Fagor LFA-75IT User Manual

43Moonachie Rd. Hacke nsa ck, NJ 07 601
The FagorM odel LFA-75IThas several characteristics whichseparateit from the competition. TheseAre:
Time Delay feature
Thi s al lows th e s tart of th e p r o gram to be delayed 24h. Th e Time Delay feature allowsyou to program the dishwasher a t your convenience, savingy ou timeand money.
Error codes onthe display will inform youo f problemswiththedishwasher.
Rinse Aid WarningIndicator
Whent he rinse aids inthe machine begin torun low,an alert on t he panel willb e clearly d ispl ayed informing you to refil l them.T his will ensuret he unit will operate at optim um perform ance .
Stain less Stee l Tub
TheStainlessSteeltubof thedishwasheris made oft ou gh and durable stee l that is resist ant to staining.
6 DishwashingPrograms
Depending onyourcleaningneeds,you canchoose any of the 6 cycles to bet t er cl ean yourdishes.Choose from Heavy, Normal,Eco, Rinse, Glass and Speed.
The manufacturermaymakemodificationswithoutgiving priornotice.
This appliance must begrounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will
reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of less resistance Thisapplianceis equippedwithan equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local code sand ordinances.
to the electrical currents.
Improper connection of the equipment­grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or servi ce representative
the appliance is properly grounded.
that Do not modify the plug providedwith the appliance. contact a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
If the plug does not fit the outlet,
to ensure
Do not abuse, siton, or stand on the door or dish rackof thedishwasher.
Do not touch theheating element during or immediately after use.
Do not wash plastic itemsunless they are marked
dishwasher safe. For plastic check the manufactur recommendations.
Useo nly detergent and rinse a dditives designe d for anautomat ic dishwasher.Neve r use soa p, laundry detergent orh and washing detergent in yourdishwashe r.Keep these products out of reach o f ch il dr e n.
Keep child away from child away from the open door of thedishwasher, there could still be some detergent left inside.
The door should not be left in theo pen pos ition since this coul d present atripp ing hazard.
During inst allat ion , the power suppl y must not beexcessivelyordangero usly bentorflattened.
Do not tamper withinternalcontrols.
Theapplianceis not intendedforuseby young childrenor infirmpersonswithout supervision.
Dishwasher detergents are stronglya lkaline,they can beex tremely dangerous if swallowed.Avoid contac t with skin and eyes and keep children away from the dishwasher when the dooris open.
items not marked,
detergents and rinse aids. Keep
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panelsare properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating,
there is a riskof water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects or stand on the door when it is open as this could damage the door and cause the appliance to tip forward.
When loading items to be washed:
1) L ocate sharp items sothat they arenot likely to damage thedoor seal.
2) L oad sharp knives withthe handles up toreduce theriskof injuries.
When using your di shwashe r, items come incontact with the
If th e cord is damaged , i t m ust b e
powe r supply replacedby service agentor a similarly qualified person.
Plea se d isposeofpacking materialsproperly. Use the dishwasheronlyfor its int ended function. When disposing of an old dishwasher, be sure to
removethe door before discarding. Be sure to keep children away from the dishwasher. Check that t he detergent receptable is em pty after
completion of the wash cycle.
a q ualified
make sure noplastic
heating element.
To get t he best performance from you r dishwasher,re ad allop erating instructions before us ing for the first time.
1 2 3 4 5
1.Displa y window
Inth is screen, yo u will seethe progra m r emaining time, delay time opt ions, the running indicator,the program indicator,High , heat , rinse aids indicator and er ror codes.temperature indicator dry indicator
This optiona llows youto delay the start of a wash cycleby up to24 hours. When the dishwasher ison, press the
displayed Note:Tocan cel t he delay h our option before thewash cycle starts, repeatedly p ress the DELAY buttonu ntil t he display reads“0:00”.
