TURNING THE RADIO ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service
techn ician or fac ility desi gnate d by the suppli er . Any repa irs, alt eratio ns
or substi tut io n of rec om mend ed pa rt s ma de b y t he use r to t his e qu ipm ent
not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to
oper ate the eq uip me nt in addi ti on t o the man ufactur er’s warranty.
This manua l cove rs E ric sson and Ge ne ra l Elec tri c produ ct s
manufa c tur ed and sold by Eri csson In c.
This manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by
typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made b y
Ericsson Inc., at any time an d without n otice . Such changes will b e incorportat ed in to new editi ons of this man ual. No part of this
manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Ericsson Inc.
The operato r of any mobile radio should be aware of ce rtain hazards
commo n to the opera ti on of ve hi cula r ra di o tran smi ssi ons.
A list of po ssibl e ha za rds ar e:
1.Explosive Atmosphe res
Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with the motor running, be
sure to turn the radio off while fueling the vehicle. Do not carry
contai ners of fue l in the trunk .
2.Interferenc e to Vehicular Elec troni cs Systems
Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti skid braking systems, etc., are typical of the type of electronic devices that may
malfun ction due to th e lack of prote ction from radio fre quency en ergy
present when transmitting. If the vehicle contains such equipment,
consult the dealer for the make of the vehicle and enlist his aid in
determining if such electronic circuits perform normally when the
radi o is tra ns m it ti ng.
3.Dynamite Blasting Caps
Dynamit e blasting c aps may be caused to expl ode by operating a ra dio
within 50 0 feet of the blastin g caps. Alwa ys obey the "Turn O ff TwoWay Radios" signs posted where dynamite is being used. When
transp ort ing blasti ng c ap s in your veh ic le:
a.Carry the blasti ng c a ps in a closed metal box wit h a soft lining.
b.L e ave t he r ad i o OFF whenever the blasting caps are being put
into or removed from the vehicle.
4.Radio Fre que ncy Ene rgy
To prevent burns or related physical injury from radio frequency
energy, do not operate the transmitter when anyone outside of the
vehi cl e is wi th in t wo fe et of th e antenna .
5.Liquefied (L P) Ga s Powere d Vehicles
Mobile radio installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum
gas with the LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space
withi n the int erior of the ve hicl e must co nform to the stand ard whic h
requires that:
a.The space contai ni ng the radi o eq uip me nt shal l be isol ate d by a
seal from the space containing the LP gas container and its
b.Outside fi lling connec tions shall be used for t he LP gas con tainer .
c.The LP gas containe r shall be vented to the ou tside of the vehic le.
Read the literature on the safe operation of the radio.
• Keep both hands on the steerin g wheel and the m icrop hone in it s crad le
whenever the vehicle is in motion.
• Place calls onl y when veh icle is stoppe d. Use recal l diali ng to spee d the
time it takes to call.
• When ta lking fro m a moving ve hicle is unavoida ble, drive in the sl ower
lane. Keep conversations brief.
• If conversation requires taking notes or complex thought, stop the
vehicle in a safe place and co ntinue the call.
Whene ver using a mobi le radio exerc i se c aution.
This manua l descr ibe s how to use the T r unke d MDX Mob ile R adio. The
MDX is a synthesized, microprocessor-based, high performance mobile FM
radio providing reliable two-way communications in trunking environments.
Direct mobile to mobile communication, when out of repeater range, is also
In a trunked environment the user selects a communications system and
group. In this mode, audio channel selection is transparent to the user and is
control led via digital commun ication with the system cont roller . This provides
advanc ed progra mm able feature s and fast acc ess to com munic ati on cha nnels.
In the trunke d m odes of opera tion th e user c an pro gra m th e ta lk gro ups to
transmit and receive Aegis Digital Voice or the highly secure Aegis VGE
Encrypt e d Digit al Voi ce.
The exact operation of the radio will de pend on t he operating mode, the
radio’ s progra mming , and the particu lar radio system . Most feature s describe d
in this ma nua l ma y be e nabl e d o r disabled th roug h progr am m in g. Co nsult the
system a dmini stra tor for the part icul a r fea ture s tha t a re pro gra mme d into you r
MDX radio.
The MDX Scan radio with an internal speaker contains ten buttons, an
eight cha racter DOT MATRI X display and seven indica tors. The MDX Syste m
radio conta ins ten buttons, an eight character DOT MA TRIX displa y and seven
indicators along with a twelve button keypad. The system radio uses an
external speaker. In addition, there are ti me s when part of the eigh t character
displa y is used to displa y t he rad io stat us. Backlighting on butt ons il lum i na te
Digital Leg ends.
POWERMomentary push-push switch. Press once to turn
the radio ON. Press agai n to turn the radio OFF.
VOLUMEThe momentary switches (auto ramping) VOL-
UME + and VOLUME -. Beeps each time the
VOLUME button is pressed, excep t when a call is
in process. Hold the button (up or down) to auto
ram p the vol um e .
