ESI C-Plus, C-Plus Executive, 40D, Compact, Heavy-duty User Manual

ESI Phone
User’s Guide
FOR ESI C-Plus AND ESI C-Plus Executiv e
Rev. D
For on-li n e he lp , vi sit
ESI (Este c h Syst em s, Inc. ) i s a priv at el y hel d cor porati on bas e d in Pla no, T exas. Fou nd ed i n 1987, ESI desi g ns and builds innovative telecom m unications pr oducts for businesses like yours. Because of their powerful com bination of value and features, ESI products are consistently reco gnized by industry publications and leaders.
Copyright © 2011 ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.). Esi-Dex, Quick Groups, Quick Moves, Virt ual Mailbox Key, AutoPage, Quick Page, and Verbal User Guide are trademarks of ESI. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. ESI products are protected by various U.S. Patents, granted and pending. Visit ESI on the Web at
Table of contents
ESI 40D Business Phone.......................................................A.2
48-Key Feature Phone................................ ...........................A.3
24-Key Feature Phone................................ ...........................A.4
12-Key Feature Phone (legac y produ ct).................................A.5
ESI Cordless Handsets..........................................................A.6
Connecting your ESI phone...................................................A.7
Help mode (Verbal User’s Guide)......................................B.1
User programming: An introduction................................C.1
User programming menu.......................................................C.1
Voice mail operation.............................................................D.1
VOICE MAIL key....................................................................D.1
Personal greetings.................................................................D.1
Leaving messages . . ............................................................D.2
Moving a message.................................................................D.2
Off-premise s “reach me”........................................................D.3
Message retrieval...................................................................D.3
Live recording........................................................................D.6
Off-premises me ssage deli ver y................................ ..............D.7
Message Recycle Bin (un-delete)..........................................D.8
Status indicator lamp.............................................................D.8
Optional voice mail feature: Guest mailboxes........................D.8
Optional voice mail feature: Broadcast mailbox (500).......... D.10
Optional voice mail feature: Cascade notification mailboxes D.11
ESI phone operation .............................................................E.1
Caller ID.................................................................................E.1
Dial tone.................................................................................E.3
Basic phone use....................................................................E.4
Direct station sele ctio n...........................................................E.5
Transferring an outside call . . ...............................................E.6
Transferring an internal call . . ...............................................E.7
Conference calling................................................................. E.8
Call forwarding.......................................................................E.9
Call waiting.......................................................................... E.11
Hold/exclusive hold operation..............................................E.12
Call pickup...........................................................................E.14
Optional features..................................................................E.15
Special keys............................................................................F .1
Override ring ................................ ................................ ...........F.9
Message monitor mode (live call screeni ng ).........................F.10
Personal greeting reminder..................................................F.10
Headset operation................................................................F.10
Outside dial tone preference.................................................F.11
Line keys..............................................................................F.11
Optional features..................................................................F.12
Analog stations .....................................................................G.1
Caller ID................................................................................G.1
Placing calls..........................................................................G.1
Transferring calls...................................................................G.2
Conference calling................................................................. G.2
Call forwarding......................................................................G.3
Call waiting............................................................................G.3
Call hold................................................................................G.3
Call pick-up............................................................................G.4
Voice mail operation from an analog station..........................G.4
Analog station progr amming ................................ ..................G.7
User’s Guide Introduction
Acces sin g the ri ch ESI f eat ure set i s sim pl e and ea s y thr ou gh the st raightf orw ar d d esi gn of E SI de skt op p ho ne s and the ESI Digital Cordless Handset. Each feature has been design ed for ease of use while providing capabilities needed in an advanced business phone.
You will be able to learn many of the features by simply using your phone; and this User’s Guide will introduce you to the wide variet y of features offered by your ESI system an d how to use you r phone effectively to achieve maximum benefits.
What it covers
This User’s Guide covers the use of the followi ng with your ESI system:
• ESI 40D Busi ness Ph o ne
• 48-Key Di git al Fe at ur e Ph one
• 24-Key Di git al Fe at ur e Ph one
• ESI Digital Cordless Handset
• [Legacy] 1 2-Key Digital Feature Phone
• Analog station
How it’s arranged
• Sectio n A — Introdu ct i on an d ph one il l ust r ati o n s
• Section B — Us er help
• Section C — User programming
• Section D — Voice mail operation
• Section E — Phone oper ation
• Section F — Special keys and features
• Section G — Analog station s
• Index
Important: If you’re using a 48-Key Feature Phone, please note that this phone has separate PROGRAM and HELP
keys, rather than the combo PROG/HELP key found on the other models supported by your ESI system. Therefore, you should press PROGRAM if programming your phone and the instructions tell you to press PROG/HELP; or , similarly, you should press HELP if the instructions tell you to press PROG/HELP to obtain assistance from the Verbal User Guide described herein (see page B.1).
