ETC M570 series User Manual

M570 series oscilloscope
User’s Guide
Version 1.02
Copyright © 2004-2006 ETC s.r.o.
M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
Software License Agreement.........................................................................................6
1. Installation..................................................................................................................7
1.1. Requirements ......................................................................................................7
1.2. Hardware installation..........................................................................................7
1.3 Software installation ............................................................................................7
2. Hardware....................................................................................................................8
2.1. Hardware description..........................................................................................8
3. Basic information.......................................................................................................9
3.1. Front panel layout...............................................................................................9
3.2. Basic terms..........................................................................................................9
3.3 Structure.............................................................................................................10
4. The data acquisition main window..........................................................................11
4.1. Oscilloscope screen...........................................................................................11
4.2. Grid controls .....................................................................................................12
4.3. Channel visibility controls................................................................................13
4.4. Display mode controls ......................................................................................13
4.5. Data save controls.............................................................................................13
4.6. Waveform display mode control.......................................................................14
4.7. Timebase controls.............................................................................................15
4.8. Data acquisition mode control..........................................................................15
4.9. Trigger controls.................................................................................................16
4.10. ARM-ing the data acquisition.........................................................................17
4.11. Vertical range controls....................................................................................18
4.12. Vertical shift controls......................................................................................18
4.13. Signal source controls.....................................................................................19
4.14. Channel information .......................................................................................19
4.15. Main menu......................................................................................................19
4.15.1. Demo setup window ................................................................................20
4.15.2. Color settings window .............................................................................20
5. Data viewer main window.......................................................................................22
5.1. Opening the data file.........................................................................................22
5.2. Waveform screens............................................................................................23
5.3. Cursors..............................................................................................................24
5.3.1. Using cursors .................................................................................................25
5.3.2. Measuring non-continuous data.....................................................................30
5.4. Channel visibility controls................................................................................31
5.5. Waveform display mode control.......................................................................31
5.6. Zoom control.....................................................................................................32
5.7. Progress indicator..............................................................................................32
5.8. Main menu........................................................................................................32
5.8.1. Print Support..............................................................................................33
5.8.2. Color settings window ...............................................................................36
6. Data file format........................................................................................................36
6.1. File contents......................................................................................................37
6.2. Data format .......................................................................................................37
6.3. The oscilloscope settings ..................................................................................37
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
6.3.1. Setting codes..............................................................................................38
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
Figures and tables
Fig. 3.1.1. – Front panel.................................................................................................9
Fig. 4.1. – Main window..............................................................................................11
Fig. 4.1.1. – Oscilloscope screen .................................................................................12
Fig. 4.2.1. – Grid controls............................................................................................12
Fig. 4.3.1. – Channel visibility controls.......................................................................13
Fig. 4.4.1. – Display mode controls.............................................................................13
Fig. 4.5.1. – Data save controls....................................................................................14
Fig. 4.6.1. – Waveform display mode controls............................................................14
Fig. 4.7.1. – Timebase controls....................................................................................15
Fig. 4.8.1 – Data acquisition mode controls ................................................................16
Fig. 4.9.1. – Trigger controls .......................................................................................16
Fig. 4.10.1. – ARM control elements...........................................................................17
Fig. 4.11.1. – Range controls.......................................................................................18
Fig. 4.12.1. – Vertical shift controls ............................................................................18
Fig. 4.13.1. – Signal source controls............................................................................19
Fig. 4.14.1. – Channel information..............................................................................19
Fig. – Demo setup window...........................................................................20
Fig. – Color settings window........................................................................21
Fig. 5.1. – The data viewer main window....................................................................22
Fig. 5.1.1. – Data file control elements........................................................................23
Fig. 5.2.1. – Waveform screens ...................................................................................23
Fig. 5.2.2. – File screen................................................................................................23
Fig. 5.2.3. – Buffer screen............................................................................................24
Fig. 5.2.4. – Main screen..............................................................................................24
Fig. – Cursor manipulation menu ...................................................................25
Fig. – Cursor selection menu..........................................................................26
Fig. – Time periods table................................................................................26
Fig. – Cursor modification menu....................................................................28
Fig. Property modification window................................................................29
Fig. – Time synchro mark modification window............................................29
Fig. – Viewer screens with waveform cursors and time synchro mark..........30
Fig. 5.4.1. – Channel visibility controls.......................................................................31
Fig. 5.5.1. – Waveform display mode controls............................................................31
Fig. 5.6.1. Zoom controls.............................................................................................32
Fig. 5.7.1. Progress indicator.......................................................................................32
Fig. - Print Manager Window.........................................................................33
Fig. - Object Info.............................................................................................34
Fig. - List of available objects.........................................................................34
Fig. - Specify Layout Name Window..........................................................35
Fig. - Layout Manager Window...................................................................36
Fig. – Color settings window........................................................................36
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
Software License Agreement
This legal document is an agreement between you, the end user, and ETC s.r.o. By installing this product on your computer, you are agreeing to become bound by the terms of this agreement and warranty conditions.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. ETC s.r.o. as Licensor, grants you, the Licensee, a nonexclusive right to use and display this copy of the M570 roll-mode software (hereinafter the "SOFTWARE"), this EM570 device and accompanying written materials, on a single COMPUTER at a single location and only together so long as you comply with the terms of this License.
