For more information, go to: http://www.essence-grp.com/smart-living/wer-at-home
© 2016 Essence Security International (E.S.I.) Ltd. Information contained within this document may change without notice
Z-Wave® Plus Extender
Plus Home Automation Device
The Z-Wave® Plus Extender allows incorporation of third-party ZWave® devices into WeR@Home
with the Essence Security system.
It features:
Single-element, compact Z-Wave® Plus controller
Allows Z-Wave® devices to be treated as integral elements in the
WeR@Home™ system
Enables support for Smart Devices such as:
o Light switches (on/off/dimmer)
o Thermostats
o Door locks
o Power strips
o Multiple input/multiple output devices
o Multi-colored (RGBW) LED bulbs
Powered by the WeR@Home
Simple and fast pairing process
, integrating Smart Home applications
WeR@Home™ Smart Living
The WeR@Home
Home security and safety at the core
Notifications of security events and remote management of the home in
real time
Modular and expandable - manage connected home devices with Z-Wave®
Scenarios and rules for automation – decide which device, condition, or
event will trigger which actions and at what time
Live HD video – anytime, on any screen
Save energy and money by ensuring that lights and air conditioning are
turned off when not at home
This device comp lies with FCC Rules Part 1 5 and with Industry Canad a license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Op eration is subject to the foll owing two conditions:
(1) This device ma y not cause harmful interf erence, and
(2) This device m ust accept any interfere nce received, including in terference that may
cause undesired operation
Le présent app areil est conforme aux CNR d 'Industrie Canada applic ables aux appareils rad io
exempts de lice nce. L'exploitation est au torisée aux deux conditi ons suivantes:
(1) l'appareil ne doit pa s produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisate ur de l'appareil doit accep ter tout brouillage radio électrique subi, même si le
brouillage es t susceptible d'en comprom ettre le fonctionnement.
suite allows living life fully through smart connected
Maximum RF Range: 30m (98 ft.) open air
Maximum Transmission: 25 mW (14 dBm)
Modulation and Frequency: GFSK Modulation
• 868.42 MHz (in Europe)
• 908.4 MHz (in USA, Canada, and Mexico )
• 921.42 MHz (in Australia)
• 869 MHz (in Russia) – ES800ZWE-RU-M01: EIRP, no more than 10 mW
Bit Rate: up to 100 kbps
Data Security: 128bit AES encryption
Uses the Z-Wave® 500-series chip
The Z-Wave® protocol acts as the interface between the WeR@Home
proprietary RF network and the devices connected to the WeR@Home™
System via the Z-Wave® mesh network.
Size: H: 5mm (0.2 in.), L: 58mm (2.28 in.), W: 24mm (0.94 in.)
Weight: 10 grams (0.03 lbs.)
Cable length: 15cm (5.9 in.)
Storage Ambient Temperature range: -20
Operating Ambient Temperature range with battery:
C – +50oC (32oF – +122oF)
C – +50oC (-4oF – +122oF)
RF Operating Humidity: Up to 95% non-condensing
IC: 11061A-ES800ZWP
NOTE: This equ ipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits ar e designed to provide
reasonable pro tection against harmful in terference in a residential instal lation. This equipment
generates, use s and can radiate radio freq uency energy and, if not i nstalled and used in
accordance wit h the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio c ommunications.
However, ther e is no guarantee that interferenc e will not occur in a particular installat ion. If
this equipment d oes cause harmful interf erence to radio or televis ion reception, which can be
determined by t urning the equipment off and on, the user is encoura ged to try to correct the
interference b y one or more of the followi ng measures:
- Reorient or re locate the receiving anten na.
- Increase the s eparation between the equip ment and receiver.
- Connect the eq uipment into an outlet on a circuit different from th at to which the receiver is
- Consult the deal er or an experienced radio/T V technician for help.
Changes or mod ifications to this equipm ent not expressly approved by the party responsib le
for complianc e (Essence Ltd.) could void the user’s authority to op erate the equipment.