This handbook describes the operation and
programming of the IES PowerModule range of
Isine dimmers incorporating sinewave dimming
technology. Sinewave dimming produces a pure
sinewave output for a lighting load. The intensity
of the light is controlled by the amplitude of the
sinewave. Other dimmer technologies (traditional
phase control and IGBT reverse-phase) control
the lights intensity by chopping the mains
waveform, which can cause acoustic noise and
electrical interference problems. The dimmers
covered by this handbook are:
2234 PowerModule PM80S
1 x 1.2 kW, 1 x 80 V
2102 PowerModule PM2-2S
2 x 2.5 kW, 22 A single phase
2235 PowerModule PM1-5S
1 x 5 kW, 22 A single phase
2103 PowerModule PM4-2S
4 x 2.5 kW, 44 A single phase
2104 PowerModule PM2-5S
2 x 5 kW, 44 A single phase
2236 PowerModule PM6-2S
6 x 2.5 kW 22 A three phase
2237 PowerModule PM3-5S
3 x 5 kW 22 A three phase
2105 PowerModule PM12S
1 x 12 kW 52 A single phase
2237 PowerModule PM24S
1 x 24 kW 104 A single phase
1.2 New dimmer technology
The PowerModule range of dimmers represents
the most advanced dimming system available
today. The advantages of Isine dimming
technology, as developed by IES in its Isine
design, deliver low-noise, high power dimming
capability with advanced electronic measurement
and control to accommodate variations in the
power supply and load conditions. The dimmers
will automatically compensate for poor mains
regulation, and will respond to a short-circuit faster
than any mechanical protection device.
control options for the broadest range of
applications. Each dimmer channel can be
individually programmed either at the dimmer
itself, or remotely from a PC, and once
programmed, the dimmer can operate simply and
transparently whilst being protected against
inadvertent adjustments. The PowerModule range
is compatible with all other IES dimmers including
the Executive Isine dimmer pack.
1.5 Ethernet connectivity
The Ethernet module supports DMX over Ethernet
and provides extensive configuration facilities
which are described in Chapter 9 ‘Ethernet
2 Unpacking and installation
2.1 Unpacking & checking
The PowerModule is self-contained and only
requires mounting components (two hook clamps
or ‘C’ clamps and a safety bond), and a suitable
mains input connector. The PowerModule is
packed to withstand normal transportation, but
before operating the unit, check there is no sign of
transit damage which could affect the operation
and safety of the dimmer.
2.2 Positioning
The PowerModule is an extremely versatile
dimmer, and can be located in a variety of
positions. It is designed for natural convection
cooling, hanging by two suspension clamps and
care must be taken to ensure adequate ventilation
around the case. Note that full-power operation is
only possible if the PowerModule is suspended in
free air. If it is used on the ground there may be
insufficient ventilation for continuous service at full
power. Should the PowerModule overheat in this
condition, an internal detection circuit will report an
overheat condition and will progressively reduce
power until a normal operating temperature has
been reached.
2.3 Connections
1.3 Distributed dimming
The high efficiency (low heat dissipation) of the
dimmer circuit, combined with its compact design,
electronic protection and sophisticated status
reporting system, makes the PowerModule ideally
suited to distributed dimming schemes where a
central dimmer room is unavailable or undesirable.
1.4 Key features of Isine system
The Isine system offers low noise dimming (both
acoustic noise from lamp and dimmer as well as
electrical interference are reduced), control of a
wide range of load types, and sophisticated
If the PowerModule is fitted with a cable then
attach a suitable connector to the cable. If the
PowerModule is fitted with a connector then
provide a suitable power cable with mating
connector. All connections should be made by
qualified personnel.
2.3.2 DMX data signals
All PowerModules are controlled by DMX 512
connected by a shielded two-pair high-speed data
cable with XLR 5-pin connectors (male = input;
female = output).
