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8/08/08 - R1
AC/DC Current measurements to 2000A
Using virtually any MultiMeter with standard banana plug sockets
2000A AC/DC Clamp-on Adaptor
Ordering Information:
380905 ............2000A AC/DC Clamp-on Adaptor
380905-NIST....2000A AC/DC Clamp-on Adaptor with NIST Certificate
• 3.3" (83mm) clamp jaw
• Measures AC/DC Current in two ranges:
0 to 200A and 0 to 2000A and converts it to
1mV/count for reading current on any
multimeter or voltage recorder
• Banana plugs connect into standard
multimeter sockets and switch multimeter
to a millivolt or voltage range
• DC zero adjust; Outputs 1mV/A
• 2% basic accuracy
• Dims: 8.3 x 2.5 x 1.3" (210 x 64 x 33mm)
Weight: 0.91lb (414g)
• Complete with 9V battery,
1.8ft (570mm) cable with banana plugs;
one year warranty
Banana plugs connect into standard multimeter sockets