Voice mail options
Your ESI C-Plus phone system comes with ESI’s award- winning voice mail, including an automated attendant and a de dicated mailbox for each stat ion.
The automated attendant provides up to 18 branches that conveniently route c allers to their desir ed extensions or departments, or even destinations outside the system.
Some fe atures are enabled by the Inst aller or System Administrator. Cons ult your System Admini strator if you are unsure about what ESI features ar e available.
User’s Guide Introduction
ESI 40D Business Phone
Available for the ESI C -Plus Executive system, the ESI 40D Business P hone has a variety of progr am m abl e an d built- i n features. The ESI 40 D Busi n es s Pho ne’ s bu il t - in voice mail features and v oic e prompts ma ke it eas y to program and us e. Up to two ESI 40D Business Phones (or two 48-Key Feature Phones, or one of each) may be instal l ed on an ESI C - Pl us Ex ecut i ve s yst em.
Items referenced elsewhere
Item Page Item Page
PROG/HELP soft feature key C.2 Verbal User Guide and tutorial B.1 P/UP (pickup) key E.14 Status indicator lamp D.8 Fixed feature keys E.1 ESI-DEX soft feature key F.2 VOICE MAIL key D.1 RECORD key D.6 Programmable feature keys C.2 PAGE key E.14
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties, you can perform direct programming by holding down a
programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name implies, are already programmed.
User’s Guide Introduction
48-Key Feature Phone
The 48- K ey Fe ature Phone has a variety of programmable and built-i n features. The 48- Key Feature Phone’s built- in voice mail f eatures and voice prompts make it easy to program and use. Up to two 48-Key Feature Phones (or two ESI 40D Business Phones, or one of each) may be instal led on an ESI C-Plus Executive system.
Items referenced elsewhere
Item Page Item Page
PROGRAM soft feature key C.2 HELP key for Verbal User Guide and tutorial B.1 P/UP (pickup) key E.14 Status indicator lamp D.8 Fixed feature keys E.1 ESI-DEX soft feature key F.2 VOICE MAIL key D.1 RECORD key D.6 Programmable feature keys C.2 PAGE key E.14
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties, you can perform direct programming by holding down a
programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name implies, are already programmed.
User’s Guide Introduction
24-Key Feature Phone
Available for all ESI C-Plus systems, the 24-Key Feature Ph one has a variety of progr am ma bl e and b uil t - in features. The 24- Key Feature Ph one’s built-in voi ce mail featur es and voice prom pts mak e it easy to program and use.
Items referenced elsewhere
Item Page Item Page
PROG/HELP soft feature key C.2 Verbal User Guide and tutorial B.1 P/UP (pickup) key E.14 Status indicator lamp D.8 Fixed feature keys E.1 ESI-DEX soft feature key F.2 VOICE MAIL key D.1 RECORD key D.6 Programmable feature keys C.2 PAGE key E.14
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties, you can perform direct programming by holding down a
programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name implies, are already programmed.
User’s Guide Introduction
12-Key Feature Phone (legacy product)
The legacy 12-K ey Fe at ur e Pho ne, still in use on many installed ESI systems, includes the basic, most commonly used phone features. This simplified model supports neither speakerphone operation
nor Esi-Dex.
Items referenced elsewhere
Item Page Item Page
PROG/HELP soft feature key C.2 HELP key for Verbal User Guide and tutorial B.1 P/UP (pickup) key E.14 Status indicator lamp D.8
Fixed feature keys E.1 PAGE key E.14 Programmable feature keys D.1
Note: The following features aren’t available on a 12-Key Feature Phone:
Hint: On any of these ESI phone varieties, you can perform direct programming by holding down a
The 12-Key Feature Phone la cks a hands-free microphone, and therefore can’t serve as a true two-way speakerphone. Its speaker plays pages.
• Certain special keys and features (see “Special keys,” page F.1).
• Esi-Dex. Additionally: to use voice mail, conference calling and mute/DND on a 12-Key Feature Phone, you must
program these features into programmable featu re keys (see “Programma ble feature keys,” page C.3, and “Optional features,” page F.12).
programmable feature key for at least two seconds (similar to how you might program a car radio button). This isn’t applicable to the fixed-feature keys which, as their name implies, are already programmed.
