Essick Air SAS100, SAS15012, SAD10012, AD20012, SAD100 User Manual

The New Industrial
(Double Inlet)
AD100, AS100, AD10012, AS10012 AD150, AS150, AD15012, AS15012
AD20012, AS20012, AU20012
(Single Inlet)
SAD100, SAS100, SAD10012, SAS10012 SAD150, SAS150, SAD15012, SAS15012
Circle the model of your cooler and record the serial number below.
Encierre con un circulo el modelo de su enfriador y escribe el número de serie abajo.
Serial #
Read And Save These Instructions
Table Of Contents
Safety Instructions .............................................................................2
Operation ............................................................................................2
Installation Instructions ...................................................................2-3
Maintenance Section ..........................................................................3
Troubleshooting .................................................................................4
Warranty .............................................................................................4
Electrical Wiring Diagrams ................................................................5
General Specifi cations ....................................................................... 6
Read Carefully All Of This Manual Before Installing The Unit.
Vea el Español en el interior.
Parts List - Wet Section (All models) .............................................6-7
Parts List - Blower Section (AD100B, AD150B, AD200B) ..............8
Parts List - Blower Section (AS100B, AS150B, AS200B) ................9
Parts List - Blower Section (AU200B) ............................................10
Parts List - Blower Section (Single Inlet Coolers) ...........................11
Motor Specifi cations ........................................................................12
Pulley and Belt Kit Specifi cations ...................................................12
Spanish (Instrucciones en Español) ............................................13-16
110526 2-09
Safety Rules
1. Read instructions carefully.
2. Disconnect all electrical service that will be used for the unit before you begin the installation.
3. Electrical hook up should be done by a qualifi ed electrician, so that all electrical wiring will conform to your local standards.
4. For maximum safety, make sure cooler cabinet is properly grounded to a suitable ground connection.
5. Cooler must be connected to proper line current, voltage and cycle, as stamped on cooler motor and pump motor specifi cation plate.
6. Do not allow pump to tip over and become submerged.
7. Always TURN OFF POWER before performing any mainte- nance.
For the best cooling performance, if the pads are dry, pre-wet the pads by running the pump for a few minutes before starting the blower.
motor mount using these carriage bolts and the washers and nuts provided (see Fig. 1). Make sure all bolts are securely tightened.
Motor pulley . Install the motor pulley
so that it aligns with the blower pulley (see Fig. 2) and tighten set screw. See page 3 for instructions on adjusting pulley.
Motor Pulley
Blower Pulley
Fig. 2
Electrical Connection
NOTE: Local building code regulations must be observed.
WARNING: Disconnect all electrical services that are used for
this unit before beginning any service to the cooler.
Electrical supply. Cooler must be supplied with the proper line
current, voltage and frequency, as stamped on blower motor and pump motor specifi cation plate. See the wiring diagrams on page 4 for typical electrical connections. Note: Connecting improper
voltage to motor will void motor warranty.
These coolers may also be used without water for ventilation purposes. When outside air is cool (for example, at night) or when humidity is high the water pump can be turned off.
Important: T o cool effi ciently, you must exhaust the stale or used air from the building. Open windows or doors or use exhaust fans located away from the cooler and in the direction you wish to cool the air. The air will fl ow in the direction of the exhaust openings. A common guide for the amount of exhaust opening needed is to have at least 2 square feet of opening per 1000 CFM.
CAUTION: Make sure that the mounting surface is strong enough to support the operating weight of the cooler when in use. (For operating weight, see the general specifi cation table.)
CAUTION: Do not start cooler until installation is complete and unit has been tested for rigidity.
CAUTION: Make sure all bolts are securely tightened before starting the cooler.
• Wet sections. The wet sections are bolted to the blower section using
the connector brackets, lift brackets and bolts provided. Match the colored dots on the wet section to the appropriate dot on the blower section to insure correct installation.
• Ductwork. See the General Specifi cation table for dimensions of
duct opening. For down discharge units, the duct must go inside the opening. Size these ducts slightly smaller than the duct opening in the cooler. The side and up discharge units have a 1 inch fl ange. Size these ducts larger than the duct opening to fi t over the fl ange of these units.
Note: Curbs are not provided. The installer is responsible for providing curbs or other means to support the cooler.
Motor Installation
Motor mounting. Slide the
heads of the provided carriage bolts into the slots of the ad­justable channels. Slide these channels sideways in the slotted holes to align with the holes in the motor base and to align the motor shaft with the blower pulley. Mount the motor to the
Fig. 1
Wire sizing. The conductor sizes are to be determined by motor
loads and length of run per national and local electrical codes.
