ef Fcv 1
REVISED: 10-10-02
For any questions on material contained in this manual, contact an authorized representative for clarification. Read and understand all labels located on the vehicle. Always replace any damaged or missing labels. On steep hills it is p ossible for vehi cles to coast at g reater than norm al speeds en countered on a flat surface . To pre-
vent loss of vehicle contr ol and possibl e serious injur y, speeds should be limited to no more than the maxim um speed on level ground. See GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. Limit speed by applying the service brake.
Catastrophic damage to the drivetr ain compo nents due to ex cessive speed may result from driving th e vehicle ab ove specified speed. Da mage caused by excessive speed may cause a loss of ve hicle control, is costly, is considered abuse and will not be covered under warranty.
Use extra caution when towi ng the v ehicle (s). Do n ot tow a sin gle v ehicle a t speed s in e xcess o f 12 mph (19 kph). D o not tow more than three vehic les at a time. Do not exceed 5 mph ( 8 kph) while towing multiple v ehicles. Towing the vehicle at above the rec ommended spee d may result in pe rsonal injury and /or damage to the v ehicle and other prop­erty. Vehicles equipped with Prec ision Drive System located under the passenger seat, in the ‘Tow/Maintenance’ position.
Signs similar to the ones illustrated should be used to warn of situations that could result in an unsafe condition.
(PDS) must be towed with the Run-Tow/Maintenance switch ,
Battery posts,
terminals and related
accessories contain
lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known
to cause cancer and
reproductive harm.
WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
Be sure that this manual remains as part of the permanent service record should the vehicle be sold.
Throughout this g uide NOTE, CAUTION and WARNING will be used.
A NOTE indicates a condition that should be observed.
A CAUTION indicates a condition that may result in damage to the vehicle.
! !
cates a hazardous condition that could
result in severe injury or death.
! !
lead and lead compounds. Wash hands after handling.
Battery posts, termi­nals and related accessories contain
Observe these NOTES, CAUTIONS and WARNINGS; be aware that servicing a vehicle requires mechanical skill and a reg ard f or c ond iti on s that could be hazardo us . Improper service or repair may damage the vehicle or render it uns af e.
E-Z-GO Division of Textron reserves the right to make design changes without obligation to make these changes on units previously sold and the information contained in this manual is subjec t to change without notice.
E-Z-GO Division of Text ron is no t liable f or erro rs in this man ual or f or incide nt al o r c onse quentia l da mage s th at resul t fro m t he use of the materia l in this manual.
CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT IN USA PHONE: 1-800-241-5855 FAX: 1-800-448-8124
OUTSIDE USA PHONE: 010-1-706-798-4311 FAX: 010-1-706-771-4609
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
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This vehicle has been designed and manufactured in the United States of America (USA) as
a ‘World Vehicle’. The Standards and Specifications listed in the following text originate in
the USA unless otherwise indicated.
The use of non Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) approved parts may void the
Overfilling batteries may void the warranty.
All batteries will self discharge over time. The rate of self disc harge varies depending on the
ambient temperature and the age and condition of the batteries.
A fully charged battery will not freeze in winter temperatures unless the temperature falls
below -75° F (-60° C).
For winter storage, the batteries must be clean, fully charged and disconnected from any
source of electrical drain. The battery charger and the controller are both sources of
electrical drain. Unplug the battery charger DC plug from the vehicle receptacle.
On PDS vehicles, disconnect the controller from the battery set by selecting the ‘TOW/
MAINTENANCE’ position on the RUN-TOW/MAINTENANCE SWITCH located under the
passenger seat.
As with all electric vehicle s, the batte ries must be ch ecked and recharged as required or at a
minimum of 30 day intervals.
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
SAFETY ................................................................................................................. Inside covers
GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ ii
SAFETY INFORMATION...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...........v
BEFORE INITIAL USE .............................................................................................................. 1
Fig. 1 Initial Service Chart ......................................................................................................................1
PORTABLE CHARGER INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................1
Fig. 2 Proper Charger Installation ..........................................................................................................2
Fig. 3 Charger Receptacle Location ......................................................................................................2
CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ...............................................................................................2
KEY/LIGHT SWITCH ....................................... ............. ............. ......................... ............ .....................................2
Fig. 4 Key/Light Switch & State of Charge Meter ..................................................................................2
DIRECTION SELECTOR .....................................................................................................................................3
Fig. 5 Direction Selector Types ..............................................................................................................3
STATE OF CHARGE METER ....................... ............. ............. ............ ......................... ............. ..........................3
ACCELERATOR PEDAL ....................... ............. ............ ............. ......................... ............. ..................................3
Fig. 6 Accelerator and Brake Controls ...................................................................................................3
COMBINATION BRAKE AND PARK BRAKE PEDAL .......... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. ...3
RUN - TOW/MAINTENANCE SWITCH (PDS VEHICLES ONLY) .......................................................................3
Fig. 7 Run-Tow/Maintenance Switch ..................................................................................................... 4
HORN ..................................................................................................................................................................4
Fig. 8 Horn Button .................................................................................................................................. 4
OPERATING THE VEHICLE ..................................................................................................... 4
PRECISION DRIVE SYSTEM™ .......................................................................................................................... 5
Performance Options..................................................................................................................................... 5
Fig. 9 Performance Options ...................................................................................................................5
Regenerative Braking.....................................................................................................................................6
Pedal-Up Brakng............................................................................................................................................ 6
Walk-Away Feature........................................................................................................................................6
Anti-Roll Back Feature................. ............ ............. ............. ......................... ............ .......................................6
Anti-Stall Feature ........................................................................................................................................... 6
High Pedal Disable Feature .................................................................................... .. ....... .... .. .. ......................6
Diagnostic Mode Feature................................................................... ......... .... .... .... ......... .... ..........................7
STARTING AND DRIVING ................................... ......................... ............ ............. .............................................7
STARTING VEHICLE ON A HILL (Non PDS Vehicl e ) ........................... ......................... ............. ............. ........... 7
COASTING ..........................................................................................................................................................7
LABELS AND PICTOGRAMS ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............ .....................................7
SUN TOP AND WINDSHIELD .............................................................................................................................8
VEHICLE CLEANING AND CARE ............................................................................................8
VEHICLE CLEANING ........................ ......................... ............. ......................... ............ .......................................8
VEHICLE CARE PRODUCTS ..................... ......................... ............. ............. ......................... ............................8
REPAIR ................................ .......................................................... ............................................ 9
LIFTING THE VEHICLE ......................................................................................................................................9
Fig. 10 Lifting the Vehicle ......................................................................................................................9
WHEELS AND TIRES .........................................................................................................................................9
Tire Repair .................................................................. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....................................9
Wheel Installation....................................................................... .... .. .... ....... .... .. .... .. ......... ............................10
Fig. 11 Wheel Installati o n ..................... ......................... ............ ............. ............. ................................10
LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT ..........................................................................................................................10
Fig. 12 Headlight, Turn Signal & Marker Light Bulb Replacement ...................................... .. ......... .. .. .11
Fig. 13 Tail and Brake Light Bulb Replacement .................................................... ............ ..................11
TRANSPORTING VEHICLE ....................................................................................................11
TOWING ............................................................................................................................................................11
HAULING ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
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SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................................12
