WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and related
accessories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
For any questions on material contained in this manual, contact an authorized representative for clarification.
Read and understand all labels located on the vehicle. Always replace any damaged or missing labels.
On steep hills it is possible for vehicles to coast at greater than normal speeds encountered on a flat surface. To pre-
vent loss of vehicle control and possible serious injury, speeds should be limited to no more than the maximum speed
on level ground. See GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. Limit speed by applying the service brake.
Catastrophic damage to the drivetrain components due to excessive speed may result from driving the vehicle above
specified speed. Damage caused by excessive speed may cause a loss of vehicle control, is costly, is considered
abuse and will not be covered under warranty.
Use extra caution when towing the vehicle(s). Do not tow a single vehicle at speeds in excess of 12 mph (19 kph). Do
not tow more than three vehicles at a time. Do not exceed 5 mph (8 kph) while towing multiple vehicles. Towing the
vehicle at above the recommended speed may result in personal injury and/or damage to the vehicle and other property. Vehicles equipped with the AC Drive motor must be towed with the Run-Tow switch, located under the passenger
seat, in the ‘Tow’ position.
If the vehicle is to be used in a commercial environment, signs similar to the ones illustrated should be used to warn of
situations that could result in an unsafe condition
Observe these NOTICES, CAUTIONS and WARNINGS; be aware that servicing a vehicle requires mechanical skill
and a regard for conditions that could be hazardous. Improper service or repair may damage the vehicle or render it
Address practices not related to pers onal injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious
Battery posts, terminals and related
accessories contain l ead and le ad compou nds.
Wash hands after handli ng.
E-Z-GO Division of TEXTRON Inc. reserves the right to make design changes without obligation to make these changes on units previously sold and the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
E-Z-GO Division of TEXTRON Inc. is not liable for errors in this manual or for incidental or consequential damages that result from the use of the material in this
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE & WARRANTY PHONE: 1-800-774-3946, FAX: 1-800-448-8124
SERVICE PARTS PHONE: 1-888-GET-EZGO (1-888-438-3946), FAX: 1-800-752-6175
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings
This manual has been designed to assist the owner-operator in maintaining the vehicle in accordance with procedures developed by the manufacturer. Adherence to these procedures and troubleshooting tips will ensure the best
possible service from the product. To reduce the chance of personal injury and/or property damage, the following
instructions must be carefully observed:
Many vehicles are used for a variety of tasks beyond the original intended use of the vehicle; therefore it is impossible
to anticipate and warn against every possible combination of circumstances that may occur. No warnings can take
the place of good common sense and prudent driving practices.
Good common sense and prudent driving practices do more to prevent accidents and injury than all of the warnings
and instructions combined. The manufacturer strongly suggests that the owner-operator read this entire manual paying particular attention to the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS contained therein. It is further recommended that employees and other operators be encouraged to do the same.
If you have any questions, contact your closest representative or write to the address on the back cover of this publication, Attention: Customer Care Department.
E-Z-GO Division of Textron reserves the right to make design changes without obligation to make these changes on
units previously sold and the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
E-Z-GO Division of Textron is not liable for errors in this manual or for incidental or consequential damages that result
from the use of the material in this manual.
This vehicle conforms to the current applicable standard for safety and performance requirements.
These vehicles are designed and manufactured for off-road use. They do not conform to Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards and are not equipped for operation on public streets. Some communities may permit these vehicles
to be operated on their streets on a limited basis and in accordance with local ordinances.
With electric powered vehicles, be sure that all electrical accessories are grounded directly to the battery (-) post.
Never use the chassis or body as a ground connection.
Refer to GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS for vehicle seating capacity.
Never modify the vehicle in any way that will alter the weight distribution of the vehicle, decrease its stability
or increase the speed beyond the factory specification. Such modif ications can cause se rious personal
injury or death. Modifications that increase the speed and/or weight of the vehicle will extend the stopping distance
and may reduce the stability of the vehicle. Do not make any such modifications or changes. The manufacturer prohibits and disclaims responsibility for any such modifications or any other alteration which would adversely affect the
safety of the vehicle.
