ETC Net3 User Manual

Four-Port Gateway Setup Guide
This Setup Guide will guide you through the setup of the Net3 Four-Port DMX /RDM gateway including hardware, electrical and data connections. Software configuration of your gateway is covered separately and relates specifically to the software versions that may be running in the gateways.
• For Net3 configuration, please refer to the Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE) Online Help System.
• For use on ETCNet2 systems, use the ETCNet2 Network Configuration Editor (NCE) User Manual which includes information about the Net3 DMX Gateways running in ETCNet2 mode.
Ethernet Connection
• PoE (IEEE 802.3af)
• 10/100Mbps data speeds
• Auto-sensing
• Auto-negotiation
• RJ45 and etherCON compatible
Reset Button
• hard reboot
Menu Button
• Activates the LCD backlight
• Advances display pages
• Displays gateway status and configuration data
Power Indicator
• Solid blue LED indicates power
Activity Indicator
• Solid green LED indicates network connection.
• Flashing LED indicates network activity
DMX Gateway Modules
DMX RJ45 Module
(RJ45 8-pin female)
DMX In Module
(XLR 5-pin male)
DMX Termination
• switch directly behind the connector for convenience
Retaining Screw
Protective Cover
• protects delicate electronics
• secures the module in the gateway
Pull Tab
• for easy module removal
DMX Out Module
(XLR 5-pin female)
There are four different modules available for use in the Four-Port gateway: DMX Out (5-pin female), DMX In (5-pin male), RJ45 (8-pin female for input or output) and DMX Terminal Strip (8-pin Weidmuller for input or output).
• The terminal strip module comes with ETC’s standard DMX termination preparation kit (part number 4100A1012) which includes instructions and all parts required for installation. If you are connecting to Category 5 wire for DMX, request the DMX termination preparation kit with IDC connectors from ETC (part number 4100A1013).
• The DMX RJ45 module can use a standard Category 5 cable to transmit DMX512 to other devices utilizing the same connector.
NOTE: The DMX RJ45 module will not function as an Ethernet network port.
Any of these modules may be configured as DMX input or DMX output using configuration software. Additionally, there is a blanking plate for any unused module bay.
WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK! Power must be removed from the gateway before removing any modules or covers to
service the unit.
With power removed from the Gateway, you can move and swap DMX modules as needed for required configuration or replacement.
DMX Terminal Strip Module
(8-pin male)
Four Module Bays
• use any combination of modules including the blank plate, DMX Out (XLR Female), DMX In (XLR Male), RJ45 and terminal strip modules.
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Revision D 2010-01
Strain Relief
• strain relief clip for dc power cable
• 8-28Vdc
• Positive tip
• 3.5mm barrel
• 5 Watts usage
Power Indicator
DC Power Input
• Solid blue LED indicates power
Activity Indicator
Grounding Post
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Copyright © 2010 ETC. All Rights Reserved. Product information and specifications subject to change.
• Solid green LED indicates network connection.
• Flashing LED indicates network activity
Help from ETC Technical Services
If you experience difficulty during setup or installation of the Net3 gateway, additional information is available from, or by contacting ETC Technical Services at your local office listed on the bottom left side of this document.
DMX Basics and Pin-Outs
The Net3 Four-Port gateway sends and receives DMX512 control signals. This unit can contain up to four DMX ports in any combination using 5-pin DMX input connectors, 5-pin DMX output connectors, RJ45 connectors, or terminal strip connectors. DMX cables must be acceptable for DMX data transmission (not microphone cable) and connections should follow the standard pinouts per the charts below. The optional secondary data pair is not used by the Net3 Four-Port gateway.
DMX512 Pinout for 5-pin XLR Connectors
Pin# Use
Data -
Data +
Page 1 of 2
Female (output) Male (input)
DMX512 Pinout for RJ45 Connectors
1 8
Pin# Use
Data 1 +
Data 1 -
not used
not used
not used
not used
Signal Common
Signal Common
Wire Color
DMX512 Pinout for Terminal Strip Connector
1 8
Pin# Use Wire Color
Common (shield)
Data -
Data +
DMX Termination
The DMX network supports up to 32 devices connected to each DMX line. Termination is required for all DMX networks and belongs at the source (beginning) of a DMX network line and at the last device physically connected in
the line. A termination switch is located on each DMX module (yellow switch labeled Termination S1) to enable or disable DMX termination. This switch is factory defaulted to “On” for every module. The most common reason to disable termination is to support “touch and go” connections. “Touch and go” implies that you land DMX wiring on the input connector for the gateway and continue to another DMX device (daisy-chain). This practice is uncommon when using DMX gateways.
Replacing the DMX Transceiver Chip
Occasionally a DMX device can encounter an electrical surge that causes the DMX transceiver chip to fail. This DMX chip (mfg# 75LBC182 / ETC# Z1458-F) is located under the cover next to the termination switch. As needed, you can replace this DMX chip with another. It is best to remove this chip with an IC puller, if the tool is available to you.
RDM Basics
Net3 gateway software supports Remote Device Management (RDM) protocol. By default, RDM discovery is not enabled on Net3 gateways. To enable RDM on the Net3 Four-Port gateway, use ETC’s Net3 Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE) software. Please see the GCE online help files for more information on activating RDM on your Net3 gateways. RDM is not supported in Net2 mode.
Power Up Using DC Power
When using an external power supply, the gateway must be connected to a network before being powered.
Menu Structure
The Net3 Four-Port gateway has only a one button interface. Pressing the [Menu] button repeatedly cycles through the menu, displaying mostly informational data. On certain menu items you are prompted to press and hold the [Menu] button for a period of 5 seconds to change a state or switch between operating modes. Both the ETCNet2 and Net3 menu structures are displayed below for your convenience.
