A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain
visual images, including ashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games.
Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that
can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or
face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of
awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents
should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms – children and teenagers are
The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:
Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you
are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy,
from falling down or striking nearby objects.
more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
consult a doctor before playing.
Technical support
If you encounter difculties installing or running Wargame: European Escalation, do not
Please provide a maximum amount of information on the problem encountered and the way it
occurs. Please attach to your mail a zip le with the following info:
- Your DXDiag
- The game’s settings les:
On Vista and Win7 >>> C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Saved Games\EugenSystems\WarGame
On XP >>> My Documents\EugenSystems\WarGame
hesitate to contact our technical support department by email.
The world is about to fall into the feared 3rd World War. Wargame: European
Escalation plunges you into the midst of this conict, through a big and explosive
military campaign!
Develop your tactics and unlock new units in order to add them to your ‘deck’ for
your next battles in multiplayer. Will you choose a crushing strategy with huge
numbers of weak yet cheap tanks, or will you try and manage small squads of
OS: Windows XP SP3/Windows Vista SP2/Windows 7
PROCESSOR: AMD/Intel Dual Core 2.5 GHz
RAM MEMORY: 1024 MB (XP)/2048 MB (VISTA/7)
GRAPHICS CARD: 256 MB 100% DirectX 9 and shaders 3.0 compatible
ATI Radeon X1800 GTO/NVidia GeForce 7600 GT or higher
DVD-ROM: 2X drive
SOUND CARD: DirectX 9 compatible
Internet connection required for Online Gaming and Game Activation
OS: Windows XP SP3/Windows Vista SP2/Windows 7
PROCESSOR: AMD/Intel Dual Core 3.2 GHz
GRAPHICS CARD: 512 MB 100% DirectX 9 and shaders 3.0 compatibleATI Radeon 3850/NVidia GeForce 8800 or higher
DVD-ROM: 2X drive
SOUND CARD: DirectX 9 compatible
Internet connection required for Online Gaming and Game Activation
To install Wargame: European Escalation, please insert the DVD into your DVD drive and then
follow the on-screen instructions. If no window is displayed after you have inserted the disc into
your drive, please do the following: double-click on the [Computer] icon on your desktop, then on
the [DVD Drive] icon to launch the install program; then follow the install program instructions
that appear on-screen.
License Agreement: The license agreement of Wargame: European Escalation is displayed before
you start the game installation. You must read it thoroughly and accept the terms of use before
installing the game.
Notice about Steam: The product offered is subject to your acceptance of the Steam Subscriber
Agreement (“SSA”). You must activate this product via the Internet by registering for a Steam
account and accepting the SSA. Please see www.steampowered.com/agreement to view the SSA
prior to purchase. If you do not agree with the provisions of the SSA, you should return this game
unopened to your retailer in accordance with their return policy.
Product Activation on Steam: : The Wargame: European Escalation installation program
requires you to be connected to your steam account in order to install and activate the game on
your computer (after this 1st activation, the game will be linked to your steam account). If you
don’t have Steam installed on your computer, the installation program will prompt you to install it
and create a Steam Account.
Once you’re logged on, you’ll be asked to enter your Product Code to activate the game. This code
is printed inside your game box. The game will start to install once you have entered the code, and
then you can enjoy the game to the full!
Important: should a new “Product Activation” window appear requesting a serial number, please
enter your product code which is printed inside your game box.
Then follow the instructions to nalize the game installation.
At the end of the installation, a small update can be automatically downloaded and installed from
DRM: This game uses a DRM system (Digital Rights Management) that is automatically activated
when you start the game from Steam (you can nd more information about this system at http://
www.act-control.net). If you are asked to activate the DRM, please use your steam game key and
select Automatic Activation.
If you are connected neither to Steam nor Internet, you can use the Manual Activation function.
Please note that you can also perform a manual activation from a smartphone connected to
You can manually start the activation/deactivation using the acpc.exe le from the game install
You prole gather all your stats about your Solo and Multiplayer games.