Vehicles that are capable of higher speeds must limit their speed to no more than the speed of other vehicles when
used in a golf course environment. Additionally, speed should be further moderated by the environmental conditions,
terrain and common sense.
Always use the vehicle in a responsible manner and maintain the vehicle in safe operating condition.
Always read and observe all warnings and operation instruction labels affixed to the vehicle.
Always follow all safety rules established in the area where the vehicle is being operated.
Repair and Service Manual
Page v
Read all of Section B and thi s s ect io n be fore atte mp tin g any procedure. Pay particu lar a tten tio n to all N oti ce s, C a utio ns and W arnings.
Always reduce speed to compensate for poor terrain or conditions.
Always apply service brake to control speed on steep grades.
Always maintain adequate distance between vehicles.
Always reduce speed in wet areas.
Always use extreme caution when approaching sharp or blind turns.
Always use extreme caution when driving over loose terrain.
Always use extreme caution in areas where pedestrians are present.
Always maintain your vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule.
Always ensure that mechanics performing repairs are trained and qualified to do so.
Always follow the manufacturer’s directions if you do any maintenance on your vehicle. Be sure to disable the vehicle
before performing any maintenance. Disabling includes removing the key from the key switch and removal of a battery
Always insulate any tools used within the battery area in order to prevent sparks or battery explosion caused by shorting the battery terminals or associated wiring. Remove the batteries or cover exposed terminals with an insulating
Always check the polarity of each battery terminal and be sure to rewire the batteries correctly.
Always use specified replacement parts. Never use replacement parts of lesser quality.
Always use recommended tools.
Always determine that tools and procedures not specifically recommended by the manufacturer will not compromise
the safety of personnel nor jeopardize the safe operation of the vehicle.
Always support the vehicle using wheel chocks and safety stands. Never get under a vehicle that is supported by a
jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Never attempt to maintain a vehicle in an area where exposed flame is present or persons are smoking.
Always be aware that a vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated.
The manufacturer cannot anticipate all situations, therefore people attempting to maintain or repair the vehicle must
have the skill and experience to recognize and protect themselves from potential situations that could result in severe
personal injury or death and damage to the vehicle. Use extreme caution and, if unsure as to the potential for injury,
refer the repair or maintenance to a qualified mechanic.
Always test drive the vehicle after any repairs or maintenance. All tests must be conducted in a safe area that is free of
both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Always replace damaged or missing warning, caution or information labels.
Always keep complete records of the maintenance history of the vehicle.
Page vi
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this se ct ion befo r e at tem pti ng a ny proc edu re. Pay particular attention to a ll N ot ic es, Ca uti ons an d Warnings.
Hydrogen gas is generated in the charging cycle of batteries and is explosive in concentrations as low as 4%.
Because hydrogen gas is lighter than air, it will collect in the ceiling of buildings necessitating proper ventilation. Five
air exchanges per hour is considered the minimum requirement.
Never charge a vehicle in an area that is subject to flame or spark. Pay particular attention to natural gas or propane
gas water heaters and furnaces.
Always use a dedicated circuit for each battery charger. Do not permit other appliances to be plugged into the receptacle when the charger is in operation.
Chargers must be installed and operated in accordance with charger manufacturers recommendations or applicable
electrical code (whichever is more restrictive).
Repair and Service Manual
Page vii
Read all of Section B and this se ction before attempting any proc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Ca uti ons an d Warnings.
Page viii
Repair and Service Manual
SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION ................................................................................. A - 1
TOWING ................................................................................................................... A - 2
HARDWARE ............................................................................................................. A - 5
CAPACITIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS ........................................................... A - 5
PERIODIC SERVICE SCHEDULE ............................................................................ A - 6
Fig. 1 Serial Number Location on Steering Column ............................................... A - 1
Fig. 2 Serial Number on Front Frame .................................................................... A - 1
Fig. 3 Serial Number on Rear Frame ..................................................................... A - 1
Fig. 4 Initial Service Chart ..................................................................................... A - 1
Fig. 5 Run Tow Switch........................................................................................... A - 2
Fig. 6 Capacities ................................................................................................... A - 5
Fig. 7 Replacement Parts ...................................................................................... A - 5
Fig. 8 Torque Specifications and Bolt Grades ........................................................ A - 5
Fig. 9 Periodic Service Schedule ........................................................................... A - 6
Repair and Service Manual
Page A-i
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
Page A-ii
Repair and Service Manual
Serial Number
Serial Number
Serial Number
Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
Thank you for purchasing this vehi cle. Thi s repair manual contains information that will assist you in r epairin g
and maintaining this vehicle. Some ill ustratio ns may
show items that are optional for your vehicle. This guide
covers the operation of several vehicles, ther efore,
some illustrations may not represent y our veh icl e. Phy sical differences in controls will be il lus trated .
