Ericsson HM4x0 Reference Manual

CLI Reference Guide
CLI Reference Guide
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
Portions of this manual and the Command Line Interface are Copyright Conexant Systems, Inc.
© Ericsson AB – 2005 All Rights Reserved
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.
The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design, and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damages of any kind resulting from the use of this document.
This document is a reference guide describing the Command Line Interface (CLI) of the ADSL2+ Home Gateways HM410dp and HM490dp.
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1 About this Guide 22
1.1 Introduction 22
1.2 Typographic Conventions 22
2 Use the CLI 23
2.1 Access the CLI 23
2.2 Login to the System 23
2.3 Logout of the System 24
2.4 Save Configuration Changes 24
2.5 CLI Configuration 25
3 Agent CLI Commands 29
3.1 Summary 29
3.2 agent get 30
3.3 agent methods 31
4 Bridge CLI Commands 32
4.1 Summary 32
4.2 bridge add interface 34
4.3 bridge clear interfaces 35
4.4 bridge delete interface 36
4.5 bridge list interfaces 37
4.6 bridge clear interface stats 38
4.7 bridge list interface stats 39
4.8 bridge show interfacestats 40
4.9 bridge set filterage 42
4.10 bridge set interface filtertype 43
4.11 bridge set interface portfilter 44
4.12 bridge attach 46
4.13 bridge detach 47
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4.14 bridge flush 48
4.15 bridge show 49
4.16 bridge show interface 51
4.17 bridge list ucastentries 53
4.18 bridge add vlan 54
4.19 bridge clear vlans 56
4.20 bridge delete vlan 57
4.21 bridge list static vlans 58
4.22 bridge list vlans 59
4.23 bridge show vlan 60
4.24 bridge clear interfacevlanstats 62
4.25 bridge list interfacevlanstats 63
4.26 bridge show interfacevlanstats 64
4.27 bridge add vlaninterface 65
4.28 bridge clear vlaninterfaces 67
4.29 bridge delete vlaninterface 69
4.30 bridge list fdbs 70
4.31 bridge show fdb 71
4.32 bridge set interface ingressfiltering 72
4.33 bridge set interface pvid 73
4.34 bridge set interface defaultuserpriority 74
4.35 bridge set interface regenpriority 75
4.36 bridge show interface regenpriority 77
4.37 bridge set interface numtrafficclasses 78
4.38 bridge set interface trafficclassmap 79
4.39 bridge set trafficclassstatus 81
4.40 bridge show interface trafficclassmap 82
4.41 bridge set interface acceptframetype 83
4.42 bridgevlan add transport 84
4.43 bridgevlan delete transport 85
4.44 bridgevlan clear transports 86
4.45 bridgevlan list transports 87
4.46 bridge add fwdallinterface independent 88
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4.47 bridge delete fwdallinterface independent 89
4.48 bridge clear fwdallinterfaces independent 90
4.49 bridge list fwdall independent 91
4.50 bridge add fwdunreginterface independent 92
4.51 bridge delete fwdunreginterface independent 93
4.52 bridge clear fwdunreginterfaces independent 94
4.53 bridge list fwdunreg independent 95
4.54 bridge list static fwdall independent 96
4.55 bridge list static fwdunreg independent 97
4.56 bridge add fwdallinterface shared 98
4.57 bridge delete fwdallinterface shared 99
4.58 bridge clear fwdallinterfaces shared 100
4.59 bridge list fwdall shared 101
4.60 bridge add fwdunreginterface shared 102
4.61 bridge delete fwdunreginterface shared 103
4.62 bridge clear fwdunreginterfaces shared 105
4.63 bridge list fwdunreg shared 106
4.64 bridge list static fwdall shared 107
4.65 bridge list static fwdunreg shared 108
5 DHCP Client CLI Commands 109
5.1 Summary 109
5.2 dhcpclient add interfaceconfig 111
5.3 dhcpclient clear interfaceconfigs 112
5.4 dhcpclient delete interfaceconfig 113
5.5 dhcpclient interfaceconfig add requested option 114
5.6 dhcpclient interfaceconfig add required option 115
5.7 dhcpclient interfaceconfig add sent option 116
5.8 dhcpclient interfaceconfig clear sent options 118