SERIAL NUMBER PLATE LOCATION ............................................................................................................. 12
Early Production ..........................................................................................................................................12
Fig. 14 Serial Number Plate Location - Early Production .................................................................... 13
Late Production .............................................................................................. ....... .. .... .. .............................. 13
Fig. 15 Serial Number Plate Location - Late Production ..................................................................... 13
PERIODIC SERVICE SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 14
Fig. 16 Periodic Service Schedule ...................................................................................................... 14
TIRE INSPECTION ..................... ............. ............ ......................... ............. ............. ............ .............................. 15
BRAKES ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Periodic Brake Test for Mechanical Brakes................................................................................................. 15
Fig. 17 Typical Brake Performance Test ............................................................................................. 16
REAR AXLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Fig. 18 Add, Check and Drain Axle Lubricant - Early Production ........................................................ 16
Fig. 19 Add, Check and Drain Axle Lubricant - Late Production ......................................................... 16
Checking the Lubricant Level .............................................................................. .. .... .. .... .. .. ..... ................... 17
LUBRICATION ..................................................................................................................................................17
Fig. 20 Lubrication Points - Early Production ...................................................................................... 17
Fig. 21 Lubrication Points - Late Production ....................................................................................... 17
PDS SYSTEM TEST .........................................................................................................................................17
HARDWARE .....................................................................................................................................................17
Fig. 22 Torque Specifications and Bolt Grades ...................................................................................18
CAPACITIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS ....................... ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. .............18
Fig. 23 Capacities and Replacement Parts .........................................................................................18
BATTERIES AND CHARGING ................................................................................................19
SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
BATTERY ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
BATTERY MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................................................................19
At Each Charging Cycle .............................................................................................................................. 19
Electrolyte Level and Wa te r.......................... ............. ............ ............. ............ ............. ................................ 20
Fig. 24 Correct Electrolyte Level ......................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 25 Water Purity Table ..................................................................................................................20
Fig. 26 Automatic Watering Gun ......................................................................................................... 21
Battery Cleaning..........................................................................................................................................21
Fig. 27 Preparing Acid Neutralizing Solution .......................................................................... .. .... ....... 21
Battery Replacement................................................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 28 Battery Connections ................................................................................................................ 22
Prolonged Storage........................................................... .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..........................22
Fig. 29 Freezing Point of Electrolyte ...................................................................................................23
BATTERY CHARGING .....................................................................................................................................22
AC Voltage ............. ......................... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............ ............................................. 23
TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................................................................23
Fig. 30 Hydrometer ............................................................................................................................. 24
Using A Hydrometer.................................................................................................................................... 24
BATTERY CHARGER MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................... 24
Fig. 31 Hydrometer Temperature Correction .................... ............. ......................... ......................... ...25
Fig. 32 Cleaning Auxiliary Contact in Charger Plug ....................................................................... .....25
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................27
TXT ELECTRIC - FLEET...................................................................................................................................28
TXT PDS ELECTRIC - FLEET........................ ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............ ........................ 29
TXT ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™......................................................................................................................... 30
TXT ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™ SE................................................................................................................... 31
TXT ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™ LE ................................................................................................................... 32
TXT PDS ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™.................................. ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............... 33
TXT PDS ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™ SE.... ............ ............. ............ ............. .................................... ................. 34
TXT PDS ELECTRIC - FREEDOM™ LE............................................ ............ ............. ............ ............. ............. 35
TXT ELECTRIC - SHUTTLE 2+2....................................................................................................................... 36
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Fig. 29 Vehicle Dimensions............. ............. ............ .......................... ............ ............. ............ .............. 37
Fig. 30 Vehicle Dimensions, Incline Specifications and Turning Clearance Diameter ..........................38
Fig. 31 PowerWise™ Portable Battery Charger Dimensions.............................................. ..................39
LIMITED WARRANTIES........................................................................................................... 41
DOMESTIC WARRANTY...................................................................................................................................42
INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY (2001)........................................ ......................... ............. ............ ....................43
INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY (2002)........................................ ......................... ............. ............ ....................44
INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY (2003)........................................ ......................... ............. ............ ....................45
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (EUROPE ONLY)............................................................ 47
FLEET GOLF CAR (2000)..................................................................................................................................48
FREEDOM™ GOLF CAR (2000) .......................................................................................................................49
FREEDOM™ HP GOLF CAR (2000) ....................................................... .. ....... .. .... .. .. .... ..... .... .. .. .... .. .. ..............50
SHUTTLE 2+2 (2000).........................................................................................................................................51
FLEET AND FREEDOM™ GOLF CAR (2002)...................................................................................................52
SHUTTLE 2+2 (2002).........................................................................................................................................53
LABELS AND PICTOGRAMS.................................................................................. Appendix A
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
This manual has been designe d to assist in maintaining t he vehicle in accordanc e with procedur es developed by the manufacturer. Adherence to these procedures an d troubleshoo ting tips will en sure the be st possible service from the product. To reduce the chance of personal injury or property damage, the following must be carefully observed:
Many vehicles are used for a variety of tasks beyond the original intended use of the vehicle; therefore, it is impossible to anticipate and warn aga ins t e ve ry po ss ib le c om bi nati on o f c ircu ms tances tha t may occur. No warnings can take the place of good common sense and prudent driving practices.
Good common sense an d prudent driving practices do more to prevent accidents and i njury than all of the warnin gs and instructions combined. The manufactur er strongly suggests that al l users and maintenance personnel read this entire manual paying particular attention to the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS contained therein.
If you have any questions regarding this vehicle, contact your closest representative or write to the address on the back cover of this publication, Attention: Product Service Department.
TEXTRON Golf, Turf & Specialty Products reserves the right to make design changes without obligation to make these changes on units previously sold and the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
TEXTRON Golf, Turf & Specialty Products is not lia ble for err or s in th is ma nual or for i ncide ntal or cons equ ent ial dam ­ages that result from the use of the material in this manual.
This vehicle conforms to the current applicable standard(s) for safety and performance requirements. These vehicles are desi gne d and ma nufactured for off-road use. They do not con form to F ede ra l Mo tor Vehicle Safety
Standards of the United States of America (USA) and are not equ ipped fo r operati on on pu blic str eets. Som e comm u­nities may permit these vehi cles to be operated on their streets on a limit ed basis and in accordance wi th local ordi­nances.
