Eurotech ED-D60CM User Manual

14 place settings Alt function
For det ail ed o pe ra ti ng me tho d read the cor re spo n di ng co nte n t on th e inst r uction man ua l .
Switch on the appliance Press the ON/OFF button to switch on the appliance, Open the door.
With each wash cycle.
Fillthedetergent dispenser
Compartment For programmes with pre-wash only. (Follow the user instructions!)
Load the baskets
Select a programme
Running the dishwasher
Changing the programme
Add forgottendishes in the dishwasher.
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle.
Electric indicatoroncontrolpanel (if provided).
Scrape off any large amount of leftover food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans, then load the baskets. Refer to the dishwasher loading instructions.
Close the door, Press the Programme button to select a desired programme. ( See the section entitled Operating instruction )“”
Turn on the water tap and press the Start/Pause button. The machine will start working after about 10 seconds.
1.Arunning cycle canonly be modified if it has been running for a short time. Otherwisethedetergent may have already been released and the water already drained. If this is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refilled.
2. Press the Start/Pause button then press the program button for more than 3 seconds to cancel the running programme.
3. Select a new programme.
4. Restart thedishwasher.
1.Press the Start/Pause Button to stop the washing.
2.Open the door a little .
3.After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
4.Add forgotten dishes.
5.Close the door
6.Press the Start/Pause Button, the dishwasher will run after 10 seconds.
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle, when switched onagain,pleasere-selectthewashingcycleandoperatethedishwasher accordingtotheoriginalPower-onstate).
Open the door carefull y. Hotste ammayescape whenthe dooris opened!
Switch off the appliance
Turn off the water tap, unload the baskets
When the working cycle hasfinished, the buzzerof the dishwasher will sound 8 times, then stop. Turn off the appliance using the ON/OFF button.
Warning: wait a few minutes (about 15 minutes) before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to break. They willalsodry better.Unloadtheappliance, starting from the lowerbasket.
Dear Custom er ,
This appli ance is intended t o be use d in h ousehold andsimilarapplications suchas:
-staff kitch en ar eas in s hops, off ices and other workin g en viro nme nts;
-farm houses;
-by cli ents inhotels, mot els and other residen tial ty pe e nviro nments ;
-bed andbreakfast typeenvironments.
Pleasecarefully r eadthismanual bef oreusing the dishwasher, it willhelpy outouseand maintain the dishwasherproperly.
Keep it as a ref er in t he late r days .
Passit ontoanysubsequentowneroftheappliance.
Thismanualcontains sectionsonsafety Instructions, Operating Instructions, InstallationInstructionsand Trouble sho o tin g Tip s, etc.
Contr ol Pane l.... ... . ... ....... . ... . ... ....... . ... . ... ....... . ..2
Dishwasher Features.......................................2
A Fillthe Rinse Aid Dispenser............. .. ..3 ..... ...
B Function o f Detergent .........................4 ........
The Met hod Load ing Normal D ishware
............ ..7
Turning on th e Appl ian ce. ... ..... . ... ..... . .. ... .... .. ..8
ChangetheP rogramme.............. ................9....
At theEnd of the Wash Cycle...........................9
CaringfortheDishwasher..................... .........11.
To review the section on t roublesho oting Tips willhelpyoutosolvesomecommonproblems byyourself .
Ifyou can not solve the problems by yo urself , please ask fo r the help of profe ssional technician s.
The manufactu rer,following a p olicy of c onst ant development a nd updati ng of the product, may make modificatio ns witho ut givi ng prior notice.
Positioningthe Appliance................... ..........12..
AboutPower Connection........................ .......12.
Water Co nne ct i on...... . .... ... .. . ..... ... . ..... ... ...... .13.
Startof dishwasher................................ ......14..
Befo re call ing for servic e.. ... .. ... .. .. .. ........ . .. ... . .1 5.
Errorcodes.................................... . .............16.
Technical information.............................. .....17..
When using your dishwasher, follow the precaut i ons lis t ed below:
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Donotabuse,siton,orstandonthedoorordish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use. (This instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.)
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When loadin g items to be washed :
1) Locate sharp items so t hat theyare not li kely to damage the door seal;
2 Warni ng: Knives and other utensils with
sharp points must be l oaded in t he bask et with their points down orplaced in a horizontalposition.
