Evolis KU10E, Tattoo2 User Manual

Tattoo User’s Guide part number: KU10E Rev. B0
olis Car
d Print
ember 2007
USERÕs Guide
CCooppyyrriigghhtt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
volis Card Printer © September 2007. All rights reserved.
CCooppyyrriigghhtt NNoottiiccee
Users must respect the copyright laws applicable in their country. This manual must not be photocopied, translated, reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part for any reason and by the means that might be, albeit electronic or mechanical, without the express, written authorisa­tion of the company Evolis Card Printer. All information contained herein may be subject to modification without prior notice. Evolis Card Printer accepts no liability for any possible errors herein, nor for any accidental damage or damage caused through the dissemination or the use of this manual.
Tattoo is a trademark and Evolis is a registered trademark of Evolis Card Printer. Windows and MS.DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks or r
egistered trademarks are marks of their respective holders. eMedia Card Designer is a trade-
mark of Mediasoft Technologies.
Throughout this manual, different icons highlight important information, as follows:
Indicates information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text.
Advises y
ou of information that is essential t
o complete a task, or points out the importance
of specific inf
ormation in the text.
Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specific action could result in physical harm to you, or could r
esult in physic
al damage to the hardwar
WWaarrrraannttyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Refer to the Warranty booklet enclosed with your Evolis printer for terms and conditions.
RReettuurrnn MMaatteerriiaallss AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioonn
In or
der t
o mak
e a warr
anty claim you must contact an Evolis Reseller. You will be responsible for packaging the printer for shipment and the costs of shipping and insurance of the printer from the point of use of the print
er t
o the Evolis Reseller. The Evolis Reseller will bear the costs of shipping and insuring the printer from the repair location to the address from which the printer was shipped. Before returning any equipment for in-warranty or out-of warranty repair, contact an Evolis Reseller or an Evolis Repair Center (ERC) for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. Repack the equipment in the original packing material and mark the RMA number clearly on the outside of the box. For more information about RMA or Evolis warranty statements, refer to the Warranty booklet enclosed with your Evolis printer.
PPrroodduucctt DDiissppoossaall
WEEE Directive
This symbol indicates that when the last user wishes to discard this product, it must be sent to appropriate facilities for recovery and recycling. By not disc
ding this pr
oduct al
ong with other household-type waste, the volume of waste sent to incinerators or landfills will be reduced and natural resources will be c
onserved. Your Evolis printer should be recycled according to your local stan-
dards. For more information, please contact Evolis at: info@evolis.com.
TThhaannkkss ffoorr cchhoooossiinngg aann
EEvvoolliiss CCaarrdd PPrriinntteerr ttoo
ppeerrssoonnaalliizzee yyoouurr bbaaddggeess
Using the latest printing technologies, Evolis Tattoo offers its users both performance and quality. Evolis Tattoo combines user-oriented design, compact size and ease of use. It is fully adapted to small runs and fields such as identification, loyalty and leisure.
The ‘Evolis Genuine Product’ line of consumables linked to the printer was specifically developed and optimized to gua­rantee the best quality of printing. Using these consumables increases the lifespan of your badges and of your Evolis printer.
As for all Evolis products, particular care has been used in writing this manual. But if an error has still managed to slip into these pages without our wanting it, please let us know by sending an e-mail to info@evolis.com. Evolis will then do everything in its power to correct the problem and give you complete satisfaction.
Install the Evolis printer
Technology and benefits .
Initial approach
Install your printer
Check the items shipped Connect the printer to the main power supply
Printer Control panel.
Stand by ...............................................................10
Install the ribbons
Monochrome or color ribbon
Install the cards .....................................................12
Types of cards Installation in the feeder Manual card loading
Remove the personalized cards ..................................13
Setting of parameters
Windows print driver ...............................................14
Installation of the print driv
er Properties of the driver Card printing configuration in an office automation application
Error messages and diagnostics
Notification of messages...........................................21
Description of the printer control panel
Interpretation of messages .......................................22
Diagnostics assistance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Print and interpret a test card Identify the software version installed
Servicing and Maintenance
Ordinary maintenance.
Clean the card feed module Service the cleaning rollers Clean the print head
Maintenance .........................................................30
Replace the cleaning rollers Replace the print head Updat
e the Firmware
Update the print driver
Troubleshooting .
Free a card jammed in the printing unit Upgrade printing quality
Network of Evolis partners Look for inf
ormation on www
Register your product to benefit from updates
Declaration of conformity..........................................39
Printer specifications
List of “Evolis Genuine Product” consumables
Magnetic encoding
The aim of this first part is to assist you, step-by-step, in discovering your new printer and putting it to work for you. By taking the time to review these few pages, you will get more detailed knowledge about your printer and its capabilities, while optimizing the time needed to install and start using the product.
TTeecchhnnoollooggyy aanndd bbeenneeffiittss
Evolis Tattoo is specially designed for users requiring simplicity and quality of printing for their personalization of badges in monochrome or color.
