all out puts LOW. A LOW sign al on SR
rides counting and parallel loading and allows all outputs to
go LOW on the next rising edge of CP. A LOW signal on PE
overrides counting an d allows information on the Parallel
) inputs to be loaded i nto t he flip -flops o n the n ext
Data (P
, 74F161A), Synchronous Reset
overrides all other inputs and asynchro-
rising edge of CP. With PE
(74F163A) HIGH, CEP and CET permit counting when
both are HIGH. Conversely, a LOW signal on either CEP or
CET inhibits counting.
The 74F161A and 74F163A use D-type edge triggered flipflops and changing the SR
the CP is in either state does not cause errors, pro vided
that the recommended set up and hold times, wit h respect
to the rising edge of CP, are observed.
The Terminal Count (TC) output is HIGH when CET is
HIGH and th e c o un t er is i n s ta te 15 . To impl em en t sy n chr o nous multi-stage counters, the TC outputs can be used
with the CEP and CET in pu ts in t w o d ifferent w ays. Please
refer to the 74F568 data sheet. The TC output is subject to
decoding spikes due to internal race conditions and is
therefore not recommended for use as a clock or asynchronous reset for flip-flops, counters or registers.
Logic Equations: Count Enable = CEP • CET • PE
and MR ('F161A) or SR
, PE, CEP and CET inputs when
TC = Q0 • Q1 • Q2 • Q3 • CET
74F161A • 74F163A
Mode Select Table
(Note 1)
H = HIGH Voltage Level
L = LOW Voltage Level
X = Immaterial
Note 1: For 74F163A only
L X X X Reset (Clear)
H L X X Load (P
H H H H Count (Increment)
H H L X No Change (Hold)
H H X L No Change (Hold)
Block Diagram
Action on the Rising
Clock Edge (
State Diagram
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