This vehicle has been designed a nd manufa ctured as a
‘World Vehicle’. Some countries have individual requirements to comply with their specifications ; therefore,
some sections may not apply in your co untry.
Most of the service procedures in this guid e can be
accomplished using common automotive hand tools.
Contact your service representative on servici ng the
vehicle in accordance with the Periodi c S ervic e Sc hedule.
Service Parts Manuals as well as Repair and Service
Manuals are available from a local Dis tributor, an authorized Branch or the Service Parts Department. When
ordering parts or requesting information for your vehicle,
provide the vehicle model, serial numb er an d manufac ture date code.
Fig. 2 Serial Number on Front Frame
Three serial number and manufacture date code label s
are on the vehicle. One is placed on the steering column
(Ref. Fig. 1), the second is located on the frame member
under the front splash shield on the driver side (Ref. Fig.
2) and the third is located on the passenger side frame
rail at the rear of the vehicle (Ref. Fig. 3).
In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the
manufacture date code, serial number and vehicl e
model must be provided when ordering ser vice parts.
Fig. 3 Serial Number on Rear Frame
Before a new vehicle is put into operati on, the i tems
shown in the INITIAL SERVICE CHART must be performed (Ref. Fig. 4).
Batteries Charge batteries
Seats Remove protective plastic covering
Brakes Check operation
Establish acceptable stopping distance
Tires Check air pressure (see SPECIFICATIONS)
Portable Remove from vehicle and properly mount
Fig. 4 Initial Service Chart
The vehicle batteries must be fully charged before initial
Fig. 1 Serial Number Location on Steering Column
Repair and Service Manual
Page A-1
Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
To reduce the possibility of severe injury or
Use extra caution wh e n towi ng a veh icl e.
DO NOT ride on the vehicle being towed.
DO NOT attempt to tow the vehicle with
ropes, chains or any device other than a
factory approved tow bar.
DO NOT tow the vehic le o n high wa ys .
DO NOT tow a single vehicle at speeds in
excess of 12 mph (1 9 k ph).
DO NOT tow more than three vehicles at a
DO NOT exceed 5 mph (8 kph) while tow-
ing multiple vehicles.
DO NOT use the tow bar system on slopes-
more than 10% garde.
Never use ropes or chains to tow vehicle( s ). Tow bars
are available from the E-Z-GO Se rvice Par ts Department.
Tow bars are not intended for highway use. Before towing, place the direction selector in n eutral (N) and m ake
sure that the ’Run/T ow’ switch in ’TOW’. Do not ride on a
vehicle being towed. Tow bars are designed to tow only
one vehicle at a maximum speed of 12 mp h (19 kph)
and up to three vehicles at a maximum speed of 5 mph
(8 kph). Return the Run/Tow switch to the ’RUN’ position
and make sure the key is turned to ’OFF’ and removed
after towing the vehicle.
The RUN/TOW switch should a lways be returne d to the ’RUN’
or (on CE vehicles) position after towing the vehicle. If
the switch is left in the ’TOW’ or (on CE vehicles) position
for an extended perio d of time it wil l dr ain the bat te ries.
The run/tow switch (8) is located under the seat on th e
passenger side of the vehicle (Ref. Fig. 5).
Place key switch in ’N’ and the Run/Tow switch in the
‘TOW’ position prior to towing the vehicle to prevent
damage to the electric motor and controller.