5.9 dhcpclient interfaceconfig clear requested options 119
5.10 dhcpclient interfaceconfig delete requested option 120
5.11 dhcpclient interfaceconfig delete sent option 121
5.12 dhcpclient interfaceconfig list requested options 122
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5.13 dhcpclient interfaceconfig list sent options 124
5.14 dhcpclient list interfaceconfigs 126
5.15 dhcpclient set backoff 127
5.16 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig autoip enabled|disabled 128
5.17 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig clientid 130
5.18 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig defaultroute enabled|disabled 131
5.19 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig dhcpinform enabled|disabled 133
5.20 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig dhcpserverpoolsize 135
5.21 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig dhcpserverinterface 137
5.22 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig forcerenew enabled|disabled 138
5.23 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig givednstoclient enabled|disabled 139
5.24 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig givednstorelay enabled|disabled 140
5.25 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig interface 141
5.26 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig noclientid 142
5.27 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig requestedleasetime 143
5.28 dhcpclient set interfaceconfig server 144
5.29 dhcpclient set reboot 145
5.30 dhcpclient set retry 146
5.31 dhcpclient show 147
5.32 dhcpclient update 148
6 DHCP Server CLI Commands 149
6.1 Summary 149
6.2 dhcpserver add interface 150
6.3 dhcpserver clear interfaces 151
6.4 dhcpserver delete interface 152
6.5 dhcpserver list interfaces 153
6.6 dhcpserver add fixedhost 154
6.7 dhcpserver add subnet 156
6.8 dhcpserver clear fixedhosts 157
6.9 dhcpserver clear subnets 158
6.10 dhcpserver delete fixedhost 159
6.11 dhcpserver delete subnet 160
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6.12 dhcpserver enable|disable 161
6.13 dhcpserver forcerenew 162
6.14 dhcpserver list fixedhosts 163
6.15 dhcpserver list options 164
6.16 dhcpserver list subnets 166
6.17 dhcpserver set allowunknownclients 167
6.18 dhcpserver set bootp 168
6.19 dhcpserver set defaultleasetime 169
6.20 dhcpserver set fixedhost ipaddress 170
6.21 dhcpserver set fixedhost macaddress 171
6.22 dhcpserver set fixedhost maxleasetime 172
6.23 dhcpserver set maxleasetime 173
6.24 dhcpserver set subnet assignautodomain 174
6.25 dhcpserver set subnet defaultleasetime 175
6.26 dhcpserver set subnet hostisdefaultgateway 176
6.27 dhcpserver set subnet hostisdnsserver 177
6.28 dhcpserver set subnet maxleasetime 178
6.29 dhcpserver set subnet subnet 179
6.30 dhcpserver show 180
6.31 dhcpserver show subnet 181
6.32 dhcpserver subnet add iprange 182
6.33 dhcpserver subnet add option 183
6.34 dhcpserver subnet clear ipranges 185
6.35 dhcpserver subnet clear options 186
6.36 dhcpserver subnet delete iprange 187
6.37 dhcpserver subnet delete option 188
6.38 dhcpserver subnet list ipranges 189
6.39 dhcpserver subnet list options 190
6.40 dhcpserver update 191
7 DNS Client CLI Commands 192
7.1 Summary 192
7.2 dnsclient add searchdomain 193
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7.3 dnsclient add server 194
7.4 dnsclient clear searchdomains 195
7.5 dnsclient clear servers 196
7.6 dnsclient delete searchdomain 197
7.7 dnsclient delete server 198
7.8 dnsclient list searchdomains 199
7.9 dnsclient list servers 200
8 DNS Relay CLI Commands 201
8.1 Summary 201
8.2 dnsrelay add server 202
8.3 dnsrelay clear servers 203
8.4 dnsrelay delete server 204
8.5 dnsrelay enable|disable 205
8.6 dnsrelay show 206
8.7 dnsrelay list servers 207
8.8 dnsrelay set hostname 208
8.9 dnsrelay set landomainname 209
