This manual is published by Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc., without any
warranty. Improvements an d ch an ges to this manu al necessitated by typographical errors , in accuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by
Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will
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This manual contains installation instructions for the TMX-8825 and
TMX-8810 Mobile Radio s and associate d acc essories. Include d are m ounting
instructions, for connecting the ignition cable a ssemblies and suggested c able
routings. Interconnection and wiring diagrams are contained in the back of
this manual.
Careful ly unpack the Two-Way Radio. It is recomme nded that you identify
the items ordered and check them off in the box below before discarding the
packing material. If any damage has occurred to the equipment during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
T wo-Way Radio
Microphon e 19B801 398P4
Microphon e Hange r 19 B801 398P5
Battery Power Cable 19 B801 358P2
Mounting Hardware Kit 19A138051G11
Option PD1A (PD01)- Noise Suppre ssio n Kit 19A148 539G1
Option PS1C (PS03)- AC Power Supply 1 21 Volt, 60 Hz, 13
Option PS1D (PS04)- AC Powe r Supply 121/24 2 Volt, 50/60 Hz ,
Option CC3P (CC09)- Universal Tone Cable (requi res Option
CC08) 19C851585P5
Option CC3R (CC10) - Power Cable (20 foot) 19B8013 58P4
Option LS1E (L S01) - External Speak er (Dash Mount)
(19D901983 Sh2 Rev.4)
(requires Opt ion CC08)
Option SU1C (SU01)- Externa l Ala rm (Ho rn) Re lay 1 9A705 499P1
(requires Opt ion CC08) and SU02)
Option SU1F (SU02)- External Alarm ON/OFF Switch
(requires Option SU01)
Option MA1L (MA03) - Desk Ra dio Mount ing Wedge 19C851685G2
The original option numbers for the TMX-8825 and TMX-8810
options have been replace d with new option nu mbers. bo th the old
and new option numbers are shown for clarity. The new option
number is shown first, and the old option number is shown in
parenthese s. Fo r ex am ple:
External Spea ker Option LS1E (LS01)- -where Option LS1 E is the
new option num be r, and (LS01) i s the old option number.
Figure 1 - Radio Components and Mounting Hardware
1.InstalltheOption CableCC3N (CC08) in theradio.
2.Fastenthe relayinthedesiredlocation, close to the voltage source,using one#8 x3/4inch self-tappingscrew.
3.Crimp aninsulated 1/4 inch spadetab receptacletooneend of the#18 red wire. Connect the receptacleto relay lug #86. Cut thered leadso the fuse assembly iscloseto the voltage source. Install thefuseholder.Attach the otherendofthe fuse leadto the voltagesourcewithappropriatehardware. SeeFigure 14.
4.Insert the blackwire with the Molexterminal into pin13oftheoptionconnector housing supplied with theoption cable. Plug theconnectorinto theoption cable.
5.Crimp insulated 1/4 inchspade tabreceptacle to theotherend of theblack wire. Connect the receptacletorelay lug#85.
TheExternal AlarmSwitch, when used with External AlarmRelay OptionSU01, allows the alarm relaytobedisabled. Connect the switchinserieswiththeblack wirefromtherelay.Insert thewirewith theMolexterminalinto pin13 of the option cableconnector housing. Splicethe other switch leadtotheblackwirefrom the relay. SeeFigure 14.
If External AlarmON/OFF Switch Option SU1F (SU02) isused in conjunction with this option,referto ExternalAlarmON/OFF Switch OptionSU1F (SU02).
Therelay contactmake/break currentandvoltagerating is 30amps at 16 volts.
cruise cont rol syst ems, et c., are typi cal of th e type s of elec troni c
devices which may be prone to malfunction due to the lack of
protec t ion from rad io fre que ncy energ y present when transmitting. If the vehicle c ont ains suc h e qui pm en t, consul t the dea le r
for the make of the vehicle and enlist his aid in determining if
such electr onic circ uits wil l perf orm normall y when th e radio is
tra ns m it ti ng.
The accom pa nying illustra t ion s should help you in your in sta ll a tion.
Before starting, plan your installation carefully so that it will be:
Safe for th e op er at or a nd pa s sengers i n the ve hi cl e .
Safe to operat e withi n easy reac h of cont rol s an d mic roph one .
Protecte d from da mag e fr om wat er.
Easy for the serviceman to service.
Oriented to minimi ze re fec ti ons in LCD displ ay.
Out of the way of auto mec hanics.
The equ ipm e nt required for install ing the radi o is:
Electric Drill
No. 31 (1/8-inch) drill for No. 8 screws
No. 27 (9/64-inch) drill fo r No. 10 screws
Phillips scre wdri ve r
Crimp too l for terminals and antenna co nne c tor.