With electric powe red vehicles, be sure that al l electrical accessories ar e grounded directly to the batte ry (-) post.
Never use the chassis or body as a ground connection.
Refer to GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS for vehicle seating capacity.
Never modify the vehicle in any way that will alte r the weight distributi on of the vehicle, decreas e its stability or increase the speed beyond the factory specification. Such modifications can cause serious personal injury or death. Modifications that increase the speed and/or weight of the vehicle will extend the stopping distance and may
reduce the stabilit y of the vehicle. Do not make a ny such modification s or changes. The manufac turer prohibits and disclaims responsibility for any such modifications or any other alteration which would adversely affect the safety of the vehicle.
Vehicles that are capable of higher sp eeds must limit th eir speed to no more th an the speed of other ve hicles when used in a golf course en vironment. Additi onally, speed should be further moderated by the environmental condition s, terrain and common sense.
• Use the vehicle in a responsible manner and maintain the vehicle in safe operating condition.
• Read and observe all warnings and operation instruction labels affixed to the vehicle.
• Follow all safety rules established in the area where the vehicle is being operated.
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
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• Reduce speed to compensate for poor terrain or conditions.
• Apply service brake to control speed on steep grades.
• Maintain adequate distance between vehicles.
• Reduce speed in wet areas.
• Use extreme caution when approaching sharp or blind turns.
• Use extreme caution when driving over loose terrain.
• Use extreme caution in areas where pedestrians are present.
• Maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s periodic service schedule.
• Ensure that repairs are performed by those that are trained and qualified to do so.
• Follow the manufac tu re r’s maintenance p roce dur es fo r t he v eh icle . B e s ur e to disable the vehicle b efore per for ming any maintenance. Disabling includes removing the key from the key switch and removal of a battery wire.
• Insulate any tools used within the battery area in order to prevent sparks or battery explosion caused by shorting the battery terminals or associated wiring. Remove the batteries or cover exposed terminals with an insulating material.
• Check the polarity of each battery terminal and be sure to rewire the batteries correctly.
• Use specified replacement parts. Never use replacement parts of lesser quality.
• Use recommended tools.
• Determine that to ols and procedures not specif ically recommended by the man ufacturer will not compromise the safety of personnel nor jeopardize the safe operation of the vehicle.
• Support the vehi cle using wheel cho cks and jack stands. Never g et under a vehicle t hat is s upported by a jack. Lift the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Maintain the vehicle in an area away from exposed flame or persons who are smoking.
• Be aware that a vehicle that is not performing as designed is a potential hazard and must not be operated.
• Test drive the vehicle after any repairs or maintenance. All tests must be conducted in a safe area that is free of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
• Replace damaged or missing warning, caution or information labels.
• Keep complete records of the maintenance history of the vehicle.
The manufacturer cannot anticipate all situations , therefore people attem pting to maintain or repair the vehi cle must have the skill an d expe rience to rec ogniz e and protect t hem selv es from potenti al si tuation s that could res ult in seve re personal injury or death and damage to th e vehicle. Use extrem e caution and, if un sure as to the potenti al for injury, refer the repair or maintenance to a qualified mechanic.
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Hydrogen gas is generated in the charging cycle of batteries and is explosive in concentrations as low as 4%. Because hydrogen gas is lighter than air, it will collect in the ceiling of buildings necessitating proper ventilation. Five air exchanges per hour is considered the minimum requirement.
Never charge a vehicl e in an area that is sub ject to flame or spark. Pay particul ar attention to natur al gas or propane water heaters and furnaces.
Always use a dedicated circuit for each battery charger. Do not permit other appliances to be plugged into the recepta­cle when the charger is in operation.
Chargers must be installe d and operated in accorda nce with charger manufact urers recommendations or app licable electrical code (whichever is higher).
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
The following text is prov ide d as r eco mm end ed b y part II of ASME/ANSI B56.8-1988. E-Z-GO strongly endorses the contents of this specification.
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Like other ma ch in es, carriers can c aus e in jur y
if improperly used or main tained. Part II contains broad safety practices applicable to carrier operati ons. Before operation, the user shall establish such additional spe­cific safety practices as may reasonably be required for safe operation.
4.2 Stability
4.2.1 Experience has shown that this vehicle, which
complies with this standard, is stable when properly operated and when operated in acco rdance with speci fic safety rules and practices established to meet actual operating terrain and conditions. However, improper operation, faulty maintenance, or poor housekeeping may contribute to a co nditio n of instabili ty and defe at th e purpose of the standard. Som e of the conditions which may affect stability are failure of the user to follo w safety practices; also, ground and floor conditions, grade, speed, loading, the op er ation o f the car rie r wi th i mprop er loads, battery weight, dy namic and static forces, and the judgement exercised by the carrier operator.
(a) The user shall train carrier operators to adhere strictly to the operating instructions stated in this Stan­dard.
(b) The user shall survey specific operating conditions and environment, and establ ish and train carrier opera­tors to comply with additional, specific safety practices.
4.3 Nameplates, Markings, Capacity, and Modifica-
4.3.1 The user shal l maintain in a legible con dition
all nameplates, warnings, and instructions which are supplied by the manufacturer.
4.3.2 The user shall no t p erf orm any m odi fic ation or addition which affects capacity or safe operation, or make any change not in accordance with the owner’s
manual without the manufact urer’s prior written authori­zation. Where authorized modifications have been made, the user shall ensure that capacity, operation, warning, and maintenance in struction plates, tags, or decals ar e changed accordingly.
4.3.3 As required under paras. 4.3.1 or 4.3.2, the manufacturer shall be contacted to secure new name­plates, warnings, or instructions which shall then be affixed in their proper place on the carrier.
4.4 Fuel Handling and Storage
4.4.1 The user shall supervise the stor age an d h an-
dling of liquid f uels (when us ed) to be ce rtain that it is in accordance with ap propriate paragraphs of ANSI/NFPA 505 and ANSI/NFPA 30.
4.4.2 Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas fuels shall be in acc ordance with appropriate para­graphs of ANSI/NFPA 505 and ANSI/NFPA 58. If such storage or handling is not i n com pliance with these stan­dards, the user shall pr event the car rier from bei ng used until such storage and handling is in compliance with these standards.
4.5 Changing and Charging Storage Batteries for
Electric Personnel and Burden Carriers
4.5.1 The user shall require battery changing and
charging facilities and procedures to be in accordance with appropriate paragraphs of ANSI/NFPA 505.
4.5.2 The user shall periodically inspect facilities and review procedures to be certain that appropriate paragraphs of ANSI/NFPA 505, are strictly complied with, and shall familiarize carrier operators with it.