8.10 dnsrelay show landomainname 210
9 Ethernet CLI Commands 211
9.1 Summary 211
9.2 ethernet add transport 212
9.3 ethernet clear transports 213
9.4 ethernet delete transport 214
9.5 ethernet list ports 215
9.6 ethernet list transports 216
9.7 ethernet set transport port 217
9.8 ethernet show transport 218
10 Firewall CLI Commands 219
10.1 Summary 219
10.2 firewall enable|disable 220
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10.3 firewall set securitylevel 221
10.4 firewall status 226
10.5 firewall list policies 227
10.6 firewall show policy 228
10.7 firewall add portfilter 229
10.8 firewall clear portfilters 232
10.9 firewall delete portfilter 233
10.10 firewall list portfilters 234
10.11 firewall show portfilter 236
10.12 firewall add validator 238
10.13 firewall delete validator 240
10.14 firewall list validators 241
10.15 firewall show validator 242
11 IGMP CLI Commands 243
11.1 Summary 243
11.2 igmp set forwardall 244
11.3 igmp set upstreaminterface 245
11.4 igmp show upstreaminterface 246
11.5 igmp show forwardall 247
11.6 igmp show status 248
12 IP CLI Commands 249
12.1 Summary 249
12.2 ip add interface 251
12.3 ip attach 253
12.4 ip attachbridge 254
12.5 ip attachvirtual 255
12.6 ip clear interfaces 256
12.7 ip delete interface 257
12.8 ip detach 258
12.9 ip list connections 259
12.10 ip list interfaces 261
10 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
12.11 ip ping 262
12.12 ip set interface dhcp 263
12.13 ip set interface icmprouteradvertise 264
12.14 ip set interface ipaddress 265
12.15 ip set interface mtu 267
12.16 ip set interface netmask 268
12.17 ip set interface sourceaddrvalidation 269
12.18 ip set interface tcpmssclamp 270
12.19 ip set ttl 271
12.20 ip show 272
12.21 ip show debuginfo 273
12.22 ip show interface 275
12.23 ip show stats 277
12.24 ip clear riproutes 278
12.25 ip list riproutes 279
12.26 ip set interface rip accept 280
12.27 ip set interface rip multicast 282
12.28 ip set interface rip send 284
12.29 ip set rip advertisedefault 286
12.30 ip set rip authentication 287
12.31 ip set rip defaultroutecost 288
12.32 ip set rip hostroutes 289
12.33 ip set rip password 290
12.34 ip set rip poison 291
12.35 ip add defaultroute gateway 292
12.36 ip add defaultroute interface 293
12.37 ip add route 294
12.38 ip clear routes 296
12.39 ip delete route 297
12.40 ip list routes 298
12.41 ip set route advertise 299
12.42 ip set route cost 301
12.43 ip set route destination 302
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12.44 ip set route gateway 303
12.45 ip set route interface 304
12.46 ip show route 305
12.47 ip clear arpentries 306
12.48 ip list arpentries 307
12.49 ip interface add proxyarpentry 308
12.50 ip interface clear proxyarpentries 310
12.51 ip interface delete proxyarpentries 311
12.52 ip interface list proxyarpentries 312
12.53 ip interface add proxyarpexclusion 314
12.54 ip interface delete proxyarpexclusion 316
12.55 ip interface add staticarpentry 317
12.56 ip interface clear staticarpentries 319
12.57 ip interface delete staticarpentry 320
12.58 ip interface list staticarpentries 321
12.59 ip interface add secondaryipaddress 323
12.60 ip interface clear secondaryipaddresses 325
12.61 ip interface delete secondaryipaddress 326
12.62 ip interface list secondaryipaddresses 327
12.63 ip interface attachbridgevlan 328
12.64 ip list appservices 329
12.65 ip show appservice 330
12.66 ip set appservice 331
13 Logger CLI Commands 333
13.1 Summary 333
13.2 logger set facility 334
13.3 logger set host 335
13.4 logger set ident 336
13.5 logger show 337
14 NAT CLI Commands 338
14.1 Summary 338
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14.2 nat enable 339
14.3 nat disable 341
14.4 nat add globalpool 342
14.5 nat clear globalpools 345
14.6 nat delete globalpool 346
14.7 nat iketranslation 347
14.8 nat list globalpools 348
14.9 nat show globalpool 349
14.10 nat add resvmap globalip tcp|udp 350
