ETC Matrix MkII Dimming System User Manual

User Manual
Version: 1.0x
Copyright © Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
All Rights reserved.
Product information and specifications subject to change.
Part number: 7540M1200-1.0.0 Rev. A
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Matrix®, Matrix Mk2®, DimSTAT®, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
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Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................... 1
Using this Manual................................................................1
Chapter 1 Overview.......................................................... 3
System Components...........................................................2
Processor.............................................. ..............................2
Dimmer Monitoring Interface Overview ..............................3
Dimming System features......................... .... .... ... .... .... .... ...4
Chapter 2 Basic Navigation.............................................. 6
Processor user Interface.....................................................6
Chapter 3 Configuration Procedures................................ 8
Initial settings ......................................................................8
Number of modules in use........................................8
Select load rating of modules...................................8
Setup schemes for channels and DMX....................9
DMX Programming............................................... .... .... .... ...9
To set up a DMX addressing scheme ....................10
To set up DMX addresses......................................10
DMX A/B Arbitration................................................11
To set up a DMX Backup condition ........................11
To set up a DMX Backup preset.............................12
To set up a DMX Minimum reset............................12
DMX lamp features ...........................................................13
To set up DMX lamp tuning....................................13
To set up DMX lamp saver.....................................13
Network settings................................................................14
DimSTAT Address..................................................14
Table of Contents i
To set up a serial address......................................14
Ethernet ..................................................................14
To set up the dimmer IP address ...........................14
To set up the dimmer subnet mask ........................15
To set up the dimmer gateway address .................15
To set up the merger IP address............................16
To set up the merger subnet mask.........................16
To set up the merger gateway address..................17
To set up the merger universes..............................17
Channel settings .......................................................... .... .18
Maximum & minimum levels...................................18
Response time.................................... ....................18
Dimmer curves........................................................19
Non-dim operation..................................................20
Maximum current....................................................20
To set up priority channels......................................21
Current limitation.....................................................21
Voltage regulation...................................................22
Line voltage calibration...........................................22
To set voltage regulation ........................................23
To set maximum output voltage..............................23
Phase-on and Phase-off settings ...........................23
Start mode ..............................................................24
Presets and manual control functions...............................26
To set up digital switch presets ..............................26
To set up digital switch functions............................26
To reset all presets.................................................27
Manual dimmer control...........................................27
Local fault reporting ..........................................................28
To check fault history.......................... .... ... .... .... .... .28
To analyse dimmer status and performance..........29
Matrix OS Software...........................................................29
To check dimmer software version.........................29
Firmware update.....................................................30
Miscellaneous ...................................................................30
Sleep mode.............................................................30
Check ventilation ....................................................31
Return to factory settings........................................31
Factory defaults......................................................32
Chapter 4 Service........................................................... 43
Contacting ETC about Equipment Problems........................
Changing Rack Modules................... ....................................
Regular inspection .............................................................. ..
Check ventilation system...........................................
Annual inspection .......................................... .... .... ... ..
Fault finding................................................... .... ... .... .... .... .....
Main power failure ......................................................
Failure of a group of dimmers.....................................
Failure of a single dimmer..........................................
Over temperature alarm..............................................
Over voltage alarm .....................................................
Serial data loss ...........................................................
DMX data loss..................................... .... ... .... ........ .... .
Appendix A Processor menus...............................................
Appendix B Schematic diagram............................................
Table of Contents iii
on the purchase of an ETC Matrix® MkII system. Matrix MkII continues ETC's tradition of providing the highest quality products for the entertainment lighting market.
Using this Manual
This manual describes the general operation and programming information for the Matrix Mk.II dimming system. Installation, maintenance and servicing details are available in separate manuals. Owing to the range of options available, this user manual may describe modules and features which are not directly relevant to a specific installation.
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert you to danger or important information.
: Provides important information about your installation
: Alerts you to important information relating to equipment performance or reliability.
: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK! warns you when electricity may cause injury.
: warns you where there isd the possibility of other types of injury.
Table of Contents 1
Chapter 1
System Components
The Matrix MkII dimming system consists of Matrix Mk.II racks, a Matrix Processor per rack, and various dimmer module types. A module may contain an SCR dimmer or a sine wave dimm er, but in addition, a module may contain only a circuit breaker, a group of relays for switching either conventional lighting or HMI sources, dimmers enhanced for Fluorescent loads, or may contain no electronics at all.