When using y our dishwasher, you should pr ev en t plastic items fr o m c oming int o co nta c t with the h eating e lement.( This instruction is only applicable to machines with a vi sual he ating element. )
Check that th e deterge nt comparm ent is e mpty after completio n of the wash cycle.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use only det ergent and rinse additives design ed for an a ut omati c dishwas her. Never use so ap, laun dry dete rgent, or h and washing dete rgent in your dis hwasher. Keep these produ cts out of the re ach of chi ld r en.
on or stand on
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Dishwasher de tergents are strongly alk aline, th ey can be extr emely dangerou s if swallowed.Avoid contact with ski n and e yes and keep children away from t he dishwasher when the door is open.
The door sh ould n ot be left open, since this could increase t he ris k of tripping.
Ifthe supply cordisdamaged,itmustbe replaced bythemanufactureroritsserviceagentora similar ly q uali fied person in or der to av oid a hazar d .
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Pleasedispose ofpacking mater ials properly. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
During installat ion, the power supply must not be exces sively or d angerously bent or f lattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
The applianc e is to be connec ted to t he water mains us ing new hose sets and that old ho se-sets should not be reused. The maximum number of place set tings t o be washed is 14 . The maximum permissible i nlet water pressure is 1Mpa. The minimum permissible i nlet wat er press ure is
To get the bestperformance from your di shwasher,read all operatinginstructions beforeusing itfor the firsttime.
1. On/ Off Button: t o s wi tch On/Off t he a ppli anc e.
2.Displayscreen: toshowthe reminding time and the state (running s tate, del ay time et c )
3.A lt B utton(lower s p rayarm) : p re s s t he b utton to select l ower basket loaded, and the lo wer sprayarm indicator in s creen w ill light on. Th e n pr ess the bu tt o n se con d t i m e,the dual zone was function,the lower sprayarm andtheupper sprayarm indicators in screen will light on.
4.Alt Button (upper sprayarm): pr ess the button to select upper basket loaded, a nd the up per spr a yarm indica tor in sc r e e n w i l l li g ht o n . Then press t he butt on seco nd time,the dual zone was function,th e lower sprayarm an d the upper sprayarm indicators in screen wi ll light on.
Front view
5.Start /P ause but ton: To start the selected washi ng p rogr am or pause the washing p ro gram when the machine is w orki ng.
6.D e l ay Bu t to n : P ress the button to add the delay tim e.
7.D e l ay Bu t to n : P ress the button to decrea se th e del ay time.
8.P rog r a m Button : To Pres s th e butt on to select appropriateProgram.
Childlockfunction:press theuppersprayarmbutton and the lowers pray arm button s imult aneously to lock
the progra m.
Back View
4 5
Top spray arm
Inner pip e
Lower basket
Spra y arm s
Fil ter as sem bly
Inletpipe connector
Before usi ng you r dishwas her fo r the first time:
A. Fill therinse aiddispenser B. F i ll in deterg e nt
Rin seAi d D ispe ns er
The r inseaid isreleasedduringthefinalrinsetopreventwaterfromformingdroplets on your dishes, which c an leave spotsand streaks. It alsoimproves dryingbyallowing watertoroll off thedishes.Your dishwasheris designedtouse liquidrinseaids. The rinseaid dispenser is locatedinsidethedoornextto thedetergentdispenser. Tofill the dispenser,open the c ap and pour the rinse aid into the di spenser until the levelindicator t urns completely black.The v olume oftherinseaidcontainer is about110ml.
Functi on of RinseAid
Rinse aid is automatical ly a dde d dur ing the last rinse, e nsuri ng th oro ugh r insi ng, an d s pot and strea k fre e drying.
Attenti on!
Only use branded rinse aidfor dishwasher. Neverfilltherinse a iddispenser withany othersubstances
(e.g. Dis hwasher clean ing a gent , liqu id detergen t). This would d amage the ap plia nce.
When to Re fill the Rinse Ai d D isp enser
If there is no ri nse-aid warning l ight in the c ontrol p anel, you can judge the amount o f rinse- aid by the color of the opticallevel indicator "C" located next to t he ca p. Whe n the r inse- aid cont ainer is full, the whole indicator will be dark .As the rinse-aid diminishes, the s ize of the dark dot decre ases. Youshould neve r l et th e rinse aid get below 1 / 4 ful l.
