Fairchild Semiconductor 74AC191SJX, 74AC191SJ, 74AC191SCX, 74AC191SC, 74AC191PC Datasheet

© 1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS009940 www.fairchildsemi.com
November 1988 Revised November 1999
74AC191 Up/Down Counter with Preset and Ripple Clock
74AC191 Up/Down Counter with Preset and Ripple Clock
General Description
The AC191 is a reversible modulo 16 binary counter. It fea­tures synchronous counting and asynchronous p resetting. The preset featur e allows the AC191 to be us ed in pro­grammable divider s. The C ount Enabl e input , the Terminal Count output and the Rip ple Cloc k output m ake poss ible a variety of methods of implem enting m ultista ge coun ters. In the counting modes, state changes are i nitiated by the ris­ing edge of the clock.
ICC reduced by 50%
High speed—133 MHz typical count frequency
Synchronous counting
Asynchronous parallel load
Outputs source/sink 24 mA
Ordering Code:
Device also available in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending suffix letter “X” to the ordering code.
Logic Symbols
Connection Diagram
Pin Descriptions
FACT is a trademark of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.
Order Number Package Number Package Description
74AC191SC M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow Body 74AC191SJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide 74AC191MTC MTC16 16-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide 74AC191PC N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Pin Names Description
Count Enable Input
CP Clock Pulse Input P
Parallel Data Inputs
Asynchronous Parallel Load Input
Up/Down Count Control Input
Flip-Flop Outputs
Ripple Clock Output
TC Terminal Count Output
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RC T ruth T able
H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Immaterial
= LOW-to-HIGH Transition
= Clock Pulse
Note 1: TC is generated internally
Functional Description
The AC191 is a synchronous up/down counter. The AC191 is organized as a 4-bit binary counter. It contains four edge­triggered flip-flops with internal gating and steering logic to provide individual preset, count-up and count-down opera­tions.
Each circuit has an asynchronous parallel load capability permitting the counter to be preset to any desire d number. When the Parallel Load (PL
) input is LOW, information
present on the Parallel Load inputs (P
) is loaded into
the counter and appears on the Q outputs . This operatio n overrides the counting functions, as indicated in the Mode Select Table.
A HIGH signal on the CE
input inhibits counting. When CE is LOW, internal state changes are initia ted synchro nously by the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the clock input. The direction of counti n g is d ete rmi n ed by th e U
/D input signal,
as indicated in the Mode Select Table. CE
and U/D can be changed with the clo ck in either state, provided only th at the recommended setup and hold times are observed.
Two types of outputs are pro vided as overflow/underflow indicators. The terminal count (TC) output is normally LOW. It goes HIGH when the circuits reach zero in the count down mode or 15 in the cou nt up mode . The TC out­put will then remain HIGH until a state change occurs, whether by counting o r presetting or u ntil U
/D is changed. The TC output should not be used as a clock signal because it is subject to decoding spikes.
The TC signal is also use d internally to enable the Ripple Clock (RC
) output. The RC output is normally HIGH. When
is LOW and TC is HIGH, RC output will go LOW when the clock next goes LOW and will stay LOW until the clock goes HIGH again. This feature simplifies the design of mul­tistage counters, as indi cated in Figure 1 a nd Figure 2. In Figure 1, each RC
output is used as the clock input for the next higher stage. T his configurati on is partic ularly advan­tageous when the clo ck so ur ce has a limited drive ca pa bil ­ity, since it drives only the first stage. To prevent counting in all stages it is only necessary to inhibit the first stage, since a HIGH signal on CE
inhibits the RC output pulse, as indi-
cated in the RC
Truth Table. A disadvantage of this config ­uration, in some applicat ions, is the timing skew between state changes in the f irst and last stages . This represents the cumulative delay of the clock as it ripples through the preceding stages.
A method of causing state changes to occur simulta­neously in all stages is shown in Figur e 2. All clock inputs are driven in pa rallel and the RC
outputs propagate the carry/borrow signals in ripple fashion. In this configuration the LOW state duration of the clock must be long enough to allow the negative -go i ng edg e o f th e carry/borrow signal to
ripple through to the last stage before the clock goes HIGH. There is no such restriction on t he HIGH state duration of the clock, since the RC
output of any device goe s HIGH
shortly after its CP input goes HIGH. The configuration shown in Figure 3 avoids ripple delays
and their associat ed restrictio ns. The CE
input for a given stage is formed by combini ng the TC signals from all the preceding stages. Note that in order to inhibit countin g an enable signal must be in cluded in each carry gate. The simple inhibit scheme of Figure 1 and Figure 2 doesn't apply, because the TC output of a given stage is not affected by its own CE
Mode Select Table
State Diagram
Inputs Outputs
(Note 1)
Inputs Mode
Count Up
Count Down L X X X Preset (Asyn.) H H X X No Change (Hold)
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Functional Description (continued)
FIGURE 1. N-Stage Counter Using Ripple Clock
FIGURE 2. Synchronous N-Stage Counter Using Ripple Carry/Borrow
FIGURE 3. Synchronous N-Stage Counter with Parallel Gated Carry/Borrow
Logic Diagram
Please note that this diagram is provided only for the understanding of logic operations and should not be used to estimate propagation delays.
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