This manual covers Ericsson and General Electric products manufactured and
sold by Ericsson Inc .
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service
technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs, alterations
or subst it ut ion of recom m en de d parts made by the user to thi s equipment
not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.
This manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes
to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or
improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Ericsson Inc ., at any time and
without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of
this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including p hotoco pying an d reco rdin g, for any purp ose, witho ut th e exp ress writte n
permission of Ericsson Inc.
The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards
commo n to the opera ti on of ve hi cula r ra di o tran smi ssi ons.
A list of po ssibl e ha za rds ar e:
1.Explosive Atmosphe res
Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with the motor running, be
sure to turn the radio off while fueling the vehicles. Do not carry
contai ners of fue l in the trunk of the vehi cle .
2.Inte rference To Vehicula r Ele c tronics Sy ste m s
Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic antiskid braking systems, etc., are typical of the type of electronic devices that may
malfun ction due to th e lack of prote ction from radio fre quency en ergy
presen t when transmitting. If the vehicle conta ins such equipment,
consult the dealer for the make of the vehicle and enlist his aid in
determining if such electronic circuits perform normally when the
radi o is tra ns m it ti ng.
3.Dynamite Blasting Caps
Dynamit e blasting c aps may be caused to expl ode by operating a ra dio
withi n 500 feet of the blasti ng ca ps. Alway s obey the "T urn Of f Two
Way Radios" sign s posted whe re dynam ite is bei ng used.
When transpo rti ng bla stin g caps in your ve hic le :
a.Carry the blasti ng c a ps in a closed metal box wit h a soft lining.
b.Leave the radio OFF whenever the blasting caps are be ing put
into or removed from the vehicle.
4.Radio Freque ncy Ener g y
To prevent burns or related physical injury from radio frequency
energy, do not operate the transmitter when anyone outside of the
vehi cl e is wi th in t wo fe et of th e antenna.
5.Liquefied (L P) Ga s Powere d Vehicles
Mobile radio installations in vehicles powe red by liquefied petroleum
gas with the LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space
within the interior of the vehicle must conform to the National Fire
Protection Association stand ard (NFPA) 58 which requires that:
a.Space co ntaining t he ra dio equipm e nt sh al l be i so la te d by a se al
from the spac e conta in ing the LP gas containe r and i ts fit tings.
b.Outside fi lling connec tions shall be used for t he LP gas con tainer .
c.The LP gas cont ainer shall be vent ed to the outside of th e vehic le.
Read the li te ra t ure on th e sa fe ope ration of your uni t.
Keep both hands on the steering wheel and the microphone on the
Place call s only when the ve hic l e is stopped.
When ta lking fro m a moving ve hicle is unavoida ble, dri ve in the slower
lane. Keep conve rsation brief .
If conversation requires taking notes or complex thought, stop the
vehicle in a sa fe place and conti nue your call.
Whene ver you use a mobi le ra dio you shou ld exe rc ise caut io n.
* As recommended by the AAA.
T wo-wa y FM radio system s must be oper ated in accord ance wi th the rules
and regulations of the Federal Communi cat ions Commission (FCC). As an
operator of two-way radio equipm ent, you must be thoroughly famili ar with
the rules that appl y to your part icula r type of radio op eratio n. Followin g these
rules will help to e limin ate co nfusion, assure the m ost e ffici ent u se of e xistin g
radi o channels, and resul t in a smoothly functioning radio network.
When using your t wo-wa y radi o re mem be r these rul es:
1.It is a violation of FCC rules to interrupt any distress or emergency
message. And, as your radio operat es in much the same way as a
telephone "party l ine", al ways listen to make sure that th e line is c lear
and that no one else is on the air before sending messages. If someone
is sending an eme r ge ncy m es sage, suc h as repo rti ng a fir e, o r askin g
for help in a n ac ciden t - KEEP OFF THE AIR! Emerge ncy c alls
have priority ov er all other messag es.
2.Use of profane or ob scene langu ag e is prohi bit e d by Fede ra l law.
3.It is against the law to send false call letters, or a false distress or
emergency message.
4.The FCC require s that you keep co nversations brief and c onfine them
to business. To save time, use coded me ssage s whe ne ver possib le.
5.Using your radio to send personal messages (exc ept in an emerg ency)
is a violation of the FCC rules. You may send only those messages
that are essential to the operatio n of your business.
6.It is against the Federal law to repeat or otherwise make known
anything you overhear on your radio. Conversations between others
sharing your chann el must be regar de d as confi de nt ia l.
7.The FCC also requires that you identify yourself at certain times by
means of your call letters. Refer to the rules that apply to your
part icular type of oper at io n for t he prope r pr oc ed ure.
8.No cha nges o r adj ustme nts shal l be ma de to the equi pmen t ex cept by
an autho rized or certi fi ed elec t roni c s tec hnician.
The Monogram Series Mobile Radio utilizes advanced design techniques
using state-of-the-art technology. Microcomputer technology and a Phase
Locked-Loop (PLL) synthesizer provide the added flexibility and capability
inhe re nt i n qua li ty rad ios.
16 channel capabili ty, CTCSS (Channel Guard) and DCS signal ing systems compatibility, as well as a quick scan function, (including dual-level
priority scan) are all control led by the micropro cessor.
Priority channels on both levels are front panel programmable - and you
the ope rato r are in cont rol. You ca n program your own list of pri ority c hannels.
An au tom a ti c self-chec k fe a ture is built into t he ra dio. Each tim e the ra dio
is turned on, the microprocessor executes a self-check of the microprocessor
and indica te s prop er ope ra tion by displ a yin g 400 0 in the display window and
sounding an alert tone.
For progr am ming, service and repair need s, see your local Service Repre sentative . He will be ha ppy to service your radio fo r you.
Under U.S. Law, operation of an unlicensed radio transmitter within
the jurisdi cti on of the Uni ted Sta tes may b e punish able by a fine up to
$10, 000 , imp rison ment up to two yea rs, or both !
MGAN1AAntenna, 148-47 0 MHz
MGMC5JMobile Micro phone
MGMC5HDesk Microphone
MGLS1FExternal Speaker
MGCE3FSpeaker Ada pter Cable
MGZM 7 CExte rnal Speaker with Adapt er Cable (includes
MGPD1ANoise Filter
MGSU1CRelay Kit
MGPS5VStation Power supply, 120 Vac W it h Adapte r Cabl e
SQUELCH CONTROLQuiets the radio receiver when there are no
Tur ns the radio ON or OFF and allow s the user to
adjust the volume to the desired listening level.
inco mi ng c a ll s.
Maximum squelch is obtained at full clockwise
Enables you to sele ct any of the prep rogr am - me d
channe ls by pressing eith er of the cha nnel sele ctor
push-buttons (up or down). These push-buttons
allow you to scroll through the preprogrammed
+ 15 hidden pages
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