User’s Guide Introduction
ESI Cordless Handsets
Available for all ESI C-Plus systems, ESI’s digital Cordless Handsets come in two models — compact and heavy-duty — b ut each offers the same features. Note that t hey do not have the following features found on some ESI desktop phones: speakerphone, Esi-Dex support (or ESI-DEX key), Caller ID key, Virtual Mailbox Key support, or Verbal User Guide (or PROG/HELP k e y) . Each mod el com es wit h a ch arg er /AC a da pter, base st ati on, belt clip, battery pack, and wall mount.
Two-line, 32-character display; third line contains status icons
VOICE MAIL key (pg. D.1)
Other fixed feature keys (pg. E.1)
Four programmable feature keys (pg. C.2)
Compact model Heavy-duty model
TALK key
User’s Guide Introduction
Connecting your ESI phone
Depending on which ESI phone y ou have, use the appropriate diagram (below) to conn ect it. Each diagram represents the panel on the phone’s underside.
Notes: The “Top of phone” and “Bottom of phone” references in these diagrams show the correct vertical
orientation of the phone — i.e., the part with the display is the top. When the phone is in the highest upright position, use the wall-mount hook located under the handset to
secure the handset when you’re not using the phone.
24-Key Featur e P hone 12-Key Featur e P hone
• Connects like a basic phone.
• Hand set plugs into right-side jack.
• Line cord plugs into left-sid e jack.
(legacy product)
ESI 40D Business Phone
Connects in a similar additi on to the 24-Key Feature Phone mentioned above.
Note: The ESI 40D Business Phone can accept an
optional Expansion Console when used on most other ESI systems, but this functionality is unavailable on an ESI C-Plus or ESI C-Plus Executive system.
48-Key Digita l Fea tur e P hone
Connects in a similar additi on to the 24-Key Feature Phone mentioned above.
Note: The 48-Key Digital Feature Phone can accept
an optional Expansion Console when used on most other ESI systems, but this functionality is unavailable on an ESI C-Plus or ESI C-Plus Executive system.
User’s Guide Introduction
ESI Cordless Handset connection
Each ESI Cor dl e ss Hand s et comes w it h:
• A charger/cradle to charge the Handset.
• An AC adapter for use with only the charger.
• A base statio n to provide a di gital interface between the ESI phone system and ESI Cordles s Handset. This base station is line-powered and thus needs no AC power.
Wall-mount(s), a belt clip, and a Quick Ref er enc e Gui de .
Base station installation
Due to each site’s unique characteristics, the range and distance information we’ll provide herein is only approximate.
Characterist ics that positively affect performance:
• The b ase station should be installed so it has a clear line-of-sight with the Cordless Handset.
• The base stat i on a nt enn a sh oul d al wa ys be pointed in it s up per most ver t ic al po si ti o n.
Characterist ics that negatively aff ect per f or ma nc e:
• Large amo unt s of metal sh el vin g ( su ch as in ma nuf acturi ng or war e hou se ar ea s) .
• Close proximi ty to (within one mile of) a r adio tower.
• Concrete walls that divide spaces where Cordless Handsets are used (as suming the base statio ns are in
one location) .
Don’t install the base station:
• Close to a wall wit h met al st uds.
• On a metal wall.
• Next to a device that emits RFI or EMI
fluorescent light fixture, or fax machine.
• Next to any other 9 00 MHz device — e.g., a hand-held inventory contr ol device.
• In a ceiling that has foil-backed insulation.
• Behind doors that typically are closed, tinte d windows, one-way glass, or other areas th at limit or
cut off transmission to the Cordless Handset.
Base stations must be installed at least 10 feet apart, regardless of whether the base stati on is for the small-model or larg e-model Cordless Handset. Don’t inst all more than six base stations in one area (such as a network room). Choose a location at least 30 feet away if more than six base stations are needed in a building.
A Digit al Cordless Handset base station requires only a line cord t o the phone system; AC power is n’t needed becaus e the base station receives power from the phone system via the line cord.
Once t he base stations are installed and the Cordless Ha ndsets charged, chang e each Handset’ s channe l by pressing its CH key . Each Handset should have its own channel. There are 30 avail able channels on the small Cordless Handset and 10 on the large Cor dless Handset.
e.g., a tele vision, radio, computer, computer printer,
Note: Feedback may result if the Cordless Handset is within three inches of an ESI desktop phone.
RFI is radio frequency interference. EMI is electromagnetic interference.