Matrix Mk.II Processor
The Matrix modules in each rack are managed by a rack Processor unit. The Matrix Mk.II Processor stores the settings for each module in the rack, manages the data lines into the rack, provides display for and access to the internal settings of each channel in the rack's modules. Although each rack processor is central to the full operation of Matrix Mk.II, each module's own processing capabilities ensure that basic dimming facilities are maintained even if a major fault affects one of the dual processing paths within the rack Processor. The dual processors are:
Merge Processor: for managing data distribution to the dimmer modules with direct inputs from DMX 1 and 2 (main data lines), Ethernet control data, RS422 touch panels and 48 switched inputs via optional interfaces.
Screen Processor: for setup, status reports and monitoring, with direct inputs from DMX 1 and 2 (backup lines), Ethernet DimSTAT and RS485 DimSTAT.
The Processor serves as a real-time processor for incoming control signals and transmits that information to the individual modules. It also monitors the system status and reports any errors, both locally, on its own display panel and the affected module's status LEDs, and remotely through the DimSTAT® network.
The Processor can be used to configure its rack within the system. Configuration and error data can be accessed either locally at the Processor keypad, or by using the DimSTAT network PC screen.
Networked Matrix Mk.II systems can be divided into separately configured subsystems called zones. A zone would typically represent one auditorium or one studio in a theatre or TV studio complex. There is no limit to the number of zones, but the maximum number of Processors (i.e. racks in the system) is 255, which is equivalent to 45,900 channels.
The Matrix Processor has capacity to accept Ethernet data and regular DMX, to choose two universes from the Ethernet data (for main and backup control lines A and B), and to output DMX on XLR and RJ45 cat5 connections.
Matrix Mk.II Modules
The range of modules includes a choice of SCR rated at 3kW, 5kW or 12kW per channel with 400µS risetime chokes, Sine wave dimmers rated at 1.25kW, 2.3kW, 3kW, 5kW or 12kW per channel, fluorescent modules rated at 3kW or 5kW per channel, Non-Dim relays rated at 16A or 32A, continuous supply modules rated at 16A, 32A or 63A, Solid-state switches 4kW HMI and 10kW 3-phase HMI non-dim relays with ignition detection.
Matrix Mk.II offers either 1,2,4 or 6 channel module options depending on protection required. Generally, most 6 channel modules include one RCD and 6 individual MCBs, and a 4 channel module has space for individual RCBOs per channel.
Matrix Mk.II dimmer cabinets
The range of Matrix Mk.II dimming cabinets includes 1600 and 2000mm heights, 600 or 800mm widths (800mm incorporates a front access only swing frame), and a choice of wiring to accommodate up to a maximum of 6 channels per module. The 6-channel wiring version provides higher density, and gives more flexibility for future expansion (it is compatible with 4-channel modules as well).
All terminals are high-specification spring loaded terminals for 4mm (3kW), 10mm (5kW) and 16mm (10kW) load terminations.
There are 4 styles of cabinet for either 6-way or 4-way configurations, with or without swing frame (front access only). All are in standard ETC colours except where shown:
1600mm (h) x 800mm (w) x 800mm (d) swing frame, 4- or 6-way for 18 modules
2000mm (h) x 800mm (w) x 800mm (d) swing frame, 4- or 6-way for 18 modules
2000mm (h) x 800mm (w) x 800mm (d) swing frame, 4- or 6-way for 27 modules
1600mm (h) x 600mm (w) x 800mm (d) 6-way for 12 modules (RAL7035 light grey) 1600mm (h) x 600mm (w) x 800mm (d) 6-way for 18 modules (RAL7035 light grey) 2000mm (h) x 600mm (w) x 800mm (d) 6-way for 27 modules (RAL7035 light grey)
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Matrix Mk.II Dimmer Monitoring Interface Overview
Each Matrix Mk.II power device in the system may be linked to a PC network using DimSTAT® software for the purpose of remote control, set-up, status monitoring and fault reporting. The system operates through a regular polling of dimmers, and if a fault occurs, the report can be investigated from the PC in the first instance. The network link is also used to upgrade software when appropriate.
DimSTAT provides a system-wide network, and operates on a host polling protocol where the PC searches for connected dimmers at initiation, and then regularly polls dimmers for data to display. If a fault occurs, the PC’s display instantly shows the detail, and if the fault is cleared the system resets accordingly. Information displayed includes: DMX start address per unit, DMX OK, line voltage, current per channel(with most modules), dimmer curve, response time, max. setting, type of fault reported (temperature, overload etc.), date and time of fault. It is possible to set the dimmer curve, start address and pre-heat from DimSTAT software on the PC.