Do not tow a single vehicle at speeds in excess of 12
mph (19 kph). Do not tow more than three vehicles at a
time. Do not exceed 5 mph (8 kph) while towing multiple vehicles. The maximum slope that the tow bar system can be used is 10% grade. Towing the vehicle
above the recommended speed may result in severe
injury and/or damage to the vehicle and other property.
Tow bars are not intended for road use.
If a vehicle is towed in excess of 15 mph the motor bra k e will
engage and slow the veh icl e down .
This vehicle is equipped with a ‘Run/Tow’ switch located
underneath the seat on the passenger side. The ‘TOW’
position, with the key switch in the ’N’ pos ition , allows
the vehicle to roll freely without activating the war nin g
beeper and eliminating potential damage to controller or
motor. Check to see that vehicles to be towed are
switched to the ‘TOW’ position and the key is turned to
the neutral (’N’) position.
Fig. 5 Run/Tow Switch
Page A-2
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
With the switch in the ‘TOW’ or (on CE vehicles)
position and the key in ’N’.
•the electronic parking brake is deactivated, which
allows the vehicle to be towed or roll freely, except
in the event of a controller failure
•the service brake is still active
•the reverse warning beeper is deactivated
With the switch in ‘RUN’ or (on CE vehicles) position:
•the electronic parking brake is deactivated and the
reverse warning beeper features are activated
This vehicle is equipped with an au tomatic parking
brake; when the vehicle is stopped the parking brake i s
automatically set. The parking brake is relea sed whe n
the key switch/direction selector is in forw ard (’ F’) or re verse (’R’) and the accelerator is depressed. T he parking brake is also released when the run/tow switc h is
placed in the ’TOW’ or (on CE vehicles) position
with the key switch turned to neutral (’N’).
In the event that the vehicle will not move in forwar d or
reverse, the parking brake can be released using the instructions located on the controlle r splas h shi eld b eneath the seat on the passenger side of the vehicle. To
move the vehicle, turn the key switch to ’N’, flip the
RUN-TOW switch to the ’TOW’ position and move the
vehicle to a safe location on level ground and chock the
tires, turn the key to ’OFF’ and return the Run/Tow
switch ’RUN’ position.
In case of total power loss and the RUN-TOW does not
release the parking brake the instructions below the
controller splash shield must be used. Chock the tires to
prevent the vehicle moving when the
brake is released.
To access the instructions remove
three re-usable plastic rivets securing
the controller splash shield to the
body and the controller. To remove
the re-usable rivets, press the center
of the rivet with the vehicle key, when
the center pin snaps into place the
rivet can be removed, repeat the process for each remaining rivet. Turn the
splash shield over to reveal the instructions for releasing the parking brake.
To reinstall the controller splash shield,
position the splash shield by align ing the
mounting holes with the holes in the body, push the center pin of each rivet upward so that the
top of the pin is above the rivet head.
Place a rivet in each mounting hole of
the controller splash shield and push
down on the center pin untill the top of
the pin is flush with the rivet head.
To prevent severe injury or death resulting
from improper servicing techniques, observe
the following WARNINGS:
DO NOT attempt any type of servicing
operations before reading and understanding all notes, cautions and warn ings in this
ANY servicing requiring adjustment s to the
powertrain while the motor is running mu st
be made with both rea r wh ee ls rai sed .
Wear eye pr ote c ti on
when working on the
vehicle. Use extra care
when working around
batteries, or using solvents or compressed air.
To reduce the possibility of causing an
electrical arc, which co uld result in a ba ttery
explosion, turn off all electrical loads from
the battery before removing battery wires.
Wrap wrenches with vinyl
tape to reduce the possibility of a dropped wrench
‘shorting out’ a battery,
which could result in an
This vehicle will give years of satisfactory service providing it receives regular maintenance. Refer to th e Periodic Service Schedule for serv ice interval s.
Repair and Service Manual
Page A-3
Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
The only maintenance required for the first five y ears or
1000 hours of operation is to check the Torque to Rotate
(TTR) and the periodic inspection of the lubricant level.
Unless leakage is evident, the lubricant n eed only be
replaced after five years.
The condition of the tires should be in spec ted dai ly,
inflation pressures should be checked at least once a
week when the tires are cool. All dust caps for the valves
need to be reinstalled after checking the tire pressure.
