EWS BMC (Bass Mid Control) Data Sheet

The new Bass Mid Control is the active mid-controller for bass players. A small but powerful pedal that provides frequency control adjustments between 120Hz ~ 3kHz. When using 2-band EQ or passive bass, the Frequency control provides excellent manipulatio n of the mid f r e q uencies, wh i l e the Boost / C u t gives you b oosting or c u tting capabilities of up to + / - 12dB. This compact pedal can also be powered by a 9V battery or for additional headroom use an 18V power adapter. This pedal will provide you the flexibility to play any musical style.
You can adjust the amount of boost/cut of mid frequency +/-12dB
The Boost/Cut knob may turn slightly when the Frequency knob is turned quickly. This does not mean the product is defective.
You can set the range of the mid frequency EQ Range is between 120Hz~3KHz
Frequency at 10 o'clock and Boost/Cut at 4 o'clock for fretless virtuoso sound.
Frequency at 1 o'clock, Boost/Cut at 9 o'clock and internal Trimmer slightly boosted for great slap sound.
7 o’clock :
9 o’clock : 11 o’clock : 12 o’clock :
1 o’clock :
3 o’clock :
5 o’clock :
120Hz 160Hz 500Hz 630Hz 800Hz 2KHz 3KHz
True Bypass Switching
Power Consumption
ACAdapter (Optional)
90mm / 5 0m m / 70mm
(*1 8V DC- o nly w ith D C a da pte r jac k. 18V DC /6. 6m A)
9〜18VDC, Negative Tips
(Re gu lat ed re co mme nd ed su ch as Dun lo p E CB 04 Po wer S upp ly )
distributed by Prosound Communications Inc.
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