ETC fos/4 Fresnel Users Manual

fos/4 Fresnel
User Manual
Version 1.1.1
Part Number: 7470M1200-1.1.1 Rev: A
Released: 2020-10
To view a list of ETCtrademarks and patents, go to All other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of their respective owners.
ETC intends this document, whether printed or electronic, to be provided in its entirety.
Help from ETC Technical Services 2
Safety 3
Fixture 5
User Interface 6
Set Up and Focus the Fixture
Mount the Fixture 7
Add Accessories 7
Connect Power and Data 8
Focus the Fixture 8
Use Fixture in DMX Mode
Set DMXAddress 10
Set DMXMode 10
Set DMX Loss Behavior 12
Use Fixture in Stand-aloneMode
Studio Mode 14
Color Mode 15
Preset Mode 16
Effects Mode 17
Set Up Wireless Control
Set Up Multiverse Wireless Communication 18
Configure Fixtures Wirelessly Using the Set LightApp 18
Table of Cont ents i
Control and Customize the Display
Lock the Display 19
Adjust the Display Settings 19
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Troubleshooting Checklist 20
Test the Emitters 21
View Diagnostic Data 21
View Battery Level 22
Export Fixture Data for Troubleshooting 22
Restore Default Settings 23
Update Firmware 23
Backup and Restore the Fixture Configuration 24
Clean the Lens 24
Specifications and Reference
Environment 25
Dimensions and Weight 25
Electrical 25
RDM Parameters 26
Fixture Compliance 26
Wireless Radio Compliance 26
Licensed Software 27
ii fo s/4 F r esnel User Manual
The fos/4 Fresnel is a shapable wash light with top quality, highly tunable output. The fos/4 Fresne l is available in two array types:
Lustr X8: The next generation of the Lustr color syste m incorporates deep red into the already amazing x7 mix to create an even more rich, vibra nt X8 color palette. Da ylight HDR: Years of research resulted in an LED mix that yields the highest quality tunable white light, optimize d for studio use.
Int roduction 1
Help from ETC Technical Services
If you are having difficultie s and your proble m is not addresse d by this docume nt, try the ETC support website at or the main ETC website at If none of these re sources are sufficient, contact ETC Technical Services directly at one of the offices identified below. Emergency service is available from all ETC offices outside of normal busine ss hours.
When calling for help, take these steps first:
Prepare a detailed description of the problem Go ne ar the equipment for troubleshooting Find your notification number if you have called in previously
Americas United Kingdom
ETC, Inc. ETC Ltd Techn ical Services Department Techn ical Services Department 30 31 Pleas ant View Road 26 -28 Victoria Ind ustrial Estate Mi ddleton, WI 5356 2 Victoria Road, 80 0-7 75-4382 (USA, toll-free) Lond on W3 6UU Engl an d +1-608 831-41 16 +44 (0)20 8896 100 0
servi ce@etccon techs ervltd @etcconn m
Asia Germany
ETCAs ia ETC GmbH Techn ical Services Department Techn ical Services Department Ro om 1801, 18/F Oh mstrass e 3 Tower 1, Phas e 1 Enterprise Square 83 607 Holzkirchen, Germany 9 Sheun g Yuet Road +4 9 (80 24) 47 00-0 Kowlo on B ay, Kowl oon, Hon g Kong techs erv-germany@etcconn +852 2799 1220
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2 fo s/4 F r esnel User Manual
When using ele ctrical equipment, basic sa fety precautions should always be followed including the following:
Do not use outdoors. Do not let power supply cords touch hot surfaces. Do not mount nea r gas or electric heaters. Equipment should be mounted in loca tions and at heights where it will not readily be subjected to tampering by unauthorized personnel.
only by a qualified technician. Contact ETC Customer Support for assistance .
WARNING: Note the following sa fety wa rnings before use:
The light source in this luminaire is not user-replaceable, and must be replace d
Use the fixture in dry loca tions onl y, where humidity does not exceed 90 pe rce nt (non- condensing). Connect the fixture to a non-dimmable power source i n order to avoid
damage to the fixture 's internal power supply and other electrical compone nts. Using a dimmable powe r source can dama ge the fix ture and will void the warra nty. Di sconnect the fixture from powe r and DMX and allow it to cool before insta lling accessories or performing any cleaning and maintena nce . Only use mounting hardwa re that is rate d for the tota l weight of the fixture and accessories. In addition to primary suspension, atta ch a sa fety cable ( or othe r approved safe ty device ) to the fixture. Safe ty ca bles must be ra ted to support ten times the fixture weight. Consult loca l standards to ensure tha t sa fety cables mee t all requirements. See
page 7
. Che ck that the acce ssory holder is locked and that any a ccessory sa fety ca ble s are connected before mounting the fi xture. Do not mount the fixture on or near a flammable surface. Do not ope rate the fixture without the lens installe d. Do not use this fixture with a da mage d power lead. If the powe r lead (cord set) is damaged, it must be re place d. Do not use this fixture if the le ns is deepl y scratched or cra cked. You must replace the lens when it is damaged.
The use of accessory equipment not recommended by the manufacturer may cause a n unsafe condition. Do not use this equipment for other than intended use.
Mount the Fixture on
Int roduction 3
AVERTISSEMENT : Prendre connaissa nce des av e rtisse ments de sé curité
suivants avant toute utilisation :
Dé bra nchez le projecteur de son alimentation et du DMX et laissez-le refroidir ava nt d’installer des accessoires ou d’effe ctue r un nettoya ge ou un entretien. N’ utilise z que de la quincaillerie de montage a dapté e au poids total
des proje cte urs et des accessoires. En plus de la suspension principale , fixez une cha îne de sé curité (ou tout autre dispositif de sécurité homologué) au proje cte ur. L e s chaînes de sécurité doivent être en mesure de supporter dix fois le poids du proje cte ur. Consultez les normes loca le s pour vous assure r que les câ ble s de sécurité respe cte nt toutes les exigences. Vé rifie z que le porte-accessoires est verrouillé et que les élingues de tous les accessoires sont bie n attachées ava nt de monter le projecteur. Ne pas insta ller le projecteur sur ou à côté d’une surface inflammable. N’ utilise z pas le projecteur sans que la lentille soit insta llée. Ne pas utiliser ce projecteur avec un cordon d’alimentation endommagé . Si le cordon d’alimentation (câ ble) e st abîmé, il doit être remplacé . N’ utilise z pas ce projecteur si la lentille prése nte des rayures ou des fissures profondes. Il faut remplace r la lentille si elle est abîmée.
4 fo s/4 F r esnel User Manual