For additional information, refer to the section on TIRES
To reduce the possibility of severe injury or
vehicle damage, read and understand all
instructions s upp lie d b y th e manu f act ur er of
the pressure washer.
When pressure washing the exterior of the vehicle, do
not use pressure in excess of 700 psi. To reduce the
possibility of cosmetic damage, do not use any abrasive or reactive solvents to clean plastic parts.
It is important that proper techniques and cleaning materials be used. Using excessive water pre ss ure may
cause severe injury to the operator or by stander, damage to the seals, plastics, seat material, body fini sh or
electrical system. Do not use pressure i n excess of 700
psi to wash the exterior of the vehicle.
Clean the windshield with lots of water, a mild soap and
a clean cloth.
Normal cleaning of vinyl seats and plastic or rubber trim
requires the use of a mild soap soluti on app lied wi th a
sponge or soft brush and wiped with a damp cloth.
Removal of oil, tar, asphalt, shoe polish, etc., requires
the use of a commercially available vi nyl /rub ber clea ner.
The painted surfaces of the vehicle provide attrac tive
appearance and durable protection. Frequent washing
with lukewarm or cold water and mild detergen t is
required to preserve the painted surfaces.
Occasional cleaning and waxing with non-abrasive products designed for ‘clear coat’ automotive finis hes wi ll
enhance the appearance and durabili ty of the painted
Corrosive materials used as fertilizers or for dust control
can collect on the underbody of the ve hicl e. These
materials will cause corrosion of underbody parts unless
flushed occasionally with plain water. Thoroughly clean
any areas where mud or other debris can c olle ct. Se diment packed in closed areas should be loos ened to
ease its removal, taking care not to chip or o therwi se
damage paint.
The sun top does not provide protection from
roll-over or falling objects.
The windshield does not provide protection
from tree limbs or flying objects.
The sun top and windshield provide som e protecti on
from the elements; however, they will not keep the operator and passenger dry in a downpour. This vehicle is
not equipped with seat belts and the sun top has not
been designed to provide roll-over protecti on. In addi tion, the sun top does not protect against falling objec ts
nor does the windshield protect against fl yin g objec ts
and tree limbs. Keep arms and legs inside of the vehicle
while it is moving.
To reduce the possibility of severe injury o r
death while transporting the vehicle:
Secure the vehicle and contents.
Never ride on the vehicle bein g tra nspor ted.
Always remove the windshield before trans-
Maximum speed wi th sun to p install ed is 50
mph (80 kph).
If the vehicle is to be transported at highway speeds, the
sun top must be removed and the seat bottom s ecu red.
Page A-4
Repair and Service Manual
Grade 2
Unless otherwise noted in text, tighten all hardware in accordance with this chart.
This chart specifies 'lubricated' torque figures. Fasteners that are plated or lubricated when
installed are considered 'wet' and require approximately 80% of the torque required for 'dry' fasteners.
Grade 5
Grade 8
Class 5.8
(Grade 2)
Class 8.8
(Grade 5)
Class 10.9
(Grade 8)
Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
When transporting vehicle below highway speed s,
check for tightness of hardware and cracks in sun top at
mounting points. Always remove windshield when tr ansporting. Always check that the vehicle and conte nts are
adequately secured before transporting . The rated
capacity of the trailer or truck must exceed the weight of
the vehicle (see GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS for vehicle weight) and load plus 1000 lbs. (454 kg). Secure the
vehicle using ratchet tie downs.
Periodically, the vehicle should be inspected for loose
fasteners. Fasteners should be tightened in accordance
with the Torque Specifications table (Ref. Fig. 8).
Use care when tightening fasteners and refer to the
Technician’s Repair and Service Manual for specific
torque values.
Generally, three classes of standard hardware and two
classes of metric hardware are used in the v ehic le.
Grade 5 hardware can be identified by the three marks
on the hexagonal head and grade 8 hardware is ide nti-
fied by 6 marks on the head. Metric hardware is marked
on the head with 8.8 or 10.9. Unmarked hardware is
Grade 2.