4.6 Hazardous Locations
4.6.1 The user shall determine the hazard classifi-
cation of the particul ar atmosphere or location in whi ch the carrier is to be used i n accordance with ANSI/NFPA
4.6.2 The user shall permit in haz ardous are as o nly those carriers approved and of the type required by ANSI/NFPA 505.
4.7 Lighting for Operating Areas
4.7.1 The user, in accordance with his responsib ility
to survey the environment and operating conditions, shall determine if the carrier requires lights and, if so, shall equip the carrier with appropriate lights in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
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Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
4.8 Control of Noxious Gases and Fumes
4.8.1 When equipment powered by internal com-
bustion engines is used in enclosed areas, the atmo­sphere shall be maintained within limits specified in the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists publication, “Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Phys ical Agents in the Work­room Environment”. Thi s sh all be ac com pl is hed by ven ti­lation provided b y the user, and/or the installati on, use, and proper maintenance of em ission control equipment recommended or provided by the manufacturer of the equipment.
4.9 Warning Device(s)
4.9.1 The user shall make periodic inspections of
the carrier to be certain that the sound-produ cing and/or visual device(s) are mai ntained in good operatin g condi­tion.
4.9.2 The user shall determine if operating condi­tions require the carrier to be equipped with additional sound-producing a nd/or visual dev ices and be re sponsi­ble for providing and mai ntaining such dev ices, in ac cor­dance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.1 Personnel and Burden Carrier Operator
5.1.1 Only persons who are trained in the proper
operation of the carrier shall be authorized to operate the carrier. Operators shall be qualified as to visual, auditory, physical, and m ental ability to safely o perate the equip­ment according to Section 5 and all other applicable parts of this Standard.
5.2 Personnel and Burden Carrier Operators’
5.2.1 The user shall conduct an operators’ training
5.2.2 Successful completi on of the operators’ train­ing program shall be r equired by the user befor e opera­tion of the carrier. The program shall be presented in its entirety to all new operators and not condensed for those claiming previous experience.
5.2.3 The user should include in the operators’ train­ing program the following:
(a) instructional material provided by the manufac-
(b) emphasis on safety of passeng ers, mater ial l oads,
carrier operator, and other employees;
(c) general safety rules co ntained w ithin th is Standard and the additional s pecific rules determined by the user in accordance with this Standard, and why they were fo r ­mulated;
(d) introduction of equipment, control locations and functions, and explana tion of how they work when used properly and when used i mproperly, and surface condi­tions, grade, and other co nditions of the environment in which the carrier is to be operated;
(e) operational performance tests and evaluations dur­ing, and at completion of, the program.
5.3 Personnel and Burden Carrier Operator
5.3.1 Operators shall abide by the following safety
rules and practices in paras. 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7.
5.4 General
5.4.1 Sa feguard th e ped estrian s at all ti mes. Do not
drive carrier in a manner that would endanger anyone.
5.4.2 Riding on the carrier by persons other than the operator is authorized only on personnel seat(s) provided by the manufacturer. All parts of the body shall remain within the plan view outline of the carrier.
5.4.3 Wh en a carrier is to be left unattended, stop carrier, apply the parking brake, st op the engine or turn off power, turn off the control or ignition circuit, and remove the key i f provided. Block the wheels if mac hine is on an incline.
5.4.4 A carrier is considered unattended when the operator is 25 ft. (7.6 m) or more fr om the carrier which remains in his vie w, or whenever the oper ator le aves the carrier and it is not within his view. When the operator is dismounted and within 25 ft. (7.6 m) of the c arrier still in his view, he still must have contr ols neutralized, and the parking brake(s) set to prevent movement.
5.4.5 Maintain a safe distance from the edge of ramps and platforms.
5.4.6 Us e only approved carriers in ha za rd ous lo ca ­tions, as defined in the appropriate safety standards.
5.4.7 Report all accidents involving personnel, building structures, and equipment.
5.4.8 Oper ators shall not add to, or m odify, the car­rier.
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
5.4.9 Carriers shall not be parked or left unatte nded such that they block or obstruct fire aisles, access to stairways, or fire equipment.
5.5 Traveling
5.5.1 Observe all traffic regulations, including autho-
rized speed limits. Under nor mal traffic conditions keep to the right. Maintain a safe distance , based on sp eed of travel, from a carrier or v ehicle ahead; and k eep th e car­rier under control at all times.
5.5.2 Yield the right of way to pedestrians, ambu­lances, fire tru cks, or other carrier s or vehicles in e mer­gency situations.
5.5.3 Do not pass another carrier or vehicle travel­ing in the same d irection at in tersections, bli nd spots, or at other dangerous locations.
5.5.4 Keep a clear view of the path of travel, observe other tra ffic and personn el, and ma intain a saf e clearance.
5.5.5 Slow down or stop, as conditio ns dictate, and activate the sound-producing warning device at cross aisles and when visibility is obstructed at other locations.
5.5.6 Ascend or descend grade s slo wly.
5.5.7 Avoid turning, if possible, and use extreme
caution on grades, ramps, or inclines; normally travel straight up and down.
5.5.8 Under all travel conditions the c arrier shall b e operated at a speed that wil l permit it to be brou ght to a stop in a safe manner.
5.5.9 Make starts, stops, turns, or direction rever­sals in a smooth manner so as not to shift the load, endanger passengers, or overturn the carrier.
5.5.10 Do not indulge in dangerous activities, such as stunt driving or horseplay.
5.5.11 Slow down when approaching, or on, wet or slippery surfaces.
5.5.12 Do not drive carrier onto any elevator unless specifically authorized to do so. Approach elevators slowly, and then enter squarely after the elevator car is properly leveled. Once on the elevator, neutralize the controls, shut off power, and set parking brakes. It is advisable that all other personnel leave the elevator before a carrier is allowed to enter or exit.
5.5.13 Avoid running over loose objects, potholes, and bumps.
5.5.14 To negotiate turns, reduce speed to improve stability, then turn hand steering wheel or tiller in a
smooth, sweeping motion.
5.6 Loading
5.6.1 Handle only stable and safely arrang ed loads.
When handling off-center loads which cannot be cen­tered, operate with extra caution.
5.6.2 Handle only loads within the capacity of the
carrier as specified on the nameplate.
5.6.3 Handle loads exceedin g the dimensions used to establish carrier capacity with extra caution. Stability and maneuverability may be adversely affected.
5.7 Operator Care of Personnel and Burden
5.7.1 At the beginning of each shift during which the
carrier will be used, th e operator shall check the c arrier condition and inspect the tires, warning devices, lights, battery(s), speed and di rection al controll ers, brakes , and steering mechanis m. If the carrier i s found to be in need of repair, or in any way unsafe, the matter shall be reported immediately to the design ated auth ority and the carrier shall not be operated unti l it has been restor ed to safe operating condition.