2. OWNERSHIP. As the LICENSEE, you own the magnetic or other physical media on which the SOFTWARE is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but an express condition of this License is that ETC s.r.o. retains title and ownership of the SOFTWARE recorded on the original disk copy(ies) and all subsequent copies of the software, regardless of the form or media in or on which the original and other copies may exist. This License is not a sale of the original SOFTWARE or any copy.
3. COPY RESTRICTIONS. This SOFTWARE, EM570 device and accompanying written materials are copyrighted. Unauthorized copying or copy attempt of the EM570 device, including module which has been modified or included with any other system, or of written materials is expressly forbidden. It is, however, allowed to pass SOFTWARE on as the DEMO version. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement which is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this License.
4. DISCLAIMER OF THE WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING SOFTWARE. This SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials are provided "AS IS" without a warranty of any kind. Further, ETC s.r.o. does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the SOFTWARE, EM570 device or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you.
Please follow these recommendations to avoid any possible problems that might occur while using the oscilloscope:
- read the User’s Guide
- always connect device using cable, which is the part of package. If it is not possible, always use USB 2.0 cable.
- never connect signal with absolute voltage higher than 200V to measuring inputs. This value is valid for frequencies lower than 100kHz. Over this frequency, the voltage lowers with raising frequency. For example frequency 200kHz of 100V, 400kHz of 50V is the limit.
- never connect voltage lower than –10V and higher than +13V to the external triggering input (frequency lower than 20kHz). Over 20kHz, voltage lower than -0.5V or higher than +4V is not recommended.
- never connect voltage to the oscilloscope ground, it may result in device or computer damage
- never disassemble device, since there are no user serviceable parts inside
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
1. Installation
1.1. Requirements
Minimum configuration:
- PC PENTIUM compatible computer with speed of at least 300MHz
- 64MB RAM
- VGA with resolution 800 x 600
- USB port
- mouse or other tracking device
- at least 20MB free space on the hard drive
- MS Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000 or XP
Recommended configuration:
- PC PENTIUM compatible computer with speed of at least 1.5GHz
- 128MB RAM
- VGA with resolution at least 1024x768
- USB port 2.0
- mouse or other tracking device
- at least 20MB free space on the hard drive
- MS Windows 98 SE, 2000 or XP
1.2. Hardware installation
Connect one side of the cable to the computer, other one to the device. Proceed with the software installation.
WARNING: Always use cable, which is the part of the package. Usage of the improper cable can disable communication with the computer.
1.3 Software installation
The software and the device drivers are located on the enclosed CD. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. Then follow the instructions of the setup program that should launch automatically. If the CD autorun option is not enabled in your computer’s settings, please run file autorun.exe from the CD.
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
2. Hardware
The information contained in this chapter will help you to understand the features of your oscilloscope.