① ②
About theoptions: HI TEMP HEAT
When t he dishwasher is turnedon, you can pr ess the button to select wash cycle.Ali ght on th e display willindic ate which cyclehas been selected.
Pressthe buttonto turn . TheLED whenthe dishwasheris on.theunit onan dbe ginwashing displaywill turnon
button toc hoose the number of hours you wantto delay the startof the wash cycle.The hours will
in the displaywindow.
Press the button, “Hi temp”w ill bes electe d. Press the button twice, the“ Dry”will be selected.
Cycles button
Power button
When the “ Hi Temp” opt ion is selected, t he temperature of thewat er willre ach max.
When the “ Dry” optionis selected, the heater will work during thedry processes.
140°F (60°C)
4 5
Upper Rack
Lower Rack
WaterSo ftener
MainFilter Detergent Dispense r
Cup Shelf
7 8
Cutl ery Basket
Inle t Valve
Junc tion Box
For the loads suchas pots,pans, casseroledishes andplates thathave been sittingwith driedfo odon them for a while.
heaviestor mostsoiled
Pre-W ash Pre-W ash Pre-W ash MainWash (60 ) Rinse Rinse Rinse (60 ) Drying
2:10 6.42
For loads,
normal household
such as , plates,glasses
pots andl ightly soiledpans. Standard
daily cyc le.
For lightlysoiled loadssuch as and
plates, glas ses, bowls
lightly s oiled pans.
Ashorter washfor lightly soiledloads that donot need dr ying.
Delicatecycleonlytobeusedfor dishesand glasses thatneed to ber insed and dried.
For rinsingpartial lo ads that willbe washed later.Do not use detergent with thiscycle. This cycle doesnot include heated dry.
Pre-W ash MainWash (50 ) Rinse Rinse (55 ) Drying
Pre-W ash MainWash (50 ) Rinse Rinse (50 ) Drying
Pre-W ash Pre-W ash MainWash (55 ) Rinse Rinse (55 ) Drying
Pre-W ash MainWash (50 ) Rinse Rinse (50 ) Drying
Pre-W ash Pre-W ash
2:1 0 - 2:20
1:20 4.57
1:30 3.65
0:25 1.93
3.6 5
The inlet water temperature must be120 . If this temperature is not met, the wash pe rformance will be comprom ised.°F
Note: Please useonly the recommenced amount of dishwashing li quid when washing your dishes.
The detergent dispensermu st be refilled befor e the s tart of eachw ash cycle. Pleasefol low the m anual instructions provided inthe" Wash Cycle Table"on page 4 .
Asa rule of thumb, yougene rally only need one tab lespoon of dishwashing detergent for anormal load. F or inst ructions toa dd the detergent justbefo re starting the dishwasher.
more heavily s oiled items please r efer to the on y our detergent packaging. Please make sure
household wash
Please follow the on the back of thed etergent packaging the pr oper amount ofd etergent to u se for the type of loa d y o u h a ve.The amoun t of deterg ent can va ry d e pendi n g on the hardn ess of your w ater.To dete r mine your waterconsi stency, pl ease contact y our local water company. Generally,th e harder thewate r,the more detergent you will need to use.
Please keep dishwashing liquid outof the reachof childrenas itis verydangerous for them toconsu me.
instruction s for
Torem ove hard water try thef ollowi ng s tep s i n this order:
Run dishes througha normal wash program. Remove allmetaldishware, suchas cutlery, pans, etc.,
from th e di shw ash e r.
Donot add detergent. Pour twoc ups of v inegar into a bowland set t he bowl face
up ont he lowerrac k of the dish washer.
Use onlydete rgen t specificallym a def or use indis hwashers. Kee p you r de terge nt fresh an d dry.Pl ease do not store detergent indispenser until readyto use.