Switches or contactors. Motors require switches or contactors of
proper current capacity and should be sized and installed by a quali­ ed electrician.
Wiring. The electrical junction box
is located in the upper inside of the divider channel. Remove the two screws and pull the box out from the channel to access wiring (Fig. 3). Connect the pump supply wiring to the pump receptacles (See the pump wiring diagrams on the next page). Connect the motor supply wiring directly to the blower motor.
WARNING: Make sur e that cooler cabinet is properly gr ounded
to a suitable ground connection for maximum safety.
Junction Box
Fig. 3
Water Connections
Over ow assembly. Remove nut and place nipple through the hole
in the pan, with the rubber washer between the pan and the head of the drain nipple (Fig. 4). Screw on nut and draw up tight against bottom of pan. Insert overfl ow pipe in nipple to retain water. Overfl ow pipe may be removed to drain pan when necessary. A garden hose may be screwed on the drain nipple to drain water away from your unit.
Pump. The pump must be secured to prevent it form tipping over.
Secure the pump to the pump mounting bracket (item 16 in parts drawing). Remove a nut located under the head of the pump, place the pump bolt though the hole in the mounting bracket, and secure with the nut that was previously removed. Plug pump into receptacles. Retain pump cords to internal braces to prevent cords from dropping into water reservoirs or contacting moving components.
Supply water . Run a water supply line to the unit. Each wet section
requires a 3/8 inch tube connection to the fl oat valve. The double inlet units will have two fl oat valves, one for each wet section. Note:
Do not use water supplied from a water softener.
Float valve. Refer to Fig. 5 to install fl oat. Remove items 1, 2,
3, and 4. Insert fl oat body (5) through hole in splash plate (9) and back post panel as shown. Install washer (1) and nut (2). Tighten to
Overfl ow Pipe
Nipple Rubber Washer
Bottom Pan Nut
Fig. 4
keep fl oat from turning. Place nut (4) and ferrule (3) on water supply line. Connect to fl oat fi tting and tighten until water tight. Turn on water supply and check for leaks.
Loosen screw (6) and adjust rod (7) until water level is within 1” of top of reservoir. T ighten screw (6). Slide fl oat shield (8) over fl oat body
Fig. 5
(5) until it snaps into place.
Bleed-Off. Use of the bleed-off kit is recommended to prevent scale
build up by bleeding off small amounts of circulating water during operation. Do not add any type of water treatment chemicals to the water since they may damage the evaporative media.
Pulley And Belt Adjustments
Pulley adjustment. With an ammeter, check the motor amperage.
Adjust the pulley until the amperage draw on the motor is just below that specifi ed on the motor nameplate. T o adjust the pulley, loosen the adjustment set screw and rotate the sheave. Tighten the set screw so that it is over a fl at area, otherwise thread damage will occur. To
Decrease Amperage
increase amperage draw, increase pulley diameter. To decrease amperage draw, decrease pulley diameter (see Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
Recheck belt alignment.
CAUTION: Always check the amperage of the motor after ad­justing pulley to be certain it does not exceed the amperage stamped on the motor specifi cation plate. Improper pulley adjustment will overload and burn out the motor.
Belt tension. Loosen the motor mount
3 Lb.
3/4 Inches
bolts and slide the motor back until the belt is properly tensioned. A 3 lb. force should defl ect the belt 3/4 inches (see Fig. 7). Retighten motor mount bolts.
Fig. 7
Do not adjust pulley to tighten belt.
WARNING: Befor e doing any maintenance be sure to disconnect from power source. This is for your safety.
Spring Start-Up
Belt tension. Check belt tension and readjust if needed.
Grease bearings. The blower bearings in this unit should be greased
once a year with a good grade of ball bearing grease.
Cleaning pads. A clean pad is more absorbent, effi cient and will give
more cool air. Annually, or when required, using a garden hose with nozzle, back wash to clean out the openings, then clean off the inlet face any scale or other obstruction to the passages. Slight scraping may be required to remove hardened scale.
Pad replacement. The pads should be replaced after 5 years or if
necessary. To change pads, remove top access panel, remove grill, and disconnect water delivery tube. Remove water distributor holder and lift out media sections. Replace with the same type media. You can purchase them from your dealer.