The operation and performance of the Matrix dimmer is monitored constantly and comprehensively by the on-board data processors, and this information is available on the LCD screen of the dimmer rack, and through DimSTAT. The parameters measured and reported are:
a) DMX OK b) DMX channel numbers c) DMX levels d) line voltage e) current per dimmer (with suitable modules) f) current per phase per rack g) set frequency h) dimmer curve i) temperature per module j) Cosine and ignition information for HMI modules
k) MCB / RCBO trip
Normal operatio n
In normal rehearsal and performance situations, the home screen is displayed with the list of all dimmers in the system. This display normally shows green indications if the dimmers are operating correctly, grey if communication is lost, and red if a reportable fault has been received.
If a dimmer reports a fault, click on the dimmer reference or icon, and DimSTAT will switch to the main screen. The fault reported will be a red warning related to a dimmer channel number in the list of faults.
DimSTAT offers interrogation facilities for each dimmer in the system at any time. To check the mains supply voltage, load current, temperatures etc, simply select a dimmer and view the data in the main screen.
Saving and recalling dimmer system configuration settings
DimSTAT is able to save the settings for all dimmers in the installation as a file. It follows that many settings can be saved for different shows or variable conditions or a change of hook-up. Before saving a configuration, remember to send all changed data to the dimmers and check that the settings are correct. The data in DimSTAT should be considered as a copy of the dimmer settings, and therefore the data should be compared before and after disk transfers.
For details, refer to the DimSTAT operator’s handbook.
Matrix Dimming System Features
Matrix Mk.II offers a wide range of plug-in power control devices including SCR and Sine wave dimming, relay switch circuits and continuous power modules. Modules can be exchanged safely with power applied, and modules with similar capacity can be exchanged with each other (e.g. sine wave for SCR).
SCR dimmers
A wide choice of SCR dimmer modules are available with 400µS filters; 3kW, 5kW or 10kW capacity per channel; fluorescent versions with associated heater supply; a choice of protection devices including MCB, RCD and RCBO.
Sine wave dimmers
Silent, low harmonic sine wave dimmer modules are available with options for 1250W, 2.3kW, 3kW, 5kW and 10kW capacity per channel; fluorescent versions with associated heater supply; a choice of protection devices including MCB, RCD and RCBO. Key features of Matrix Mk.II sine wave technology are:
Silence: Silent lamp filaments. Sine wave does not eliminate natural filament resonance from a 50Hz mains supply, but it is no more noisy than if the lamp head is connected to a maintained mains supply. There are no distractions for the audience from lamps buzzing during a quiet moment. Radiated interference in audio and video systems is no longer an issue, and signal cables can be safely positioned adjacent to sine wave load cables with no effect on audio or video signal quality. Buzzing cables, trunking, transformers and switchgear are no longer a problem with sine wave dimming.
No reactive power: Creating less that 1% additional harmonic distortion and no 3rd or 5th order harmonics, sine wave dimmers can actually be cheaper to run as the reactive power demand is eliminated from supply bills. Costs are significantly less for rewired venues, or new builds, because the usual requirement to overrate cables, and switchgear by 40% is no longer an issue. That means a lot less copper and
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expense. Smaller transformers and backup generators can be purchased, offering great savings.
Environmentally friendly: Providing a pure sinewave, iSine technology avoids the peak currents which stress filaments and also eliminates harmonic currents which can affect other equipment and cause transformers to overheat. Cables and generators also benefit - with a pure sinewave supply, the infrastructure does not have to be overrated (usually 40% excess for normal dimming systems).
Versatile: The sine wave control is the most versatile dimming technology for resistive and inductive loads. Almost any load which can be dimmed is dimmed effortlessly with sinewave.
Non-Dim Switches
Relay switch modules are available for regular loads of either 16A or 32A with options of MCB, RCD and RCBO. HMI switch modules are also available in 4kW and 10kW capacities with cosine measurement to monitor correct lamp ignition.
Distributed processing
Each plug-in dimmer module has integral processing to maintain basic operation even if a processors fails in the Matrix Rack Processor unit.
New to Matrix Mk.II
Higher density
The original Matrix offered a maximum of 162 x 2.5kW, 108 x 5kW or 27 x 10kW (or mixtures of all three dimmer ratings). The new Matrix Mk.II is designed around a 4U high module (44mm taller than previous modules) with space for up to 6 dimming channels per module.
Increased economy
By increasing the dimmer count in each module to a maximum of 6, the per dimmer cost can reduce for high-density installations.
Greater choice of channel ratings
The enlarged module size now allows for a rating upgrade from 2.5kW per channel to 3kW for SCR and sine wave. Sine wave dimmers are also available in 1250W,
2.3kW, 5kW and 12kW ratings.
Improved efficiency
Even though the previous Matrix sine wave dimmers were very efficient for their type (typically 97%), the new design includes a frequency boost to improve efficiency to 98%, better than many traditional SCR dimmers.