5.7.2 If during operation the carrier becomes unsafe in any way, the matter shall be repor ted immediately to the designated authority, and the carrier shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating con­dition.
5.7.3 Do not make repairs or adjustments unless specifically authorized to do so.
5.7.4 The engine shall be stopp ed and the operator shall leave the carrier while refueling.
5.7.5 Spillage of oil or fuel shall be carefully and completely absorbed or evaporated and fuel tank cap replaced before starting engine.
5.7.6 Do not operate a c arrier wi th a l eak in the fuel system or battery(s).
5.7.7 Do not use open flam es for checking electro­lyte level in storage battery(s) or liquid level in fuel tanks.
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Carriers may become hazardous if mainte-
nance is neglected. Therefore, maintenance facilities, trained personnel, and procedures shall be provided. Such facilities may be on or off the premises.
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6.2 Maintenance Procedures
6.2.1 Maintenance and inspection of all carriers
shall be performed in conformance with the manufac­turer’s recommendations and the following practices.
(a) A scheduled pr eventive maintenance, lub rication,
and inspection system shall be followed.
(b) Only qualifie d and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to maintain, repair, adjust, and inspect carriers.
(c) Before under taking maintenance o r repair, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for immobilizing the carrier.
(d) Block chassis before working underneath it.
(e) Before disco nnecting any part of the engine fuel system of a gasol in e o r dies el powered carrier with g ra v­ity feed fuel systems, be sure shutoff valve is closed, and run engine until fuel system is depleted and engine stops running.
(f) Before disconnecting any part of the engine fuel system of LP gas powered carriers, close the LP gas cyl­inder valve and run th e engine until fu el in the syste m is depleted and the engine stops running.
(g) Operation to check performance of the carrier shall be conducted in an authorized area where safe clear­ance exists.
(h) Before commen cing operation of the carr ie r, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended pro­cedures.
(i) Avoid fire hazards and have fir e protection equip­ment present in the work area. Do not use an open flame to check level o r leakage of fuel, battery electro lyte, or coolant. Do not use open pans of fuel or flammable cleaning fluids for cleaning parts.
(j) Properly ventilate the work area.
(k) Handle LP gas cylinders with care. Physical dam­age, such as dents, scrapes, or gouges, may danger­ously weaken the tank and make it unsafe for use.
(l) Brakes, steering mechanisms, speed and direc­tional control mecha nisms, warning devices, ligh ts, gov­ernors, guards, and safety devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in a safe operating condition.
(m) Special carriers or devices designed and approved for hazardous area operation shall be inspected to ensure that maintenance preserves the orig­inal approved safe operating features.
(n) Fuel systems shall be checked for leaks and condi­tion of parts. If a leak is found, action shall be taken to
prevent the use of the carrier until the leak has been eliminated.
(o) The carrier manufacturer’s capacity, operation, and maintenance instruc tion plates, tags, or decals shall be maintained in legible con dit ion .
(p) Batteries, motors, speed and directional control­lers, limit switch es, protec tive dev ices, ele ctrical cond uc­tors, and connections shall be inspected and main tained in conformance with manufacturers recommended pro­cedures.
(q) Carriers shall be kept in a clean conditi on to mini­mize fire hazards and facilitate detection of loose or defective parts.
(r) Modifications and additions which affect capacity and safe machine operation shall not be performed by the customer or user without ma nufact urer’s prior written authorization; wher e auth orized modifi cati ons have been made, the user shall ensure that capacity, operation, warning, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals are changed accordingly.
(s) Care shall be taken to ensure t hat all repl acement parts are interchangeable with the or igina l parts and of a quality at least equal to that provided in the original equipment.
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The following text is prov ide d as r eco mm end ed b y part II of ANSI / NGCMA Z130.1 - 1993. E-Z-G O, as a memb er of the National Golf Car Manufacturers Association (NGCMA), strongly endor ses the conten ts of this specifi­cation.
5.1. Introduction
Like other machines, golf cars can cause injury if improp­erly used or maintained. This section contains broad safety practices recommended for safe golf car opera­tions. Before operation, the controlling party should establish such additional specific safety practices as may be reasonably required for safe operations.
Experience has shown th at golf cars which comply wit h the provisions stated i n Part II of this Standard are safe when properly operated in accordance with the safety and operation warnings affixed to every golf car. The safe operation is enhanced w hen the golf cars are operated within a specific set of operation instructions, safety rules and practices established to meet actual operating ter­rain and conditions.
The safety informatio n contained in P art II is intend ed to provide the controlling party with basic safety information and to encourage the controlling party to implement a golf car safety program.
It is suggested and recommended that Part II be reprinted in the golf car manufacturer’s operation and service manuals to enc ourage safe opera tions and pr ac­tices at the controlling party’s facility.
5.2.1. Steep Grade
In areas where steep grades exist, golf car operations should be restricted to the design ated golf car pathways where possible, and shall be identified with a suitable warning giving the followin g infor mation : “Warning, steep grade, descend slowly with one foot on brake.”
5.2.2. Wet Areas
Wet grassy areas ma y cause a golf car to lose traction and may affect stability. Wet areas shall be chained or roped off to prevent golf car operations or be identified by a suitable warning not to ope rate golf cars in this area due to wet terrain.
5.2.3. Sharp Turns, Blind Corners, Bridge Approaches
Sharp turns, blind spots, bridge approaches and other potentially hazardous areas shall be either chained or roped off to prevent golf car ope rations or identified wit h a suitable warning to the operator of the nature of the hazard and stating the proper prec autions t o be taken to avoid the hazard.
5.2.4. Loose Terrain
Loose terrain ma y cause a golf car to lose traction and may affect stability. Areas of loose terrain should be repaired if possible, or chained or roped off to prevent golf car operation or identified by a suitable warning to operators not to operate golf cars in this area due to loose terrain or possible hazardous conditions.
5.2.5. Golf Car/Pedestrian Interfer en ce Area s
5.2. Safety Survey
The controlling party shall perform a safety s urvey peri­odically, and as conditions warrant to the ir premises, to identify areas where golf cars should not be operated and to identify possible hazards.
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Areas where pe destrians an d golf car s interfere shall be avoided whenever poss ible by rer outing the golf car tr af­fic or the pedestrian traffic to eliminate the interference. If elimination of th e interf erence is not p ossible o r is high ly impractical, signs shall be erected warning pedestrians of the golf car tra ffic and golf c ar oper ators of t he p edes­trian traffic and to drive slowly and use extreme caution.
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6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Golf cars may become haz ardou s if mai ntenance
is neglected or impr operly performed. T herefore mainte­nance facilities, trained personnel and procedures in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations should be provided by the controlling party.