IMPORTANT: In order to get the best performance from your cool-
ing pads, they must be installed properly. If you have purchased a pad with two equal angles, the following instructions can be disregarded. Pads must always be installed with the steeper fl ute angle sloping down towards the air enter­ing side (Fig. 8). The rea­son is simple. The steeper angle puts more water on the hot, dry, dirty side of
Leaving Air
the pad where it is needed most. It also counteracts the tendency of the air to push the water toward the
Fig. 8
back of the pad.
Cleaning pump. Cleaning the pump is necessary once a year at start-
up. For your safety, disconnect from power source and unplug pump. Remove the pump from the mount bracket. Remove the base of the pump (Fig. 9). Clean the pump and turn the impeller to ensure free operation. Remove the pump spout and check for any blockage. After cleaning, reinstall the base onto the pump. Reattach the pump to the mount in the cooler to ensure
that the pump will not overturn. Do not forget to replace the spout and water delivery tube onto the pump outlet. The pump has au­tomatic reset thermal protection. Pump will operate normal again
Fig. 9
after obstruction is cleared.
Bleed off. Check bleed-off valve to be sure it is not clogged.
Winter Shut Down
Drain water . Always drain all of the water out of the cooler and water
supply line when not in use for prolonged periods, and particularly at the end of the season. Keep the water line disconnected from both the unit and water supply so that it does not freeze.
Disconnect from power supply when not in use for extended
periods of time.
Cover unit. To protect the life of the fi nish, a cover for the unit is
suggested in extended periods of non use.
By following the operating, installation, and maintenance suggestions as outlined, you can get many years of effi cient and satisfactory service from your cooler. In the event additional information is desired, your dealer will be more than glad to assist you in every possible way.
120 Volts 240 Volts
Pump Wiring Diagrams
= Wire Nut
Pump Com.
To Switch
110526 3
Pump Com. Ground
To Switch
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Possible Cause Remedy Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Failure to start or no air delivery
Inadequate air delivery with cooler running
Musty or unpleasant odor
1. No electrical power to unit
• Fuse blown
• Circuit breaker tripped
2. Belt too loose or tight
3. Motor overheated
• Belt too tight
• Blower bearings dry
• Motor bearings dry
• Motor pulley diameter
too large
4. Motor locked
1. Insuffi cient air exhaust
2. Belt too loose
3. Pads plugged
4. Insuffi cient water fl ow over pads
1. Stale or stagnate water in cooler
2. Pads not wetting properly
• Dist. tube holes
• Pump not working
• Insuffi cient water fl ow
over pads
1. Check power
• Replace fuse
• Reset breaker
2. Adjust belt tension
3. Determine cause of overheating
• Adjust belt tension
• Grease blower bear-
• Oil motor bearings
• Adjust pulley to cor-
rect diameter
4. Replace motor
1. Open windows or doors to increase air ow
2. Adjust belt tension or replace if needed
3. Clean pads
4. Clean distribution system
1. Drain pan and clean pads
2. Check water distribu­tion system
• Clean
• Replace or clean
pump (Unplug)
• Clean water distribu-
tion system
Motor cycles on and off
Inadequate cooling
Excessive humidity in house
1. Low voltage
2. Excessive belt tension
3. Blower shaft tight or locked
4. Bearings dry
5. Motor pulley diameter too large causing motor overload
6. Faulty motor
1. Bearings dry
2. Wheel rubbing blower housing
3. Loose parts
1. Inadequate exhaust in house
2. Pads not wet
• Pads plugged
• Dist. tube holes
• Pump not working
1. Inadequate exhaust
1. Check voltage
2. Adjust belt tension
3. Grease or replace bearings (Disconnect unit)
4. Grease bearings
5. Adjust pulley so full load ampere rating of motor is not exceeded
6. Replace motor
1. Grease bearings
2. Inspect and realign (Disconnect unit)
3. Tighten loose parts
1. Open windows or doors to increase air ow
2. Check water distribu­tion system
• Clean pads
• Clean
• Replace or clean
pump (Unplug)
1. Open doors or win-
Register your product online at
Limited W arranty
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser of an evaporative cooler installed and used under normal conditions. It does not cover damages in­curred through accident, neglect, or abuse by the owner. We do not authorize any person or representative to assume for us any other or different liability in connection with this product.
Terms And Conditions Of The Warranty
Lifetime Limited Coverage on water reservoir against any leakage due to defects in material. From date of purchase, if any original component part fails due to defect in material or factory workmanship only, we will provide the replacement part as follows:
One year on the cabinet components. Two years on the evaporative media.