Net2 Menu Net3 Menu
1 2 34
DMX Port 1 Output
EDMX Start: 1
1 2 34
Port 1 Output
sACN 3/4:511
Port 1 RDM Enabled
Discovery On #12
display s either the “gateway nameor the “IP Address ”.
display s each po rt and i ts status ( = output,  = input, no indicati on = disa bled po
• a port that fl ashes in dicates it eith er has no patch data (EDMX o r sACN) or no valid D MX is re c eived on that port
display s the por t pri ority mode (eith er “Output”, “I nput Pri ***”, where ** * indicates the p ort is set with p er-addr ess pri ority, or “In p ut Pri 10 0” (wher e 100 is th e prio rity value for th at por t). For Net 2 mode, displays either “Inputor “Output”.
display s the patc h infor mation f ormat ted as “universe”, “u nivers e/address”, “univer se/addr ess:length”, “universe:leng thor “Custom (AIP)”. Ne t2 mode displays the EDM X star t addre s s.
display s the por t RDM s tatus (eit her “En abled ”, “ Disab led”, or “S tandby ”). Can be enable d or disa bled at t h e gateway o n ly if the port i s set to “Output ” mode by h olding t he [Menu] butto n for 5 se c onds.
display s discove ry sta tus (eithe r “Fast ”, “On”, or “Off” ).
About RDM
Remote Device Management (RDM) is a protocol enhancement to DMX512 that allows bidirectional communication between a lighting system controller and attached RDM-compliant responder devices over a standard DMX line. This protocol allows configuration, status monitoring, and management of these devices.
An RDM Controller is the device that initiates communication with one or more RDM Responder devices. Examples of responders are RDM-enabled edge devices such as color scrollers, dimmers, moving lights, and LED fixtures. RDM supports 32 RDM devices per-port, just like DMX. Compliant DMX512 and DMX512-A devices (non-RDM devices) are fully functional when RDM is present. RDM was developed by ESTA Technical Standards and can also be referenced as ANSI E1.20.
Optional Accessories
Rack Mount Kit (4260K1001)
The Net3 Gateway Rack Mount kit is capable of holding up to two Net3 Gateways for mounting into a standard 19” rack enclosure. If you only need to mount one unit, a blanking plate is provided with the kit. This blanking plate can be installed on either side of the rack mount bracket.
Hanging Hardware Kit (4260K1004)
The Net3 Hanging Hardware kit allows pipe mounting of a Net3 Gateway in a variety of orientations. You can vary the way the U-bolt (or c-clamp) attaches to the bracket and the way the bracket mounts to the gateway. The bracket attaches to any edge on the bottom of your gateway.
DMX Front Panel Kits
4260K1002 - DMX out / 4260K1003 - 2 DMX in / 2 DMX out
These kits provides front panel access to the DMX connectors on a Net3 Four-Port Gateway when installed in an equipment rack. You must use these kits in combination with one Net3 Four-Port gateway and a Rack Mount Kit (4260K1001), not included.
A connector blanking plate (4260A3013) is required to cover an unused connector opening when fewer than four DMX connectors are required on the front panel.
DMX Port 2 Output
EDMX Start: 513
DMX Port 3 Output
EDMX Start: 1025
DMX Port 4 Output
EDMX Start: 1537
IP Address
IP Subnet Mask
IP Gateway
Net2 Gateway Version
Hold button 5 sec to
Switch to ACN
Port 2 Input Pri***
Custom (AIP)
Port 2 RDM Disabled
Port 3 Input Pri 100
sACN 2:512
Port 3 RDM Disabled
Port 4 Output
sACN 1
Port 4 RDM Enabled
Discovery Off #0
Static IP Address
IP Subnet Mask
IP Gateway
TFTP Server
ACN Gateway Version
Hold button 5 sec to
Switch to Net2
display s either “Static” or “ Dynami c” IP Address.
display s the cur rent IP a ddress of the gateway.
display s the cur rent Sub net Mask of the gateway.
display s the cur rent IP a ddress for a net work router (or the gateway’s o wn IP address).
display s the cur rent Trivial File Transf er Protoc ol (T F TP) ser ver IP ad dress fo typic ally an ETC cons ole or computer r unning Gateway Co nfigu ration Editor (GCE) soft ware.
display s the version number of the soft ware cur rently running on this device. If running in Net2 mode, “ Net2 Gateway Ver sion” d isplays al ong wit h the Net 2 versi on numbe r of software.
• switch between ACN and Net2 modes. Net 2 mode di splays a limited me nu sele ction displayed i n the lef t column of this menu str u cture.
r the gateway. The TFT P server is
The front panel connector bracket replaces the rack mount kit blanking plate.
Page 2 of 2
Hold button 5 sec to
Download Software
Hold button 5 sec to
Restore Defaults
Hold button 5 sec to
Reset Dynamic IP
Hold button 5 sec to
Download Software
Hold button 5 sec to
Restore Defaults
Mac Address
• if the IP mode is s et in Gate way Conf iguration Editor (GCE) to Static, “ Switc h to Dyna mic IP ” displays. If the I P mode is Dynamic, “Reset Dynami c IP” displays. Resetting the D y namic I P erases the cur rent IP f rom memory and requests an I P from t he DHCP address service after rebo ot.
soft ware is r etrieved from th e curre nt TFTP update se rver .
restor ing def aults wil l cause t he gateway to reset a ll sett ings to th e facto ry defaults.