Congratulations on your purchase of the Temperature Datalogger. This datalogger measures and stores up to
32,000 temperature readings. The user can easily set up the logging rate, high/low alarm and start-mode, and
download the stored data by plugging the module into a PC's USB port and running the supplied PC software.
Temperature data can then be grap hed, printed and exported to other applications. The data logger is suppli ed
with a long-life lithium battery, which can typically allow logging for one year. This meter is shipped fully tested
and calibrated and, with proper use, will provide years of reliable service
Memory for 32,000 readings
Selectable data sampling rate: 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 10m, 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 6hr, 12hr, 24hr
Status Indication via Red/Yellow LED and Green LED
USB Interface for Set-up and Data Download
User-Programmable Alarm Thresholds for Temperature
Analysis software used to view graph
Long battery life
1. Protective cover
2. USB connector to PC port
3. Start button
4. Temperature sensor
5. Alarm LED (red/yellow)
6. Record LED (green)
7. Mounting clip
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Install the supplied Windows PC Datalogger Software by placing the supplied p rog ram disk in the PC’s CD-ROM
drive. If the installation program does not automatically open and provide on-screen prompts, open and browse
the CD-ROM drive, then find and double-click on the SETUP.EXE file included on the program disk. Follow the
on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
Before running the graphing software, please connect the TH10 to the PC and install the USB Driver software as
described in the next section.
Plug the TH10 into an available USB port on the PC. If this is the first
the particular port on the PC, the following screen will appear:
Make sure the program disk is still in the PC CD-ROM drive. Select the ‘recomme nded’ installation and follow the
on-screen prompts to complete the driver installation. If this is a repeat connection of the TH10 to the USB port,
the driver installation process will be automatically skipped.
With the TH10 inserted into the PC’s USB port, double-click the Temperature Datalogger icon to launch the
program. The main software screen will appear with the MENU BAR icons descri bed as below.
Note: When the TH10 is connected to the USB port, the battery inside the device is discharged at a
higher rate than normal. To conserve battery life, do not leave the TH10 connected to the
USB port for a prolonged period of time
time that the TH10 has been connected to
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The main menu for the software appears as follows:
From left to right the MENU BAR icons represent DATA DOWNLOAD, LOGGER SETUP, FILE OPEN, FILE
SAVE-AS, FILE PRINT, VIEW ALL, and ZOOM. In addition, the FILE, VIEW, LINK, and HELP pull-down menus
are available here. All of these functions are described in the following paragraphs.
Click on the computer icon on the menu bar (2
menu. The Setup window will appear as shown belo w; descriptions for each field i n the Setup window are listed
directly below the illustration:
from left) or select LOGGER SET from the LINK pull-down
The CURRENT TIME field will automatically synchronize with the PC date and time setting.
The MANUAL and INSTANT select buttons allow the user to start data logging immediately when the Setup
window is exited (INSTANT), or at a later time (MANUAL).
The LOGGER NAME field allows the user to select a unique name for the TH10.
The SAMPLE POINTS field instructs the TH10 to take a fixed number of readings.
The SAMPLE RATE pull-down menu instructs the TH10 to log readings at a specific rate.
The LED Flash Cycle can be set by the user: longer cycle times help to extend the battery life.
The ALARM SETTINGS area of the SETUP window allows the user to set high and low temperature limits
and disable the flashing of the TH10’s LEDs, thereby conserving battery energy.
Once the changes have been made, click on the SETUP button to save them. Press the DEFAULT button to set
the TH10 back to factory default conditions. Press the CANCEL button to abort the setup.
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