In a few seconds, the Tattoo personalizes your pre-printed or blank plastic cards, and prints your texts, barcodes, graphics, logos and pictures.
Truly flexible, this printer can be used for batch printing with the 100-card feeder, or “over-the counter” runs, with cards inserted manually, one after the other.
Tattoo is one of the most compact of all plastic card printers, and can be integrated in all types of environment: offices, bank receptions, shop counters.
olis T
oo suits perf
y applic
ations such as pr
sional and business cards, identification badges
(employees, visitors…), membership cards, and event cards. In addition, it perfectly fits applications such as loyalty cards and transportation passes.
IInniittiiaall aapppprrooaacchh
A Cover lever Enables the printer cover to be opened and closed. B Card Feeder Receives the cards for printing. C Detachable output hopper Collects the printed and/or encoded cards. D Control Panel Shows the printer activity. E Thermal print head Enables the cards to be printed in 300 dpi. F Ribbon Monochrome or color ribbon (cf consumable list). E G Push button
Shows the printer activity (power ON/OFF).
H Cleaning roller Removes all dust before the cards are printed.
Magnetic encoding head (option)
Enables cards with magnetic tracks 1, 2 and 3 to be encoded.
J Power supply connector Enables the printer to be connected to its power supply. K USB computer connector (std) Enables data to be received and sent "from" and "to" the computer. L DB-9 connector(s) (option) Enables data to be received and sent "from" and "to" the computer.
or a c
oupler to be connected for chip cards personalization.
M Identification label Indicates the model and the serial number of the printer.
IInnssttaallll yyoouurr pprriinntteerr
The Evolis printer must be set up in a dry, well-ventilated location protected against dust and air c
urrents. In addition, make sure you install your printer on a sturdy flat surface that can support its weight of around 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs). Finally, it is essential to allow free access to the connectors and to the power plug.
CChheecckk tthhee iitteemmss sshhiippppeedd
The Evolis printer is shipped with a set of accessories that we invite you to examine. Please take note that this list may vary in terms of the geographic area where you are located.
The printer is shipped in an original container specially designed to ensure that the product is pro­tected against any risk of damage during shipment.
In the event of visible damage at the time of delivery, do not hesitate to carry out all required steps as far as the shipper is concerned, and immediately contact your Evolis dealer who will provide you with all necessary assistance.
Evolis has paid particular attention to the quality of this shipping material, and we urge you to keep it in a clean, dry space.
This packaging material will be required to return equipment. During the manufacturer’s guarantee period, returning material without the original Evolis packaging could cause you to lose the benefit of this guarantee !
The following parts are furnished with your Evolis printer:
Power suppl
X Type F10723-A or FDF0503-A
Main power cable
USB cable (length 1:80 m) - Item # A5017
CD-Rom Driv
s & Document
CD-Rom eMedia Card Designer Trial Version 30 days.
Cleaning kit
olis Limit
ed Guar
ee document (mus
t be consulted)
Quick start
In the absenc
e of one of these c
omponents, please contact your Evolis dealer.
Only use the power supply delivered with your Tattoo VP ELECTRONIQUE or SWITCHBOX Type F10723-A or VP ELECTRONIQUE Type EA10723
Only use the same type of USB cable as the one delivered with your Tattoo.
PPrree--iinnssttaallllaattiioonn aaccttiivvaattiioonn
Before installing the printer, please perform the following operations:
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee pprriinntteerr ttoo tthhee mmaaiinn ppoowweerr
Turn off the printer by pulling the plug out of the socket, which must always be accessible. This product must be connected to an electrical installation that is correctly protected and grounded. FI: Laite on liitettävä suojamaadoitus koskettimilla
varustettuun pistorasiaan NO: Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt SE: Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag
1. Connect the power supply cord to the power supply, then attach the power cord
connector to the printer.
2. Then connect the end of the power supply cord to a grounded system outlet.
3. The printer is under power. The light on the control panel comes on and the
print head rises and falls to indicate the correct mechanical working of the print
er. If the light fails t
o come on, this means that the installation has not been carried out correctly or possibly that the printer is not working pro­perly. Check the installation.
Prior to any maintenance action, always disconnect the power supply cable. For your own safety, these components must remain accessible at all times to permit emergency action
This product must be connected to a correctly protected and grounded electrical ins­tallation
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee UUSSBB ccaabbllee
The data USB cable must never be connected before the installation of the printer driver has been completed.
Refer to Chapter 2 and carefully follow these instructions.
PPrriinntteerr ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell
A control panel is available in front of the printer. Four lights are associated with symbols indicating the printer activity. These lights indicate the following:
Refer to chapter 3 of this manual for further information on interpreting the messages of the control panel.
SSttaanndd bbyy
The printer automatically goes into stand-by after 10 minutes of inactivity. The light on the push button from the control panel goes out. To reactivate the printer, press the push button for one second. The light on the push button comes on.
