Extron Electronics Fiber Optic Cleaver User Manual

Fiber Optic Cleaver • User Guide
r Optic eaver
This guide provides instructions for an experienced installer to properly cleave optical glass fibers using the Extron Fiber Optic Cleaver. The cleaver can cut single fiber, 125 µm diameter strands to any length from 6 mm to 20 mm.
WARNING: Serious injury can result from improper use of the cleaver.
• Safety glasses should be worn during fiber preparation and splicing operation. Fiber
fragments can be extremely dangerous if they come into contact with your eyes or skin.
• The cleaver blade is extremely sharp. Personal injury can result from contact with the blade.
Unlocking and Storing the Cutting Lever:
To Unlock the Cutting Lever:
1. Press down and hold the cutting lever, (
2. Slide the stopper, (
), to release the cutting lever as shown at right.
Storing the Cleaver:
1. Before storing the cleaver, empty the contents of the fiber scrap container box,
see “Fiber Scrap Collector Mechanism Installation and Removal” on page 3.
2. Press the cutting lever, (
lock it.
), down, until the stopper, (b), can be slid in place to
Cleave a Fiber Strand
To Cleave a Fiber Strand:
1. Prepare the fiber cable. Refer to the fiber stripping instructions in the
Fiber Optic Termination Kit User Guide.
2. Clean the exposed fiber.
3. Push the slide button, (
WARNING: Do not leave a finger in the driving area of the slide
button, (c), when cleaving. Personal injury could result.
4. Insert the bare fiber into the open scrap collecter and lay it across the two
clamp pads. Set the buffer in the groove on the fiber plate, (g), and fix it in place by lowering the fiber holder, (h).
5. Slide the cable to align the end of the buffer with the 10.5 mm mark on the
graduated scale of the cleave gauge, (e). The buffer will be very close to touching the clamp pad, (i), as shown in the magnified view.
), inward until it locks. See the figure at right.
Press and Hold
Clamp Pad
6. Press down the cutting lever, (
the bottom of its travel, then release. A spring force will return it to the open position.
NOTE: Always press the cutting lever all the way down. Releasing
pressure on the cutting lever before reaching the bottom may result in poor cleaving quality.
7. Lift the holder, (
8. Turn the knob on the top of the scrap container, (
into the container.
NOTE: Discard the fiber contents of the scrap container box
), and remove the fiber.
), until it reaches
Align Buffer to 10.5 mm
), to drive the fiber scrap
Scrap Container Knob
Fiber Optic Cleaver • User Guide (Continued)
Maintenance and Adjustments
The following section describes three maintenance operations; blade and pad cleaning, blade position, and blade height adjustment, that must be performed regularly to ensure optimum operation of the cleaver.
Cleaning the Cleaver
For proper operation of the cleaver, the blade and clamp pads must be cleaned frequently.
To clean the blade and pads:
1. Remove the blade cover, (
2. Clean the visible portion of the circular blade, (
clamp pads, (i), with cotton swabs soaked with a few drops of the included cleaner.
3. Allow to air dry for several minutes, then replace the blade cover.
Blade Position Adjustment
The cleaver uses a circular blade with 16 cleaving positions. If the cleaver does not cut properly, or does not cut the fiber cleanly on the first attempt, rotate the blade 1/16th of a turn to the next cleaving position to replace the worn portion of blade with a sharp blade.
To rotate the blade:
1. Remove the blade cover, (
), see “Blade Position Adjustment” below.
), and the
), by prying it up from the housing with a small flat blade screwdriver.
CAUTION: The slide button, (c), must be in its outer position before the blade cover can be removed.
Warning: Do not touch the blade. Personal injury could result.
2. Remove the scrap container, (
3. Using the included 1.5 mm hex wrench, remove the scrap collector
mechanism, (
4. Push the slide button, (
5. Using the included hex wrench, loosen, but do not remove the blade
lock screw, ( screw holes.
6. The circular blade has 16 hole stops to provide positive locating. Rotate
the blade one hole stop, or 1/16th of a turn, to the next higher position number indication on the blade using a dental pick or other means to hook a hole stop and rotate the blade.
7. Tighten the blade lock screw, (
8. Replace the scrap collector mechanism, (
box, (n).
9. Release the slide button, then replace the blade cover, (
), see “To Remove the Scrap Collector:” on the next page.
), located between the two scrap collector mechanism
), inward until it locks.
), by pulling it away from the scrap collector mechanism.
), and fiber scrap container
Blade Position Indicator
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