Pin connections:
1 0V shield
2 DMX -
3 DMX +
4 DimSTAT -
5 DimSTAT +
The DMX network supports up to 32
PowerModules connected to one line. For larger
installations, where more DMX lines are required,
the use of a DMX booster/isolator is
recommended. Any booster/isolator used should
support bi-directional data on pins 4 and 5 for
DimSTAT to operate. Suitable boosters are IES
code 9601 (5 channels) or 9815 (10 channels).
Termination is required for both DMX and
DimSTAT data on all networks. The last output
socket in the line should be terminated with two
120Ω 1/4 Watt resistors connected between pins 2
and 3 (DMX) and between 4 and 5 (DimSTAT). A
‘dummy plug’ XLR male connector with
termination resistors is recommended.
2.4 Safety
Even though the PowerModule is equipped with
the latest electronic safety features and in some
cases an RCBO (circuit breaker with residual
current/earth leakage trip), all normal electrical
safety procedures must be followed. Do not use
the dimmer if the mains input cable has been
damaged, or the enclosure is damaged.
3 Control panel layout
Í Left cursor. Move cursor left in
display screen.
Î Right cursor. Move cursor right in
display screen.
Selects the DMX address of each channel.
INSTall function. To set up dimmer options:
•Line voltage, frequency and maximum
• DimSTAT communication address
• DMX failure options
• DMX backup levels
• DMX configuration (individual or combined)
• Channel configuration (individual or
• Sleep mode
• Voltage regulation
• Current limit
• Minimum level reset (preheat off when DMX
is not present)
• Voltage calibration
• Factory reset
• Channel information
• Password set-up
• Dimmer hardware configuration
CHAS (with LED)
CHASe. Provides access to the dimmer’s internal
20-pattern chase effects system for stand-alone
display effects. The LED illuminates when the
dimmer is in the ‘chase’ mode.
L D:001*
CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 A:016*
Illuminates red when power is applied, and the
RCBO or MCB is switched on.
Illuminates red continuously when valid DMX is
present and flashes when there is no DMX signal.
ENT & arrows
ENT (ENTer) completes a programming step and
records the information in the memory. The four
arrows provide navigation through the set-up
menu, and the means to enter data.
Ï Up. Higher level menu feature or
move cursor up in display screen or
number increment.
Ð Down. Lower level menu feature or
move cursor down in display screen
or number decrement.
CONFigure. Access to a sub-menu to set the
detailed configuration of individual or combined
dimmer channels. Options:
MAX MAXimum. Sets the
maximum output level from
30% to 100%, individually
or combined.
MIN MINimum. Sets the
minimum output level from
0% to 29.9%, individually or
T-IN Response time to fade in
from 0.00 secs to 99.9
T-OUT Response time to fade out
from 0.00 secs to 99.9
CURVE Dimmer law selection
NONDIM I/O. On/off operation
PRIORITY Priority channel (the last to
the different visual responses of a live audience or
a TV camera, and to provide improved dimming of
non-resistive loads such as fluorescent tubes.
MANual. Provides manual control of each channel
for circuit testing and focussing.
Returns to the opening screen menu option
without recording changes.
INFOrmation. Provides a display of the nominal
supply voltage, current, frequency and Ethernet
settings. After 3 secs. also gives details of the
installed software versions.
CHK (with LED)
ChecK. Displays a log of any circuit or dimmer
faults. LED illuminates if an error occurs.
4 Function overview
4.1 Maximum and minimum levels
The maximum output of the dimmer may be
adjusted to improve lamp life or to limit the power
used. A minimum level (preheat) may be
necessary with some filaments to improve the
speed of fast flashes or chases. An option exists
to switch off the preheat when the DMX signal is
not present (i.e. when the control desk is switched
4.2 Response speed
The time taken for a dimmer to fade to the applied
control signal level is used to control the rate of
change of the current to the filament to improve
the life of higher wattage lamps.
