ETC S4WRDDG120 Users Manual

Source 4WRD II
HPL to LED Retrofit (UL)
Installation and User Manual
Versio n 1.1 .2
Part Number: 7067M1230-1.1.2 Rev A
Released: 2020-02
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Table of Contents
Help from ETC Technical Services
Retrofit the Fixture
Wire the power connector(if needed)
Remove Incandescent Lamp Housing
Install the Source 4WRD II Retrofit
Install the Fixture
Attach C-clamp and Safety Cable
Connect Cables
Configure the Fixture
Focus the Fixture
Set the Z-adjustment
Adjust the Yoke Position
Shape the Beam
Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual i
Troubleshoot the Source 4WRD II
Clean and Maintain the Fixture
Clean the Fixture
Store the Retrofit
Clean the Lenses
Clean the Reflector
Clean 5° and 10° Polymer Lenses
ii Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual


Source 4WRD II LED retrofit kit, shown installed on a Source Four fixture body
The So urce 4WRDII LED is a replacement for a standard Source Four bu rner ass embly. It con verts the HPL source to a wh ite-l i ght LED and provides a s ignificant red uction in power co nsumptio n.
The fo llowing So urce 4WRD II options are available in 80 CR I , 90 CR I (Gallery), and 90 CRI Daylight (Gallery) variants :
Source 4 WR DII LED retrofit kit: Used to modi fy an existing Sou rce Four HPL incandes cent fixture to a white LED fi xture. The Source 4WRDII LED can also be used with the Source 4 WR D PAR or PAR Nel Fixture B o dy to create a Source 4 WR D II PAR or PAR Nel fixture. For more i nformati on, vis i t etcco m. Source 4 WR D II Li g ht En g ine: Co mbin es the Source Fo ur in candescen t fixtu re bo d y with the So urce 4WRDII LED. Availab le on ly with 80 CRI and 90 CRI (Gallery) variants .
The So u rce 4WRDI I LED retro fit kit is no t co mpatibl e wi th
Source Fou r LED, Fres nel, PAR, PARNel, or jr fixtures.
Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual 1

Help from ETC Technical Services

If you are having difficulties and yo ur pro b lem i s no t addres s ed by this do cu ment, try the ETC suppo rt web site at supp ort.etcco n m or the main ETC website at If non e of these resou rces are su fficient, con tact ETC Tech n ical Services d irectly at one o f the offi ces id entifi ed bel ow. Emergency service is available from all ETC o ffices ou tsid e of normal bu siness h o urs .
When calling for hel p, take these steps first:
Prepare a detailed descri ptio n of the problem Go near the eq uipment for troubl esho otin g Find your n o tification number if yo u have called in p revi ously
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2 Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual


The So urce 4WRD I I fixture is intended for professi o nal use on ly. Read the enti re manual before u sing thi s equipmen t.
WARNING: Note the following safety warnings before use:
Do not mount the fixture on or near a flammable surface. Do not use this fixture with a damaged power lead. If
the power lead (cord set) is damaged, it must be replaced. Mount and support the fixture only by the primary suspension holes in the yoke. Suspend the fixture from a suitable structure using only hardware rated for the weight of the fixture. In addition to primary suspension, attach a safety cable (ETC Model 400SC or other approved safety cable or device) to the fixture housing. An appropriate attachment point (hole) is provided in the protruding tab on the fixture housing. Disconnect the unit from power and DMX and allow the fixture to cool before removing or installing accessories, and before all cleaning and maintenance.
Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual 3
AVERTISSEMENT : Prendre connaissance des avertissements
de sécurité suivants avant toute utilisation :
Ne pas installer le projecteur sur ou à côté d’une surface inflammable. Ne pas utiliser ce projecteur avec un cordon
d’alimentation endommagé. Si le cordon d’alimentation (câble) est abîmé, il doit être remplacé. Installer et accrocher le projecteur uniquement par les trous de fixation principaux de la lyre. Accrocher le projecteur à une structure convenable en utilisant seulement du matériel adapté au poids du projecteur. En plus de l'accroche principale, fixer une élingue de sécurité (modèle ETC400SC ou autre câble/dispositif de sécurité certifié) au corps du projecteur. Un point d’accroche (trou) approprié est prévu dans la patte qui ressort du boîtier du projecteur. Déconnecter l’alimentation et le DMX et laisser le projecteur refroidir avant d’enlever ou installer l'optique découpe ou les autres adaptateurs, et avant tout nettoyage et entretien.
WARNING: Note the following safety warnings before use:
The Source 4WRD II LED is not user serviceable. Field modification of the Source 4WRD II LED will void your ETC warranty. Do not use the Source 4WRD II fixture below 5°C (41°F).
Minimum storage temperature is 5°C (41°F). When the fixture has been stored or transported in cold temperatures, allow it to warm to room temperature for a minimum of 1hour before applying power. Applying power to a cold fixture will cause damage to the fixture and void the ETCwarranty. Do not use this fixture if a glass lens is deeply scratched or cracked. Damaged lenses must be replaced. To prevent wiring damage, or abrasion, do not expose wiring to edges of sheet metal or other sharp objects. Use the Source 4WRD II fixture in dry locations only, where humidity does not exceed 90 percent (non­condensing). These fixtures are not intended for outdoor use.
4 Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual
For full pro duct speci fication s, see th e Source 4WRDII LED d atash eet at
11 4–12 5 VAC 60 Hz p o wer inp ut 15 0 W draw at ful l Recommen ded 2 fixtures per di mmed circuit (D20 modu le) Maximu m of 14 fixtures p er non -dimmed ci rcuit (R2 0 module) If u sing in DMX mode: Connect fixture to rel ay, con stant power, o r di mmer with reg u lation off and parked at full
Typica l Power Consumption
Mode Power Cur r ent
Idle:DMXMode 1.2W .03A
Idle: ACMode 0W 0 A
Full Intensity 150W 1.26A
Ambi ent op erating temperatu re: 5°C–5 0 °C (41°F–122°F) Mi nimu m storag e temperature: 5°C (41 °F) Maximu m reco mmend ed ambien t operating temperature:Ta=5 0°C (122 °F) Maximu m anticipated external surface temperature: Tmax=63°C (145 °F) at Ta=5 0°C (122°F) External Temperature (stead y state achieved) at 25 °C (77°F) ambi ent: 38°C (100°F)
Source 4 WR DII LED retrofit kit only: 1 .6 9kg (3.73lb) Source 4 WR DII LED in stalled on 26° fixture with yoke and C-clamp:
6.39 kg (14.08lb)
Comp atible with all ETCSource Four l ens tu bes.
Source 4 WR D II I nstallatio n and User Man ual 5
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