When you are connected to your steam account when you start the game, your Eugen.net prole
displays your Steam Avatar.
On the right part of the screen, you can see your prole main info: Multiplayer Rank (League),
Level, unlocked stars (Command Stars), and global info.
Your player level increases based on your progress in the solo campaign, your successes in
multiplayer mode and even your use of certain features such as deck creation, unlocked units, etc.
Every time your level increases, you receive Command Stars.
When you start the game, you’re asked to connect to Eugen.net game serveur.
Eugen.net handles Wargame: European Escalation
multiplayer system, friends and clans management system.
You must be connected to play multiplayer games.
At the game 1st launch, you can create your own player
account. Please enter your Eugen.net Player Key to nalize
your account creation. You can nd your Eugen.net player
key in your game box. This is the same key as the Steam
Game activation key.
Your Wargame game key allows you to create one player
account on Eugen.net.
Connect to the server using your login and password.
You can use the use the Forget password functions if you
have problems with your account.
When you launch the game for the rst time, Wargame:
European Escalation offers you start the Autosettings system
to automatically congure the game’s graphics options for
your computer’s conguration.
Afterwards, you are able to change the graphics options by selecting the [Options] button from
the main menu.
All your successes are rewarded in the solo campaign by Command Stars, depending on
objective's difculty. Collecting victories in Skirmish mode and in multiplayer mode is also a good
way to get Command Stars.
You also get a Command Stars package when you reach higher player levels.
Command Stars are the key to unlock new units that you can call as reinforcements in the solo
campaign (TO&E Menu), or to create new Army Deck for your multiplayer games (Decks Menu).
From Eugen.net, you can also manage your friends and join Clan(s). This system is independent of
the Steam Friend system and is only dedicated to Wargame.
At any moment during the game, you can check the online status of your friends, Clan
teammates, and send them invitations for multiplayer games.
Wargame includes the Steam cloud save system. When you play the game connected with your
Steam account, the Steam cloud save system is activated. You can nd back your progression and
stats when you are logged on with your account.
Your progression in the solo campaign is automatically saved (new missions are unlocked), but
you have to save manually during a mission - if you want to do so – from the ESC menu, or with
the Quicksave system (F5) (F9 for Quickload).
on the battlefield
Deployment points are used to call up reinforcements in Solo and Multiplayer games. Each game
unit has a point value, depending on its type and its experience. Use your deployment points to
select your new troops, and place them on the battle eld.
You start the game with an amount of points - depending on the mission or the game setting –
to deploy your units and start the game, and then you have to control Command Zones with a
command unit to get additional Deployment Points.
5. UNIT RANKS: In Multiplayer (only) you can select experienced units. Experienced units cost
more Deployment points, but have increased ef ciency in several elds: accuracy, reloading and
aiming speed, ability of detection, and crew morale. Click the experience's icon instead of the
unit's Icon to place an experienced unit. In the solo campaign you can deploy units that have
earned experience without additional cost.
6. UNIT SPECS: Select the “Info unit” button in the order panel, or press “Tab”, and move your
mouse over an unit icon (4) to display its detailed sheet. It displays the units' weaponry systems,
characteristics and speci cations. It also displays the unit's role: Anti-Air, Battle tank, Anti-Tank
troops, etc…
7. TRANSPORT DETAILS (for Infantry Units): Infantry units reaches the battle eld in their
Transport Vehicles. This shows the specs for their transport vehicle.
8. DEPLOYMENT ZONES: During deployment, you must place your units inside the coloured
zones (Blue for NATO, Red for the Warsaw Pact). For ingame reinforcements, as long as you have
the control of a Command Zone with a white arrow, you can place your units where you want on
the map. Units called in will arrive from the closest Deployment Zone and take the fastest way to
reach their destination.
9. LAUNCH BATTLE: When all players are ready and happy with their choice and placement of
units, click this button to start the game. Be sure to check all players are ready before using this
button! A countdown will begin, which you can cancel till it reaches 0.
