For technical support or repairs call: 1.877.743.2467
For general information or inquiries call: 1.800.207.0806
The F agor Model LFA-45X has several characterist ics which separate it fro m the compe tition.
TimeDelay feature
Thisallowsthe start of th eto be
between3/ 6/9/12 hours,
convenience, saving you time andmoney.
The T i me De l ay fea tu re
ErrorAl arm
Error codes o n the d is pl ay will inform y ou of
probl e ms with the dishw as h er.
RinseAid Warning Indicator
When the rinse aids in the mac hin e begin to
run low, an alert on t he panel will be c lea rl y
displayedinforming youto refillthem.
This will ensurethe unit will opera te at
Stain less St eel Tub
TheStainlessS teeltub ofthe dishwasheris
madeof tough and durablesteelthat is
resistantto staining.
6 DishwashingPrograms
Dependingon y our cleaningneeds,you can
chooseanyof the 6pre-programmedcyclesto
bettercleanyourdishes.C hoosefromAll in 1,
Heavy, Normal, Light,Rinseand Speed.
The manufacturer may make modifications without
giving priornotice.
This appliance must be grounded. In the even t
of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will
reduce the risk of electric shock by provid ing a
path of less resistance
This appliance is equipped with an
equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding
plug. The plug mustbe pluggedinto an appropriate
outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance
with all local codes andordinances.
to the electrical currents.
Improper connection of the equipmentgrounding conductor can result in a risk
ofelectric shock.Check with a qualified
electrician or service representative
the appliance is properly grounded.
Do not modify the plug provided with the
contact a qualified electrician to install a proper
If the plug does not fit the outlet,
to ensure
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Donot touch the heating elementduring or
immediately after use.
Do not wash plastic itemsunless they are marked
dishwasher safe.For plastic
check themanufacturrecommendations.
Use onlydetergent andrinseadditivesdesigned
foran automati c dishwas her.Never use s oap,
laundry deterge nt or han d washin g deter gent
in yourdishwasher. Keeptheseproducts out of
reach of chil dren.
Keep child away from
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
The doo r sh ould not be l eft i n theopen p osi ti on
since this couldpresenta trippinghazard.
Duringi nstallation,the power supplymust not
beexcessively o r dange rously bent orfl attened.
Donot tamper with internal controls.
The appliance is notintended for use byy oung
children or in firm person s withou t supervision.
Dishwasher deter gents are stronglyalkaline, they
can be extremel y dangerous ifsw allowed.Avoid
contact with skin and eyes andkeepchildren away
from the dishwasherwhent he door isopen.
items not marked,
detergents and rinse aids. Keep
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properlyin place. Open the
door very caref ully if the dishwasher is operating,
there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects or stand on the door
when it is open as this could damage the door and
cause the appliance to tip forward.
When loadingitems tobe washed:
1)L ocat e sharp it ems so t hat they are not likely to
damage the doorseal.
2)L oad sharpkn ives wit h the handles up to red uce
When using y our di shwasher,
itemscome in contact with the
If thecord is damag ed, i t must b e
power supply
replaced byservice ag ent or a sim ilarly
Please dispo se of packingmaterials pr operly.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
When disposing of an olddishwasher,be sure to
remove the door before discarding.
Be sure to keep children away from the dishwasher.
Checkthat the detergent receptable isempty after
completion ofthe washcycle.
a qualifie d
make sure noplastic
heating eleme nt.
To get the bestperfo rma nce fromy our dishwasher,read all operating instructio ns before using
itfor the firsttime.
Time Delay /Washing P hase Status
using thetime delay func tion , the indi cato r
light willshow the amount of timeselected.
Similarly when th e sy stem is in us e thi s wi ll
showwhich portionof the cycle is in operation.
:Use this buttonto
Program Ind icators
washingprogramis in use.
Program Sel ector: U se this buttonto select
which w ashi ng program yo u wan t to use.
set your t i me dela y.
: These lights showwhich
Warni ng Lig ht
therinse aid needs to be refilled.
On/Off Indicator:Letsyouknowwhenthe
dishwasher is on or off.
selected cycle. It can also be used to pausea
cycle in process.
: This indicator willsignalwhen
: Turns the system onand off.
: This butt on starts t he
Spray Arms
Lower Rack
Water Soft e ner
Main F ilter
Detergent Dispenser
Cup She lf
Cutl ery Basket
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Junction Box
Forallsoiled loadssuch as
pots, pa ns, casserol e
and dish es t hat have been
sittingwith dri ed food on
themfor a while.
For the heaviest
loads suchas pots, pans,
casserole dishes and
thathave been sitting with
driedfoodon them for a
nor mal hous ehold
and lightly soiledpans.
For lightlysoiled loads such
lightly soiledpans.
For rinsingp artial loads that
will be washed lat er. Do not
use detergentw ith this cycle.
Thiscycle doesnot include
heateddr y.
Ashorterwashf or lightly
soiled lo a ds tha t d o not
need drying.
Whenwill dis play error codes to warn y ou:malfunction oc cur,the dishwasher
The Speed li ght
flick er s
TheRinse lightand Speed
light flick er
Theand Rinse light
Light light
flick er
The,R inse l ight
Light light
and Speed light f licker
Wateris not flow ing fast e noug h
Heatingis taking toolong/not
reaching nec essary temper ature
Temperature sensor not working
Temperature sensor not working
Valvesare closed,inletpipem aybeblockedor
not connected,home waterpressure istoo low.
Errori n thete mperaturesensor or malfunction
of the heat i n g element its elf.
Incomplete e lectricalcircuitor temperature
sensor is inoperative.