User’s Guide Help mode (Verbal User’s Guide)
Help mode (Verbal User’s Guide)
Your ESI system’s Help mode (als o called the Verbal User’s Guide) — a caref ull y c once i ved c ombinati on of spoke n information, display readouts and even key illumination when appropri ate — is a powerful tool to help you learn how to use the system’s many featur es.
Notes: As explained on page A.1, your ESI phone has a combo PROG/HELP key unless it is a 48-Key Feature
The ESI Cordless Handsets have no access to the Verbal User Guide (and, thus, no key to invoke it).
Phone (which has separate PROGRAM and HELP keys). Under the circumstances described in this section, the PROG/HELP key will invoke Help mode.
When your stat ion is i dle, press PROG/HELP, and then follow the spoken Help menu to:
• Learn how to us e the ph on e • Hear a description of how an y ke y is use d
• Learn how to us e voi c e mail f e atures • Hear a compl et e tu tor i al on ph on e op erat i on
Help during st ation program m ing
T o hear a detailed des cription of a function you wi sh to program, press PROG/HELP while pro gr am min g it.
Help during a c al l
Press PROG/HELP while on a call and this will place the call on hold, whereupon you can us e Help mode to hear a description of the function you wish to perform. When you exit Help mode, you will be reconnected to the call .
While you are either in Help mode or programming your phone, your station will be temporarily placed in DND (see “MUTE/DND,” page E.3). Anyone calling your station while you are in DND will be forwarded to your mailbox (or other destination set by the installer).
Exiting Help mode
T o exit Help mode, simply hang up.
Visit for up-to- date help.
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
User programming: An introduction
Voice prompts will play menu and sub-menu options to access the desired feature. You don't have to wait for the entire prompt to be played. Therefore, once you’ve become familiar with the prompts (consult “User programming menu” on t he next page), you can quickly set an y frequently u sed feature.
Program m ing hel p
During any of the programming steps, press PROG/HELP to h ear a mor e detail ed description of th e feature and related programm ing opti ons.
Exiting pr ogr am m i ng mode
To exit programming mode, simply hang up.
User programming menu
1 Select personal gr eet i ng 1 Record 2 Delete 3 Hear
2 Programmable feature keys (Station keys, line keys, speed-dial keys, other featur e keys)
3 Station options
1 Call waiting/background announce 2 Personal greeting reminder 4 Outs ide dial tone preference 5 Hands-free answer 6 Message monitor 7 Power-saving mode
Note: Background announce and selections 5 and 6 under Station Opt ions are not available on the
legacy 12-Key Feature Phone. Option 7 is available on only the ESI Cordless Handset.
4 Station audibles
1 Station ring tone 2 Station ring volume 3 Message ring
5 Password
1 Enter 2 Delete 3 Hear 4 Security level
6 External me ssage notification
1 Delivery options 2 Phone delivery 3 Pager notification
9 Un-delete
For use with only ESI Cordless Handsets.
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
1 Select personal greeting
Select t he d esir ed gr e et i ng — 1, 2 or 3. The system will play the current greeting, followed by prompts to re­record, del et e or he ar agai n — or select the current gre eti n g by pr es si ng #.
1 Record personal greeting
Begin recordi ng at the tone. Press 1 to stop. The new personal greeting automatically replaces the previous greet ing.
2 Delete personal greeting
When prompted, press 2 again to confirm deletion.
Warning: Your mailbox is disabled if no personal greeting exists. Never delete all of your existing personal
greetings before you record at least one new one.
3 Hear current personal greeting
2 Programmable feature keys
There are two m ethods for programming of your phone:
Dir ect pr o gram mi ng — Select the key you wa nt to program, and hold it down for at least tw o se conds. This not onl y in it iates programming but al so l ets y ou im me diately pr ogr am t hat sp e cif ic k ey.
Traditional programming — Press PROG/HELP. The Verbal User’s Guide will speak to you, walking you through the full m enu, during whi ch you can choos e the appropriate option.
Direct programming example:
You wish to set one of the keys to dial a co-worker, whose extension is 105. Hold down the key for at least two seconds. This automatically puts you in feature key programming. Follow the prompts to enter 1 0 5. (This has allowed you to skip two steps — pressing PROG/HELP and selecting a menu option — that you’d have had to perform if using traditional programming.)
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
How the programmable feature keys can be set
Line keys — Programming a li ne number (1 through 8) i nto a programmable feature key makes it a line key , which pro vides the appropriate lamp information and manual outside-line access.
