The Extron RGB 300 is a digitally controlled Universal Analog/
ECL Computer-Video Interface. It can connect most any
computer to a video presentation device, such as a large
screen projector or data monitor. The RGB 300’s built-in
intelligence automatically selects sync settings and other
parameters for quick, easy setup.
RGB 300 Features
The RGB 300 features allow video output to be controlled in
several ways:
Chapter 1 • Introduction to RGB 300Chapter 1 • Introduction to RGB 300
Level Control (picture)
This feature is similar to a contrast control on a data monitor,
which is used to adjust the intensity of the video level on the
projector/monitor screen. There are 255 levels for this
Peaking Control (sharpness)
This control is similar to a sharpness control on a data
monitor. It is also used to compensate for long cable runs.
There are eight Peaking levels.
· Automatic detection and setup for quick installation
· Custom setup and adjustments made from the Front Panel
· RGB 300 Windowsâ software, through an RS-232 interface
· User-written programs, through the RS-232
LCD Menu Driven Controls
The RGB 300 does not have “knobs” or “switches” to control
its operation. Instead, the “controls” are displayed and
adjusted using the Front Panel LCD display and six buttons.
The Front Panel can be used in any of four languages:
English, French, Spanish and German. The display has two
main functions:
1. The RGB 300 automatically detects and displays vital
troubleshooting information, such as the presence of Red,
Green and Blue video input signals, as well as the horizontal
and vertical scan frequencies.
2. The user can step through, and display any of the controls or
features in the interface.
___ Chapter 3 has details on using the Front Panel.
Auto-Select and Memory Blocks
There are 25 memory blocks for storing video format
information, such as video and sync and control settings.
Each block represents one video format configuration (e.g.
memory block #06 = VESA3, or #10 = MAC16”, etc.). Extron
has pre-loaded several memory blocks with configurations
that match most video requirements. The RGB 300
automatically loads the first memory block that most closely
matches the computer’s video output.
Horizontal Shift Control (centering)
This feature shifts the displayed image to the left or right on
the projector/monitor screen. There are 255 positions for this
Vertical Shift Control (centering)
This feature shifts the displayed image up or down on the
projector/monitor screen. There are 255 positions for this
Automatic Sync Output Selection
The RGB 300 automatically detects which cables are
connected, and sends the Sync On Green, Composite, or
Separate Horizontal and Vertical sync signals to the correct
output cables. This function can be overridden through menu
Automatic Sync Stripping
The RGB 300 automatically strips all incoming sync from the
red, green, and blue channels for clean, crisp signal
processing. Sync may be recombined with the green channel
if necessary.
Security Lockout
Built into the RGB 300 is a universal passcode which allows
the user to “lock out” the front panel controls after setup. This
feature makes it impossible to change the controls after setup.
Auto-switching Power Supply
The RGB 300 is equipped with an internal auto-switching
power supply that operates from any input voltage in the 90 to
270 VAC, 50/60 Hz. range. No equipment changes are
RS-232 Control Interface for Remote Control
The RGB 300 has a built-in RS-232 interface to allow the unit
to be controlled remotely, in either of two ways:
1. Use the Windows
provided by Extron. Benefite are listed below.
2. The user may write software to control the RGB 300 from a
PC, or other system. See the Programmer’s Guide is in
Appendix A.
The RS-232 protocol is fixed at 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data
bits and 1 stop bit.
Benefits of Windows® RGB 300 software
Using the Windows® software provided with the RGB 300
adds several advantages over Front Panel operation.
All of the controls are quicker and easier to use with the onscreen control panel.
Application setups can be stored as disk files, therefore an
unlimited number of setups can be stored and reloaded from
the PC's hard drive or floppy disk.
See Chapter 5 for details on using this software.
Chapter 1 • Introduction to RGB 300Chapter 1 • Introduction to RGB 300
Front Panel Controls
The Front Panel LCD display is normally in a 3-menu default
cycle, displaying important video input information:
·The Red, Green and Blue video input signals detected
·The Video Format currently being used
·The horizontal and vertical scan frequencies
The Front Panel buttons have many functions, depending on
what the panel is being used for at any particular time. For
example, the user can display, and adjust any controls or
switches to adjust the video display. The specific functions for
these buttons are described in later procedures. General
descriptions follow.
___ There is a built in time-out function which will return back to the
default menus if no buttons are pressed for 20 seconds. If a
mistake was made, this is a convenient way out.
Menu button
The Menu button is used to break out of the default mode and
step through the menus, to view or change the operation.
Repeated pressing will loop back to the default menus.
Cursor buttons
The cursor buttons are typically used to step through the
options, before making a choice. These options could be
alpha characters, numeric settings, load choices, etc. The
user may want to change the value of the current setting. (i.e.
increase or decrease level, horizontal, shift, peaking etc.)
These buttons will also toggle the sync options on and off.
Select button
The Select button is used to break out of the default mode
and often used to choose the setting, or condition that is
currently being displayed in the LCD window.
LCD Display
While using the front panel, the LCD display provides helpful
information, such as which buttons to use for choices.
____ Do not connect the power cord until instructed to do so in the
following installation procedure. There is no power switch.
For quick, automatic setup, use the following BasicInstallation steps. The RGB 300 will detect the scan rate
from the computer and automatically load a video format from
a preset memory block. For most applications, the installation
should be complete. The Front Panel may be used later for
custom installation, or to make changes after completion of
the basic installation.
