Ordering Information:
40130 ..........AC Voltage Detector
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2007-2008 Extech Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
6/5/08 - R3
• Non-Contact Detection of AC Voltage
from 100VAC to 600VAC
• For use on 50/60Hz circuits
• Flashing red LED light and push button
ON/OFF Audible beeper indicator
• Locate breaks in power cables
• Dims: 6 x 0.75 x 1" (152 x19 x 25mm)
Wt: 2 oz (57g)
• Complete with convenient size with pocket clip,
and two AAA batteries
Non-contact detection of AC Voltage up to 600VAC
With tip that fits into outlets or against wire insulation
AC Voltage Detector
Line out testing
Locate power cord breaks
Control panel troubleshoot
Push button feature to turn ON
or OFF the audible beeper.