Station keys — If the digits entered constitute a three-digit number, the programmable feature key will become a station key, providing the appropr iate lamp inf o rmation and easy access or transfer. Thr ee­digit nu mb ers entered ca n be:
— User extensions (100–115) — Cascade mailboxes (520–529) — Depart ment num bers (290–299) — System speed-dial numbers (600–6 99) — Guest/info mailboxes (300–489)
Speed-dial keys — In addition t o progr am m ing a programm able feature key with a system speed-dial number , you can cr eat e personal speed-dial keys for automatic dialing of frequently called outside number s. If you program 9 (or 8 or 7) plus a phone number, the programmable feature key becomes a speed-dial key. When you program a s peed-dial key, there's no need to i nsert a pause after the 9 (or 8 or 7). Th e spe e d-dial number ca n be up to 24 characters long. Use the up scroll key () to enter special ch ar acters in a dial str i ng.
Other feature keys — I f you enter a feature code, the programmabl e feature key will serve as an enable/disable key f o r that feature. The Installer may have programm ed certain stat ions for accessing additi onal features (see “O ptional features,” p age F.12); c onsult your System Adm inistr ator to determine your a ccess.
Keys’ LED activity during programming
Key type and LED indica t ion
Currently being programmed and previously assigned
Currently being programmed and previously unassigned
Programming mode — Was assigned or viewed in current session
Assigned in a previous programming session and not yet viewed in current session
Never assigned and not yet viewed in curren t se ss i on
Station key or
Virtual Mailbox Key
Flashing red Flashing green Flashing amber
Flashing red Flashing red Flashing red
Blinking red Blinking green Blinking amber
Solid red Solid green Solid amber
Off Off Off
Line key
Feature key
or speed-dial key
Note: Each ESI Cordless Handset has only one LED color — red — with similar blinking rates.
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
3 Station optio ns
The station options su b- m en u (PROG/HELP 3) lets y ou activate or deacti vate several feature s your station can provide. At each option sub-menu, 1 en ables the optio n and 0 disa bl es it . (E ach opt i on l ist ed b el ow is explained elsewhere in this manual, as noted.)
1 Call waiting/background announce
See page E.11 for call waiting and page E.12 for background announce.
Note: Background announce is not available on a 12-Key Feature Phone.
2 Personal greeting reminder
See page F.10.
4 Outside dial tone preference
See page F.11.
5 Hands-free answer
Note: With an ESI Cordless Handset, use of this feature requires a headset.
See page E.2.
Note: Not available on a legacy 12-Key Feature Phone.
6 Message monitor
See page F.10.
Note: Not available on a legacy 12-Key Feature Phone.
7 Power-saving mode
Note: Applicable to only an ESI Cordless Handset.
Allows yo u to ena bl e or di sable an ESI Cordl e ss Hands et’ s po wer - sa vi ng m ode. Ena bl i ng thi s mo de he lp s achiev e full b att er y lif e. Ho we ver, if full - t ime st at us mo ni tor i n g is re quired, you ca n dis ab le t his m ode. In power-saving mode, the phone system blocks al l status updates Handset has be en idle f or 30 se conds. Pressing the Cordles s Handset’s keys or receivin g an incom ing call on it will discontinue power-saving mode.
Note: When the handset has received no calls or status updates1 for five minutes, the Cordless Handset
to the Cordless Handset when the
enters deep-sleep mode. During it, the display is blank and the LEDs don’t light up. If the system sends any updates to the Cordless Handset, it will discontinue deep-sleep mode.
For example: If you have a programmable feature key set as a station key for someone’s extension, the system updates your Cordle ss Handse t
based on that extension’s current status (busy, idle, or do-not-disturb).
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
4 Station audibl es
The station audible s progr am m ing provides control of the foll owing audible items:
Notes: Only the third setting, message ring, is applicable to the ESI Cordless Handset. Your phone has a secondary ring tone you’ll hear (if your phone system has been programmed
1 Station ri ng t one
You can select from six possible to nes t o help disting uish it f rom other nearby ringi ng phon es. Press
2 Station ri ng v olume
Press  and to set the desired ringer volume (range: off to high), then press # to accept it.
accordingly by your Installer) when call waiting occurs — i.e., a second call rings in for you while you’re already on another one — on live-ring calls.
or to select a tone, then press # to accept it.
Note: (Not applicable to ESI Cordless Handset or legacy 12-Key Feature Phone)
If the ringer volume is turned off, the status indicator lamp will not “flutter” when an incoming or recalled call is presented to the phone (see “Status indicator lamp,” page D.8).