14.11 nat add resvmap globalip 352
14.12 nat add resvmap interfacename tcp|udp 355
14.13 nat add resvmap interfacename 357
14.14 nat clear resvmaps 359
14.15 nat delete resvmap 360
14.16 nat list resvmaps 361
14.17 nat show resvmap 363
14.18 nat status 364
15 Port CLI Commands 365
15.1 Summary 365
15.2 port ? 366
15.3 port list 367
15.4 port set 368
15.5 port a1 set 369
15.6 port wireless set 374
15.7 port show 380
15.8 port status 381
16 PPPoA CLI Commands 382
16.1 Summary 382
16.2 pppoa add transport dialin pvc 384
16.3 pppoa add transport dialout pvc 386
16.4 pppoa clear transports 388
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
16.5 pppoa delete transport 389
16.6 pppoa list transports 390
16.7 pppoa set transport autoconnect 391
16.8 pppoa set transport bt 392
16.9 pppoa set transport createroute 393
16.10 pppoa set transport dialin pvc 394
16.11 pppoa set transport dialout pvc 396
16.12 pppoa set transport discoverdns primary 398
16.13 pppoa set transport discoverdns secondary 399
16.14 pppoa set transport enabled|disabled 400
16.15 pppoa set transport eventlevel 401
16.16 pppoa set transport givedns client enabled|disabled 403
16.17 pppoa set transport givedns relay enabled|disabled 404
16.18 pppoa set transport headers hdlc 405
16.19 pppoa set transport headers llc 406
16.20 pppoa set transport idletimeout 407
16.21 pppoa set transport interface 408
16.22 pppoa set transport ipv6cp 409
16.23 pppoa set transport lcpechoevery 410
16.24 pppoa set transport lcpmaxconf 411
16.25 pppoa set transport lcpmaxfail 412
16.26 pppoa set transport lcpmaxterm 413
16.27 pppoa set transport localip 414
16.28 pppoa set transport mbs 415
16.29 pppoa set transport mcr 416
16.30 pppoa set transport password 417
16.31 pppoa set transport pcr 419
16.32 pppoa set transport port 420
16.33 pppoa set transport prilevels 421
16.34 pppoa set transport pvc 422
16.35 pppoa set transport qosclass 424
16.36 pppoa set transport remotedns 426
16.37 pppoa set transport remoteip 428
14 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
16.38 pppoa set transport routemask 429
16.39 pppoa set transport scr 430
16.40 pppoa set transport specificroute 431
16.41 pppoa set transport subnetmask 433
16.42 pppoa set transport theylogin 434
16.43 pppoa set transport username 436
16.44 pppoa set transport vci 438
16.45 pppoa set transport vpi 439
16.46 pppoa set transport welogin 440
16.47 pppoa show transport 442
16.48 pppoa show transport debuginfo channel 445
16.49 pppoa show transport debuginfo config 447
17 PPPoE CLI Commands 448
17.1 Summary 448
17.2 pppoe add transport dialout pvc 450
17.3 pppoe add transport dialout eth 452
17.4 pppoe clear transports 454
17.5 pppoe delete transport 455
17.6 pppoe list transports 456
17.7 pppoe set transport accessconcentrator 457
17.8 pppoe set transport autoconnect 459
17.9 pppoe set transport autoconnect filter 460
17.10 pppoe set transport bt 462
17.11 pppoe set transport createroute 463
17.12 pppoe set transport dialout 464
17.13 pppoe set transport discoverdns primary 465
17.14 pppoe set transport discoverdns secondary 466
17.15 pppoe set transport eth 467
17.16 pppoe set transport enabled|disabled 468
17.17 pppoe set transport eventlevel 469
17.18 pppoe set transport givedns client enabled|disabled 471
17.19 pppoe set transport givedns relay enabled|disabled 472
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
17.20 pppoe set transport headers hdlc 473
17.21 pppoe set transport headers llc 474
17.22 pppoe set transport idletimeout 475
17.23 pppoe set transport ipv6cp 476
17.24 pppoe set transport interface 477
17.25 pppoe set transport lcpechoevery 478
17.26 pppoe set transport lcpmaxconf 479
17.27 pppoe set transport lcpmaxfail 480
17.28 pppoe set transport lcpmaxterm 481
17.29 pppoe set transport localip 482
17.30 pppoe set transport mbs 483
17.31 pppoe set transport mcr 484