Tattoo may be left in stand-by at any time by pressing a few seconds the push button as indicated. The light on the push button goes out.
Turned on
Data reception
End of ribbon
No card in
the feeder
or feeder
not present
IInnssttaallll tthhee rriibbbboonnss
Tattoo uses two types of ribbons:
Color ribbon also called multi-panel ribbon
Monochrome ribbons available in different colors: black, red, green, blue, white, gold, silver
The Evolis original ribbons are specially designed to guarantee optimum operation of your equipment without any risk of damage. The use of ribbons from any other source than Evolis could seriously damage the print head, consequently entailing the immediate interruption of the factory warranty.
For optimum printing quality, Evolis recommends cleaning all the equipment each time a ribbon is changed. It is up to the user to make this determination, provided, however, that he makes sure to comply with the mandatory cleaning cycles in order to keep the equipment in perfect operating condi­tions (consult the chapter on Ordinary Maintenance).
The validity of the factory guarantee is conditional upon compliance with these cleaning cycles (cf. Limited Evolis Warranty document).
MMoonnoocchhrroommee oorr ccoolloorr rriibbbboonn
To install a monochrome or color ribbon in the print module, proceed as follows:
The ribbon will be automatically positionned when a new printing task is launched.
Installation of the print ribbons must be accompanied by adequate defining of the parameters of the print driver. Please refer to the chapters on
Properties of
the Driver
for additional details.
3. Lo
er the c
and l
ock it.
1. Open the cover of
the printer by pressing the opening lever then turn it in vertic
2. Install the new ribbon
in the position indic
ated in the
• Toothed wheel toward the right side.
• Part including the new ribbon located at the front.
IInnssttaallll tthhee ccaarrddss
TTyyppeess ooff ccaarrddss
attoo supports PVC cards varying in thickness between 0.25 mm (10 mil) and 0.76 mm (30 mil).
or optimum quality, these cards must comply with CR Standard 80.
10 mil cards must be used only for monochrome printings
There are several feeding and ejection modes available. The driver must be set up accordingly to your needs and choice (cf Chapter 2)
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn iinn tthhee ffeeeeddeerr
The cards are installed in the feeder as follows:
2. Insert the cards into the f
eeder as indicated, printable face do
3. Put the feeder
back int
o plac
e in the printer until it “Clicks” in place.
1. Remove the
feeder as indic
Only use the type of cards appearing in the Technical Specifications in this manual Do not touch the printable surface of the cards: the printing quality depends on this. Do not use cards that are damaged, bent or that have an embossed texture. Always store the blank cards in a clean and dust-free location.
To load a card manually from the feeding mouth :
Insert a c
ard in the feeding mouth. The card will be automatically taken in and ejected after the printing process.
RReemmoovvee tthhee ppeerrssoonnaalliizzeedd ccaarrddss
The printer is delivered with a detachable output hopper with a capacity of 15 cards in 0.76 mm (30 mil) format. This is intended to receive the printed cards, and must be installed as follows.
There are 2 different modes for the card reception:
- an automatic ejection mode (in this case, it is recommended to use the detachable hopper deliv
ered with the printer)
- a manual reception mode (the card must be collected after the printing process)
OOtthheerr ssttaaggeess ttoo tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
You have now completed the installation (material) of your Evolis printer. For the moment, we would urge y
ou to carry on reading this manual and we would inform you that there are still two extra
stages to be followed to make your Evolis printer fully operational:
• Installation of the driver
• Printer cleaning
ooff p
Defining the parameters of the printer and of its driver is a highly important step and requires very special attention. As a matter of fact, improper settings are factors that have a negative impact on the quality of personalization. It is therefore essential to proceed in stages, changing the parameters only when you are completely sure. Evolis gives you at all times the ability to return to the ‘factory’ settings if the adjustments made do not give the expected results.
Be careful about defining the personalized parameters and do not hesitate to contact your Evolis dealer to get the necessary advice and assistance prior to any modification.
WWiinnddoowwss pprriinntt ddrriivveerr
The Evolis Tattoo driver operates under Windows XP, Server 2003 and Vista 32 and 64-bits.
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff tthhee pprriinntt ddrriivveerr
o ins
tall your print driver, you will need the CD-Rom ‘Drivers and Documentation’ shipped with your
Evolis printer.
Please make sure the USB cable is disconnected before starting this procedure.
The installation program automatically selects the version to be installed in terms of your operating system.
TIONS’ CD-Rom in y
our CD drive.
2. W
ait a f
w sec
onds until the w
ome screen asks you to choose your language. If the CD-Rom does not launch automatically, double click on the setup.exe file located in the DRIVERS directory on the CD-Rom.
3. Select your language.
4. Click the “Ins
all Driv
er” option t
o launch the setup pr
5. Make sure you stick precisely to the installation guidelines. Some versions of Windows may
require the user to have Administrator rights to install the driver.
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