Fig. 3 Battery Removal .......................................................................................... B - 4
Fig. 4 Battery Placement & Orientation.................................................................. B - 4
Fig. 5 Battery Hold Down....................................................................................... B - 5
Fig. 6 Battery Connections .................................................................................... B - 5
Fig. 7 Lifting Points................................................................................................ B - 6
Repair and Service Manual
Page B-i
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
Page B-ii
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section A and this se ct ion befo r e at tem pti ng a ny pr oc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Cautions and Warnings.
Throughout this manual, the following NOTICES, CAUTIONS, WARNINGS and DANGERS are used. For the
protection of all personnel and the vehicle , be awar e of
and observe the following:
Address practices not related to personal injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could re sul t in de ath or se rio us inju ry
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious
Always use the appropriate tools listed in the too l lis t
and wear approved safety equipment.
Do not modify the vehicle in any manner that will change
the weight distribution of the vehicle.
Changes to the weight distribution or the center of gravity may make the vehicle unsta ble or
prone to roll over which could result in injury or
death to the oper at or or p asse ng e r(s).
When any maintenance procedure or ins pection is per formed, it is important that care be exercised to i nsu re
the safety of the technician/mechanic or bystanders and
to prevent damage to the vehicle.
Always read and understand the entire relevant manual
section (chapter) before attempting any inspe ctio n or
Before attempting to inspect or se rvice a vehi cl e, be
sure to read and understand the following warnings:
In any product, components will eventually fail to perform properly as the result of normal use, age, wear or
abuse. It is virtually impossible to anti cipate all poss ible
component failures or the manner in which each component may fail.
Be aware that a vehicle requiring re pair indicate s that
the vehicle is no longer functioning as des igne d and
therefore should be considered potentially haz ar dous.
Use extreme care when working on any vehicle . When
diagnosing, removing or replacing any com ponents that
are not operating correctly, take the time to consider the
safety ramifications if the component should move unexpectedly.
Some components are heavy, spring loaded, highly corrosive, explosive or may produce high amperage or
reach high temperatures. Gasoline, carbon monox ide,
battery acid and hydrogen gas could result i n serious
bodily injury to the technician/mechani c and b ystanders
if not treated with utmost caution. Be careful not to place
hands, face, feet or body in a location that could expose
them to injury should an unforeseen situation occ ur.
To prevent personal injury or death, observe
the following:
Before working on the vehicle, remove all
jewelry (rings, watch, necklaces, etc.).
Be sure that no loose clothing or hair can
become caught in th e m ovin g p ar ts of th e
Use care not to contact hot objects.
Before attempting to operate or adjust the
powertrain, the re ar of the ve hicl e mu st b e
raised and suppo rt ed on j ack s tan ds.
Wear OSHA approved clothing and eye
protection when working on anything that
could expose the body or eyes to potential
injury. In particular, use care when workin g
with or around ba tteries, compre ssed air or
Repair and Service Manual
Page B-1
Read all of Section A and thi s s ect io n be fore atte mp tin g any procedure. Pay particu lar a tten tio n to all N oti ce s, C a utio ns and Warnings.
Always turn the key switch to ‘OFF’ and
remove the key before disconnecting a live
When connecting battery cables, pay particular attention to the polarity of the battery
terminals. Never confuse the positive and
negative cables.
If repairs are to be made that will require
welding or cutting, the batteries must be
Additional Warnings
Before working on the electrical system, be sure to read
and understand the following warnings that pertain to
the electrical system repair or maintenance.
To prevent expl osio n th at cou ld resu lt in
severe personal injury or death, keep all smoking materials, op en flam e or s par ks away from
gasoline and b att erie s .
Hydrogen gas is ge ne ra ted in the c harg in g
cycle of batteries and is explosive in concentrations as low as 4%. Because hydrogen gas is lighter than air, it will collect in
the ceiling of buildings necessitating proper
ventilation. Five air exchanges per hour is
considered the minimum requirement.
Be sure that the key switch is off and all
electrical acce s sor ies are tu rned of f be fo re
starting work on vehicle.
The batteries should always be removed
before any servicing or repairs that will generate sparks.
Never disconn ect a circ ui t un de r load at a
battery terminal.