6.2. Preventive Maintenance
A regularly sched uled inspe ction and prev entive mai nte­nance program in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations should be established. Such a pro­gram will be a valuable tool in providing the golfing patron with a safe, properly operating golf car and thereby help to avoid accidents.
6.2.1. Personnel
Only qualified, t rained a nd authoriz ed pers onnel shall be permitted to inspect, adjust and maintain golf cars.
liters per car per charge. Because of the highly v olatile nature of hydrogen gas and its propensity to rise and accumulate at the ceiling in pocke ts, a minimum of 5 air changes per hour is rec omm end ed. The controllin g part y shall consult applicable fire and safety codes for the spe­cific ventilation levels required as well as the use of explosion proof electrical apparatus.
6.2.4. Maintenance Procedures
All maintenance sha ll be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance proce­dures as outlined in the manufacturer’s operation and service manuals.
6.2.5. Maintenance Safety Procedures
All maintenance sha ll be performed in accordance with the manufacturer ’s recommended safety procedur es as outlined in the manufacturer’s operation and service manuals. The followin g list of recommended safety pro ­cedures are general in nature an d in no way supersede the manufacturer’s specific instructions.
6.2.2. Parts and Materials
Only manufacturer’s recommended replacement parts and materials shall be used.
6.2.3. Ventilation
Maintenance and st orage areas shall be properly ven ti­lated to avoid fire haza rds in accor dance with applic able fire codes and ordinances. Ventilation for gasoline powe red golf cars shall be provided to remove flammable vapors, fumes and other flammable mat erials. Consu lt applica ble fire code s for specific levels of ventilation. Ventilation for electric powered golf cars shall be provided to remove the accumulation of flammable hydrogen gas emitted dur ing the charging process. The amount of hydrogen gas emitted depends upon a num­ber of factors such as the c ondition of the batteries, t he output rate of the battery ch arger an d the am oun t of tim e the batteries are on charge. Hydrogen emissions are generally considered to be in the area of 10 to 20 cubic Follow manufacturer’s instructions for immobi­lizing golf car before beginning any maintenance. Block chassis before working underneath golf car. Before disconnecting any part of the fuel sys­tem, drain the syste m and turn all shut off valves to the ‘OFF’ position to prevent leakage or accumulation of flammable fuels in the work area. Avoid fire hazards and have fire protection equipment available. Before performing any maintenance on an elec­tric golf car, disable the elect rical system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Use only properly insulated tool s when working on electrically powered golf cars or around batteries. Brakes, steering mechanisms, warning devices,
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governors and all other safety devices shall be inspected and maintained in a safe and proper oper ating condi tion and shall not be modified as supplied by the manufac­turer. After each maintenance or repair the golf car shall be driven by qualified, trained an d authorized per­sonnel to ensure proper operation and adjustment. Driving golf car to check for proper operation and adjustment after repair shall be performed in an area that is free of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Record all main tenance perfo rmed in a ma inte­nance record log by date, name of person performing maintenance and typ e of maintenance. Controlling party management should periodically inspect maintenance log to ensure currency and completeness of entries.
7.1. The con trolling party shall supervise th e storage
and handling of liquid fuels in accordance with applicable fire and safety requirements.
7.2. Storage an d handling of liquefied petroleum gas fuels shall be in accordance with American Gas Associa­tion recommenda tions and applicab le fire safety require­ments.
7.3. The contr olling party shall require bat tery chang­ing and charging fac ilit ies an d pr ocedures to be in accor­dance with applicable ordinances or regulations (also see paragraph
7.4. The controlling party shall periodically inspect facilities and review procedures to be certain that the procedures in parag raphs and 7.3 are being fol­lowed. Provide operator comment cards to assist in identifying non-periodic maintenance needs for specific golf cars.
6.2.6. The controlling party shall maintain in a legible condition all nameplates, warnings and instructions which are supplied by the manufact urer.
6.2.7. The controlling party shall not perform any modifi­cation or addition whic h affects capacity or safe opera­tion, or make any change not in accordance with the owner’s manual without the manufacturer’s prior written authorization. Where authorized modifications have been made, the controlling party shall ensure that capacity, operation, warning and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decals are changed accordingly.
6.2.8. As required under paragraphs 6.2.6 and 6.2.7 the manufacturer shall be contacted to secure new name­plates, warnings or instructions which shall then be affixed in their proper place on the golf car.
8.1. Operator Qualifications
8.1.1. Only authorized persons shall be allowed to oper-
ate golf cars. It is recommended that no persons be allowed to operate golf car s except those persons who posses a valid motor vehicle driver’s license.
8.1.2. The controlling party shall display the operation and safety instructio ns as recommended by the golf car manufacturers and the golf cour se safety r ules in a c on­spicuous place near the golf ca r rental area or golf car pick-up area. It is also recommended, as with all motor vehicles, that the warning “Do not operate golf cars when under the influence o f alcohol or drugs.” be pos ted in a conspicuous location.
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Thank you for purchasin g this vehicle. B efore drivi ng the vehicle, we ask you to spend some time reading this Owner’s Manual and Servi ce Guide . This guid e contains the information that will assist you in maintaining this highly reliable vehicle. Some illustrations may show items that are optional for your vehicle. This guide covers the operation of sev eral vehicles; therefo re, some picto­rial views may not represent your vehicle. Physical differ­ences in controls will be illustrated.
This vehicle has bee n designed and manufactured as a ‘World Vehicle’. Some countries have in dividual require­ments to comply with their specifications; therefore, some sections may not apply in your country.
Most of the service procedures in this guide can be accomplished using common automotive hand tools. Contact your service representative on servicing the vehicle in accor dance with the Periodic Servi ce Sched­ule.
Service Parts Manu als and Technician’s Repair and Ser­vice Manuals are available from a local Distributor, an authorized Branch or the Service Parts Department. When ordering parts or requesting information for your vehicle, provide ve hicl e model, seri al numbe r and man u­facture date code.
Read, understand and follow the safety label on the instrument panel. Be sure you understand how to oper ­ate the vehicle, its equip ment and how to use it safely. Maintaining good perfor man ce dep end s t o a lar ge ex ten t on the operator.
Hydrogen gas is generat-
! !
ing process. A 4% concentration of hydrogen gas is explosive and could cause severe injury or death. Charging must take place in an area that is adequate­ly ventilated (minimum of 5 air exchanges per hour).
To reduce the chance of battery explosion that could result in severe injury or death, never smoke around or charge batteries in an area that has open flam e or electrical equipment that could cause an electrical arc.
Before a new vehicle is put into operation, the items shown in the INITIAL SERVICE CHART must be per­formed (Ref Fig. 1 on page 1).
ed as a natural part of the lead acid battery charg-
Vehicle batteries must be fully charged before initial use. Check for correct tire inflation. See GENERA L SPECIFI-
CATIONS. Determine and record braki ng distance required to stop
vehicle for future brake performance tests. Remove the protective c lear pla stic, tha t prote ct the seat
bottom and back rest during s hipping, bef ore placing the vehicle in service.