3 Message ring
When enabled, this feature will periodically generate a short ring tone at your station as an additional alert that you ha ve ne w messa ge s.
5 Password
1 Enter new password
Your password m ay consist of 2–8 dig its followed by # (0 cannot be the first digit). Entering only 0 as t he password will turn off the password requirement.
2 Delete current password
Resets the password to the default password.
3 Hear current password
Displays and plays back the current password.
4 Password security level
Selection Result
0 No password required for access from any phone 1 Password required only for remote access, either off-premises or from other stations within the system 2 Password always required
User’s Guide User programming: An introduction
6 External message notification
1 Delivery options
1 Delivery to phone number only
2 Notify pager only
0 No off-premises deli very
2 Phone delivery
1 Enter phone number
Enter the phone number (24 digits, maximum) followe d by #. Do not include an outside line access code (i.e., don’t add 9, 8, or 7) before the number. Use the scroll key to enter special charact ers; use the the scroll keys to view the number after it ’s saved. To change the number, you must delete it and then re-ent er it as d esired.
2 Delete phone number
Delete s the cur r ent l y pr o gramm ed p ho ne nu mb er.
scroll key to backspace. You also can us e
3 Display current phone number
Displays the c urrently programmed phone number.
3 Pager notification
1 Enter pager number
Enter the pager number ( 24 digits, maximum) followed by #. Do not include an outside line access code (i.e., don’t add 9, 8, or 7) before the numb e r. Use the scroll key to enter special charact ers; use the the scroll keys to view the number after it ’s saved. To change the number, you must delete it and then re-ent er it as d esired.
2 Delete pager number
Deletes the currently programmed p ager num ber.
3 Display current pager number
Displays the currently programmed pager number.
9 Message Recycle Bin (un-delete)
Your 10 most recently deleted messages will be played first. Press 9 to move to the next message. Press 8 to re store the message to your mailbox as an old mes sage.
scroll key to backspace. You also can us e
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
Voice mail operation
Your phone system provides accurate and timely messages. Others will become more comfortable leaving you voice m essage s if you promptly retr ieve and respond to your messa ges.
For dire ct ac ce s s to all voice mail f eat ur es, su c h as pic ki ng up mes s ag es or tr an sf err i ng di re ct l y to mai l bo x es:
• On an ESI 40 Business Phone, 48-Key Feature Phone, or 24-Key Fe ature Phone — Use the blue VOICE MAIL key. It will blink whenever you have one or more new messages, an d the display will show you how many new and old messages are stored for you on the ESI system.
• On a legacy 12-Key Fe at ure Ph on e — Assign key co de 579 to a programmable feature key (see “Programmable feature keys, ” page C.2, and “Optional features,” page F.12). Until t his has been done for your phone, your mailbox is disabled. (When you try to access a disabled mailbox, the system will notify you that it’s disabled.) You still can retrieve previously left messages and access user programming, but the mailbox won’t be able to receive n ew voice m essag es. Therefore, to enable the mailbox, assig n key co de 579 to a programmable feature key.
• On an ESI Cordless Handset, use the blue-out lined VOICE MAI L key. The displ ay, dir ectl y ab ove t he
VOICE MAIL key , will show an “envelope” icon when you have one or more new messages.
Personal greetings
Initially, your mailbox has a generic greeting: “You have reached the mailbox for extension xxx. Dial 0 to reach the operator or begin recording at t he tone.” You can record up to three different personal greetings in your own
voice indicating your availability to return calls.
Sample greeting 1: Hi, this is [name]. I’m away from my desk or on the phone right now; so please either dial zero to
Sample greeting 2: Hi, this is [name]. I’m out of the office. You may dial 1 2 2 for my assistant or, if you prefer, you
Sample greeting 3: Hi, this is [name]. I’m away from my desk at the moment. To reach the operator, dial zero.
Dependi ng o n auto at t end a nt usa g e and yo ur personal pr ef er e nc es, y ou may wish to include one or more of these opt io ns i n yo ur per s onal gre et i ng s:
Option Instruction
0 To reach the operator 1 To skip directly to the record tone (or “beep”) 4 To perform off-premises “reach-me” (see “Off-premises ‘reach-me,’” page D.3) 8 To the main greeting (if your system is using the auto attendant)
XXX An extension number of another user
Note: Option 4 is available only when personal greeting 2 has been recorded.
You can change any personal greetin g as often as necessary, by just recording over a previously recorded personal greeting.