Batteries are heavy. Use
proper lifting techniques
when moving them. Always
lift the battery with a commercially available battery
lifting device. Use care not
to tip batteries excessively when removing
or installing them; spilled electrolyte can
cause burns and damage.
acid solution which can cause severe burns
to the skin an d ey es. Treat a ll elec tr ol yt e
spills to the body and eyes with extended
flushing with clear water. Contact a physician immediately.
Always wear a safety
shield or approved safety
goggles when adding water
or charging batteries.
Any electrolyte spills should be neutralized
with a solution of 1/4 cup (60 ml) sodium
bicarbonate (ba kin g sod a) dis so lve d in 1 1/
2 gallons (6 liters) of w ater and flush ed with
Overfilling batteries may result in electrolyte
being expelled from the battery during the
charge cycle. Expelled electrolyte may
cause damage to the vehicle and storage
Wrap wrenches with vinyl
tape to prevent the possibility of a drop pe d wren c h
’shorting out’ a battery,
which could result in an
explosion and severe personal injury or
Aerosol containers of battery terminal protectant must be used with extreme care.
Insulate metal container to prevent can
from contacting battery terminals which
could result in an exp lo sion .
ALL accessories that do NOT use the accessory wiring
harness MUST be connected to draw from the entire 48
Volt battery pack. A DC to DC converter is required for
accessories that require voltage other than 48 volts to
operate properly.
The electrolyt e in a st or age b at ter y is an
Page B-2
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section A and this se ct ion befo r e at tem pti ng a ny pr oc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Cautions and Warnings.
Fig. 1 Attach Accessory Wires to Battery Pack
Accessories connected to this vehi cl e that do no t use
the accessory harness must be conne cted a cr oss the
entire 48 volt battery pack. This can be done by connecting to the two battery terminals shown in Figure 1.
This can be done by connecting to the two battery terminals shown in the illustration.(Ref. Fig. 1) If the acces sory requires voltage other than 48 volts a DC to DC
converter must be used to change the voltage to the
amount required by the accessory. A DC to DC converter is available through E-Z -GO S ervic e Par ts.
The Operational Performance Guarantee of 2 roun ds
per day shall be void if non-factory accessories that use
more than 1 Amp/Hour of energy per round are installed
on the vehicle.
Repair and Service Manual
Page B-3
Read all of Section A and thi s s ect io n be fore atte mp tin g any procedure. Pay particu lar a tten tio n to all N oti ce s, C a utio ns and Warnings.
When lifting a battery always u se a ll 4 liftin g
lugs provided. Do not attempt to lift a battery
with only one strap, this may break lifting lugs
and result in personal injury or damage to the
The following text , th er e are r efe renc es to remo vin g/ ins talling
bolts, etc. Additi onal har d ware (nu ts, wash er s, etc. ) t hat i s
removed must always be installed in its original position unless
otherwise spe cifi ed. Non-s peci fied to rques are as sh own in th e
table contained in Secti on ’A’.
1. Turn vehicle key to the off position and remove the
Page B-4
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section A and this se ct ion befo r e at tem pti ng a ny pr oc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Cautions and Warnings.
2. Using an insulated wrench, disconnect the main negative (-) battery cable, BL-.
3. Using an insulated wr ench, d isconnect the main p ositive (+) battery cable, BL+.
4. Using an insulated wrench, disconnect and remove all
other wires connected to the batteries.
5. Remove the two pan head Torx screws, (one on each
side) from the battery strap.
6. Remove the battery hold down and the battery strap
by loosening all three hex nuts until they are at the
end of the J-bolt and unh ooking the J-bolts from the
battery tray. When removing the J-bolts from between
the batteries it ma y help to tilt the battery to the outside of the car to release the pressure on the J-bolt.
7. Remove the batteries using commercially available
battery carrier straps (2 per battery) and a portable lifting device. Remove the three front batteries (1, 2, & 3)
one at a time; then using t he carrie r straps tilt the l ast
battery (4) to the front of the vehicle just enough to
clear the rear body and lift up and out of the vehicle.