4.6 Status reporting
All IES dimmers incorporate a bi-directional
communications system called DimSTAT which
provides feedback of the dimmer status and fault
reporting to a PC. DimSTAT also enables a
remote PC to control any dimmer in the network,
and to update the dimmer’s internal operating
software and preset options.
4.7 Backup settings
Should the DMX signal fail, the PowerModule can
be programmed to hold the present level, fade to
zero or fade to a pre-programmed backup level.
5. Information displays and
manual control
This group of buttons provides direct access to
detailed set-up and status information and manual
override controls, and do not require passwords
for access.
5.1 To check the power supply
1. Press PWR.
2. The screen shows:
U:242 V
I: 00 A
Where: U is the mains input voltage in
Volts, I is the instantaneous
load current in Amps (three
phases shown for PM3 and 6;
one for PM1, 2 and 4).
3. Press EXIT to leave the screen.
4.3 Non-dim operation
Each dimmer may be selected to operate as a
dimmer or as a non-dim switch.
4.4 Local control
PowerModules have a range of integrated control
facilities for basic operation without a control desk.
These include live manual control of each dimmer
level, preset recorded levels for fixed display
lighting, and access to an in-built chaser which
provides 20 chase patterns.
4.5 Dimmer curves
A selection of dimmer curve transfer functions (the
relationship between control signal level and
dimmer output) are available to compensate for
responding to (may differ from DMX
value due to MIN, MAX or MAN
STATUS: error message(s) with details.
4. Press Ï or Ð to select another dimmer
channel (shown in square brackets), or,
5. Press EXIT to leave the screen.
5.3 To check dimmer software versions
1. Press INFO, and wait for 3 seconds.
2. After displaying the nominal voltage,
current and frequency settings, the
screen shows:
P1:1.44 P2:1.44
P3:1.44 SYS:3.10
Where: P1, P2 and P3 are the dimmer
processor software versions (P1 is only
shown on 1, 2 and 4 channel
PowerModules), and SYS is the front
panel processor software.
Note: All dimmer processor software will hav e
the same version number, but it will not
be necessarily the same version as for
the front panel. All software versions in
the same installation should be identical.
If they are not, contact your local
distributor or IES directly.
3. After 3 seconds, the screen
automatically resets to show the normal
output details.
4. Press Ï or Ð to adjust the level. The
dimmer output is live while the level is
being adjusted.
5. Press ENT to leave the menu and
record the changes or EXIT to leave the
previous settings unchanged.
5.5 To operate the chaser
The PowerModule has a sequence chaser to
provide basic effects without a control desk. This
is primarily used for exhibition and display lighting
purposes. Twenty different effect sequences are
pre-programmed into the PowerModule, and
controls are provided to adjust master level, chase
speed and to choose between fading and
switching between steps.
1. Press CHAS.
2. The screen displays shows:
01 00 1.0 OFF
CH is chase number
ST is step number
SP is speed (in seconds) from one step to
L is a bar graph showing the master
FADE selects either a fading chase (ON) or
a switching chase (OFF)
3. Press Í or Î to put the underline
beneath the CH number, and use Ï and
Ð to select the chase number required.
4. Press ENT to start the chase, and the
screen shows e.g.:
5.4 To manually control a dimmer level
It is possible to control any dimmer directly from
the front panel using the cursor controls to set the
desired level. This can be used for testing circuits,
overriding control signals or setting an
independent fixed level. The level is mixed with
any other incoming signal on a highest level takes
precedence basis.
1. Press MAN.
2. The screen shows:
L: 242V
CH:T123456 08 A
3. Use Í or Î to select a channel number
(active channel number is underlined),
or ‘T’ which controls all channels
The flow chart showing the menu structure and
options is included as an appendix at the end of
05 01 1,0 OFF
5. The step number will increment as the
chase progresses, restarting at 1 at the
end of each cycle.