Warning: Do not delete all of your personal greetings; make sure at least one always remains. Deleting all the
greetings will turn off your mailbox.
reach our operator, or leave me your name, number and message at the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
may leave me a voice message at the tone — I’ll check in regularly — or, if it’s important, dial 4 to reach me on my cell phone.1
Otherwise, leave your name and phone number at the beep so I can return your call.
These sample greeting s refer to certai n featu res whi ch may not be acti vated for your exten sion ; consult your Sy stem Admi nistrator for additional
information, if necessary.
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
Personal greeting keys
You can progra m a programmable feature key as a per sonal gr eeting key for any one of the three personal greetings (s ee page F.14). Once created, this shortcut can the n be used to activate th e associated p ersonal greeting (the key’s LED will glow green and the greeting played as confirmation).
Note: (Not applicable to ESI Cordless Handset or legacy 12-Key Feature Phone)
Press RECORD while the confirmation is playing and follow the prompts to record the greeting. Otherwise, listen to the greeting to the end and follow the prompts.
Leaving messages . . .
If you call another station that is DND, bus y or does not answer — or if you c all a spe cial mailbox (such as a guest mailbox) — you will be transferred to the mailbox. You can skip the mailbox’s personal greeting by pressing 1; this takes you directly to the record tone.
. . . directly in another user’s mailbox
The procedure for going dir ectly t o another user’s mailb ox without ringi ng his/her extension depends upon whether you have that user’s extension set as one of your station keys:
• If you do, press VOICE MAIL and then the pe rson’s station key.
• If you don’t, press VOICE MAIL and TRANSFER and then dial the extension number.
Either will connect you directly to that user’s personal greeting.
. . . in several users’ mailboxes using a Quick Group
You can leave a direct message in several u sers' mailboxes at t he same time by pr essing VOICE MAIL and the desired statio n keys — thus cr eating a Quick Group. You can also move messages or recording s to a Quick Group i n the sam e manner.
Notes: You can use only station keys to select the additional mailboxes for Quick Groups.
If you have a department programmed as a station key, pressing VOICE MAIL and then the department’s station key will leave a message for all members of the department.
Moving a message
When you move a messag e (by pressing 6), a prompt will ask whether you wish to move the message with or without an introduction. Once you’ve moved the me ssage, you’ll be given the normal options to handle the message in your mailbox: save, delete, et c.
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
Off-premises “reach me”
After a caller has been forwarded to your voice mailbox and is listening to your personal greeting, this feature allows the caller to be forwarded to a number outside the system — i.e., a regular phone number rather than an extension.
Note: This feature is activated only if your System Administrator enables it on your station.
You must have personal greeting 2 selected and it must tell callers to press 4 for this feature. T o use this feature, follow these steps:
1. From your ESI desktop phone, pres s PROG/HELP 6 2 1 and ent er the telephone number to which you want calls forwarded when you’re off-premises.
2. Record and act iv at e p ers on al gr eet in g 2. Be s ure t o tell the c aller to press 4 during the greeti ng to be conne cted to your alt ernate phone. (See the sample greeting, below.)
When you receive a call forwarded in this fashion, you’ll be prompted to “press any key” to accept the call. If you don’t answer the call, the caller is returned to your voice mailbox on the ESI system. Off-premises “reach­me” is avail a ble on guest mailboxes, as well. Sampl e perso nal greet ing 2 for off-premi ses “reach me”:
“Hello. This is Rick. I’m currently out of the office. T o attempt to reach me on my mobile phone, please press 4 now. Otherwise, please leave me a message after the tone and I will return your call as soon as possible.”
Message retrieval
Message(s) waiting display
If you have at l east one new message, your ESI deskt op phone’s VOI CE MAIL key will bli nk (except on a legacy 12-Key Feature Phone) and your display will show the number of new and old messages in your mailbox.
On an ESI Cordless Handset, an “envel ope” icon on the displ ay also appears when you have at least one new messa ge.
Note: Message status information (shown in the example above as NEW 3 OLD 1) appears on an ESI
desktop phone (except on a legacy 12-Key Feature Phone) only when new messages exist.
Retrieving voice mail messages fr om your ESI phone
1. Press VOICE MAIL.
2. Enter your password if required (you may change the requi rement for a password in user progr am m ing menu 5; see "Password,” page C.5).
3. The ESI system will start playback of messages with the oldest new message and continue until all messages are played. The display will show the origination of the message, the countdown duration of the me ssage, whether new or old, and the time/date of when the m essage was left.
ESI phone with two-line display
ESI phone with three-line display (also shows running playback time in reverse)
This is also the same number used for message notification phone delivery (see “Off-premises message delivery,” page D.7).