Dispenser cap
Adjustable setting
To open the dispenser, turn the capt o the "open" (left) arrow and lift cap up unt i l open. Pourtherinse aidintothedispenser,beingcareful not to overfill. Returnthe capb y insertingit aligned with "open" arrow and turning it to the (right) arrow position."closed"
Ame asured amount of rinse aid is released during the final rinse to assist in rinsing dishes properly, keeping them residue and streak free. A s with detergent, the amount o f rinse aid needed for your dishes depends on the hardness of the water in your area. If you have very soft househ old water, you may need to dilute or omit the rinse aid.
The rinse aid dispenser is designed withfour begin y o ur wash cycles with the
Adjustable setting
dispenserset on . Ifspotsa nd streaks areevident, increase theamountof rinse aid dispensed in the machine by removing the dispenser lid and rotating the dial to . If the dishes still are not drying properly or a re spotted, incr ease the dial to .
setting 2
The rinse aid is released during the final rinse to prevent water from forming droplets on your dishes that can leave spots and streaks. It also improves drying by allowing water to "sheet" off the dishes. Your dishwashers are designed to use liquid rinse aids. The rinse aid dispenser is located inside the door next to the detergent dispenser. To fill the dispenser,open th e cap and pour the rinse aid into the dispenser until the leve l indicator turns completely black. The dispenser holds about 3.4 oz (100 ml) ml of liquid ri nse aid. Be careful not to overfill the dispenser,as this can cause over sudsing of the Wipe away any spills with a damp cloth. Don't forget to replace the dispenser cap before you close the dishwasher door. If your household water is soft, you may not need additional rinse agentsin your water as itmay cause awhitefilm around your dishes.
settings. Please
detergen t in the unit.
setting 3
setting 4
When the di shwasher begins tor un out o f rinse aid,the rinse aid dispenser indicator wi ll show adecre ase in th e size of t he black dot.As t he rinse aidin the dispenser diminishes thesi ze of t he black do t diminishes. You should never let the rinse aid get below 1/4 full.
As the rinse aid diminishes, the size of th e black dot on the rinse aid level indicator chan ges, as illustrated b elow.
Full 3/4full 1/2full 1 /4 full -Shoul d refill to eli minate spotting Empty
Use of the Upper Rack
The upper rack is designed to hold mored elicate and lighter dishware suchas glasses, small plates, smallb owls and shallow pans(as long ast hey aren ot too d irty). Posit ion the dishe s and cookw are so that they do not get moved by the spray of wa te r. The height ofthe upper rack canb e changed by changingthe height of thew heels in the rail .
Small bowls Glasses
Bread a nd butter plates
Useof the LowerRack
We r ecommend that youp lace large items whichar e most d ifficult to cleanon the lowerr ack: pots, pans, l ids, serving dishes and bowls;as shown in the figure
Werecommend placing top spray arm.
Pots, serving bowls, etc., m ust always bep laced Deep potss hould be slanted toallo w water to fl ow out.
The bottom rackfeat ures
serving dishes and lidson the s ide of thera cks inor der toav oid blocking the rotation ofthe
fold over t ine rows that c an be us ed on la rger pots andpa ns.
faci ng do wn.
Bread a ndbutter plates
Saucer s
Dinner plate s
Serving b ow l
Serving pla t e
8 9
Cutle ry bas k e t
Operating the Dishwas her
1. Makesu re theplug isinserted intothe
2. Makesure water supply is turned onto full pressure. Loaddishes, bowls,glasses and/orpots intothedishwas her. Pleaseseethe "LoadingDishwasher"
sec tio n i n t he ma nua l fo r l oad in g a nd ar r ange ment detai ls .
Pourin suggestedamountofdetergent(seeDetergenta nd RinseAidsections forsuggestions).
5. Press t h e he will tur n on.
6. Press button toselecta (
please Heavy, Normal Eco
7. C lose t h e doo r, th e mach i ne wi ll a f ter 10 seconds .
Power Powerindica torlig ht
the Cycles washingpro gram. If youareusing an all-in-onedishwashing pod,
select or program .
of the d ishwa sher proper wal l out le t.