Chapter 2
Basic Navigation
This section covers the functions and configuration of the Matrix Mk.II processor. It is possible to password protect areas of the configuration facility, and this is explained later, but for simplicity the details given here do not require password entry.
Processor User Interface
It is possible to set and view all of the performance and control characteristics, measurements and status reports created by the dimmer from the Processor’s front panel LCD screen.
The screen is a 40 x 4 character backlit LCD which provides visual feedback of status and settings, and functional descriptions of the five soft-designated push buttons (F1-F5) beneath the screen.
Additionally, a rotary encoder provides the input interface to adjusting levels and choosing the dimmer’s internal characteristics and performance options.
Three green LED bar indicators L1, L2 and L3 light when three phases are present, and a CHECK red led indicator illuminates when the processor has identified any error which is unresolved. Self-resetting faults cause the CHECK light to extinguish when the fault has cleared.
Three MCBs are located to the right of the panel which supply 3-phases to the Processor for internal electronics power supplies. An internal phase selector ensures that power is available to the processor even if two of the three phases fail.
Optional local connections for data are included below buttons F1-F5. These include Ethernet in, DMX in and through, and a RS422 serial connector. The data signals may be accessed at the front panel connection strip, or in the case of rear access only cabinets, via the rear connections. The connections are made to either front or rear by two RJ45 Ethernet jumper cables, which can be clearly seen when the processor is withdrawn from the cabinet.
: All of the following instructions relate to manual operation using the processor’s local controls. If specific device has to be interrogated (i.e. for channel-specific features) activate the required device by pressing its front panel access button (the technology logo above the device’s column of LEDs).
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The processor’s functionality is available with DimSTAT and is generally faster and easier to perform through DimSTAT using a PC using shortcuts to the Matrix’s setup features, but for the purpose of this handbook the differences in using DimSTAT are not described in detail and have to be interpreted from the DimSTAT screen. See the DimSTAT handbook for further details.
Basic use of the Processor user interface:
The ‘soft’ keys F1 – F5 are automatically labelled as the menu context changes. For the home page shown above, the menus refer to:
Use F1 to access the DMX settings to set the DMX address for each dimmer channel in each module (device). Navigate the menu by rotating the encoder wheel either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Use F2 to access the internal preset settings to set and store dimmer presets, preset in/out timings, DMX fail backup presets. Navigate the menu by rotating the encoder wheel either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Use F3 to access the dimmer configuration menus to set all the custom channel attributes – min, max levels, fade time T-in, T-out, dimmer curve, non-dim operation I/O, priority, phase control, start mode, tune lamp
Use F4 to access the basic installation settings to set supply parameters, Ethernet and DimSTAT addresses, no. of devices, change passwords, view channel data live, and provide access to general settings for method of channel and DMX addressing, DMX preferences, voltage regulation, current limitation, lamp saving and lamp tuning and to test the ventilation system and check firmware.
Use F5 for system reports. If there are no faults indicated by the CHECK indicator, the INFO button shows the software version and nominal voltage and current. If a fault is indicated, the error report is displayed for interrogation and reset.
Details of each menu tree are shown in Appendi x A.
PASSWORDS Note do not refer to the entry of passwords. Passwords are included to prevent accidental or casual access to the SET-DMX, PRESETS, CONFIG and INSTALL menu trees. The passwords are 4­digit numbers with a factory default of 0000 (no password necessary). A service code of 3415 is embedded and may be used if the passwords are forgotten and for service-protected menus. It is possible to have the same password throughout, or separate passwords for each menu tree. If any of the protected menus is selected, the subsequent screen requests a password. This is achieved by pressing the relevant <<<< and >>>> buttons to select the digit, and using the rotary encoder to enter the number.
The initial power-up display shows the general setting parameters with the software version. After a few seconds, this screen changes to the ‘home’ screen which displays channel levels (bar graphs at the top right), the measured line voltages and currents, and the status of the dimmers and DMX signals from device 1. The number of bar graphs shown relates to the load selection of the device being monitored.
: For clarity, the following sections which describe programming activities
Dimmer Mod ule User Interface
Local control for each dimmer module is included within the Processor, and no direct access is required with the module to view and adjust settings. However, each module includes slave indicators and an interrogation control button for convenience. When the interrogate button is pressed (the coloured disc in the logo) the Processor LCD panel and controls are routed to the selected module.
Each front panel has an LED per output channel to indicate when there is an output, or if there is a fault with a channel, and when power is applied to the module, the blue 'ON' LED is lit.
Press the coloured disc of the logo for the module's activation button to interrogate this module via the Processor LCD.
Individual status LED per channel. Green = Output OK Red = fault None = no out
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+ 32 hidden pages