MENUMomentary switch. The MENU button is used to
access options on the MDX mobile. Menu operation is coupl e d wit h the G ROUP/ SEL button and
the CLR button. To increment from one menu
selection to the next, simply press and release the
MENU button. Press the CLR button to return to
normal operation. The menu choices are listed
below with a description of how to change the
choices (Note: You may have some or all of these
menu c hoices pro gra mmed i n your ra dio, and the y
may be programmed in a different order than presen te d here).
SPECIAL CALL: Press the MENU button until
"SPC CALL" appears in the display. Pressing the
PTT c auses t he la st se lecte d spec ial ca ll to be sen t.
To review or change the selection, use the
GROUP/SEL button to view/change the special
call selection. Up to 25 phone numbers and individual de code n umbers ca n be stored in the Spec ial
Call me nu. Whil e the desired num ber is disp layed,
press the PTT switch to initiate the call.
BACKLIGHT: Press the MENU button until
"BRIGHT" appears in the display. To change the
state o f t he bac kl ight pres s th e G ROUP /SEL + o r
- button.
PUBLIC ADDRESS: Press the MENU button
until "PUB ADDR" appears in the display. Press
PTT to transmit in PA mode.
SCAN ADD/DELETE : Pre ss the MENU button
until "SCAN A/D" appe a rs in the display. Use the
GROUP/ SEL- button to step through the group
selections for the current system. Use the
GROUP/SEL + button to change the scan state.
An "S" is illuminated to the right of the display if
the group/c ha nne l has SCAN enab le d.
ALARM ON/OF F: Press the MENU butt on un til
"ALM ON" or "ALM OFF" appears in the display .
Press the GROUP/SEL + or - buttons until the
desired state is selected. (Note: This enables or
disables the external alarm; e.g. horn or lights.)
STATUS: Press the MNU but ton until "STA T US"
appears in the display. To review or change the
selection,use the GROUP/SEL keys to
view/change the selection of the status message.
When the d esired status is displ ayed, pres s the PTT
switch to initiate the stat us tra nsm ission .
MESSAGE: Press the MNU button until "MES-
SAGE" appears in the display. To review or
chan ge t he s elec tion , us e th e GROUP/SEL keys
to view/change the selection of the message.
When the desired message is displayed, press the
PTT swit ch to initiate the message transmission.
SCNMomentary switch. Press the SCN button to en-
able or disab le scan o perati on. The SCN indicato r
will light when scan is enabled. Pressing and
holding the SCN but ton whi le on a worki ng chan nel will permit the user to adjust the squelch se ttin g
from the front panel by using the VOLUME ramp
switch to open and clo se the squel ch .
8-Characte r
Alphanumeric Dot
Matrix LED
allows you to identify
group and system
selections by
descriptive names.
names, telephone
numbers, menu
options, and status
information are
displayed here.
MENU button allows
access to functions
and options,
interconnect and
individual radio calls;
scan add/delete for
modifying the radio’s
scan list; and alarm
on/off for the
external alarm option
that uses your horn or
head lights to signal
an incoming call.
Scan Button
Emergency ID/
Alarm (optional)
sends an emergency
alert and identifying
code to the
dispatcher. If no
emergency function
is required, this can
be programmed as a
"HOME" switch.
System Switch scrolls
through the names of
systems programmed
into the radio,
displaying them on
the Dot Matrix display.
Two Flex Keys
give you one-touch
access to the menu or
optional features.
Optional keycaps are
available to identify
the functions of
buttons, including
Special Call, Scan
Add/ Delete, Public
Address, Home
External Alarm, and
display brightness.
Connector provides
easy access to the
microphone and
Figure 1 - MDX Scan Radio
Front Mount
Speaker with 4 watts
of audio. An optional
10-watt external
speaker is also
available, for use in
noisy environments.
Alphanumeric Dot
Matrix LED
allows you to identify
group and system
selections by
descriptive names.
names, telephone
numbers, menu
options, and status
information are
displayed here.
MENU button allows
access to functions
and options,
interconnect and
individual radio calls;
scan add/delete for
modifying the radio’s
scan list; and alarm
on/off for the
external alarm option
that uses your horn or
head lights to signal
an incoming call.
Emergency ID/
Alarm (optional)
sends an emergency
alert and identifying
code to the
dispatcher. If no
emergency function
is required, this can
be programmed as a
"HOME" switch.
Flex Key
give you one-touch
access to the menu or
optional features.
Optional keycaps are
available to identify
the function of the
button, including
Special Call, Scan
Add/ Delete, Public
Address, Home
External Alarm, and
display brightness.
System Switch scrolls
through the names of
systems and/or
channels programmed
into the radio,
displaying them on
the Dot Matrix display.
Scan Button
GROUP button
permits group ID
entries to be made
using the 12 button
system keypad.
Connector provides
easy access to the
microphone and
System Keypad
Permits telephone
interconnect and
DTMF overdial as
well as group and
individual call
Figure 2 - MDX System Radio
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