Changinga Was hing Program
1 Oncethe dishwasher hasbegun itscycle, itcanonly bechangedif the dishwashingdetergent hasnot
yetbeen released.If ithas beenreleased, followthe belowinstructions.
2 Press button 3 seconds toSlightlyopen the door tostop the washcycle. and holdthe "Cycle" for
cancel the running cycle. Once the curren t wash cycle has been fully dep rogrammed , refill your detergentdispenser andselectyour newwash cycle(Seethe section entitled" Startinga Wash Cycle " ).
If youope n the doo r , themachine will pause. When youclose the door,during aw ash cycle the machinew ill work ing after 1 0 seconds.continue
On ce the washing cyc le is complete and the dishwa s herhas stop pe d,an alarm wil l go of f f o r a b out 8 se conds in f orming you of cycle completion. Atthatmoment, thedishwasherwillgointo stand-by mode,in whichtheunitisstill on with no program running. We recommend that youmanually shut the unitoff and waitabout 15 minutesbefore unloading y our dishes, giving timeforthedishes tocooloffandfull ydry.
You caneas ily add a dish to the washing c ycle anytime before the detergent cup opensto relea se thedet ergent. Please follo wthe directions below:
washing cycle. Oncethe washingspray armsstopmoving, youcan
open the dishwasher door completely.
Please take cautionw hen opening the dishwasher while inw ashing mode, the water i s extremely hotandmayburnyou.Pleasekeepkidsawayfromthedishwasher whilein washing mode.
Add additional dishes, glasses or cookware onto
the dishwashing rack.
Close the dishwasher door,the washer will continue
its cycleafter 10 seconds.
Fo r y o ur convenience, we ha veplaced t he dra i n p ump and fil t ering s ystem wit hin easy reach inside the tub. There are threec omponent s o f the filtering system: themain filter, thecoar se filter,and the fine filter.
Food particles trapped bythis filter are broken d own by aspeci al jet on the lowers pray arm and wa shed down thedrai n.
Coarse filter
Larger items, such as pieces of boneor glass, that c ould clog the drain ar e trapped in thecoarse filter. To remove a n item caughti n this filter,gently squeeze the tabs on top of this filter and liftit out.
Fine filter
This filter holdsfoo d residue int he sump area preventing itfrom being
redeposited onto thedishes during a cycle.
Protec tingAg ainst Frozen Pump Damage
Itis importan t to protect your pumps from frozenw ater damage caused bythe drop of in ternal home temperature.
If your home temperature goesbelow34 fora long periodof time, you can have icebuild inthelinesandaround
the moto rs. Have you r plumber follow thebelo w steps i f youwa ter pipes°Ffreeze.
1. Cut o fftheelectr i c al powe r t o thedishw as her.
2.Turn offth e w ater supply andd isconnect the water inletpipe from the waterv alve.
3. Dr ai n the wa t erfrom th e inlet pipe and w ater valve. (Use a pant o c a tch the water)
4. Reconnectthe waterinlet pipetothewatervalve.
5. Removethefilter atthebottomofthetubanduse a spongetosoakupwaterinthesump.
If your dis hwasher does not w ork because of ice, please contact professional service persons.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is neces sa r y to clea n the spr ay arm s reg ula rl y in order t o prevent the clogg ing of the jets and bearin gs from hard water che mic als.
To remove the upper s pray arm, turn t he nut clockwise and removethe a rm.
To remove thel ower spray arm, p ull it upward.
Wash the armsin soapy warmwater and use asoftbrush to clean thejet s. Replace th em after rinsing them thoroughly.
Step Turn the filte r and lift it up.
Step Liftthe Main f ilterup
Step Lift t he Fine filter up
counterclockwi se
Please follow steps 1 through 3 in order to remove the filter system. In orderto reinstall, please the steps in reverse orde r.perform
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