ETC Setup Guide
Up, Down, Back,
Enter buttons
Alternative Ethernet
Available configurations:
4-DMX Out (XLR Female)
4-DMX In (XLR Male)
1-DMX In 3-DMX Out
4-DMX Terminal
4-DMX RJ45
Port indicator
OLED screen
DC power input
Default Ethernet location
PoE (IEE 802.3af)
10/100Mbps data speeds
RJ45 and etherCON compatible
Reset button
Touch to
Wake Sensor
Ground screw
Response Mk2 Four-Port Gateway
This guide covers installation and basic setup of the Response Mk2 Four-Port Gateway. You can
configure additional software fea tures using ETCConcert software. Reference the Help system built
into Concert for more information. ETC Concert software can be found at etcconnect.com/Concert.
The Four-Port Gateway can be used on a tabletop or be rack-, pipe- or bar-mounted using optional
accessories (availa ble separately).
Action Buttons
Up, Down, Ba ck buttons - The Back button allows you to return to the previous menu or option
and the Up and Down buttons navigate between menu options
Enter - The Enter button allows you to adva nce to the ne xt availa ble menu option or commit a
modified selection
Reset - The Reset button provides a physical button to reset the gateway
Touch to Wake Sensor - Cover the sensor with your hand to wak e the display
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Product information a nd specifications subjec t to change. ETCintends this doc ument to be provided in its entirety.
42 68M22 00 Rev B Re lea sed 2019-10
ETC Setup Guide
Four-Port Gateway
LED Indicators
Power - Solid blue indicate s that power is supplied
Network - Solid green indicates network connection and blinking indicates network activity
Port Indica tor - Each port has an adjacent port indicator LED that provides information on the
state of the port:
Output mode
Gree n (solid): Valid sACNsources on the port
Gree n (slow blinking): No va lid sACN source s on the port. Note tha t the port can be in a
Hold La st Look (HLL) state.
Gree n (fast blinking): Attempting to output but there are other DMXsources dete cted on
the DMXline causing a collision
Amber (blink): RDMtransa ction in process
Input mode
Red (solid): Active DMXinput on the port
Red (slow blinking): No active DMXinput on the port
Red (fast blinking) : DMXsource is invalid
Off: Port disabled or power off
Red-Green (alternating blinking): The port is upda ting a connected ETCdevice
Amber-Green (alternating blinking): The port is in DMXtest mode
Electrical Specifications
The gateways are powered by either auxiliary powe r or Power over Ethernet (PoE).
Auxiliary power input rated voltage of 12-24 VDC, 15 W Max, Polarity Independent
10/100Base-T, PoE power Class 2 (IEE E 802.3af)
For auxilia ry power, the gateway uses an external DCpower supply (available separately).
If you supply both PoE and auxiliary power, the gate way defaults to using a uxiliary. If auxilia ry
power is lost, the gate wa y will reboot and the n begin using PoE.
Note: If you are using an e xternal power supply, it must be rated at a maximum of
Four - Port Gateway Page 2 of 10 ETC
ETC Setup Guide
Four-Port Gateway
Connection Options
There are four different connector types available depending on your ga tewa y:
DMX Out (five-pin female XLR)
DMX In (five-pin male XLR)
DMX RJ45 (input or output)
DMX Terminal he ader (three-pin terminal for input or output)
The Response Mk2 Gateways send and rece ive DMX-512 control signals. DMX cables must be
acceptable for DMX data transmission and connections should follow the standard pinouts pe r the
charts below. The optional seconda ry data pa ir is not used by the Response Mk2 Gateways.
The DMX RJ45 variant can use a standa rd RJ45 Cat5e cable or better to transmit DMX-512 to other
devices with the same connector.
The Four-Port Gateway is available in five va riants of available connector types:
4 Out (female XLR connectors)
4 In (male XLR connectors)
3 Out and 1 In
4 Terminal connectors
4 RJ45 connectors
Note: The DMX RJ45 connector does not function as an Etherne t ne twork port.
DM X-512
Pinout for
five -pin XLR
Pin Use Pin Use
1 Common (shield) 1 Data 1 + w/orange 1 Common (shield) clear/shie ld
2 Data - 2 Data 1 - orange 2 Data - black
3 Data + 3 not used w/green 3 Data + red
4 not connected 4 not used blue
5 not connected 5 not used w/blue
6 not used green
7 Signal Common w/brown
8 Signal Common brown
DM X-512 Pinout
for RJ45
DM X-512 Pinouts for
Terminal He a der
Pin Use
Typica l
Wire Color
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