Batteries Charge batteries
Seats Remove protective plastic covering
Brakes Check operation and adjust if necessary
Establish acceptable stopping distance
Tires Check air pressure (see SPECIFICATIONS)
Portable Remove from vehicle and properly mount Charger
Ref Isc 1
Fig. 1 Initial Service Chart
To prevent overheat-
! !
ing that may cause
serious damage to the charger and create the potential for fire, do not block or obstruct the airways. Por t a­ble chargers must be mounted on a plat­form above the ground or in such a manner as to permit the maximum air flow under­neath and around the charger.
Portable chargers a re shipped with the vehicle. P rior to vehicle or charger ope ration, char gers must be remo ved and mounted on a platform or wall above the ground to permit maximum air flow around and underneath the charger. If the charger is operated in an outdoor location, rain and sun protection mu st be provided (Ref Fig. 2 on page 2). A dedicated circuit is required for the charge r. Refer to the charger ma nual for appropriate circuit pro­tection. The charger may remain plugged in to the AC outlet. To charge the vehicle, refer to the instruction labels on the char ger. Insert the polarized DC plug com­pletely into the vehicle receptacle (Ref Fig. 3 on page 2).
The charger will automat ically start a few seconds after plug insertion. The ch arger will automatically st op when
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Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
The charging (DC) cord is equipped with a polarized con-
Provide Protection From Elements
nector which fits into a matching rece ptacle on the vehi ­cle.
The power (AC) cord is equipped with a groun ded plug. Do not attempt to remove, cut or bend the ground post.
the charge r.
If vehicle is to be charged with a non E-Z-GO charger, refer to the instructions supplied with
Do Not Block Louvered Airways
NEMA 15 - 5R Grounded AC Receptacle
110 - 120 VAC. Dedicated 15 AMP Circuit
Locations outside the US and Canada: Reference appropriate local electrical code and charger manu­facturer recommendations for AC power requirements
Ref Pci 1
Fig. 2 Proper Charger Installation
Front of
Ref Crl 1
Fig. 3 Charger Receptacle Location
batteries are fully charged and the DC plug can be removed to permit use of the vehicle.
Vehicle controls and indicators consist of:
key/light switch
direction select or
state of charge meter
accelerator pedal
combination service and park brake pedal
run - tow/maintenance switch (PDS only)
Located on the d as h panel , thi s switc h e nables the basic electrical system of the vehicle to be turned on and off by turning the key. To prevent inadvertent operation of the vehicle when left unattended, the key should be turned to the ‘OFF’ position and removed (Ref Fig. 4 on page 2).
Direction Selector (PDS only)
State of Charge Meter
Looping the DC cord through the steering
wheel when charging, serves as a good reminder to store the cord out of the way when finished with charging. The DC plug can be damaged by driving over or catching the cord on the vehicle when driving away. A charging interlock feature on the PowerWise™ charger prevents vehicle operation while the DC plug is inserted in vehicle receptacle.
To prevent a physical
! !
hazard that could result
in an electrical shock or electrocution, be sure that the charger plug is not damaged and is inserted into a grounded receptacle.
The power (AC) cord is equipped with a grounded plug, do not attempt to pull out, cut or bend the ground post.
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Key/Light Switch
ef Kes 1
Fig. 4 Key/Light Switch & State of Charge Meter
If the vehicle is equipped with lights, the key switch has a position to operate them, indica ted by the light ic on.
If the vehicle is equipped with factory installed custom accessories, some accessories remain
operational with the key switch in the ‘OFF’ position.
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
To prevent loss of
! !
tion selector while the vehicle is in motion. Moving the selector will result in a sudden slowing of the vehicle and the beeping of a warning device.
control, do not move PDS vehicle direc-
To reduce the possibility of component damage, the vehicle must be complete-
ly stopped before moving the direction selector. On PDS models, if the direction selector is shifted before the
vehicle comes to a complete stop, a warning beeper will activate.
Located on the seat support panel or the dash panel, this lever or switch permits the selection of either ‘F’ (for­ward), ‘R’ (reverse) or neutral (the posit ion between for­ward and reverse). Vehicle should be left in neutral when unattended (Ref Fig. 5 on page 3).
ef Dsl 1
Neutral, as shown
Fig. 5 Direction Selector T ypes
Located in the dash, the state of charge m eter indicates the amount of usable power in the batter ies (Ref Fig. 4 on page 2).
Unintentional move-
! !
ment of the acceler-
ator pedal will release the park brake and may cause the vehicle to move which could result in severe injury or death.
With the key switch ‘ON’, depressing the accelerator pedal starts the motor. When the pedal is released, th e motor will stop (Ref Fig. 6 on page 3). To stop the vehicle more quickly, depress the service brake.
ef Abc 1
Fig. 6 Accelerator and Brake Controls
If key switch is ‘ON’ and park brake is set, depressing the accelerator inadver tently will releas e the park brake an d will cause the vehicle to move whic h could c ause sev ere injury or death.
Depressing the accelerator pedal will release the park brake if it is engaged. This is a feature to assure the vehi­cle is not driven with the park brake engag ed. Depress­ing the accelerat or pedal is not the preferred method of releasing the park brake.
Depressing the lower section of the brake pedal is the preferred method of releasing the
park brake to assure the longest service life of brake compo­nents.
The brake pedal incorpo rates a park brake feature (Ref Fig. 6 on page 3). To engage, push down on the upper section of the pedal until it locks in place. The park brake will release when the service brak e pedal is depressed. Use the lower section of the brake pedal to operat e the service brake system.
To reduce the possi-
! !
bilty of severe inju-
ry or death resulting from loss of vehicle control, consider the grade of the terrain the vehicle is on and set vehicle’s park brake accordingly before switching the Run - Tow/Maintenance switch to the ‘Tow/Maintenance’ position. When in the ‘Tow/Maintenance’ position, the Anti-Roll Back and Walk-Away safe ty fea­tures of the PDS system no longer function.
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
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Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Before attempting to tow vehicle, move
the Run-Tow/Maintenance switch to the ‘Tow/Maintenance’ position. Failure to do so will damage the controller or motor.
Before disconnecting or connecting a battery, or any other wir­ing, move the Run-Tow/Maintenance switch to the ‘Tow/Mainte­nance’ position.
After connecting a battery, or any other wiring, wait a minimum of 30 seconds before moving the Run-Tow/Maintenance switch to the ‘Run’ position.
The PDS vehicl e is equipped with a two position sw itch located under the pass en ger s i de o f th e s ea t on th e c on­troller environmental cover (Ref Fig. 7 on page 4).
