User's Guide
Vane Thermo-Anemometer Datalogger
Model 451126
Congratulations on your purchase of Extech's Thermo-Anemometer Datalogger. This
Vane-type Anemometer can indicate Air Velocity in five units of measure: Feet per minute,
Meters per second, Miles per hour, Kilometers per hour, and Knots with Temperature
displayed in
datalogger can record up to 2000 readings and the RS-232 interface provides PC data
transfer capability.
C or oF units. The meter can also display air flow in CFM or CMM. The built-in

Display Dual 4-digit (9999 count) Multi-function LCD
Data hold Locks latest reading on the LCD display
Sensor Structure Air velocity sensor: Conventional twisted vane arm with low friction
Memory Recall Records Max/Min readings with push-key RECALL
Data Output RS-232 PC serial interface
Operating conditions
Operating conditions
Storage temperature Temperature: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)
Power Supply 9V battery; Battery life: 50 hours typical
Power Consumption Approx. 3 mA DC
Weight 0.77 lbs. (350g)
Dimensions Meter: 3.46 x 6.61 x 1.03" (88 x 168 x 26.2mm);
Accessories 9V battery and carrying case
Range Specifications
Feet per Minute (ft/min) 60.0 to 8800 0.1 ± (3% + 20 ft/min)
Meters per Second (m/s) 0.30 to 45.00 0.01 ± (3% + 0.1 m/s)
Kilometers per Hour (km/hr) 1.00 to 140.0 0.01 ± (3% + 0.4 km/hr)
Miles per Hour (mile/hr) 0.70 to 100.0 0.01 ± (3% + 0.2 mile/hr)
Knots 0.60 - 88.0 0.01 ± (3% + 0.2 knots)
Units Range Converter Resolution Accuracy
C 0.0oC to 45.0oC 0.2oC ±1.0oC
F 32.0oF to 113.0oF 0.4oF ±1.8oF
Range Resolution Area
CFM (ft3/min) 0 to 999900 0.001 to 100 0.001 to 9999
CMM (m3/min) 0 to 999900 0.001 to 100 0.001 to 9999
(sapphire) ball bearing. Temperature sensor: K-type thermocouple
built into vane. 1/4" mounting nut provided
Temperature: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C); Humidity: <80% RH;
Pressure: 500mB to 2 Bar
Temperature: 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C); Humidity: <80% RH;
Pressure: 500mB to 2 Bar
Vane: 2.6 x 5.22 x 1.15" (66 x 132 x 29.2mm)
Air Velocity
Calibrated Range
Air Flow and Area
(CMM: 0 to 45.00 m/s; CFM: 0 to 8800 ft/min)
Model 451126 V2.0 6/08

Meter Description
1. LCD Display
2. Vane Sensor
3. ON/OFF Key
4. RS-232 Connector
5. Function/Numeric Keypad
LCD Display Icon Definitions
AVE Average reading mode
is selected
MIN Minimum reading mode
is selected
2/3V 2/3V Maximum mode is
MAX Maximum reading
mode is selected
VEL Air Velocity
READ Recalling stored
REC Appears when
recording readings
RS-232 PC Interface is
ft2 Square feet MPH Miles per hour
m2 Square meters Km/h Kilometers per hour
C Temperature is displayed in degrees
F Temperature is displayed in degrees
CFM Cubic feet per minute (ft3/min)
CMM Cubic meters per minute (m3/min)
x100 Multiply reading by one hundred
X10 Multiply reading by ten
m/s Meters per second
ft/min Feet per minute
Model 451126 V2.0 6/08