Fig. 3 Battery Removal
8. Check the area surrounding the battery tra y for corrosion. If any corrosion is found, it should be immediately removed with a putty knife and a wire brush (for
metal surfaces) or a plastic bristle brush (for plastic
surfaces). The area s hould be was hed wit h a solutio n
of baking soda and water and dried thoroughly. All
metal surfaces that have been cleaned must be
primed and painted with a corrosion resistant paint.
9. Replace the batteries, starting with the ba tter y loc ate d
at the bac k of t he ba tte ry tray (4) , maki ng su re that it i s
positioned as shown
Fig. 4 Battery Placement & Orientation
10. With the J-bol ts in the battery hold down and held in
place by the hex nuts on the end of the thre aded portion; carefully posit ion the battery hol d down and battery strap, guiding th e J -bol ts bet ween the ba tter ies (it
may be necessary to tip the batte ries sligh tly ) and int o
the slots in the battery tray. Tighten the hex nuts on
the J-bolts making sure tha t the J-bolts are securely
hooked in the battery tray. Tighten the J-bolt hex nuts
to 62 - 80 in. lbs. (7 - 9 Nm) torque.
1 1. Install the two pan head T orx screws through the ends
of the battery strap into the holes on the vehicle frame
and tighten them to 80 - 97 in. lbs. (9 - 11 Nm) torque.
12. Inspect all wires and terminals and clean any corrosion from the battery terminals or wire terminals with a
solution of baking soda and water, use a wire brush to
completely remove corrosion if required.
13.Caref ull y repl ac e the wi res on the batte ry ter mi nal s as
shown. Make sure to reconne ct the main negative (-)
battery cable, BL-, from the controller last.
Repair and Service Manual
Page B-5
Hex Nut
Battery Hold Down
Battery Strap
Red and
Grey Wires
Black Wire from
Charger Receptacle
BL+ Red
Wire from
BL- Black Wire
from Controller
Black Wire
Read all of Section A and thi s s ect io n be fore atte mp tin g any procedure. Pay particu lar a tten tio n to all N oti ce s, C a utio ns and Warnings.
Tool ListQty.
Floor Jack ....................................................................1
Jack Stands .................................................................4
Some servicing operations may require the front, rear or
the entire vehicle to be raised.
To prevent possible injury or death resulting
from a vehicle falling from a jack, be sure the
vehicle is on a fir m and le ve l surf ac e. Ne ve r
get under a vehicle while it is supported by a
jack. Use jack stands and test the stability of
the vehicle on the sta nds . Always place wheel
chocks in front and behind the wheels not
being raised. Use extreme care since the vehicle is extreme ly un st ab le durin g t he lif t ing pr ocess.
Fig. 5 Battery Hold Down
Fig. 6 Battery Connections
14. Tighten all battery terminal hardware to 98 - 105 in.
lbs. (11 - 12 Nm) torque.
15. Protect the battery terminals and battery cable ends
with a commercially available protective coating.
Page B-6
Repair and Service Manual
When lifting the vehicle, position jack stands only in the
areas indicated.
To raise the entire vehicle,
install the wheel chocks in
front and behind each front
wheel. Center the jack
under the bagwell, place a
piece of wood, approximately 2" x 4" x 12",
between the jack and the
underside of the bagwell,
raise the vehicle and position the jack stands under
the frame where the leaf
spring mounting bracket is
welded to the frame.
Lower the jack and test the stability of the vehicle on the
two jack stands.
Place the jack under the center front of the car jus t
behind the bumper. Raise the vehicle and position the
jack stands under the frame where the instrument panel
support is attached to the frame as shown.
Lower the jack and test the stability of the vehicl e on all
four jack stands.
Read all of Section A and this se ct ion befo r e at tem pti ng a ny pr oc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Cautions and Warnings.
To raise only the front or rear of the vehicle, place the
wheel chocks in front and behind the rear wheels. T he
jack may be left under the center front of the frame while
the front end of the vehicle is on the jack stands.
Lower the vehicle by reversing the lifting sequenc e.
Fig. 7 Lifting Points
Repair and Service Manual
Page B-7
Read all of Section A and this se ction before attempting any proc edu re. Pa y particular attention to all Not ic es, Cautions and Warnings.
Page B-8
Repair and Service Manual
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