Quick start guide for Faderfox micromodul UC44
- connect the controller with the included USB cable to your computer before you start your application
- the controller is recognized by the computer as ‘Faderfox UC44’ or ‘USB audio device’
- use a USB power adapter (5V min 300mA) if you want to control your midi gear only
- you can also take any kind of USB hub to power the unit
Selecting a setup
- go in setup mode by pressing the blue setup key while holding down the red shift key > yellow setup LED blinks
- select the setup by turning encoder 1
- leave setup mode by pressing the blue setup key while holding down the red shift key > yellow setup LED off
Using as generic controller
- setups 01 to 07 are preconfigured to use the unit as generic controller
- all controls send standard CC commands (control change) with 7bit resolution
- setup 1 to 6 works on 2 midi channels (see chapter factory reset)
- setup 7 works on 16 midi channels corresponding to fader/button/group numbers
(fader/button/group 01 = midi channel 01, fader/button/group 02 = midi channel 02 and so on)
Work with Ableton Live
- decompress the control surface setup from included CD (file UC44.ZIP) and copy the
included folder into Ableton’s midi remote script folder
* On Windows this is located in \Program\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts
* On OSX this is located in /Ableton/Live.app -> Right click -> show package contents.
Navigate to contents/app-resources/MIDI Remote Scripts
- after that check the content of the copied folder, there must be 11 files of type PY at least
- don’t forget to select the control surface ‘UC44’ in Live's preferences/midi sync
and select the midi input & output ports 'Faderfox UC44'
- use setup 08 to control tracks 1-16
- encoder assignments follows the front panel labeling in upper two rows
(upper row stands for 1st functions like rack macros, sends and scene select)
(lower row stands for 2nd functions like tempo, quantization, cue, pan, master and scene select)
- encoders are automapped only to rack devices
(other devices have to be put into rack device to control them or you map the parameters for each track
- faders control the track volumes
- gray buttons select the tracks
- green button launch clips (1st function) or activate the tracks (2nd function)
- switch between the 1st and 2nd functions by the black and blue keys
- manual mappings of all controls are possible (override of instant mappings)
- prefer to use absolute mode for the encoders to get values displayed immediately (instead relative mode)
- use high resolution mode for manual mappings to sensitive parameters like resonating filters etc. to void
any audible control noises (don’t forget to select midi mode ‘Absolute (14bit)’ in live’s bottom row)