• Do not allow childr en to play wit h t he
appliance or sit, stand, or clim b on it .
• Do not st ore it em s of int erest t o children in
cabinet s above t he appliance. Children clim bing
on the cookt op could be seriously inj ur ed.
• Do not leave children alone or unat t ended in
the ar ea where the appliance is in use.
• Children or persons wit h a disabilit y which
lim its t heir abilit y to use t he appliance should
have a responsible and com pet ent per son to
inst ruct t hem in its use. The inst ructor should be
sat isfied t hat t hey can use the appliance wit hout
danger t o t hem selves or t heir surroundings.
• Do not repair or replace any par t of t he
appliance unless specifically recom m ended in
the m anual. All ot her servicing should be done
by a qualified t echnician.
• Do not use a steam cleaner t o clean your
cookt op.
• Do not place or dr op heavy obj ects on your
cookt op.
• Do not st and on your cookt op.
• Do not use pans w it h j agged edges or drag
pans across t he I nduct ion glass surface as
this can scrat ch t he glass.
• Do not use scourers or any other harsh
abrasive cleaning agent s t o clean your
cookt op, as t hese can scrat ch t he I nduct ion
• I f t he supply cor d is dam aged, it m ust be
replaced by t he m anufacturer, it s service agent