17.32 pppoe set transport password 485
17.33 pppoe set transport pcr 487
17.34 pppoe set transport prilevels 488
17.35 pppoe set transport pvc 489
17.36 pppoe set transport qosclass 491
17.37 pppoe set transport remotedns 493
17.38 pppoe set transport remoteip 495
17.39 pppoe set transport routemask 496
17.40 pppoe set transport scr 497
17.41 pppoe set transport servicename 498
17.42 pppoe set transport specificroute 500
17.43 pppoe set transport subnetmask 502
17.44 pppoe set transport theylogin 503
17.45 pppoe set transport username 505
17.46 pppoe set transport welogin 507
17.47 pppoe show transport 509
17.48 pppoe show transport debuginfo channel 512
17.49 pppoe show transport debuginfo config 514
18 RFC1483 CLI Commands 515
18.1 Summary 515
16 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
18.2 rfc1483 add transport 516
18.3 rfc1483 clear transports 518
18.4 rfc1483 delete transport 519
18.5 rfc1483 list transports 520
18.6 rfc1483 set transport bt 521
18.7 rfc1483 set transport mbs 522
18.8 rfc1483 set transport mcr 523
18.9 rfc1483 set transport mode 524
18.10 rfc1483 set transport pcr 525
18.11 rfc1483 set transport port 526
18.12 rfc1483 set transport prilevels 527
18.13 rfc1483 set transport qosclass 528
18.14 rfc1483 set transport rxvci 530
18.15 rfc1483 set transport rxvpi 531
18.16 rfc1483 set transport scr 532
18.17 rfc1483 set transport txvci 533
18.18 rfc1483 set transport txvpi 534
18.19 rfc1483 set transport vci 535
18.20 rfc1483 set transport vpi 536
18.21 rfc1483 show transport 537
19 Security CLI Commands 539
19.1 Summary 539
19.2 security enable|disable 542
19.3 security status 543
19.4 security enable|disable blockinglog|intrusionlog| sessionlog 544
19.5 security enable|disable blockinglog|intrusionlog| sessionlog|consoleprinting
19.6 security set blockinglog|intrusionlog|sessionlog level 546
19.7 security add interface 547
19.8 security clear interfaces 548
19.9 security delete interface 549
19.10 security list interfaces 550
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
19.11 security show interface 551
19.12 security add mgmt-station 552
19.13 security delete mgmt-station 554
19.14 security set mgmt-station 555
19.15 security list mgmt-stations 556
19.16 security add trigger tcp|udp 557
19.17 security add trigger netmeeting 559
19.18 security clear triggers 560
19.19 security delete trigger 561
19.20 security list triggers 562
19.21 security set trigger addressreplacement 563
19.22 security set trigger multihost 565
19.23 security set trigger binaryaddressreplacement 566
19.24 security set trigger maxactinterval 567
19.25 security set trigger endport 568
19.26 security set trigger startport 569
19.27 security set trigger secondaryendport 570
19.28 security set trigger secondarystartport 571
19.29 security set trigger sessionchaining 572
19.30 security set trigger UDPsessionchaining 573
19.31 security show trigger 575
19.32 security enable|disable IDS 577
19.33 security enable|disable IDS blacklist 578
19.34 security clear IDS blacklist 579
19.35 security enable|disable IDS victimprotection 580
19.36 security set IDS victimprotection 581
19.37 security set IDS DOSattackblock 582
19.38 security set IDS MaxICMP 583
19.39 security set IDS MaxPING 584
19.40 security set IDS MaxTCPopenhandshake 585
19.41 security set IDS SCANattackblock 587
19.42 security set IDS floodperiod 588
19.43 security set IDS floodthreshold 589
18 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
19.44 security set IDS portfloodthreshold 590
19.45 security set IDS scanperiod 591
19.46 security set IDS scanthreshold 592
19.47 security show IDS 593
19.48 security add application 594
19.49 security clear application 595
19.50 security delete application 596
19.51 security list applications 597
19.52 security application add dependency 598
19.53 security application delete dependency 599