As the rinse aid diminishes, the size of the bl ack dot on the rinse aid level indica tor changes, as illust rated be low.
Full 3/4full 1/2full 1/4full-Shouldrefilltoeliminatespotting Empty
To open the dispenser,turn the cap to th e "open" (left ) arrow a nd lif t it out.
Pour th e r inse aid into t he dispen ser, bei ng careful not to o verf ill.
Replacethecap by insertingit alignedwith "open"arrowandturningit to the closed(right)arrow.
Be careful not to over fill the dispenser, because this could cause over sudsing. Wi pe away any spill s withadampcloth.Don't forgettoreplacethe c ap beforeyouclose dishwasherdoor.
Attention! Clean up any rinse ai d spl it during filling w ith an absorbent clo th to av oid e xcess fo aming during the nextwash.
Clean up an y rinse aid spilled w hile during filling w ith an absorbent cl oth to avoid excessive foaming duringthe nextwash.
Don't for get to replacethe cap before you c lose dis hwasher door.
Adjust ing Rins eAid Dis penser
The rin se aid di spen ser has s ix or four set tings. Always start withthe dispens er set on "4 ". If spots and poor dryi ng ar e a proble m,increase t he am ount of rinse aid dispensedbyremovingthe dispenser lid androtatingthe dialto"5".Ifthe dishes still are not drying p roperly or are show spots, adjust the di al to th e next higher le ver until your d ishes are sp ot- free. The r ecommend ed setting is "4". (Factoryvalueis"4".)
Increase th e dose if there are drops of water o r li me spot s on t he di shes af ter wa shing. Reduce it i f the re are sticky whit ish stai ns on your dish es or abluish f ilm on g lassw are or knifeblades.
Detergents w ith its c hemi cal i ngredients a re ne cessary t o remove dirt, c rush d irt an d transpo rt it ou t of the dishw asher. Most of th e co mmercial quality de tergents a re sui table fo r t his p urpose.
Detergen ts
There are 3 sorts of d etergents
1.Withphosphate and withchlorine
2.Withphosphate and witho ut c hlorine
3.Withoutphosphate and without chl orine Normally new pulveris eddeter gent is wi thout p hosphate. Th us the w ater sof tener function of
phosphate is not given . In this case we r ecommend t ofill sa lt in t he salt c ontainer evenwhen the har dness o f water is only 6 dH. If d eterg ents withou t phosph ate are used in t he case ofhard w ater
often white spots appe ar on di shes and glasses. In this case please add m ore det ergent to reach better resu lts. Det ergents without chlori ne do o nly bleac h a lit tle. Strong and coloured spots w ill not beremoved completely.Inthiscase please choose aprogram withahighertemperature.
Based ontheir chemical composition,detergentscanbesplitintwobasic types:
conventi onal, alkaline d etergent s with caustic compon ents low alkal ine conc entrated det ergents with natural enzymes
The us eof normal washing p rograms in combination with concent rated de tergents reduces pollutionandis good foryour dishes; thesewashprograms arespecifically matched
to the dirt-dissolving pr operties of the enzymes of the co ncentrated d etergent . For th is rea son
normal was hprograms i n which concentrated de tergents are used can ac hieve the same
results that can oth erwise o nly be achiev ed usin g intensive programs.
Detergent Tabl ets
Detergent t ablets o f different brand s dissolve at different speeds. For thi s reason some detergent t ablets ca nnot dis solve an d develop their full cleaning power during sho rt programs. Ther efore please use lon g progra ms when using d etergent tabl ets, to ensurethe complete removal of detergent residuals.
Thedispenser must be refilledbeforethe startof eachwashcyclefollowingtheinstructions provided in the wash c ycle t able . Yourdishwasher uses l ess deterge nt an d rinse a id than Conventional dishwasher. Generally,only one ta blespoon of detergent is needed f or a normal w ashload. Moreheavily soileditems need more detergent. Always addthe detergent j ust b efore st arting t he dis hwasher, otherw ise it could get damp and will not dissolve pr operly.
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