Tampering with or unauthorized modification of this unit
Always select 'TOW/MAINTENANCE'
position before towing
To disable electrical system, place switch in 'TOW/ MAINTENANCE' position and remove battery wire
After reconnecting batteries, allow a minimum of 30 seconds before selecting 'RUN' position
Beep Fault Symptoms Correction Required
1-1 Controller Failure Vehicle will not run Check motor wiring & motor Ω. Replace controller
1-2 Throttle fault Solenoid clicks, will not run Replace/adjust pedal box, harness
1-4 High pedal disable Vehicle will not run Release pedal/check pedal box, linkage & switch
2-4 Solenoid coil failure Vehicle will not run Check coil connections/wiring, or disconnected replace solenoid if required
3-1 Solenoid driver fail Vehicle will not run Check coil wiring for shorts, replace controller
3-3 Solenoid did not close Vehicle will not run Check all solenoid wiring, replace solenoid if required
3-4 Field winding open Solenoid clicks, will not run Check motor & controller field connections, replace power harness or motor if required
4-1 Armature open Solenoid clicks, will not run Check motor & controller armature connections, replace power harness or motor if required
4-3 Solenoid drop out Vehicle stops Check solenoid/wiring, replace if required
Beep Fault Symptoms Correction Required 1-3 Speed sensor fault Vehicle runs slowly Check speed sensor connections & magnet/torque, replace speed sensor if required
2-1 Low battery voltage Vehicle performance reduced Charge batteries/replace bad batteries
2-2 High battery voltage Regen performance reduced Check that battery voltage is less than 48 VDC
2-3 Thermal cutback Vehicle performance reduced Allow controller to cool, check heat sink bolt torque
3-2 Solenoid welded Vehicle runs slowly Check auxiliary power. Replace solenoid
4-2 Motor stalled Vehicle stopped Remove mechanical blockage
To enter diagnostic mode Turn key switch to 'OFF' Move 'RUN/TOW MAINTENANCE' switch to 'RUN'. Move direction selector switch from neutral position to 'REV' position five (5) times After a confirming beep(s) sounds, the diagnostic fault code will sound when a fault is detected. To exit diagnostic mode: Select 'TOW MAINTENANCE' position.
by non E-Z-GO personnel could result in serious personal
injury, will void the warranty and result in permanent
damage to the vehicle
Possibility of electrical arc or battery
explosion. Before removing/connecting batteries or electrical components, turn switch to 'TOW MAINTENANCE' position
With the switch in ‘RUN’ position:
the controller is activated
the electronic braking system and warning be epe r
features are activated
PDS vehicles operate only in the ’RUN’ posi­tion.
The PDS is a low power consumption unit but it will drain the vehicle batterie s over a period of time. If the vehi cle is to be stored for a prolonged perio d of time, the PDS should be disconnected from the batteries. See ‘Pro­longed Storage’ on page 22.
The horn is operated by pushing the horn button located on the floor to the left of the brake pedal (Ref Fig. 8 on page 4).
Ref Hor 1
Fig. 8 Horn Button
Improper use of the vehicle or the lack of proper maintenance may result in
damage or decreased performance.
Controller Environmental Cover
Ref Rtm 1
Fig. 7 Run-Tow/Maintenance Switch
With the switch in ‘TOW/MAINTENANCE’ position:
the controller is deactivated
the electronic braking system is deactivated which
allows the vehicle to be towed or roll freely
the warning beeper is deactivated
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Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read and understand the following warnings before attempting to operate the vehicle.
To reduce the possibility
! !
of severe injury or death
resulting from loss of vehicle control, the following warnings must be observed:
When driving vehicle, consider the terrain, traffic conditions and the environmental factors which effect the terrain and the ability to control the vehicle.
Use extra care and reduced speed when drivi ng on poor surfaces, such as loose dirt, wet grass, gravel, etc.
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Stay in designated areas and avoid extremely rough terrain.
Maintain a safe speed when driving down hill. Use service brake to control speed when traveling down an incline. A sudden stop or change of direction may result in loss of control.
To prevent loss of control, do not move the direc­tion selector of a PDS vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. Moving the selector will result in a sud­den slowing of the vehicle and the beeping of a warning device.
Slow down before and during turns. All turns should be made at reduced speed.
Never drive vehicle up, down, or across an incline that exceeds 14° (25% grade).
To reduce the possibility
! !
of severe injury or death
resulting from improper vehicle operation, the following warnings must be observed:
Refer to GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS for seating capacity.
Depressing accelerator pedal will release foot operated park brake and may cause inadvertent vehicle movement. Turn the key to the ‘OFF’ posi­tion whenever the vehicle is parked.
To prevent inadvertent movement when the vehi­cle is to be left unatt ended, engage the park brake, move direction selector to forward posi­tion, turn key to ‘OFF’ position and remove key.
Make sure that the direction selector is in correct position before attempting to start the vehicle.
Always bring the vehicle to a complete stop before shifting the direction selector.
Do not take vehicle out of ‘gear’ while in motion (coast).
Check the area behind the vehicle before operat­ing in reverse.
All occupants must be seated. Keep entire body inside vehicle and hold on while vehicle is in motion.
Precision Drive System™ (PDS) vehicles are operated in one of four modes or “performance opt ions”. All options have standard features that control, protect and diagnose the vehicle.
PDS vehicles operate only when the Run -
Tow/Maintenance switch is in the ’RUN’ posi­tion. See ‘RUN - TOW/MAINTENANCE SWITCH (PDS VEHI­CLES ONLY)’ on page 3.
Performance Options
The options are defined as follows:
Performance Option Top Speed
1. All Terrain
2. Steep Hill
3. Mild Hill
4. Freedom
Fig. 9 Performance Options
1. The All-Terrain performance option: T he vehicle ’s top
speed is sensed and regulated directly by the control­ler.
2. The Steep Hill performance option: This option
includes all of t he driving features and top speed of All-Terrain plus pedal-up braking. This is the stron­gest of the two pedal-up braking options.
3. The Mild Hill performance option: This option includes
all of the driving features of the Steep Hill option, except the pedal-up braking feel is milder and the top speed is slightly higher.
4. The Freedom performance option: This option
includes all of the driving features of the All-Terrain option except that the vehi cle’s top speed is the hi gh­est available. This opti on is not offered on fleet golf cars.
The Freedom option is not available for fleet
golf cars.
The vehicle performance option can be determined by placing the vehicl e in dia gnostic mode. See Technician’s Repair and Service Manual. T he n umber of bee ps heard immediately after entering dia gnostic mode correspo nds to the above option numbers.
13 - 13.5 mph
(21 - 22 kph)
13 - 13.5 mph
(21 - 22 kph)
14 - 14.5 mph
(22.5 - 23 kph)
17 - 19 mph
(27 - 30.5 kph)
Braking Strength
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