19.54 security set application internalhost 600
19.55 security application clear internalhost 601
19.56 security application add port 602
19.57 security application delete port 604
19.58 security application list ports 605
20 SNMP CLI Commands 607
20.1 Summary 607
20.2 snmp add communityname 608
20.3 snmp delete communityname 610
20.4 snmp set communityname 611
20.5 snmp list communitynames 612
20.6 snmp add trapdestination 613
20.7 snmp delete trapdestination 614
20.8 snmp set trapdestination 615
20.9 snmp list trapdestinations 617
20.10 snmp set config syscontact 618
20.11 snmp set config sysdescr 619
20.12 snmp set config syslocation 620
20.13 snmp set config sysname 621
20.14 snmp set config authentraps 622
20.15 snmp set config snmpautosave 623
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
21 SNTP Client CLI Commands 624
21.1 Summary 624
21.2 sntpclient add server 625
21.3 sntpclient clear servers 626
21.4 sntpclient delete server 627
21.5 sntpclient list servers 628
21.6 sntpclient set timezone 629
21.7 sntpclient set mode 632
21.8 sntpclient set pollintv 634
21.9 sntpclient sync 635
21.10 sntpclient set timeout 636
21.11 sntpclient set retries 637
21.12 sntpclient show status 638
21.13 sntpclient set clock 639
22 System CLI Commands 640
22.1 Summary 640
22.2 system add user 641
22.3 system add login 642
22.4 system config backup 644
22.5 system config clear 645
22.6 system config restore 646
22.7 system config save 648
22.8 system config save factory 649
22.9 system delete login 650
22.10 system delete user 651
22.11 system info 652
22.12 system legal 653
22.13 system list errors 654
22.14 system list openfiles 655
22.15 system list users 656
22.16 system list logins 657
22.17 system log 658
20 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
22.18 system log enable|disable 659
22.19 system log list 661
22.20 system restart 663
22.21 system set login access 664
22.22 system set login mayconfigure 665
22.23 system set login maydialin 666
22.24 system set user access 667
22.25 system set user mayconfigure 668
22.26 system set user maydialin 669
22.27 system set user password 670
23 Transports CLI Commands 671
23.1 Summary 671
23.2 transports clear 672
23.3 transports delete 673
23.4 transports list 674
23.5 transports show 675
24 User CLI Commands 676
24.1 Summary 676
24.2 user logout 677
24.3 user password 678
24.4 user change 679
25 Web Server CLI Commands 680
25.1 Summary 680
25.2 websersver clear stats 681
25.3 webserver enable|disable 682
25.4 webserver load 683
25.5 webserver set archive 684
25.6 webserver set interface 685
25.7 webserver set managementip 686
25.8 webserver set port 687
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
25.9 webserver set secclasses 688
25.10 webserver set telnetport 690
25.11 webserver set telnetsecclasses 691
25.12 webserver show info 693
25.13 webserver show memory 694
25.14 webserver show stats 695
Index 696
About this Guide
22 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
1 About this Guide
This chapter tells you about the scope of this guide and its intended audience. It also describes the typographical conventions used and provides a list of reference documents.
1.1 Introduction
This document is a reference guide that describes the command line interface (CLI) for the ADSL2+ Home Gateways HM410 and HM490.
1.2 Typographic Conventions
Throughout this guide, the following typographical conventions are used to denote important information.
1.2.1 Text Conventions
The following text conventions are used:
Convention Example
System printouts appear in Courier
Commands given to the CLI appear in Courier bold
system add user
Angle brackets mean that this part should be replaced with what is indicated within the brackets. It indicates a mandatory argument.
Alternatives in a command are separated by a pipe symbol.
Square brackets mean that this part is an optional argument.