Exclusions From The Warranty
We are not responsible for any incidental or consequential damage resulting from any malfunction.
We are not responsible for any damage received from the use of water softeners, chemicals, de-scale material, plastic wrap, or if a motor of a higher horsepower than what is shown on the serial plate is used in the unit.
We are not responsible for the cost of service calls to diagnose cause of trouble, or labor charge to repair and/or replace parts.
How To Obtain Service Under This Warranty
Contact the Dealer where you purchased the evaporative cooler. If for any reason you are not satisfi ed with the response from the dealer, contact the Customer Service Department: 5800 Murray Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72209. 1-800-643-8341. E-mail:, Web: www.
This limited warranty applies to original purchaser only.
Typical Electrical Wiring Diagrams
Disconnect Switch At Cooler See Notes 1 & 2
Blower Motor
208, 240, or 480 Volt, 3 Phase Blower & 120 Volt 1 Phase Pump & Control Electric Supply
Motor Starter With Overload Protection Sized To Match Motor Full Load Current See Note 1
Disconnect Switch At Cooler See Notes 1 & 2
120 Volt, 1 Phase Electric Supply
Control Contacts
See Note 1 Cooler Cabinet
See Note 3
See Note 4
• 115 Volt single phase blower motor.
• 120 Volt pump motor.
• Diagram shown for two speed motor. Low speed circuit drawn with dashed
Pump Motor
T3 T2 T1
lines is not required for single speed.
Control Contacts
See Note 4
Blower Motor
120 Volts
Power Supply
See Note 1
1 Phase
• Three phase single speed blower motor
• Three pole motor starter with overload protection
• 120V single phase control and pump shown. If 240V control and pump are to be used, then
Main Disconnect See Note 1
Disconnect Switch At Cooler See Note 1&2
Cooler Cabinet
See Note 3
Pump Motor
both legs of power supply must be fused.
Blower Motor
240 Volt, 1 Phase Electric Supply
Disconnect Switch At Cooler See Notes 1 & 2
Pump Motor
L1 L2 L3
Main Disconnects See Note 1
Cooler Cabinet
See Note 3
208, 240, or 480V
3 Phase
Power Supply
1 Phase
Power Supply
Control Contacts See Note 1
208 or 240V
Fuses See Note 1
Main Disconnect See Note 1
1 Phase
Power Supply
• 230 Volt single phase blower motor.
• 120V pump motor shown. Trans­former may be omitted when a 240V pump is used with a 240V supply
• Diagram shown for two speed motor. Low speed circuit drawn with dashed lines is not required for single speed.
Typical Control Contacts Function and Connection
L - Low Fan P - Pump H - Hi Fan L1 - Supply Power
Function Connection Off None Pump Only L1-P Hi-Cool L1-H * Low-Cool L1-L & L1-P Hi-Fan L1-H * Low-Fan L1-L
* Omit for single speed blower motor
208, 240, or 480 Volt, 3 Phase Blower Electric Supply With Transformer For Pump & Control
Motor Starter With Overload Protection Sized To Match Motor Full Load Current See Note 1
Disconnect Switch At Cooler
See Notes 1 & 2
T3 T2 T1
Control Contacts
See Note 4
Blower Motor
Disconnect Switch At Cooler See Notes 1 & 2
Cooler Cabinet
See Note 3
Pump Motor
See Note 1
Transformer See Note 1
• Three phase single speed blower motor.
• Three pole motor starter with overload protection.
• 120V single phase pump powered by a transformer. Transformer may be omitted when 240V control & pump are used with a 240V supply.
L1 L2 L3
208, 240 or 480V
Main Disconnect See Note 1
3 Phase
Power Supply
WARNING: Electrical hookup should be performed by a qualifi ed electrician. All electrical wiring must conform to national and local
NOTE 1. All switches, motor starters, transformers, fuses, junction boxes, receptacles, receptacle boxes, cover plates, and conductors shall be supplied by the
NOTE 2. The national electric code requires a disconnect switch located at equipment if the main disconnect at equipment controller is not visible from the equip-
NOTE 3. A receptacle for a NEMA 5-15P plug is required for 120V recirculating pump and a receptacle for a NEMA 6-15P plug for 230V pump. NOTE 4. The control contacts may be part of a switch, thermostat or other control device.
ment. If more than one disconnect is used they must be mounted adjacent to one another.
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