Accessory holde r:
and then lock the holder. S ee
Yok e tilt-lock:
Insert accessories into the two available slots from either side of the holder,
Add Accessories on page7
Tilt the fixture as needed, and then turn the tilt-lock clockwise to lock the
position. If necessary, press the center button on the tilt-lock to adjust the tilt-lock position.
Adjusta ble yoke:
neede d to balance the fixture . Tighten the bolts to secure. See
Zoom knob:
NFC(Near Fie ld Communica tion) tag: Use the
with or without power applied to the fixture . See
User inte rface:
Loosen the bolts, and then shift the adjustable yoke forwa rd or backwa rd as
Add Accessories on page7
Rotate the zoom knob on either side of the fixture to adjust from spot to flood.
Se t Light
Se t Up Wireless Control on page18
app to wirelessly configure the fixture,
View the fixture status, set the DMXaddress and mode, or set sta nd-alone
Antenna : For use whe n controlling the fixture using wireless DMX. See
on page18
Safety cable atta chment point:
DM X In a nd DMX Thru connectors:
Powe r In a nd Powe r Thru connectors:
power thru.
Batte ry connector: Three-pin XLRconne ctor for battery power.
power only when AC power is not available. Maximum fixture output may be reduced when
Se e
Mount the Fixture on page 7
Five-pin XLRconnectors for DMX/RDM in and thru.
powerCO N®TRUE1 TOP conne ctors for power in and
Conne ct the fixture to battery
Se t Up Wireless Control
powered by battery.
Ov erview 5

User Interface

Effect Flicker
Rate 200
Min 0%
Max Int 100%
display (E) and the Intensity encoder to the right of the display(B).
The colors of options on the display correspond to the colors of the encoders below the
B Intensity e ncoder
When in DMX mode, press the Intensity encode r to enter Focus mode when focusing the fixture. When configuring the fixture in one of the stand-alone modes, press the Intensity encoder to toggle between the current intensity and 0, or turn the Intensity encoder to modify the white fields on the display. See
Use Fixture in Stand-aloneMode on page13
. When navigating from the Main Menu scre en, turn the Intensity encoder to scroll through menu options, and then press the Intensity encoder to select a menu option.
Me nu button:
Press to view the Main Menu screen and configure the fixture. Press the button
again to return to the previous screen when you are setting configura tion options.
Function button: Press repeatedly to toggle through the following modes:
Studio: Use one of three studio (white light) prese ts, or customize the presets. Color: Use one of 12 color presets, or customize the prese ts. Preset: Use one of 12 presets ( color pre set + fade time), or customize the presets. Effects: Use one of 12 effects, or customize the effects. DMX: View and set DMX parameters for the fixture .
Se e
Use Fixture in Stand-aloneMode on page13
Encoders(Red, Gre e n, Blue):
The colors of encode rs correspond to options on the display.
Use Fixture in DMX Mode on page9
Press to activate the options at the bottom of the display, or turn to modify the values on the display.
US B port:
saving error logs via a flash drive.
Use for updating firmware, saving and loading fixture configuration se ttings, or
Se e
Troubleshooting and Maintenance on pa ge20
UI lock :
6 fo s/4 F r esnel User Manual
Display on page19
Se t this switch to lock the UI. This preve nts inadverte nt changes to the UI.
Se e
Lock the
+ 22 hidden pages