With the chase number underlined, press Ï
or Ð to switch to another chase pattern.
Use Í and Î to underline (select) the level
or FADE and press Ï or Ð to adjust the
master level for each step (shown on
the bar graph) and to choose between
FADE ON (fades between steps) and
FADE OFF (switches between steps).
this manual. As the Ethernet programming options
are relatively complex and only have to be
changed infrequently, they are discussed in
Chapter 9 “Ethernet module”.
6.2 General Programming Advice
6.2.1 Passwords
For clarity, the following sections which describe
programming activities do not refer to the entry of
passwords. Passwords are included to prevent
unauthorised access to the DMX, CONFigure and
INSTall menu trees. The passwords are 4-digit
numbers with a factory default of 0000 (no
password necessary). It is possible to have the
same password for all, or separate passwords for
each menu tree. If any of the protected menus is
selected, the next screen requests a password.
This is achieved by pressing the relevant Í and
Î cursor buttons to select the digit, and the Ï
and Ð cursor buttons to enter the number.
6.2.2 Navigation through the menus
The cursor buttons are used to move around the
menu screens, and to activate a set-up option or
parameter prior to adjustment. When a parameter
or option is activated, it is shown in square
brackets, e.g. [240] and it is this item which you
are changing on the screen. When you press ENT
to confirm the change, the screen will show:
As this happens for each menu option, it is not
included in each following instruction.
6.2.3 Channel characteristics
All dimmer-specific functional parameters may be
set separately for each dimmer. Thus each
dimmer may have a different response time,
curve, maximum level etc. if required.
Alternatively, all dimmers in one PowerModule can
be programmed together, depending on whether
the dimmer set-up has been set to ‘SINGLE or
‘JOINED’ (see paragraph 6.4.1). If the
configuration is set to single, a number is shown in
each relevant channel reference [4], and if all
dimmers are programmed together, a T is shown
in square brackets [T]. Note that if T is activated,
an underscore bar is added, making it appear as
an ‘I’.
L: _ D:001?
CH:123456 A:032v
This display shows the channel levels (bar graphs
at the top left), the DMX address of the first
channel in the PowerModule (D:xxx) and the
DimSTAT address of the unit (A:xxx). The number
of bar graphs shown relates to the number of
dimmers in the PowerModule – either 1, 2, 4 or 6.
Note: A question mark (?) adjacent to the DMX
address shows the DMX signal is not
valid, and the ‘v’ adjacent to the
DimSTAT address number indicates
communication is active.
6.4 General controls
PowerModule dimmers can store performance
characteristics individually for each dimmer or
combined for all dimmers in the module. This
feature is independent of the choice of DMX
numbering scheme, thus the dimmers may have
individual characteristics, but with consecutive
DMX addresses.
6.4.1 To change the dimmer characteristic setup scheme
1. Press INST.
2. Press Ð or Ï to choose GENERAL
Press ENT.
3. Press Ð or Ï to choose CONFIG
Press ENT.
4. The screen shows:
5. Use Ï or Ð to select either SINGLE (for
different individual channel parameters)
or JOINED (if all dimmers have the
same characteristics).
6. Press ENT (to record the changes) or
EXIT (to leave the previous settings
unchanged, and return to the home
6.5 DMX programming
6.3 Front Panel Controls
All of the performance and control characteristics,
measurements and status reports, are available
from the front panel controls and LCD screen.
When power is applied and the MCB or RCBO is
switched on, the power LED will illuminate. The
DMX LED will illuminate if a valid DMX signal is
present. During the power-up reset process, the
LCD display shows identification details and the
software version before displaying the output
Each dimmer in the PowerModule is assigned a
DMX channel number. A feature is provided to set
sequential number groups (‘Start’ addressing)
instead of individual settings. When programming
individual characteristics are set, as a later change
can reset previously recorded individual channel
characteristic settings.
6.5.1 To set up DMX addressing scheme
1. Press INST.
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