Quick Setup Procedure (rear panel cables)
1. Turn Computer and Monitor Power OFF
Do not connect the RGB 300 Power Cable yet. (There is no
power switch.)
2. Disconnect the Local Computer Monitor Video Cable.
3. Connect BNC Output Cables to the Data Monitor/Projector All BNC outputs are RGB analog. The BNC connectors are
marked R, B, G, H/V and V. They may be connected any of
three ways:
• Red, Green/sync and Blue, for RGB with sync on green.
(3-cable hook up)
• Red, Green, Blue and H/HV, for RGB with composite
Horizontal and Vertical Sync signals. (4-cable hook up)
• Red, Green, Blue, H/HV and V, for RGB with separate
Horizontal and Vertical Sync signals. (5-cable hook up)
The Extron RGB 300 automatically detects which cables are
connected and sends sync signals to the correct output.
______ The output cables must have 75 W termination at the Data
Monitor/ Projector; if not, the automatic setup may not work.
Look for a switch on the Data Monitor.
4. Connect the MBC video cable from the computer (Power
PC, PC, Mac or workstation) to this Analog/ECL Input
connector, and to the Local Monitor.
Chapter 2 • Quick Setup and Installation CheckChapter 2 • Quick Setup and Installation Check
5. RS-232 Control (optional) -If using a PC, or other system to
7. Observe that the RGB 300 LCD display lights up, and cycles
Installation Check
To be sure the installation is complete, do the following:
1. Check that the LCD default menus show the correct
If, for example, green input is missing, the RGB display would
show the “G” missing. For this example, the second line
____ The memory block that is loaded automatically is the first
match the RGB 300 finds. If there is a specialized block with a
higher block number, it may not load automatically because the
scan for a match begins with block #1.
4a. MBC Power Connector If the Analog/ECL, MBC video
cable has a small, phono jack attached to it, plug it into
this female connector.
program the RGB 300, connect the cable here. (pin-outs
and interface specifications are given under Installation
Check, after this procedure.)
6a. Turn Power ON for the Computer supplying the video
input. - (Power PC, PC, Mac or workstation)
6b. Turn Power ON for the Data Monitor/Projector.
6c. Connect power to the RGB 300.
through three default menus.
7a. The ID, or Title Menu - Displays the name of the unit.
To change this display, see the
in Chapter 3.
7b. The Scan Rate Menu - From the monitor breakout cable,
the RGB 300 detects the scan rate frequencies and
displays them. This is an example.
7c. The Video Input Menu - If the RGB 300 has detected
Red, Green & Blue inputs, the first line displays the
letters RGB. The second line displays the Memory Block
# and video format that was loaded, either manually or
automatically. This is an example.
information. (as described in Step 7, above). Use the menus
as a troubleshooting aide.
shows the RGB 300 is using settings stored in Memory
05, which is preset for a VESA2. Check to be sure the
correct block was loaded. (See Memory Block table.)
If no video input was detected, no memory block was
loaded, and the display will show spaces.
The scan rate menu may be used for troubleshooting as
The timing for the RGB 300 is derived from the vertical sync
signal. If the vertical sync signal is not present, both
the vertical and horizontal frequencies will be zeros,
even if there is a horizontal signal present.
If a vertical sync signal is detected, and the horizontal
sync is not detected, the vertical frequency is
displayed, but the horizontal frequency is zeros.
2. Recheck the Basic Installation steps for correct cable
connections, etc.
3. Fourteen memory blocks have been loaded with preset
video formats to match most computers. Check the following
memory preset table to see if the format specifications
match those required by the computer video signal.
Memory Block Preset Configurations
The following table shows the memory blocks that are preloaded with video scan formats.
Chapter 2 • Quick Setup and Installation CheckChapter 2 • Quick Setup and Installation Check
RS-232 interface specifications
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
RS-232 Connector Pins are as follows:
1 N/C (not connected)
Pin 2 TD Transmit Data (data out of the RGB 300)
Pin 3 RD Receive Data (data into the RGB 300)
Pin 4 N/C
Pin 5 Ground
Pin 6 N/C
Pin 7 Reserved
Pin 8 N/C
Pin 9
Power Supply
The RGB 300 is equipped with an internal auto-switching
power supply that operates from any input voltage in the 90 to
270 VAC, 50/60 Hz range. No equipment changes are
necessary. The fuse should only be a 250V 0.5A Slo-Blo type.
Application Diagram
The diagram below shows possible uses for the RGB 300.
Mem # FormatPixel x Line Hor. kHzVer. Hz
01VGA1640 x 35031.570
02VGA2640 x 40031.570
03VGA3640 x 48031.560
04VESA1800 x 60035.256
05VESA2640 x 48037.972
06VESA31024 x 76848.460
07VESA41024 x 76856.470
08 Mac 12”512 x 38424.560
09 Mac 13”640 x 48035.060
10 Mac 16”832 x 62449.775
11 Mac 21”1152 x 87068.775
12Sun11152 x 90071.776
13Sun21280 x 102481.076
14SGI1280 x 102463.960
If adjustments are required, go to Chapter 3 for custom
installation, to view settings, adjust the current settings, or
load a different memory block.
Chapter 5 describes how to use the Windows® RGB 300
Control Panel to do the same functions.