ESI Cellular Management Access Device User Manual

ESI Cellular Management
User’s Guide
Rev. E
For on-li n e he lp , vi sit
About ESI
ESI (Este c h Syst em s, Inc. ) i s a priv at el y hel d cor porati on bas e d in Pla no, Texas. Fo und ed i n 1987, ESI desi g ns and builds innovative telecommunications products for businesses like yours. Because of their powerful combination of value and features, ESI products are consistently recognized by industry publications and leader s.
Copyright © 2010 ESI (Estech Systems, Inc.). Personal Call Routing is a trademark of ESI. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). TouchTone is a registered trademark of AT&T, Inc. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. ESI products are protected by various U.S. Patents, granted and pending. Visit ESI on the Web at
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................ .........2
About the ESI Cellular Management Access Device....................................................................................................................................2
Basic features...............................................................................................................................................................................................3
Quick set-up and use..........................................................................................................................................................................................4
Programming ESI Cellular Management routing...........................................................................................................................................4
Setting up a Cellular Access key..................................................................................................................................................................7
Answering incoming calls.............................................................................................................................................................................7
Using voice dialing to place an outgoing call.................................................................................................................................................8
Using the Cellular Acces s key to che ck cellula r voi ce mail...........................................................................................................................8
Leaving the area with cell phone call and Auto-Connect enabled.................................................................................................................8
Using the Cellular Speed-Dial key................................................................................................................................ ................................8
Special lamping indications..........................................................................................................................................................................9
Addendum: Adminis tra tor pro gra mmin g ................................ ................................ ........................... .............................................................12
ESI Cellular Management User’s Guide
The cell ph on e is ra pidly becom in g the bu si n ess c omm unicati on s device of choi ce. ESI is embr a ci ng t he market with ESI Cellular Management — unique hardware and features to bridge the gap between cellular handsets and ESI ’s lin e of Feat ure Phones. The user of a Bluetooth her office, and the ESI Cellular Management Access Device automatically syncs up with the Bluetooth cellular phone an d star ts r e cei vi ng cel l p ho ne c all s on th e user ’ s de sktop phone. Out going call s are j u st as ea sy — one just presses a button on the desktop phone to select the cell ph one and either dial th e telephone number or use the cell phone’s voice dialing
feature t o com pl et e the ca l l.
-com patible cel l ular ph on e simp l y wal k s int o his or
Note: Cellula r netwo rks don’ t suppo rt sendi ng to ne -di ale d dig its to a cell phon e (see “ No true tone -d ia ling, ” pag e 10 ).
This means an outside caller on an incoming cell call can’t perform functions that require the caller to dial — some examples include dial-on-hold, dialing out of the auto attendant, and accessing an ESI voice mailbox.
About the ESI Cellular Management Access Device
The ESI Cellular Management Access Device (see Figs. 1 – 2, below) is housed in a small, ergonomic plastic case, which connects to a digital phone port. Al though the Access Device is intended for desktop placement near the host ES I Feature Phon e
The ESI Cellular Management Access Device is powered by the digital port.
Figure 1: Fr ont pa nel.
, it can be att ached t o any sur face by using the included Velcro® strip s.
Figure 2: Back panel.
As supported by the cell phone manufacturer and carrier.
While it is possible to program ESI Cellular Management from a 24-Key Feature Phone, the use of certain ESI Cellular Management features is
possible only through the soft keys under a 48-Key Feature Phone’s display.
Reserved for possible future use.
Basic features
ESI Cellular Management User’s Guide
Incoming call destination — With ESI Cellul ar Management, incomi ng cell phone calls can be routed t o an ESI voice mail box (MB), extension (EXT), or department (also abbreviated EXT).
Ring tone — You can select a distinctive ring tone to override the station’s usual ring tone, clearly identi fying calls coming i nto t he ESI phone via t he cell phon e. To enable this, select one of fi ve avail able di sti nct ive ring t ones.
Voice mail routing — Choose the voice mailbox to which unanswered cellular calls are forwarded: the ESI Communications Server’s or t he cellular provider’s.
Cellul ar Acc ess ke y — This k ey, when progra mm ed on a 48 - Ke y ESI Feature Phon e (Di gi tal or IP) , of f er s the sam e functionality as a line key (“CO line key” ) along with some additional features. However, since the ESI Cellular Managem ent Access Device is connected to a station port, the Cellular Access key is assigned with the actual extension number of the ESI Cellular Management Access Device. The ESI system translates the extension number to a “ virt ual” tr unk number that is used t o retr ieve cel lul ar call s that have been placed on system-wi de hold.
Note: ESI strongly recommends that a Cellular Access key be assigned on at least one extension. This key
provides connection status to the cell phone using unique lamping indications. The lamp status lets the user see immediately whether the Access Device and the cell phone are connected properly. For information on the lamping indications and their meaning, see “Special lamping indications,” page 9.
Cellular Spe ed -Dial key — This key, when programmed on a 48-Key ESI Feature Phone (Digita l or IP), allows you to dial a p hone number usi ng the cellular phone line.
Reminder: cellular networks don’t support sending tone-dialed digits to a cell phone (see “No true tone dialing,” page 10).
ESI Cellular Management User’s Guide
Quick set-up and use
Programming ESI Cellular Management routing
On your ESI 48- Key1 Feature Phone (DI git al or IP), press PROGRAM 7 to access user progr amm ing menu 7 — Personal Call Routing
and ESI Cellul ar Manag ement. Here is a menu outline showing only the items related to ESI Cellular
settings. This will give you a sub-menu offering two choices: ESI Presence Management
Keys pressed Item
PROGRAM 7 Personal Call Routing settings PROGRAM 7 2 ESI Cellular Management PROGRAM 7 2 1 PIN setting PROGRAM 7 2 2 Voice mail setting PROGRAM 7 2 3 Cell phone audibles PROGRAM 7 2 3 1 Ring tone setting PROGRAM 7 2 3 2 DTMF playback setting PROGRAM 7 2 4 Shared line setting PROGRAM 7 2 5 Bluetooth settings PROGRAM 7 2 5 1 Cell phone pairing PROGRAM 7 2 5 2 Delete setting PROGRAM 7 2 5 3 Cell phone line setting PROGRAM 7 2 5 4 Auto-Connect setting
Important: This programming requires scroll keys, so you must use an ESI desktop phone (and not an ESI Cordless
Handset, which lacks scroll keys) to perform this programming. Moreover, the phone must be either a 48­Key Feature Phone (Digital or IP) or a 24-Key Feature Phone, because of the need for at least two lines on the phone display during programming.
To program these settings from any other ESI desktop phone on your system, go to that phone, press PROGRAM and the number of the extension you wish to program, and then 7 to enter Personal Call Routing programming.
An explanation of the five types of ESI Cellular Management settings begins on the next page.
While it is possible to program ESI Cellular Management from a 24-Key Feature Phone, the use of certain ESI Cellular Management features is
possible only through the soft keys under a 48-Key Feature Phone’s display.
Not applicable unless ESI Presence Management is installed on your ESI system. For more information concerning ESI Presence Management,
consult your ES I Reseller or visit
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