Extron electronic DVE Professional User Manual

+81.3. 3511.7655 +81.3. 3511.7656 FAX
© 2007 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved. Pricing and specifications may change without notice.
714.4 91.1500 / 800. 633.9 876
714.4 91.1517 FAX
+31.3 3.453. 4040 / +800. 3987.6673 +31.3 3.453. 4050 F AX
+65. 6383. 4400 / +80 0.7339.8766 +65. 6383. 4664 FA X
+81.3. 3511.7655 +81.3. 3511.7656 FAX
© 2007 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved. Pricing and specifications may change without notice.
714.4 91.1500 / 800. 633.9 876
714.4 91.1517 FAX
+31.3 3.453. 4040 / +800. 3987.6673 +31.3 3.453. 4050 F AX
+65. 6383. 4400 / +80 0.7339.8766 +65. 6383. 4664 FA X
S p e c i a l i z e d p r o d u c t S — t e S t G e n e r a t o r S & M e a S u r e M e n t p r o d u c t S
DVE Professional
Professional A/V Test Reference DVD Set
FeaTur es
Audio/video test and demonstration benchmark for the A/V professional
Standard and high definition video test patterns and demonstrations in WMV
- Windows Media® Video
Professional edition with all-new test and demonstration materials
Created for designing, testing, and installing high performance A/V systems
Six DVD set, including NTSC and PAL versions
More than 130 new test patterns for professional video applications
Color filters for R, G, and B
1.78:1 Widescreen Anamorphic and 1:33 video formats
Dolby Digital
Online technical support from Joe Kane Productions including video test
pattern updates
Room environment materials
DVD player navigation instructions
Choice of subtitles
descr IPT Ion
Digital Video Essentials Professional from Joe Kane Productions and sponsored by Extron Electronics is a set of six DVDs that serve as professional reference tools for designing, calibrating, evaluating, and installing A/V systems. The standard and high definition video test and demonstration materials were created by Joe Kane for specific aspects of video performance and diagnostics. Included with the six DVD set are PAL and NTSC versions, comprehensive tutorials, and WMV Windows Media® Video versions in standard and high definition video.
For audio, DVE Professional provides test signals for optimizing Dolby Digital® and DTS® multi-channel audio, as well as for speaker placement, wiring, system response, acoustics, and even video timing for all of the audio formats. Also included is a resource section with information on basic video and audio system parameters.
Free online technical support from Joe Kane Productions is included with DVE Professional, once the product is registered over the Internet via interactive DVD-ROM access. Technical support includes updates to the video test materials, access to supplemental articles and information, and special test patterns for the European high definition video systems.
IncLu ded In ThIs sI x-dVd se T
Disc One: Consumer NTSC Version
Includes the tutorial of how to use the basic system setup patterns and is designed for use with the NTSC television system. This disc has been set for Region 0, meaning that it should play on any DVD player capable of playing NTSC, any place in the world.
Disc Two: Consumer PAL Version
Includes the tutorial of how to use the basic system setup patterns and is designed for use with the PAL television system. This disc has been set for Region 0, meaning that it should play on any DVD player capable of playing PAL, any place in the world.
Disc Three: Professional Level NTSC
NTSC test signals designed for the industry professional, in addition to consumer-level monitor set-up patterns. Support for the test patterns contained on this disc can be found on the Joe
, DTS®, and WMA - Windows Media Audio multi-channel audio
Kane Productions Web site by registering your copy of DVE Pro. This disc has been set for Region 0, meaning that it should play on any DVD player capable of playing NTSC, any place in the world.
Disc Four: Professional Level PAL with DVD-ROM Interactivity for Registering DVE Pro
PAL test signals designed for the industry professional, in addition to consumer-level monitor set-up patterns. Also contains the necessary programming to register DVE Pro and access Digital Video Essentials Internet support. You'll need the serial number that comes with each package to register. This disc has been set for Region 0, meaning that it should play on any DVD player capable of playing PAL, any place in the world.
Disc Five: Professional Level Windows Media High Definition (601 Color Space)
Test signals for Windows Media Video systems, including progressive standard definition 720 x 486p and 854 x 480p, and HDTV materials at 1280 x 720p and 1920 x 1080p. The YCbCr component video signal used as an input to the Windows Media Encoder follows the SD color matrix described in Rec. ITU-R BT.601-5.
For clarification the tw o high definition r ates o n this disc have b een en coded using the SD matrix. This has b een done to pro vide ma terial compatible with many computer output cards that only decode YCbCr to RG B following Rec . ITU-R B T.601- 5.
Sys tem req uiremen ts for Rec. ITU -R BT.60 1-5 col or mat rix acc ommodat ion at high definition rates:
PCI Motherboard: Minimum 800 MHz front side bus/system bus. ASUS solution
supporting SATA hard drives.
System Memory (RAM): Minimum 1 GB
Video: AGP nVidia chipset FX900 minimum, 128 MB RAM exactly
DVI Output: Leadtek (recommended manufacturer)
Hard Drive: 200 GB minimum SATA 7500 RPM
Disc Six: Professional Level Windows Media High Definition (709 Color Space)
Test signals for high definition Windows Media Video systems, at both 1280 x 720p and 1920 x 1080p resolutions. Compatible with systems employing the HD color matrix described in Rec. ITU-R BT.709-4.
There are no SD test materials on this disc as there is no common use of Rec. ITU-R BT.709-4 for encoding such material.
Syste m requ ire ments for Re c. I TU- R B T.709-4 color matrix tr ansco din g o f high definition signals:
PCI-E Motherboard: ASUS P5AD2
Processor (Minimum): Intel Pentium 4 3.4 GHz 1 GB L2 cache
System Memory (RAM): Minimum 1 GB
Video: nVidia FX6700 chipset
Hard Drive: 200 GB minimum SATA 7500 RPM
ModeL VersIon d escrIPTIon ParT #
DVE Professional A/V Test Reference DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-058-01