2.1. Hardware description
The M570 series of dual channel digital storage USB oscilloscopes connect to the computer via USB. They are compatible with both USB 2.0 and USB 1.1. Measurement accuracy is achieved by the stability of the parts used together with the computing power of the computer. Calibration data are part of the HW, which makes it impossible to loose them (oppose to the calibration data located on the diskette). Therefore, it is possible to simply connect the hardware to any computer (via USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 interface). All you have to do is just install the software. The M570 series oscilloscopes allow user to measure waveforms using two independent channels with resolution of 8 bits and sensitivity from 10mV/div to 5V/div (80mVfs to 40Vfs) in 9 steps. One division of the oscilloscope screen contains 32 dots. Input impedance matches the oscilloscope standards, therefore any regular oscilloscope probe (with minimum compensation range of 32pF) can be connected to the device. The software supports 1:1, 1:10, 1:100 and 1:1000 probes. AC or DC coupling and type of probe can be independently selected for each vertical channel. Any input can be grounded without disconnecting the probes from the measured system. Vertical track position can be controlled with accuracy of 1 pixel of the oscilloscope screen. Measurement can be triggered from the Channel A and Channel B and/or blocked from Channel A, Channel B and/or External ARM input. Trigger and ARM threshold can be set independently for each channel in the range of whole oscilloscope screen with resolution of one pixel. Threshold of the External ARM input is fixed to about 1.5V (TTL and CMOS compatible). Each measuring channel of the M570 series oscilloscopes has its own AD converter. No channel multiplexing is used for dual channel operation. Data are stored in the internal dual port buffer of the device. The computer continuously reads data as fast as possible (depending mainly on the operational system and other tasks opened). If the computer interrupts reading for time longer then the time necessary to acquire higher amount of data then the capacity of the internal buffer the buffer overflow occurs. This situation is indicated by vertical red line. Probability of buffer overflow is raising with higher sampling speed and higher amount of running applications. During data acquisition it is recommended to close all applications, which are not necessary for your current work.
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
3. Basic information
3.1. Front panel layout
Channel A, channel B, external ARM input and LED are accessible on the front panel.
Fig. 3.1.1. – Front panel
If the LED color is:
- green, the device is configured and there is no communication with a computer in this moment
- orange, the device communicates with a computer
- red, device is powered, but not configured
3.2. Basic terms
This Chapter explains the basic terms used throughout the text.
Click – Position the mouse cursor over the chosen object. Then press and release the left mouse button.
Double-Click – Two successive clicks.
Drag – Position the mouse cursor over the object you want to move. Then
press the left mouse button and hold it down. The chosen object moves with the mouse cursor. After releasing the mouse button the object moves to the new location.
Enter the value into the edit box – Click the edit box. Use the keyboard to enter the desired value and confirm by pressing “Enter”.
Insert the value into the edit box – Click the edit box. Use the keyboard to enter the desired value.
Set the value using the scroll bar – It is possible to change a value by simply dragging the scroll bar slider. Clicking the arrows of the scroll bar increases or decreases the value by minimal steps. Clicking in between the slider and the arrows changes the value by larger steps.
Select the value from the combo box – Open the list of all possible values of the edit box by clicking it. Then set the desired value by clicking it.
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
3.3 Structure
The “Roll mode” control software consists of two independent applications.
- The data acquisition application controls device, measures and stores the
measured data.
- The data viewer displays the previously measured data and allows simple
voltage and time relation measurements.
These applications are independent. The only relations between them are the measured data.
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
4. The data acquisition main window
The main window opens after the application starts. Most of the oscilloscope functions are accessible via the controls located on this screen.
Fig. 4.1. – Main window
All controls connected to one of the channels have channel color.
TIP: The channel color can be changed in main menu.
4.1. Oscilloscope screen
The oscilloscope screen is located in the middle of the main window.
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M570 series oscilloscope with rollmode User’s Guide
Fig. 4.1.1. – Oscilloscope screen
The oscilloscope screen is divided into 8 vertical divisions. The number of horizontal divisions depends on the size of the application window and the screen resolution. There are three kinds of marks displayed on the screen.
- If the buffer overflow occurs, and some data are lost, data loss is marked by red vertical line. This line marks the loose of data continuity.
- The device settings change is marked by read vertical line.
- If the data acquisition is blocked by ARM conditions, the data discontinuity is marked by olive green vertical line. The waveforms are displayed in the colors selected for each channel. The default colors are: green for channel A and yellow for channel B.
TIP: The channel colors can be changed in main menu.
4.2. Grid controls
The cursors and grid controls are located in the left part of the main window.
Fig. 4.2.1. – Grid controls
“Grid” – switches the grid on/off The scrollbar – adjusts grid brightness
TIP: The grid color can be changed in main menu.
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