Possiblewiring error/shortcircuit ortemperature
sensor is inoperative.
Note: Please useon ly the recommenced amount ofdi shwashing l iquid whenw ashing y our di shes.
The detergent dispensermust be re filled beforeth e start o f each w ash cyc le. Please f ollow themanual instructions
provided in the" WashC ycle Tabl e" on page 4 .
As a rul e of thumb, yougenerally only needonetablespoon of dishwashing detergent f or a no rmal h ousehold wa sh
load. For mor e heavil y soiled itemsp leas e refer to t he inst ructions on y our detergentp ackaging . Please makesure
to add the d etergent j ust befo re start ing the d ishwasher.
Please follow the instructions on t he back ofthe d etergent packaging for th e proper amo unt of d etergent tou se for th e
type of load you have. Th e amou nt of detergent can va rydepending on the hard ness of y ou r water. Tod etermine your
waterconsistency, pleasecontact your localwatercompany.Generally,theharder thewater,themoredetergen t you
wil l ne ed to use.
Pleasekeepdishwashingl iquidout of the
reachof childrenas it is very dangerous
for them to cons u me.
Dispenser cap
Adjustable sett ing
To open the d ispenser, turn the cap toth e "ope n" (l eft)
arrow an d lif t
Pourthe rinse a id into thed ispenser,being care ful
arrow and turni ng it to thec lose d (right)
cap up un til open.
the cap by in serting itali gned with "open"
arrow position.
To remove hard water,
Run di shes through a normal wash pro gram.
Remove allmetaldishware,suchas cutlery, pans,etc.,
from the di shwasher.
Donotadd detergent.
Po ur two cup s ofinto a b ow l and set the bowl fac e
up on t he lower rac k of the dishwasher.
Use only dete rgen t specificall y made f or use in dishwashers.
Keep yourd etergentf resh anddry.
detergent i n dispense r until readyto use.
The rinse aid isre leased d uring t he final rinse to prevent
water from fo rming droplets on your dishest hat ca n leave
spots andstreaks. Italsoimproves drying by allowing
water to"sheet"off the dishes.
Your dis hwashers ared esigned tous e liquid rinseaids.
The rinse aid dispenser is locate d inside thedoo r nex t to
the detergen t dispense r.Tofill the d ispenser, open t he
capandpourtherinseaidintothedispenseruntilthe level
indicator t urns co mpletely black.Th e di spenser holds
aboutof liquid rinse aid.
Becareful no t to o verfill the dispenser,cause
sudsing of the
overWipe away any
spills with a dampcloth. Don'tforgetto replacethe
dispenser ca p
If your house hold w ater is s oft, you may not need additional
rinse a gents in your water as it m ay cause a white film
around your d ishes.
stains try thefollowing s tepsin this order:
white vinegar
Please do n ot st ore
as this can
det e r gent in the u nit.
before you closethe dishwasher d oor.
Adjustable setting
Ameasured amount of rinse aidis released during the finalr inse to assisti n rinsi ng dishes
properly,k eeping the m residue ands treak free.As with de tergent, theamountof rinse a id
needed for you r dishes depends on the ha rdness of thewater in yo ur area. If you have ve ry
soft household w ater,you may ne ed to dilut e or om it the rinseaid.
The rinse aid dispenseri s desi gned w ithfour setti ngs. Please beginyour wash cycleswith
the dispenser seto n settin g 2. If s pots a nd strea ks are evi dent, incr ease the amount of
rinse aid di spensed in thema chine by removing the dispenser lidandrotating t he dial tosetting
3. If the dishesstill are not drying properly or a re sp otted, in crease the d ial to setting 4.
When the dishwasher begins t o run ou t of r inse aid , the rinseai d dis penser i ndic ator will showa decrease in the s ize o f
the black dot. A s the r inse aid inth e dispen ser dimi nishes the sizeo f the bla ck dot d iminishes. Yous hould neverletthe
rinse aid get below1/ 4 full.
As the rinse aid dim i nis h es, the siz e of the black d ot on the r i n se
aid lev elindica t o r changes , as illustrated b elow.
1/4 full- Should refill to eliminatespotting
Using anAll-in-One detergent pod
TheA ll-in-One washp rogram can beuse d when using an all-in-one d etergen t pod in stead of s eparate detergents.
This program shoul d be u sed onlywhen u sing anall-i n-one det ergent p od. Usin g al l-in-one detergent
pods on other programsmaycause inconsistent results.
1. Place the allin one tablet container in the upperbasket as show n below.
2.Rotatethe upper spray arma nd changethelocatio n of the containerto ensure flow of waterfromtheupperarm
is not blocked.
3. Insert the tabletinto the c ontainer, then in itiate t he progr am.
The u pper rack is d esig ned to ho ld more d elic ate and light er dis hwa re such as gl asses,plates, sma ll bowls a nd
shallow pans( as long ast hey are n ot too dirty).
Position the dishesand cookwar e so that theydo not g et moved b y t he spray of water.
The h eight of the upperrack can be changed by placing di fferent si zed wheel s on t he rai ls.
Werecommend th at you pl ace larg e items which aremo st di fficult to clean onthe lower rack: pots,pans, lids,
serving di shes and bow ls; asshown inthe figure to ther ight.
We recommend pl acing se rving dis hes and lidsonthe side oft he racks i n order toavoi d b locking the rotation
of the top spraya rm.
Pots, serving b owls, etc., mustal ways be placed
Deep pots s hould beslan ted to allowwater to flowout .
Thebottom rack
fold over t ine rows t hat can beused onlarger pots an d pans.
facing down.
Serving b owl
Fruit bowl
Breadand butterplates
Serving plate
Dinner pl ates
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