Use the CLI
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
2 Use the CLI
This chapter provides information about how to use the HM410/HM490 Command Line Interface (CLI).
2.1 Access the CLI
To access the CLI via Ethernet local LAN, proceed as follows: 1 Connect the LAN to one of the Ethernet ports (LAN1-LAN4) on the
2 If you use the Telnet session available under Windows for LAN and
remote access:
In the Windows start menu select Run…
In the Run dialog box enter telnet <IP address for the HM4x0>
Note: The default IP address for the HM4x0 is and the
connected PC must be on the same subnet, for example the IP address set to
The Command Line is displayed. If your Telnet application is GUI-based, you may be able to configure your
Telnet terminal preferences to allow VT-100 compatibility in order to have scrolling and cursor arrow navigation. If your Telnet application is CLI-based, you should have scrolling and cursor arrow navigation. Access your Telnet application’s online help (usually by typing ‘help’ or pressing ‘?’), or refer to your Telnet client documentation for more information.
2.2 Login to the System
To login to the system for the first time, at the Login prompt, enter admin as both user name and password:
'########:'########::'####::'######:::'######:::'######:::'#######::'##::: ##:
##.....:: ##.... ##:. ##::'##... ##:'##... ##:'##... ##:'##.... ##: ###:: ##:
##::::::: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##:::..:: ##:::..:: ##:::..:: ##:::: ##: ####: ##: ######::: ########::: ##:: ##:::::::. ######::. ######:: ##:::: ##: ## ## ##:
##...:::: ##.. ##:::: ##:: ##::::::::..... ##::..... ##: ##:::: ##: ##. ####:
##::::::: ##::. ##::: ##:: ##::: ##:'##::: ##:'##::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:. ###: ########: ##:::. ##:'####:. ######::. ######::. ######::. #######:: ##::. ##:
Use the CLI
24 2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
Login: admin Password: admin
Login successful
Note: To avoid unauthorized access it is recommended to change the
default password using the command: system set user admin password <new password>
This is the only user ID that is set up on the system by default. An admin user has superuser level access, so you can create new user IDs and access permissions from this account. To see the settings for the admin user, enter:
--> system list users
The following information is returned:
May May Access ID | Name | Conf. | Dialin | Level | Comment
1 | admin | ENABLED | disabled | superuser | Administrator
2.3 Logout of the System
To logout of the system, enter the command:
--> user logout
The system logs out the current user and closes the telnet connection.
Logging out.
Connection to host lost.
2.4 Save Configuration Changes
Whenever you change the device configuration and then enter the CLI command:
--> system config save
the changes are saved to the configuration file (im.conf) in the flash memory. Enter the following command to reboot the device with the latest changes:
--> system restart
Use the CLI
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2.5 CLI Configuration
In order to use the CLI commands, you need to understand the following terms:
Transport: A transport is a layer 2 session and everything below it. You can create a transport (for example, ethernet) and attach it to a bridge or router so that data can be bridged or routed via the attached transport.
Interface: bridges and routers both have interfaces. A single transport is attached to a bridge or router via an interface.
Object: an object is anything that you can create and manipulate as a single entity, for example, interfaces, transports, static routes and NAT rules.
List: Objects are numbered entries in a list. For example, if you have created more than one IP interface, the following command:
--> ip list interfaces produces a list of numbered interface objects. Object numbers are
displayed in the first column under the heading ID.
2.5.1 Attach a Transport to an Interface
To attach a transport to a bridge or router, you need to:
1. Create a transport. In the following command, an Ethernet transport is created and named LanTransport, and the port name is specified (eth_lan):
--> ethernet add transport LanTransport eth_lan
2. Create an interface. In the following command, a bridge interface is created and called MyInterface:
--> bridge add interface MyInterface
3. Attach the transport to the interface. In the following command, the LanTransport Ethernet transport is attached to the MyInterface bridge interface:
--> bridge attach MyInterface LanTransport
Use the CLI
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2.5.2 CLI Conventions
The CLI uses standard, intuitive command names that can be used in different instances:
Table – CLI Conventions
Command Definition
add Use this command to add and name objects (e.g.