A 12-Key Feature Phone will display only the date and time.
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
4. At the end of each message, the ESI system prompts you for instructions (see the chart, “Keys’ functions during voice mail message ret rieval ,” below). Onc e you’ve learned these prompts, you can proceed more r apidly by pressing one of the a ppropriate keys any ti me during a message or during a prompt.
5. To exit play ba ck of mes s ag es, si m pl y han g up yo ur ph on e.
Note: If you hang up during playback of a message, the system saves that message as new and all
others not deleted.
Keys’ functions d uri ng voi ce m ail m es sag e r etrieval from an ES I desk to p pho ne
Key Function name Description
1 Pause Pauses for one minute or until you press 1 again. 2 Time and date/
number toggle
3 Reply Replies to the originator of a message (possible only if message came from another user
4 Back up
5 Fast forward Advances playback 4 seconds for each key-press.
6 Move Moves a copy of the message to another user’s mailbox.
7 Delete Deletes the message from the mailbox (see “Message Recycle Bin,” page D.8). 9 Save Saves the message (it will play as an old message the next tim e you retrie ve messages).
9 9 Save as new Skips over a new message and leaves it as a new message (i.e., it will be played as a
REDIAL Auto-callback Exits your mailbox without erasing the message, and then automatically dials
Toggles the bottom line of the display between the message’s time/date and the caller’s number.
in the system). Record your reply at the tone and then press 1 to stop, after which the system returns you to your mailbox and the message to which you were replying.
• If pressed during message playback, rewinds 4 seconds for each key-press.
• If pressed after the playback has finished, returns to beginning of message.
(Not available from an analog phone or off-premises location.)
You may move the copy with or without an introduction. After the move, the system returns you to your mailbox and the original message.
new message the next time you pick up messages). You must press the 9 key twice within two seconds.
the number.
(Not available from an analog phone or off-premises location.)
ESI-DEX Store If Caller ID is present, saves to your Personal Dex for later use.
# Leave
a message Check
other box
(Not available from an ESI Cordless Handset, analog phone, or off-premises location.)
Lets you record a message in another mailbox. At the prompt, enter the desired mailbox number.
Checks messages in another mailbox (may require a password, depending on the mailbox’s setting; see “Password,” page C.5).
Retrieving voice mail messages using anoth er user ’s ESI desktop phone
1. Press VOICE MAIL and then .
2. Dial your ext en sio n num ber.
3. Follow the pr ocedures described in “Retrieving voice mai l mes sages from your ESI desktop p hone” (page D.3).
Virtual Ma ilbox Key™
If you frequently pick up your messages from another user’s ESI desktop phone or have others help pick up your messages, you may want to program a programmable feature key on that phone as a Virtual Mailbox Key for your mailbox. When you have new messages, the key will blink, press it to automatically connect to your mailbox. This feature does not affect your ability to pick up messages from your own phone.
Note: Assign to the programmable key the following — VOIC E MAIL  and then your extension number or
mailbox number (see “Programmable feature keys,” page C.2).
A local call may not be dialed correctly, depending on the limitations of the local dialing plan. You may need to dial some of these calls manually.
User’s Guide Voice mail operation
Retrieving messages from an off-premises location
You can pick up messages when a w ay from the off ice or from an analog stati on. Since the di splay is not available to you, message handling will operate slightly differently .
To retrieve your message from a remote location:
1. If the auto atte nd ant’s main gre eting answ ers y our ca l l, pres s If the operat or or another user answers your call, have the person transfer you (by pressing VOICE MAIL
, then pre ssi ng y our st at ion k ey [or e nt eri ng yo ur mai lbo x num ber ] an d t hen han gi n g up).
2. If required, enter your password.
3. The ESI system will announce the number of new and old messages, and will start playback of messag es st ar ti n g wit h the ol dest n ew mes sag e and c ontinue unti l al l mes s ag es and r ec ordings hav e played or you pre s s
to disconnect.
For more infor m ation, see page C.6.
Additional functions available during off-premises voice mail message retrieval
Key Function Description
2 Hear time/date Pauses the message, plays the time/date when the message was left and resumes. 5 Access user
8 Main greeting Goes to the main greeting. 0 Operator Transfers you to the operator. # To other
mailbox Disconnect Disconnects you from the system. Always press  before hanging up (if you press it
Access certain user-programmable features.
Note: Fast forwa rd is not available fr om a remote location .
To leave a message in another user’s mailbox.
during message playback, the system will save the playing message and any other currently unsaved messages in your mailbox).
and enter your mailbox number.
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