[NOTE] You can actually move the FOB and Command Unit placed by default on the map during
the deploying phase of a multiplayer game.
Here is the step by step method to deal with reinforcements
- Left click on the Deployment points Icon (top left corner) to open the Deck Menu.
- Left click on an icon to open the corresponding families.
- To buy units, left click to buy a unit and then left click on the ground to place it there.
- Right click cancels the purchase, and right click on the unit on the ground (during the
deployment phase only), cancels the purchase and placing on the ground of the unit.
Some Tips:
- Buying a squad: Ctrl + left click on a unit automatically buys 4 units (2 for helicopters), which
are then placed on the ground as a single squad]
- Delete selected units: Delete units from your selection with a right click on the unit icon, or
on the unit directly.
- Change location of a unit on the map before the battle starts: select the unit with a left
click and place it at another location.
1. DEPLOYMENT POINTS: this number decreases when you place your units on the battle eld.
You can get additional Deployment points by taking control of the Command Zones with Command
2. UNITS CLASS: select the class to display available Units of this class.
3. UNITS: Unit types of the selected class are displayed here. Click to display all Unit Variants for
a given type.
4. UNIT UPGRADES: Some units have multiple variants, each offering different specs. Click on
the unit's icon to select and place it on the battle eld. Multiple clicks on the icon will increase the
number of unit you are about to place. You may use CTRL + mouse click on the icon to place full
squads (4 units compose a Tank Squad, 2 units for a Helicopter formation).
1. REMAINING DEPLOYMENT POINTS: These points may be used to call in for
reinforcements. You receive additional points for every Command Zone controlled under your
team’s control.
2. MINIMAP: when zoomed in, allows you to keep an eye on the whole battle eld. Orders may
be given to your units directly on the minimap.
3. TIME AND TEAM SCORES: displays score of each team, player, and how long the battle has
been raging.
4. COMMAND ZONES / OBJECTIVES ZONES: Take control of these zones for your team by
sending a Command Unit (the Command Unit needs to stay still). Every zone grants your team a
different amount of Deployment points over time, which is represented by the white number (the
higher, the better). Each zone is also named by a callsign for easy coordination with your team. If
both Sides have placed a Command Unit in the same Zone, the zone remains neutral.
In the solo campaign these zones are often linked to objectives (the zone to secure for example).
5. ZONE UNDER CONTROL: Zones under your team's control are displayed in Sat View in the
color of your team.
6. REINFORCEMENTS ENTRIES: White arrows indicate possible entry points for reinforcements.
In order to call for reinforcements, your team needs to seize control of a zone with an entry point.
(If multiple entry points are under control, reinforcements will take the shortest path to reach the
battle eld.)
Clever use of the landscape provides a substantial advantage over your opponent. Below is some
information about the battle eld:
1. You can hide your units in Forests to bene t from heavy cover. Infantry units may also be
hidden in houses in the same manner.
2. Spotted but un-identi ed enemy units appear as a black “ghost”, and their call sign only
displays “----”. You can use your knowledge to identify yourself the unit from its outline.
3. Terrain has a strong impact on units’ line of sight and shooting range.
4. The type of terrain (crop elds, roads, forests, clumps…) has an impact on the units’ speed. Be
advised that units may sometimes get stuck momentarily on the more dif cult terrain.
5. Your units. The target icon indicates they are aiming/shooting at a target. The Tools icon shows
a unit is damaged. Fuel icon shows the unit is running out of gas. Ammo icon indicates the unit
is about to running out of ammunition. You can use your supply vehicles (or FOB) to re ll ammo
and fuel, or repair your units.
6. Roads can be used to move your units faster, with the “Move Fast” command.
7. Clumps, shrub edges, houses, and other elements of the landscape decrease and block the line
of sight of units.
8. LOG: Displays important events of the battle: units lost, reinforcements …
9. Unit Panel of the selected unit (see below for more info)
10. Camera Panel and Units Commands Panel: use advanced camera controls and give speci c
orders to your units.
+ 12 hidden pages
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