interfaces or transports). The add command requires attributes to be
specified as arguments in a certain order. For example, to create an Ethernet transport, you need to specify the transport name and system port:
ethernet add transport <name> <port>
delete The delete command deletes named objects or
numbered objects (as displayed using the list command):
ethernet delete transport {<name>|<number>}
clear The clear command deletes ALL named entities that
belong to an object, for example, the following command:
firewall clear policies
Deletes all of the policy objects that belong to the Firewall. You should use the clear command with caution – the above example also deletes all validators and portfilters that belong to the policies.
set The set command changes a value or multiple
values within the system, for example:
ip set interface {<name>|<number>} ipaddress <ipaddress>
show The show command lists current configuration and
statistics for an object or module. For example the command:
dhcpserver show subnet {<name>|<number>}
May give the following output, depending on your DHCP server configuration:
Use the CLI
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Global DHCP Server Configuration:
Status: disabled
Default lease time: 43200 seconds Max. lease time: 86400 seconds
Allow BOOTP requests: true Allow unknown clients: true
2.5.3 Help with Completing CLI Commands
Tab-completing Keywords
You can tab-complete unique keywords in CLI commands. For example, if you type the first few characters of a keyword in a command, then press the [Tab] key:
--> ethernet add t[Tab] The keyword is automatically completed:
--> ethernet add transport
Note: The tab-completion facility works with fixed CLI keywords. It does not
work with any CLI objects that you create or edit, such as transport names.
Command Syntax Options
If you type a command keyword and want to find out what the next syntax options are, type ‘[Spacebar]?’. For example:
--> ethernet ?
Displays a list of valid keywords that you can use after ethernet:
add Create ethernet transport clear Remove all ethernet transports delete Remove single ethernet transport list List ethernet ports/transports set Set port of an existing ethernet transport show Display existing ethernet transport
You can also enter:
This command will display some general help information about the CLI:
Use the CLI
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Within the CLI, the following functions can be used:
* Hitting ? halfway through a word shows all valid completions of that prefix
* Hitting ? after a word shows a list of the words that can follow it
* Hitting TAB halfway through a word completes it, if it is unique
* The UP and DOWN cursor keys move back and forward through the command history
* LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys can be used for line-editing, and CTRL+A and CTRL+E move the cursor to the start and end of the line respectively
Pressing ? at the top-level prompt will display a list of the command groups available. Typing one followed by a space and then hitting ? will show the subcommands within that group, and so on.
2.5.4 Identification in the CLI
Existing CLI interfaces, transports, tunnels and so on can be identified by their name or number. You assign a name when you create the interface (or transport, tunnel etc) using the add interface command. Once created, the CLI adds this interface to a list of IP interfaces which you can display using the ip list interfaces command. Interfaces are given identification numbers that appear under the first column under the heading ID:
--> ip list interfaces
IP Interfaces:
ID | Name | IP Address | DHCP | Transport
-----|--------------|------------------|----------|---------------­ 1 | IpInterface | | disabled | <BRIDGE> 2 | WanIpInterface | | ENABLED | WanTransport
Identification numbers only reflect the order they appear in the interface list.
2.5.5 Use the Source CLI Commands
The source <filename> command allows you to run a list of predefined commands stored in an existing file. This saves you having to retype lengthily configurations that you will want to use again.
Before you can use this command, you need to create a file containing the command list and save it in your ISFS directory. Once you specify the filename in the source command, the file is located and the commands are executed.
Agent CLI Commands
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3 Agent CLI Commands
This chapter describes the Agent CLI commands.
3.1 Summary
The table below lists the Agent commands provided by the CLI:
agent get agent methods
Agent CLI Commands
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3.2 agent get
3.2.1 Syntax
agent get <source> <dest>
3.2.2 Description
This command is used to download a file to the file system.
3.2.3 Options
The following table gives the range of values for each option which can be specified with this command and a default value (if applicable).
Option Description Default value
source Specify source URL, e.g.
Dest Specify destination, e.g. //isfs/out.txt N/A
3.2.4 Example
--> agent get http://somehost/somfile //isfs/out.txt
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