No. 20 TORX
5/8-inc h punc h or hole sa w for rub be r grom m e t
driver or 1/4-inch HEX driver for mount in g ra dio
It is sugge sted tha t yo u ta ke adva nta ge of the expe rie nce o f o ne o f the man y
authorized General Electric Service Stations located throughout the United
States by having them install the equipment.
TORX® Trademark of CAMCAR Division, TEXTRON, Inc.
Radio installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas with
the LP-gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior
of the vehicle must conform to the National Fire Protection Association
Standard NFPA 58 whic h requires that:
Space co nta ining radio e quipment sha ll be isolated by a seal from the
space containing the LP-gas container and its fitting.
Outside filling con ne ctio ns sha ll be used fo r the LP-ga s co ntai ne r.
The LP-gas container space shall be vented to the outside of the
Figure 2 - T y pica l Hump or Da sh Moun t
Be careful to avoid damag ing some vital part (fuel tank, transmission housing, etc.) of the vehicle when drilling mounting
holes. Always check to see how far the mounting screws will
exten d be low the mounting su r fa ce be for e insta l li ng.
Radio inst allations i n vehicles po wered by lique fied petrole um gas
must confor m to the follo wing requir em ent s.
The UniversalToneCableoptionrequires theuse of Option CableCC3N(CC08).P1 of the UniversalToneCable plugs intoP2 oftheOption Cable.The UniversalToneCable Option provides all option connections onP2 anda9-pin Winchester connector for connectingto externaltone encoders ordecoders. See Figure 12.
If thetonedecoder requires switching theinternal speaker, remove the radiobottom coverand cut thePC run betweenholes 6 and7 on theSystemBoard.Refer toFigure 9 for PC run identification.
1.Mount the ExternalSpeakerwhere thesound will be directed to theoperator but not interfere withhis vision or provideahazard topassengers in case ofan accident. Thespeakermay bemountedontheloweredgeofthe instrument panel, the firewall, orabovethewindshield insometrucks.Usethe mounting bracket as a templateforlocating the mounting holes, and mount thespeakerasshown inFigure 13.
2.InstalltheOption CableCC3N (CC08) if notalready present.
4.Pins are supplied ontheends of the speaker leads.Push thesepinsinto pins 2 and 9 of theconnector housing supplied with the OptionCable.Refer to Figure11.
Figure12 - ToneCable Pin Location
To assure feasibility of the cable routing you plan to use, it is suggested
that you run the cabl es befo re mou nting the equipme nt. Be sure to leave some
slack in the cables going to the equipment so that the equipment may be pulled
out for servi cing with the power a ppl ied a nd a ntenn a att a ch ed .
heat (exhaust pipes, mufflers, tailpipes, etc.), battery acids, sharp edges or
mecha nical da mage , or wh ere th ey wi ll be a nuisa nce to autom obile m echanic s,
the driver or passengers. Keep wiring away from electronic computer modules, o ther el ectro nic m od ules and i gniti on c ircui ts to he lp p reve nt in terfe renc e
to these com po ne nts a nd radio equi pm ent.
the channels above and beneath the doors. You may also use the channel
through door and window columns, where they are convenient for running
cables, unless you plan to install rigid or flexible conduit in which to run the
Try to route the cables away from locations where they will be exposed to
In addition, try to utilize existing holes in the firewall and trunkwall and
The Power Cable consists of a red lead, an orange lead, a black lead, a 3
pin systems plu g, and a set of fuses an d fuse holders t o be installe d (See Figure
T o install the Power Cable, sta rt with the plug end of the cable at the locat ion
of the radio and run the three leads to the firewall, drill a 5/8 inch hole and
insert a rubber grom me t (cu stom er supp lied ).
To install the fuses: 1)Cut off 12 to 18 inches from the red and orange
wires; 2) Strip back the insulation approximately 3/8 of an inch on each end
of the wires; 3) Insert the stripped end of each wire into the small opening at
the end of each fuse holder section and crim p the wire to the fuse holder sec tion;
and 4) Place the fuse into the large section of the fuse holder and sna p the large
end of the fuse hold er to the sma ll end of the fuse hol de r.
Connect the orange fused lead to the positive (+) ba t tery terminal, and the
black to the negative (-) battery terminal. Always locate the fuse as close to
the battery as possible.
Connect the red lead to the ignition "on" sense point (preferably an
"Accessory" point on the fuse panel that is switched on when the ignition
switch is in the accessory position and in the "run" position). Locate the fuse
as close as possible to the accessory point.
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